Reference10:Concept Reporting
It is needed to have the application platform installed and running.
Calculation of required disk space
An average CDR requires 2080 bytes of disk space inside the database.
So one GB disk space is needed for ~516222 CDRs.
One call may have one or multiple CDRs depending on the call flow, the used PBX objects and their configuration.
It is strongly recommended that you try to precalculate your required disk space and configure a suiting value under #Configure_scheduled_CDR_cleanup.
If you will run out of space, and then try to delete old CDR's no diskspace will free up immediately because Postgres already occupy the space and will reuse it for new data. Use scheduled Cleanup to prevent this behaviour.
Don't forget to configure the alarm server under Reference10:Concept_Linux_Application_Platform#Alarm_Server to receive an alarm if the disk is nearly full (10% disk space remaining).
Download the latest version of innovaphone reporting.
Log into the application platform, go to the Applications tag, click on Upload/Update and upload the downloaded file. The installation will start automatically and the page will refresh every two seconds showing the installation process. If there is no error during the installation you will see at the end "Installation was succesfull". Otherwise, you will get "installation failed" and the reason why it went wrong.
If you have already installed the latest version of Reporting, simply download the Reporting...HotfixIncremental for your platform (VM or IPxx10) or if you have missed some hotfixes, download the Reporting...HotfixCumulative archive, which contains all hotfixes since hotfix1.
Upload this hotfix archive here.
It is required to have a Reporting license installed on your device. Check under Reference10:General/License if you already have one.
Set the Reporting flag for each PBX object, which should be reported on the objects properties page.
CDR Gateway
Any innovaphone device which sends CDRs to the reporting application must have at least one CDR interface configured under Reference10:Gateway/CDR :
If HTTP/HTTPS is selected then some other parameters must be set:
- Address: ip address of the application platform
- Port: 80 for REMOTE-AP
- Port: 443 for REMOTE-AP-S
- Method: POST/GET
- Path: ap/cdr.fcgi
The application platform is by default password protected, so you'll have to perform one of these steps:
- configure an authenticated URL for ap/cdr.fcgi under Reference10:Services/HTTP/Client (recommended)
- If you configure an authenticated URL (with the linux webserver credentials), don't forget to configure port 80 or port 443 for secure transport (Remote-AP-S) like or
- configure ap/cdr.fcgi as public web path on the innovaphone application platform Public Web Paths
Configure a second CDR interface, if you use Replication.
Enable PBX CDRs
Enable the "Generate CDRs" flag under Reference10:PBX/Config/General .
innovaphone Application Platform
If the reporting URL/user/password is not configured in your device as authenticated URL, configure ap/cdr.fcgi as public web path on the innovaphone application platform Public Web Paths .
Reporting creates the innovaphone-reporting database to store CDRs sent from any innovaphone devices (appendix 7.6 explains the database structure). PostgreSQL is also available for other applications and any of them could create its own database.
Reporting creates the database user innovaphone-reporting with default password reporting. This password may be changed at the innovaphone Reporting page under Config/Database.
Remote Access
There are tools (PgAdmin III) that allow to connect to application databases remotely. It is first needed to configure the IP you are connecting from under Config/Database at the innovaphone reporting page.
For the PgAdmin III it is imporant to use innovaphone-reporting as Service-DB (Wartungs-DB). Default login credentials - User: innovaphone-reporting - Password: reporting
Delete CDRs
You can delete CDRs for certain/all users in a certain timespan. If you enter % as object, all users are selected.
Note that PostgreSQL doesn't free the space on the disk! If you need free disk space, issue this command on the shell: sudo -u postgres vacuumdb -f innovaphone-reporting This may take some time and CDRs won't be received during this time.
Configure scheduled CDR cleanup
If you activate scheduled cleanup, CDRs older than the configured amount of months will be automatically deleted.
The scheduled task is started once a day at 2 AM.
If you use multiple PBX devices which are not Master/Slave, you have to select, which identifier is unique for a user under Config/PBX:
- System Name (default)
- PBX Name
The selected value determines, which values are shown in the PBX dropdown box for report creation or report mail configuration.
You can configure a second innovaphone application platform with an installed innovaphone Reporting for replication purposes.
- Mode:
- Off: no replication
- Master: the local server is the master server
- Standby: the local server is the standby server, filters will be replicated from the master and can't be changed here
- Master/Standby Server: the IP address of the master or standby server
- Database password: the PostgreSQL database password of the other server (default is reporting).
- Synchronisation interval: the interval in minutes (range 1-60) in which a sync is done
Now configure a second CDR Gateway for the standby server.
The current status can be seen here too. If the status is Failed take a look at the log file innovaphone Reporting Replication under Diagnostics/Logs or look at the last trace output at the bottom of the page.
How replication works is described here.
Several LDAP servers and dialing locations can be configured here.
PBX field must correspond to a name of a PBX since PBX's names are available in CDRs. The received CDR is parsed to get the PBX name and this name will be used to find the corresponding LDAP server and dialing location needed to resolve names.
Each configured LDAP server and dialing location can be activated/deactivated with the active flag.
If the country where you configure LDAP does not have Trunk/National prefix you should leave "National Prefix" and "Area Code" empty.
- Unlike "number attributes" field in the configuration of "External LDAP Server" on the PBX under "Directories" here additional characters to the attributes like ":P", ":D" or "@", for instance "homePhone:P, mobile:M, telephoneNumber:D" are NOT allowed. Correct would be "homePhone, mobile, telephoneNumber" as you can see in the screenshot above.
LDAP Internal Search flag allows reporting to perform name resolution also for internal numbers.
Search Base H323 checkbox means that h323 field of the CDR user will be used inside the LDAP Filter to resolve the telephone number.
Report Mails
Automatic report generation can be configured here:
- time: daytime at which the report is sent
- user reports:
- Creates for each matching user a separate report
- Users are matched by Object (Long Name)
- A user report only contains calls for this user
- The email address of the user is built by its H323 name and the System Name of its PBX (h323@systemname) or determined by the E-Mail field of the user
- interval:
- daily: Mail will be send daily with the automatic period "last day"
- weekly: Mail will be send weekly with the automatic period "last week"
- monthly: Mail will be send daily with the automatic period "last month"
- day: the day, at which the report is sent
- mail adresses: recipients of the report (comma separated)
- Sender E-Mail address: sender email address, which may be present as relay host
- compress: compress the attachment or not
- sort by
- sort order
- language
- send time: the time of a day, when the report is sent
The explanation for the other settings can be found here.
You can configure multiple users, who shall have access to reports without having access to the whole reporting configuration.
The user can login with his user name and password on:
The admin can assign one or more base filters to the user. A base filter is explained here.
If the user creates new reports, new own filters or report mails, he has to use one of his assigned base filters.
If you are using multiple PBX systems, the user has only access to these systems, which are configured in the base filters of the user. If the user has no base filter with a limitation to a certain "System Name"/"PBX Name" (depends on your PBX configuration ), he will have access to all systems!
User Login
A logged in user can create reports, own filters and report mails based on his assigned base filters.
You may upload images to be used as logo or footer in pdf reports.
Logos must be 32x32 and footer can have a maximum width of 450 pixels and a maximum height of 50 pixels.
These images can have jpeg or png format.
Relay CDRs
Relay CDRs can be stored in log files by the Reporting application. Configure a CDR gateway as already described and relay CDRs will be written to the webdav file /cdr/cdr.txt.
The file is rotated on 1 MB size. The first rotated file is uncompressed, further files will be gz compressed. Max ten files are kept. Older files will be deleted:
- cdr.txt
- cdr.txt.1
- cdr.txt.2.gz
- cdr.txt.3.gz
- cdr.txt.4.gz
- cdr.txt.5.gz
- cdr.txt.6.gz
- cdr.txt.7.gz
- cdr.txt.8.gz
- cdr.txt.9.gz
You can modify the rotation strategy by modifying /etc/logrotate.d/innovaphone-logs
on the application platform. However, keep up mind that such modifications will be overridden during an update to the application platform. So you would need to re-do it after each update.
innovaphone-reporting web access
You can configure a separate authentication for the innovaphone-reporting web site here.
One can just login on the reporting site with this access.
Integration Voice recorder
The innovaphone voice recording can be integrated and a remote control of the player is possible, see relative article.
Filters are set up to create reports based on certain conditions. A filter can have multiple conditions and multiple filters can be combined on report creation (combine is performed with an OR).
A filter has a unique name with an optional description.
There are five or seven condition sections depending on what is selected under States. Conditions inside same section are OR associated while different sections are AND associated.
(Object == Terra OR Object == Uranus) AND (PBX == sifi) AND (Number == 0049%)
Base filter
If you select another filter as base filter, the conditions of the base filter are implicitly AND conjuncted, when the current filter is used.
So if the base filter defines two PBX values, e.g. "Berlin" and "Hamburg" and the current filter defines one PBX value, e.g. "Berlin", only objects of the PBX "Berlin" will be filtered:
(pbx="Berlin") AND (pbx="Berlin" OR pbx="Hamburg")
If a user defines an own filter for his reports, he has to use a base filter, which he is allowed to use. So each filter, which he uses, will have at least one base filter condition, which the admin has defined.
You have to take care with the conditions of the current filter and the base filter, as it is now easy to create a filter with mutually exclusive conditions, e.g. if the filter has pbx="Berlin" and the base filter pbx="Hamburg" => no matching records.
If you check this flag, a report created with this filter or with a filter, where this filter is a basefilter, will by anonymized.
Define one ore more conditions for the local party, defined by:
- Object: the cn/PBX object name
- Number: the number
- Groups: a group of the PBX object
Define one or more conditions for the remote party, defined by:
- Number: the number
- Remote display name: the display name
Define one ore more conditions for the PBX, defined by:
- PBX: the PBX name
- Node: the node name
- No Response
- Connected
- Busy
- No Channel
- Incoming
- Outgoing
- Transfer: calls, which have been transferred to the current local party
- Call Forward: calls, which have been forwarded to the current local party
Call Duration
Time the call was connected.
This condition will be AND with the others if all States are selected.
If Busy, No Channel or No Response is unselected, then the filter will search for Connected calls with connected time greater or smaller than Call Duration.
Alert Duration
Time the call was ringing independent of the status of the call afterwards.
This condition will be AND with the others if all States are selected.
If Busy, No Channel or Connected is unselected, then the filter will search only for Not Connected Calls that were ringing more or less time than Alert Duration.
Report times
Define the time where calls should be counted.
You can optionally define the weekday(s) of calls.
- Logo: This must be 32x32 pixel image in jpeg or png format.
- Footer: Maximum width of 450 pels and maximum height of 50 pels. Also jpeg or png format.
Using Patterns
You can use these PostgreSQL Patterns for every condition.
Report Creation
It is possible to generate call lists for single users or more complex reports by means of filters.
Web Interface
Reporting application provides a web interface to generate reports.
- PBX: select the PBX for the report. The values of the drop down box depend on your PBX configuration
- Object (Long Name): corresponds to the PBX Long Name assigned to a specific user (% is a special postgresql character, which matches any string)
- Filter: one or multiple filters can be defined (OR joined)
- Group by: the result can be grouped by Date or Object
- Hide last X digits: you may replace the last digits of an external number with a '*'.
- LDAP must be configured in order to use this capability but if you want no LDAP funtionality, just unset the Active Box in LDAP.
- Actually, the pbx/phys value of a call is matched against the LDAP pbx value and if the number starts with the external line prefix.
- Anonym: do not show internal names/numbers
- If anonym is set, hide last digits is set to 3, if not set
- Filter Info: the report will contain information about the configured settings and filter information
- Displayed Duration:
- Call Duration (Total): the total call duration, e.g. with the duration of a subsequent transfer
- Call Duration (User): just the time, the user was connected
- Billing Duration: the duration, a user must be billed for
- None of these durations contain the alert duration, which is separatly listed
Click the print icon to open a printable version of the report.
You can save the report as pdf or as xml by using the corresponding icon.
You can also download a report in csv format without call history. The report uses comma as delimeter character, " as text qualifier and PBX Object/Remote Party columns should be defined as Text (avoid telephone numbers to be considered as numbers by Excel). UTF-8 must be used as character set.
Each sortable column has a clickable column head. This sorting will be also used when opening the printable version or saving the report as PDF.
The icons are explained in the appendix.
Remote Interface
Backup and Restore
You can both manually and automatically backup the database and configuration files for Reporting under Administration/Backup in the application platform.
Configuration details for the update server can be found here.
Configuration Files
saveinnovaphone-reportingcfgs is the command used to automatically save configuration files with the Command File.
saveinnovaphone-reportingdb is the command to automatically backup the whole innovaphone Reporting database with the Command File.
If you restore the reporting database, you should keep in mind, that this might take several hours for a system on a CF card, depending on the size of the restored database. The backup process itself is quite fast with a few minutes.
saveinnovaphone-reportinglogs to save log files with the Command File.
PostgreSQL Patterns
For filter conditions or for the pbx object value you can use the following patterns inside a string:
- %: matches any string of zero or more characters
- _: matches any single character
Example: Sat% will match all pbx objects, which start with the string Sat.
We do always perform case insensitiv searches!
innovaphone Reporting XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>innovaphone Reporting</name>
<desc>Reporting software</desc>
<database name="innovaphone-reporting" username="innovaphone-reporting"/>
<cronjob script="/etc/cron.d/reporting_replication"/>
<cronjob script="/etc/cron.d/reporting_cleanup"/>
<cronjob script="/etc/cron.d/reporting_mails"/>
<log title="Postgresql-8.4" no-clear="true">/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log</log>
<log title="Reporting cleanup">/var/www/innovaphone/apps/innovaphone-reporting/log/reporting_cleanup.log</log>
<log title="innovaphone Reporting">/var/www/innovaphone/apps/innovaphone-reporting/log/innovaphone-reporting.log</log>
<log title="innovaphone Reporting Replication">/var/www/innovaphone/apps/innovaphone-reporting/log/reporting_replication.log</log>
<command title="Save innovaphone Reporting configuration files" cmd="saveinnovaphone-reportingcfgs" script=""/>
<command title="Save innovaphone Reporting database" cmd="saveinnovaphone-reportingdb" script=""/>
<command title="Save innovaphone Reporting log files" cmd="saveinnovaphone-reportinglogs" script=""/>
<command title="Restore innovaphone Reporting configuration files" cmd="restoreinnovaphone-reportingcfgs" script="">
<action>/etc/init.d/postgresql restart</action>
<action>/etc/init.d/cron restart</action>
<command title="Restore innovaphone Reporting database" cmd="restoreinnovaphone-reportingdb" script=""/>
<uninstall script="/usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/ -f 'innovaphone-reporting.xml' -linux_user yes -linux_group yes -database yes -database_user yes -log_script '/var/www/innovaphone/log/appl_uninstall.log'">
<to-del path="/usr/local/bin/"/>
<to-del path="/usr/local/bin/reporting_replication.out"/>
<to-del path="/usr/local/bin/"/>
<to-del path="/home/innovaphone-reporting/tmp"/>
Installed Debian Packages
The following packages (and their dependencies) are installed with innovaphone Reporting:
- php5-gd
- php5-ldap
Configuration Files
pg_hba.conf is the client authentication configuration file and controls which hosts are allowed to connect, how clients are authenticated, which PostgreSQL user names they can use and which databases they can access.
postgresql.conf is the PostgreSQL configuration file
Data Files
If you backup the innovaphone reporting database, you'll get a gz archiv, which contains the whole innovaphone-reporting database.
Report XML and CSV
The field description below applies for the XML and CSV columns!
<time time="1301303966" utc="1301303966">2011-03-28 11:19:26</time>
<alert-duration seconds="0">0:00</alert-duration>
<ev caller="ep1" ep1_number="101" ep1_name="saturn" ep1_dn="Saturn"
ep2_number="102" ep2_name="uranus" ep2_dn="Uranus" status="co" entry="true"/>
<call-duration seconds="2">0:02</call-duration>
<billing-duration seconds="2">0:02</billing-duration>
<conn-duration seconds="2">0:02</conn-duration>
<remote number="102" name="uranus" dn="Uranus"/>
<callback number="456" name="abc" dn="123" time="1301305962">2011-03-28 11:52:42</callback>
- time: the node contains a formatted time string of the local time
- attribute time is a unix timestamp (referring to the local time stamp of the CDR)
- attribute utc is a unix timestamp (referring to the utc time stamp of the CDR)
- obj: the PBX object name (also called cn)
- id: the conference id of the call
- call: int (internal) or ext (external) call
- flow (XML only): the call flow
- ev
- ep1 (ep1_number, ep1_name, ep1_dn): the left side of the call
- ep2 (ep2_number, ep2_name, ep2_dn): the right side of the call
- caller: ep1, ep2 or empty, if unknown
- status: co (connected), al (alert), er (error) or bu (busy) state of the current event
- entry: true for the entry event of the local object
- type: cf (call forward), ct (call transfer)
- ev
- Original Called (CSV only): In case of Call flow; The original called device
- Diverting (CSV only): In case of Call flow; The diverting device
- Transferring (CSV only): In case of Call flow; The transferring device
- groups (XML only): the groups of the PBX object
- node: the node of the PBX object
- pbx: the pbx of the PBX object
- cause: the decimal disconnect reason of the call (see Reference:ISDN_Cause_Codes)
- remote:
- outgoing calls -> dialed endpoint
- incoming calls -> first ep2 above entry event or entry event if this is the first one
- incoming calls with incoming transfer after entry event -> transfer target
- status:
- outgoing calls -> best found status in call flow
- incoming calls -> status of entry event
- type: the type of the entry event or, if not set, the type of the next event, if given
- empty: direct call
- ct: call transfer
- cf: call forward
- cct: call transfer with consultation
- pu: call pickup
- dir: o (outgoing) if the first event is the entry event and the caller is ep1
- dir: i (incoming) if not o
- alert-duration: alert time
- Billing Duration: the duration, a user must be billed for
- outgoing call -> duration from the first event until the last event in the flow
- incoming call -> duration from the first transfer/forward event until the last event in the flow
- call-duration/Call Duration (Total): duration of the whole call, e.g. with the duration of a subsequent transfer
- conn-duration/Call Duration (User): just the time, the user was connected. Duration from the entry event until the event, where the local endpoint isn't connected any more
- callback: name, number, dn and time if this call has been callbacked using mypbx (time referrs to the UTC time of the callback)
- Further Registration: If more than one devices is registered to the same object, each device creates a CDR. This field identifies the additional CDRs for the same call
- Object Info (CSV only): combination of object names and number
- Date (CSV only): extracted date only from the time_string
- Time_2 (CSV only): extracted time only from the time_string
Database Structure
Each received cdr-xml is formed by a cdr tag and an undefined number of event and group tags. (Refer to: CDR)
This section is composed by four tables: cdrs, events, groups and cdr_properties.
The first three tables contain the corresponding fields to store the information contained in the cdr, event and group tags.
Each CDR represents the call in the view of one PBX object. So there might be multiple CDRs for one call if multiple PBX objects are used within the call.
- cdr fields: id, guid, sys, pbx, node, device, cn, e164, h323, dir, utc, local.
- event fields: id, msg, type, e164, h323, conf, cause, time, cdr_id, order_index.
- group fields: id, name, active, type, cdr_id.
id field is assigned by postgresql for each entry and has nothing to do with the information present in the cdr. It is different for each entry inside the table.
The events table has two additional fields, called cdr_id, to associate these events to the corresponding cdr entry and order_index to keep their position inside the cdr. Groups table has also the cdr_id field to associate the group entries to the corresponding cdr and events entries.
The cdr_properties table contains relevant information associated with the call such as call_length, alert_length or call_flow. It also presents a cdr_id field.
This section is composed by three tables: filter_columns, filter_conditions and filters.
- filter_columns is not used for the time being. This is supposed to contain the columns the user wants to see in his report, but right now, just default columns (Time/Object/Duration/Left/Direction/State/Right) are shown.
- filter contains the filter name and description plus two conditions call_state (No Response, Connected, Busy and No Channel) and direction (Incoming, Outgoing, Transfer and Call Forward).
- filter_conditions contains the defined conditions for a filter
All three tables are related through an id.
This table contains a timestamp missed_calls_time for the last report access by a user cn + (pbx OR sys) with mypbx. It is used to retrieve information about missed calls since the last use of mypbx.
The timestamp clear_report_time indicates the last clearance time.
email, sys (system name) and pbx (PBX name) are also stored for each user.
Contains information of the last replication run, which is used to sync master/standby installations.
The replication between the master and standby servers is divided into two steps:
Both master and standby server keep an information about the last replicated CDR. From this CDR on, they retrieve all CDR guids (32 bytes) from all new CDRs from the other server. If a guid already exists in the local database, the CDR is skipped, otherwise it is replicated.
So there is a minimal data exchange for already existing CDRs and each new CDR is only processed once.
Filters/LDAP/Report Mails/Users
The master server does nothing here, but the standby deletes all filters, LDAP servers, report mails and users and replicates all from the master.
So these items from the master server can be used, but not changed, on the standby server.
Remote Interface
You can retrieve the PDF/XML/CSV report with a remote interface.
Make a POST or GET HTTP request to http(s)://Linux-IP/apps/innovaphone-reporting/report.php with the following parameters:
- remote: mandatory for a remote request!
- 1
- from : the from date/time as UNIX timestamp OR date/time string as described [ | here ].
- to: the to date/time (format see from)
- [format]: the return format, allowed values:
- xml: default
- csv
- [sortby] : the report sorting, allowed values:
- time: default
- obj: sort by pbx object name
- call-duration
- alert-duration
- dir: sort by call direction
- [sortorder]: the report sort order, allowed values:
- ascending: default
- descending
- [groupby]: report grouping
- default empty/not set: no grouping
- local_stamp: group by time
- cn: group by pbx object name
- [hidedigits]: hide the last X digits of external numbers
- pbx: search for this PBX (mandatory!)
- pbxobject: search for this PBX object (you can leave this, if you use filterX)
- filterX: use a filter with its name. You can use multiple filters with filter1=test, filter2=test2...
- [filterinfo]: show the filter information in a created report ("true" or "false")
- [lang]: the language, e.g. "en" or "de"
- [displayedduration]:
- call_duration: default Call Duration (Total)
- conn_duration: Call Duration (User)
- billing_duration: Billing Duration
- [anonym]: anonymize internal names/numbers ("true" or "false")
- [bulk]: creates user reports (see Report Mails )
- [sender]: sender email adress of the report
- [confid]: query calls of a certain conference ID
- you can omit the following fields, if using confid: from, to, pbx, pbxobject, filterX
Parameters in [] are optional.
pbxobject supports PostgreSQL Patterns .
Example: Gets all records between 2011-03-29 and 2011-03-30 for the pbx object Saturn.
Example: Gets all records between 2011-03-29 and 2011-03-30 for the filters test and test2.
NetDrive is a usefull webdav client, which can be used to access webdav of the innovaphone application platform.
PGAdmin is an administration tool for PostgreSQL databases.
Putty is SSH client to connect to the linux application platform.
Call list icons
The direction of the icon arrow depends on the call flow.
- : a connected call
- : busy destination
- : no response from destination
- : an error occurred, like "no channel available" during the call setup
- : call transfer
- : call transfer with consultation
- : call forward
- : call pickup (or SOAP redirect)
- : call direction
A small arrow on a call state icon indicates a callback done with mxPBY, e.g.:
Known Problems
Callback information
The callback information get lost in the following scenario:
- The callback CDR is already replicated on both master and standby
- Master or standby is down
- A user calls back the CDR from point 1
Missed calls
The information for missed calls is not replicated. So the first time, a standby server is used with mypbx, the missed calls information will be wrong. The second time will be correct again.
If the innovaphone Reporting is not running, for whatever reaseon, the device, which sends CDRs, currently stores up to 300kB CDRs data. So if one CDR has up to 2kB, 150 CDRs can be stored until the innovaphone Reporting should be up again, to avoid data loss.
Missing values for PBX drop down box
If your database currently contains no CDRs of one of your PBX systems, you won't be able to select this system as PBX for report creation or report mail configuration!
Restoring Database with more than 2GB
When restoring database using the web browser there is a 2GB upload limit, so if our database have a bigger size the upload will fail.
As alternative solution (if there is enough space):
1. Copy the gz database dump (dump.gz) to the webdav folder (/var/www/innovaphone/webdav/) 2. Uncompress this dump: $ /bin/gzip -cd /var/www/innovaphone/webdav/dump.gz --uncompress > /tmp/db.dump 3. Switch Directory: $ cd /tmp 4. Start the restore: $ /usr/local/bin/ postgres db-restore /tmp/output_pg_schema.dump /tmp/db.dump innovaphone-reporting 5. be patient, this might take a while 6. if database works fine, delete backups and files from restore procedure $ rm /tmp/db.dump /var/www/innovaphone/webdav/dump.gz /tmp/output_pg_schema.dump
If you get errors like this, expand your HDD Size and restart the restore process
$ psql:/tmp/psqladd.yvSpB:12: ERROR: could not extend file "base/17668/17943": No space left on device
PDF generation for many CDRs may fail
You may experience a Server error 500 if you generate PDFs with many CDRs. The PDF library which is used to generate the PDFs fails. Please generate multiple PDFs with a smaller timespan in such a case.
Howto save and restore Linux AP data/database if the webgui is not available