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There are also other versions of this article available: Reference13r1 | Reference13r2 (this version) | Reference13r3


Allows configuring different selections and priorities of TLS versions and cipher suites.

Enables all supported versions and ciphers. Most recent versions and most secure ciphers have priority.
Enables all supported versions and ciphers. The fastest ciphers have priority. Note that they provide less security.
high security
Disables all except the most recent TLS version and disables older ciphers. Note that this setting might cause compatibility issues.
Disables all except the most recent TLS version and disables all except the most modern ciphers. Note that this setting might cause compatibility issues.
This profile is used for testing of new features. The configured parameters are subject to change without notice. So it should not be used in productive environments.

For details see Howto:Security_works_with_innovaphone#Additional_Security_Features_in_Version_13r2

Disable persistent ticket storage

If this checkmark is set, TLS 1.3 session tickets are not stored persistently in the VARS. So they are not preserved when the device is restarted.

(only applies for the TLS profile "experimental")

Disable renegotiation

Disables client-initiated re-negotiation. Applies to TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. TLS 1.3 does not support renegotiation by design.