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For all article types, please append the article name after the 'Namespace:' tag!

To create a new article of a specific type, click the appropriate create button.


Please call your article like "Reference13r1:Concept App Fax" or "Reference13r1:Concept myApps"


This category holds all Howto articles. Please do not call your article like "How to do this and that", as this is redundant in the Howto: namespace. Just call it "Doing this and that".


This category contains information on sample product configurations.


FAQs and other short problems can be answered in this category.


If we detect a problem which we would like to communicate to customers proactively we put an article in this category. The overview below shows all problem articles, there is also a sorted list showing the problems reported in the last 30 days, or you can subscribe to our problem articles RSS feed in your preferred RSS reader (e.g. Outlook).


This category will contain the Release Announcements.

Recommended Product Page

The results of compatibility tests between innovaphone products and 3rd. party products will be published here.

To initiate a new recommended product certification process, read the Howto:Hitchikers_Guide_to_the_"3rd_Party_Product_Listing" article.