Reference10:Concept myPBX Office Integration

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The myPBX Office Integration allows to see the presence of a user inside a Microsoft Office application. Most often this will be used inside Outlook.
myPBX is compatible with:

  • Microsoft Office 2010 32bit/64bit
  • Microsoft Office 2013 32bit/64bit
  • Microsoft Office 2016 32bit/64bit


  • myPBX Windows Launcher
  • at least Office 2010
  • appropriate definition of used email addresses


You have an Office Integration tab inside the myPBX configuration window. Here you can select your Office Integration Provider.
After the myPBX installation, myPBX will be already preconfigured.
But if you are using another presence application, e.g. Lync or ProCall, you can select the desired option to use this one as presence provider for your Office.

Mypbx outlook config.jpg

If you change your presence provider, you have to restart your Office application afterwards!


If you move your mouse cursor over the colored bubble next to the user name, a small window will be opened, which provides further information about the user presence:

Mypbx outlook.jpg

At the top, you see the presence note of the user, which can be set inside myPBX or with a phone.
The icons at the bottom from left to right:

  • open a new email for this user
  • start a chat session with this user (myPBX opens with a new chat)
  • start a call to this user (myPBX opens with the phone number ready to call)
  • further actions


This logging flag just works with Office 2010, Office 2013 doesn't support this flag anymore.

You can enable Office Presence Logging under Configuration->Office Integration.
This triggers Microsoft Office products to write log files under c:\users\PROFILENAME\Tracing.

You might experience heavy CPU load under Windows 8, if you enable this option! Only switch it on, if neccessary.

Known Issues

The installation was performed as logged in administrator user

Make sure, that other users, who start myPBX the first time, select myPBX as Office presence provider (if wished).

Outlook doesn't recognize myPBX as presence provider

Make sure, you have these registry keys and values set:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Sofware\IM Providers -> DefaultIMApp="myPBX"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Sofware\IM Providers\myPBX\

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{28918D14-263B-4BC6-883F-8162C0ACB345} (do not create this key manually!)

64bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\IM Providers\myPBX -> FriendlyName="innovaphone myPBX"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\IM Providers\myPBX -> GUID="{FC909D20-71DF-4C40-8433-024AFF661D38}"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\IM Providers\myPBX -> ProcessName="myPBX.exe"

32bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\IM Providers\myPBX -> FriendlyName="innovaphone myPBX"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\IM Providers\myPBX -> GUID="{FC909D20-71DF-4C40-8433-024AFF661D38}"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\IM Providers\myPBX -> ProcessName="myPBX.exe"

If you made sure, these keys are set, and it still doesn't work after a restart of Outlook and myPBX, enable office presence logging and send us the trace.

Disable Office Presence

In some scenarios, it may be necessary to disable the Office integration feature completely via Group Policies.

Deploy following registry setting to the clients:

64bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\innovaphone\myPBX -> officePresence=0

32bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\innovaphone\myPBX -> officePresence=0

Restart myPBX afterward.

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