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With the Install you are able to create a new Setup or Upgrade an existing PBX.


Starting with V13, DNS is an important part of communication. For a list of different customer scenarios and possible solutions, please look here.

The installer checks during the installation whether the given DNS names for PBX and Application platform are reachable and valid. If the necessary DNS entries do not yet exist, or if they show these on another IP or gateway, the entry fields are marked red in the installer. If you click "Next" in this state, the Operation without DNS mode (see IP address for App Platform in Reference13r1:PBX/Config/General) will be activated in the PBX.

If this mode is active, the installer can be run through and the machine can be configured. After the install process this mode has to be disabled again because some features will not work in this mode. Until the mode is manually disabled (by switching off the Operation without DNS check-mark), all devices use IP addresses for communication.


During the install process, you will get a screen which shows you two randomly created passwords. On is the administrative password and one the PBX password. The administrative password applies to all passwords which we used our default passwords if you activate it. You are able to install with default password if you append the parameter ?stdpwd=on to the install.htm

If you provision a new gateway or phone, this new device will automatically get the administrative password.

PBX objects

There are a few objects which have no password set at all to avoid conflicts if you change the domain password to deploy a new administrative password.
If no password is set, the admin password of the gateway is automatically used:

  • AP object
  • AP Manager (former Apps) object
  • just in cloud environment: Devices object
  • just in cloud environment: Devices API object

All other PBX App objects have an own randomly created password which is set in the App object itself and in the corresponding instance inside the Manager App.


Known issues

  • The PBX Password is passed in the URL. Please use a trusted environment and clean cache/history after finish the setup/upgrade.