Howto:MyApps Cloud - Using Gigaset-Provisioning-App in innovaphone cloud environments

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Gigaset is a 3rd party brand. As such, innovaphone is not liable for any malfunction of the Gigaset firmware or Gigaset-Provisioning-App itself, or malfunction caused through or due to changes in the Gigaset firmware or Gigaset-Provisioning-App.

Applies To

  • This article is only intended as a supplement to the detailed configuration description from our colleagues at Gigaset.
  • It is often difficult to match the field names in the Gigaset Provisioning App with the names from the innovaphone myApps Cloud.
    • We will therefore provide additional example screenshots of the configuration windows with terms from our cloud environment here.
  • The Gigaset Provisioning App is a 3rd party product which is not permanently tested by innovaphone for functionality in our cloud environments.
    • If you have any comments on changes or errors in this article, you are welcome to send them in a Ticket to Cloud-Support.

Special thanks

  • The description of the implementation on our innovaphone myApps Cloud platforms was primarily created by Mr. Martin Pfeiffer from Mehrens.
  • He tested this together with another reseller in our cloud on a Gigaset N870 and provided us with his results.

Be aware of the following

How do I get the necessary SIP ports for my cloud instance forwarded?

Open a Ticket via Cloud-Support

  • Subject:
    • Instance-Number|Cloud-Instance-Domain-Name - Gigaset-Prov-App Port enabling on RP
  • Text:

Dear Cloud-Team,
Please set up our necessary host forwardings for SIP in your central RP.
Port 5061 TLS
(Port 5060 TCP ... only if you wish / you need this port ... see below Known Issues)
- xxx-a(apps) (address of the App Platform)
- xxx-p(pbx) (address of the PBX)

View on the Gigaset Provisioning App

Recommended configuration

Gigaset-Provisioning-App config
LDAP Directory, config
innovaphone environment/settings
SIP domain (System Name of PBX)
SIP server (DNS of the PBX)
Port 5061 (or if needed 5060)
TLS checkbox check (or 'uncheck' if you need 5060)
MasterPBX Name master ('master' for PBX Name is our cloud default)
PBX password 123xxx78 (NOT the admin or domain password)
Handset display name fallback Longname
Reverse-Proxy checkbox Enabled
Gigaset environment/settings
Connecting using checkbox SIP
Gigaset Integrator MAC-ID 549EC2xxxx60-4xx7 (from 'state' of the master antenna - possibly named iPUI)
SIP Realm in App Service (DNS of the App-Platform)
App Platform FQDN (DNS of the App-Platform)
Port 5061
TLS checkbox check
Gigaset Integrator Password 12x4 (Password of the Gigaset master antenna for the user 'admin')
SIP username gigasetuser (create a user in the PBX with this name)
SIP password 56x8 (Password of the 'gigasetuser')
DECT frequency Europa
Registration window in seconds 300 (is default)
Phone number formatting
Access code 0
Prefix for Int/Ntl/Subsciber 00 0
Dialing location 49 7031 (your prefix)
internal number length e.g. 3 (or '73009' your main phone number)
wildcarding checkbox check (or uncheck if you use your main phone number)
Directory settings
Directory synchronisation checkbox On
Source Port 636
TLS checkbox check
App Platform FQDN (DNS of the App-Platform)
Username & Password
Append your own provisioning parameters in XML format
Copy the 'Provisioning path'
(if necessary change http: to https:)
(... see below
Known Issues)
Set auto update intervall <param name="" value="time in seconds" />
Save changes and start provisioning click on the floppy disk icon

View on the settings in the Gigaset Integrator

Continue on the customer side with the master antenna

provisioning path, start config
  • Navigate to:
    • Settings > System > Provisioning and configuration > Provisioning server
  • Insert copied provisioning path:
  • Then click on
    • Start auto configuration
    • This must also be done after any changes in the Gigaset Provisioning App!

Collection of further possibly helpful screenshots

  • Gigasetuser configuration on the PBX
gigasetuser, config

  • Checking the auto configuration on the Gigaset Integrator
  • Provider profil 'innovaphone'
check, Gigaset profiles

  • Handset registration
check, handset registration

Known Issues

  • It has been shown in field projects, that although the SIP registrations/connections generally work with TLS (5061) ...
    • ... but they are often more stable with 5060.
  • The provisioning link from the Gigaset Provisioning App is possibly created as an http link ...
    • ... but it only works in the Gigaset Integrator as an https link.
  • When provisioning the handsets, the Gigaset MAC/iPUI can be read on the box (you require this with the UsersAdmin).
    • If you have many handsets, it can also be done using a standard barcode scanner.
  • Check whether the checkboxes for PBX Pwd, Reverse Proxy and Media Relay were automatically set in the user object when the phone was created for the user.
    • Set manually if necessary.
      user devices, checkboxes

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