Reference13r1:Concept App SoftphoneApp

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There are also other versions of this article available: Reference13r1 (this version) | Reference13r3

Applies To

  • innovaphone PBX from version 13r1


  • innovaphone PBX
  • innovaphone myApps client (native or browser version)
  • App(phone) and App(softphone) license per user


  • Softphone for doing calls on a computer / smartphone without a deskphone.
  • Video
  • AppSharing
  • Contacts search
  • Favourites
  • Call List


For configuring the phone app at a user object

  1. enable the app "softphone".
  2. activate the "App(phone)" and "App(softphone)" licenses.
  3. create a device for registration and configure "softphone" as the device app.

Additionally users can add a softphone and the corresponding device themselves using the Profile App, as long as (1.) and (2.) are already configured by the admin.



The user can add up to 32 phone numbers or SIP URIs as favorites. If respective visibility rights are granted, presence and calls are monitored and displayed. Also call pickup is possible[1].


Debugging bad audio quality

I found lines with ac: OUT overrun: last before 174 346 in the myApps logfile.

The softphone expects new audio from the Windows audio driver every 10ms. If this interval of 10ms is not adhered to by Windows, the aforementioned message is printed in the log.
The first number gives information about how often the error occurred (incrementing counter; in the example above, 174)
The second number shows how many milliseconds the Windows driver did not provide us with audio. (In the example above, 346 ms)
If audio is missing, this understandably results in poor audio. Here it would be advisable to take a closer look at the Windows side in terms of resources, drivers or other software.

Known issues

  • To pickup calls of favorites, target of favorites have to be defined either in dialable format (i.e. 00049) format w/o "+" or with their object-name only.
  1. see Known Issues below