Howto:Simple Message Management

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Applies To

This information applies to

innovaphone PBX

From FW 07-60747 for the feature itself. From FW 08-70074 for the optional instant messaging.


Especially in small PBX scenarios the handling of exceptionally messages is a very common problem.

The scenario: The customer has a “night” announcement for incoming calls during the out-of-office period. With the Boolean object we can handle this feature and forward a call during the night to a waiting queue where a “night” announcement is played. So during daytime the caller reaches the operator (or broadcast group or hears a welcome message from a “day” waiting queue), if the PBX is in night service the caller will hear “sorry, our offices are closed and open from …” or similar. Tricky technicians will also assign a key on the IP-Phones to switch manually from day to the night operation; the calendar option of the Boolean object will do the automatic stuff. So that regular setup will work fine in normal situations.

But in special situations like Xmas, eastern, company holydays or similar the caller should here a special announcement and not the “usual” night announcement. For example “innovaphone whishes beautiful holidays, our office will open again regularly on Monday”. On top this message must be flexible and the user must be able to modify it simply.

This problem is solved with this small XML, here is how:

More Information

If the customer calls the XML he will hear a short welcome message, the status of the special announcement (activated or deactivated) followed by the main menu:


One to record a special announcement

Two to play the special announcement

Three to activate the special announcement

Four to deactivate the special announcement

Five to check the status of the announcement (on or off)"

On top on a specified IP-set in case of changes can be send a instant message indicating that the special announcement is on (or off).

From a technical point of view the XML turns on (or off) a CFU on a waiting-queue. So if the CFU is on, the special text will be played from the XML, if the CFU is off the caller will hear the normal announcement of this WQ. Please note that the XML just sets CFU on a specified “number” to a specified “target”. So this will work also for example on a single set (“the operator”) instead of a WQ. So this solution can be used in other similar scenarios.

The winning point is that the recording of the message and switching on and off the announcement can be done from the customer itself just using his telephone set and without any technical knowledge.

Installation and Configuration

Copy all files in a directory of the CF and create a voicemail object in the PBX. Set the url to the XML file which is named GestMess.xml.

Open a Text editor and edit the three Text files:

CFU_OBJ.TXT contains the e164 Number of the object which should be forwarded (so typically the number of the WQ).

CFU_TAR.TXT contains the e164 Number of the CFU destination, typically the number of the XML itself (this information is necessary because the XML is not being aware of its own number. Practically: put in the number witch you assigned to the VM object).

IM_TAR.TXT contains the e164 Number of the IP-set which should become an instant message when the CFU-status changes. Leave blank if not desired.

The files have jet a number in, so just modify, an additional “Readme” file shows also the meaning of the files.

Now the feature is ready to use, try it and check the CFU. The Italian working version can be downloaded

For other languages you have just to replace the prompt files (or ask innovaphone…). The Text of the instant messaging can be changed just edit the XML file with a Text-editor, you will find it immediately.

Known Problems
