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Descrizione Statistica Dashboard iQM (da build 80308)
Description statistics iQM Dashboard (from build 80308)

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Below is a description of the data displayed in the statistics and how the processing takes place.
Below is a description of the data displayed in the statistics and how the processing takes place.

==Periodo di campionamento==
== Sampling period ==

L’iQM server accumula i dati di statistica ogni 15 minuti e memorizza la campionatura. Per ogni giorno ci sono fino a 96 record (24x4). La scrittura avviene sempre in posticipo. I dati visualizzati delle ore 8:00 sono i dati accumulati delle ore 07:45 alle ore 08:00, i dati visualizzati delle ore 08:15 contengono i dati accumulati dalle ore 08:00 alle ore 08:15 ecc. Nel momento della campionatura i contatori vengono azzerati con la sola eccezione del valore di picco (vedasi sotto).
The iQM server accumulates statistical data every 15 minutes and stores the sampling. For each day there are up to 96 records (24x4). Writing always takes place in delay. The data displayed at 8:00 am is the accumulated data from 7:45 am to 8:00 am, the data displayed at 8:15 am contains the accumulated data from 8:00 am to 8:15 am etc. At the time of sampling, the counters are reset to zero with the sole exception of the peak value (see below).
I valori medi delle chiamate (15, 16, 17) sono il totale delle chiamate diviso per i periodi dove almeno una chiamata è presente. Il valore rappresenta il numero medio di chiamate ricevute nei periodi di campionatura “attiva”. La divisione del numero totale delle chiamate non è quindi fisso a 96, ma pari al numero di periodi di campionatura con traffico.
The average call values ​​(15, 16, 17) are the total calls divided by the periods where at least one call is present. The value represents the average number of calls received in the “active” sampling periods. The division of the total number of calls is therefore not fixed at 96, but equal to the number of sampling periods with traffic.

''Esempio: Con un numero totale di chiamate pari a 26 e periodi di campionatura pari a 14 la media di campionatura è pari a 26/14 = 1,857. Avviene un arrotondamento a una decimale e il valore visualizzato sarà 1,9 (numero medio di chiamatenei periodi attivi di campionatura). In modo analogico questo vale anche per il calcolo medio delle chiamate risposte e perse.''
'' Example: With a total number of calls equal to 26 and sampling periods equal to 14, the sampling average is equal to 26/14 = 1.857. Rounding to one decimal takes place and the displayed value will be 1.9 (average number of calls in active sampling periods). Analogously, this also applies to the average calculation of answered and missed calls. ''

==Auto Scale==
== Auto Scale ==
La dimensione dei grafici rimane sempre identica mentre la scala varia in funzione al valore massimo rilevato. Questo valore massimo è riportato nel grafico (23, 13). La scala e le linee di appoggio vengono calcolate in modo automatico. Se per esempio il numero più alto riscontrato è pari a 52 sarà esposto questo valore e ci saranno 5 linee di appoggio indicando 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50. Se per esempio il valore è pari a 2.996 ci sarà una linea a 1.000, 2.000 e 3.000 ecc.
The size of the graphs always remains the same while the scale varies according to the maximum value detected. This maximum value is shown in the graph (23, 13). The ladder and the support lines are calculated automatically. If for example the highest number found is equal to 52 this value will be displayed and there will be 5 support lines indicating 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. For example, if the value is equal to 2.996 there will be a line at 1.000, 2,000 and 3,000 etc.

==Chiamate in entrata==
== Incoming calls ==
Ogni chiamata che entra nella coda incrementa il contatore delle chiamate in entrata riportate nella finestra superiore. Se la chiamata non viene risposta ma il chiamante aggancia viene incrementato il contatore delle chiamate perse. Il numero delle chiamate risposte è la differenza matematica tra chiamate in entrata e chiamate perse. Considerate che il contatore del numero di chiamate in entrata viene incrementato nel momento di entrata nella coda mentre il contatore delle chiamate perse viene incrementato nel momento dello svincolo. Come spiegato la differenza di questi due valori viene interpretato come chiamate risposte, segue che possono esserci differenze.
Each call that enters the queue increments the counter of incoming calls shown in the upper window. If the call is not answered but the caller hangs up, the missed calls counter is increased. The number of answered calls is the mathematical difference between incoming calls and missed calls. Consider that the counter of the number of incoming calls is incremented at the moment of entry into the queue while the counter of the lost calls is incremented at the moment of release. As explained the difference of these two values ​​is interpreted as called answers, it follows that there can be differences.

''Esempio: Tutti i contatori sono a zero, alle ore 08:14 entra una chiamata, l’operatore non risponde e il chiamante continua ad attendere. Alle ore 08:15 il grafico visualizza per il periodo di campionatura 08:00-08:15 una chiamata risposta, anche se in realtà l’esito della chiamata è ancora incerta perché essa è ancora in coda. Se di seguito l’operatore risponde alle ore 08:16 questa chiamata non sarà visualizzata nel periodo successivo di campionatura 08:15-08:30 perché è già stata quantificata nel periodo precedente. Se invece la chiamata non viene risposta nel periodo successivo i casi sono due: se nel periodo di campionatura successivo (quindi dalle 08:15-08:30) entra una chiamata questa sarà contata come non risposta indipendentemente se realmente risposta oppure no. Se invece non entra alcuna ulteriore chiamata non sarà contata/visualizzata.
'' Example: All the counters are zero, a call comes in at 08:14, the operator does not answer and the caller continues to wait. At 08:15 the graph displays a call answered for the sampling period 08: 00-08: 15, even if in reality the outcome of the call is still uncertain because it is still in the queue. If the operator then answers at 08:16 this call will not be displayed in the subsequent sampling period 08: 15-08: 30 because it has already been quantified in the previous period. If, on the other hand, the call is not answered in the following period, there are two cases: if in the following sampling period (therefore from 08: 15-08: 30) a call enters, it will be counted as not answered regardless of whether it is actually answered or not. If, on the other hand, no further calls come in, they will not be counted / displayed.
Il numero totale delle chiamate è quindi sempre corretto perché chiamate non vengono contate mai due volte.
The total number of calls is therefore always correct because calls are never counted twice.
Con un grande numero di chiamate in entrata l’effetto si bilancia e lo scopo di valutazione della qualità del servizio è comunque dato. Il sistema conta tipicamente in favore delle chiamate risposte contando solo in casi particolari chiamate non risposte come risposte e solo se nel periodo di campionatura successivo non ci sono chiamate. Se invece ci sono chiamate nel periopdio sucessivo la mancata risposta transita eventualmente nel periodo successivo su una chiamata risposta.

==Agenti attivi (7)==
With a large number of incoming calls, the effect is balanced and the purpose of assessing the quality of the service is still given. The system typically counts in favor of answered calls, counting only in special cases unanswered calls as answered and only if there are no calls in the next sampling period. If, on the other hand, there are calls in the following period, the non-answer eventually passes through the following period on an answered call.
Agenti attivi sono loggati nel gruppo di risposta nel momento della campionatura e inoltre non hanno impostato alcun stato di presenza. Non vengono contati eventuali log-in e log-out oppure modifiche dello stato di presenza all’interno del periodo di campionatura. Il valore indicato mostra il numero di agenti disponibili al servizio nel ultimo secondo della campionatura di ogni quarta ora.
== Active agents (7) ==
Active agents are logged into the hunt group at the time of sampling and also have not set any presence status. Any log-in and log-out or changes in the presence status within the sampling period are not counted. The value shown shows the number of agents available for the service in the last second of the sampling of every fourth hour.

==Chiamate trasferite (8)==
== Calls transferred (8) ==
Vengono contatre le chiamate trasferite dagli agenti che provengono dalla coda di chiamata. Tipicamente sono chiamate dove l’Agente non era in grado di rispondere alle domande oppure il chiamante ha bisogno di altri interni e quindi l’Agente passa la chiamata.
Calls transferred by agents coming from the call queue are counted. Typically they are calls where the Agent was unable to answer questions or the caller needs other extensions and therefore the Agent passes the call.

==Chiamate in uscita (9)==
== Outgoing Calls (9) ==
Sono considerate chiamate in uscita sia chiamate verso interni che verso numeri esterni e indipendentemente se un Agente è loggato o meno nel momento della chiamata nel suo gruppo di risposta alla coda.
Both internal and external calls are considered outgoing calls, regardless of whether or not an Agent is logged in at the time of the call in his queue pickup group.

==Durata della attesa accumulata (10)==
== Duration of accumulated wait (10) ==
Questo contatore visualizza il tempo totale di attesa di tutte le chiamate. Inizia a contare nel momento dell’arrivo di una chiamata nella coda e termina nel momento che la chiamata viene risposta oppure il chiamante svincola. Questo concetto è molto semplice per una chiamata singola, se per esempio una chiamata entra alle ore 08:00 e termina alle ore 08:17 il periodo dalle 08:00-08:15 farà vedere 15 minuti di attesa mentre il periodo dalle 08:15-08:30 visualizza 2 minuti. Ma nel caso di chiamate multiple il tutto si complica perché sarà visualizza sempre il tempo di attesa del chiamante che attende più a lungo. Anche con più chiamate in coda il contatore avanza con il ritmo di un secondo. Se viene risposta la chiamata attuale il contatore del tempo di attesa visualizza il valore della chiamata che ora viene presentata come prima. Segue che il totale sarà incrementato di colpo col valore delle attesa della chiamata che ora di presenta. Osservate che questo vale anche per le chiamate che rinunciano: nel momento dello svincolo il contatore sarà incremenetato col valore dei secondi che erano in attesa.  
This counter displays the total waiting time of all calls. It starts counting when a call arrives in the queue and ends when the call is answered or the caller is released. This concept is very simple for a single call, if for example a call enters at 08:00 and ends at 08:17 the period from 08:00-08:15 will show 15 minutes of waiting while the period from 08:15-08:30 displays 2 minutes. But in the case of multiple calls, everything becomes complicated because the waiting time of the caller who waits the longest will always be displayed. Even with more calls in the queue, the counter advances at the rate of one second. If the current call is answered, the waiting time counter displays the value of the call that is now presented as before. It follows that the total will be increased suddenly with the value of waiting for the call that it is now presented. Note that this also applies to calls that give up: at the moment of release the counter will be increased with the value of the seconds that were waiting.

''Esempio: ci sono due chiamate, nel momento zero entra la prima chiamata, la seconda chiamata entra 10 secondi dopo la prima. Dopo 30 secondi il contatore mostra il valore 30 e l’operatore risponde alla (prima) chiamata. La seconda chiamata ora diventa la chiamata attuale della coda. La seconda chiamata ha atteso in questo momento per 20 secondi nella coda e quindi il contatore viene incrementato dal precedente valore 30 al nuovo valore 50 (30+20) e di seguito incrementato ogni secondo. La stessa cosa succede e al momento 30 la seconda chiamata rinuncia e svincola.''
'' Example: there are two calls, at moment zero the first call comes in, the second call comes in 10 seconds after the first. After 30 seconds the counter shows the value 30 and the operator answers the (first) call. The second call now becomes the current queue call. The second call has now been waiting for 20 seconds in the queue and then the counter is incremented from the previous value 30 to the new value 50 (30 + 20) and thereafter incremented every second. The same thing happens and at the moment 30 the second call gives up and releases. ''

Il valore indicato nel periodo di campionatura è il tempo accumulato di tutte le attese. Nel momento della campionatura viene quindi salvato il totale del contatore che mostra il totale nel periodo di campionatura di tutti i tempi di attesa delle chiamate risposte o perse.
The value indicated in the sampling period is the accumulated time of all waits. At the time of sampling, the total of the counter is then saved, showing the total in the sampling period of all waiting times for answered or missed calls.

Se il tempo accumulato passa in un periodo di campionatura senza ulteriori chiamate in entrata viene perso.
If the accumulated time passes in a sampling period without further incoming calls it is lost.

''Esempio: Tutti i contatori sono a zero, alle ore 16:14 entra una chiamata in coda che viene risposta alle ore 16:17 nel periodo di campionamento successivo. La statistica farà vedere una chiamata nel periodo dalle 16:00-16:15 e un tempo di attesa accumulata in questo periodo pari a un minuto (dalle 16:14 alle 16:15). Se nel periodo successivo non entra più alcuna chiamata i due minuti di attesa non saranno visualizzate. Se nel periodo successivo entra invece almeno una chiamta i due minuti accumulati saranno aggiunti.''
'' Example: All counters are zero, a queue call enters at 16:14 and is answered at 16:17 in the next sampling period. The statistic will show a call in the period from 16:00-16:15 and an accumulated waiting time in this period equal to one minute (from 16:14 to 16:15). If in the following period no more calls come in, the two minutes of waiting will not be displayed. If in the following period at least one call comes in, the two accumulated minutes will be added. ''

==Attesa massima continua (11)==
== Maximum continuous wait (11) ==
L’attesa continua si distingue da tutti gli altri valori nel passaggio da un periodo di campionatur all'altro. In caso di chiamata attiva con incremento in corso del valore di picco non si resetta nel passaggio del periodo ma riporta il valore nel periodo successivo. Da quindi una indicazione su quanto la coda è interrottamente in superamento del valore massimo storico di picco. Se la coda nel momento del passaggio da un periodo di campionatura all’altro invece non sta incrementando il contatore attesa massima, il contatore viene resettato per poi essere subito incrementato con la durata attuale in corso. Essendo il valore della durata di attesa a zero nel momento del passaggio segue che solo in caso di superamento della attesa massima del periodo precedente sarà di nuovo incrementato questo contatore. Nel passaggio di periodo di campionatura senza chiamate in corso il contatore di picco quindi torna a zero e sarà incrementato in parallelo con la prima chiamata in entrata.  
Continuous waiting is distinguished from all other values ​​in the transition from one sampling period to another. In the event of an active call with an increase in the peak value in progress, it is not reset in the passage of the period but shows the value in the following period. It therefore gives an indication on how much the queue is interrupted in exceeding the historical maximum peak value. If the queue at the time of passing from one sampling period to the other is not increasing the maximum wait counter, the counter is reset and then immediately increased with the current duration in progress. Since the value of the waiting duration is zero at the moment of the passage, it follows that this counter will be increased again only in case of exceeding the maximum wait of the previous period. In the passage of the sampling period without calls in progress, the peak counter then returns to zero and will be incremented in parallel with the first incoming call.

==Durata media di attesa (12)==
== Average waiting time (12) ==
La durata media di attesa in un periodo di campionamento è il numero di secondi di attesa accumulata nel periodo diviso per il numero di chiamate totale (perse e risposte). Come già spiegato (10) la rappresentazione di questo tempo è influenzato dal momento della risposta o della rinuncia della chiamata, perché solo in questo momento avviene l’accumulo del tempo di attesa. Considerando che per il calcolo della media viene considerato il numero di chiamate nel periodo di campionatura segue che una singola barra potrà dare una indicazione errata sulla media globale. L’insieme delle medie però da una indicazione sulle attese vissute. E da considerare quindi che il numero di chiamate in entrata viene incrementato nel momento di entrata di una chiamata nella coda mentre la durata sarà conteggiata solo nel momento di risposta o sviocolo se ci sono più chiamate in coda.
The average length of wait in a sample period is the number of seconds to wait accumulated in the period divided by the total number of calls (missed and answered). As already explained (10) the representation of this time is influenced by the moment of the answer or the renunciation of the call, because only in this moment the accumulation of the waiting time takes place. Considering that for the calculation of the average the number of calls in the sampling period is considered, it follows that a single bar can give an incorrect indication on the global average. The set of averages, however, gives an indication of the lived expectations. It should therefore be considered that the number of incoming calls is increased when a call enters the queue while the duration will be counted only at the time of answer or redirection if there are more calls in the queue.

==Superamento soglia chiamate (27)==
== Call threshold exceeded (27) ==
Nel configurazione del iQM (server) è impostabile un numero di chiamate massimo, se superato il contatore viene incrementato. Il valore da una indicazione quante volte succede il superamento in un periodo di campionamento.
In the configuration of the iQM (server) a maximum number of calls can be set, if exceeded the counter is increased. The value gives an indication of how many times the overshoot occurs in a sampling period.

==Numero medio chiamate per agente (28)==
== Average number of calls per agent (28) ==
Il numero di chiamate risposte in un periodo di campionatura viene diviso per il numero di agenti. E' un puro calcolo matematico. Da considerare che il numero di agenti sarà rilevato al momento transitorio da un periodo all’altro. La media riportata a destra è matematica (ovviamente non si potrà rispondere a una frazione di una chiamata). Il valore sarà sempre una cifra integra, non sono visualizzate frazioni. Se la media è per esempio 0,4 sarà visualizzato zero, una medie del 0,6 con il valore uno.
The number of calls answered in a sample period is divided by the number of agents. It is a pure mathematical calculation. It should be considered that the number of agents will be detected at the transitory moment from one period to the next. The average shown on the right is mathematical (obviously you will not be able to answer a fraction of a call). The value will always be an integral digit, no fractions are displayed. If the mean is for example 0.4 zero will be displayed, an average of 0.6 with the value one.

==Durata media chiamata (29)==
== Average call duration (29) ==
La durata media delle chiamate è, come il numero medio di chiamate per agente, un puro calcolo matematico. Il numero è il risultato del tempo di chiamata diviso per il numero di chiamate risposte. Il valore sarà sempre un valore integro, non sono visualizzate frazioni. Se il risultato è per esempio 0,4 sarà visualizzato zero, il valore 0,6 come uno.
The average call duration is, like the average number of calls per agent, a pure mathematical calculation. The number is the result of the call time divided by the number of answered calls. The value will always be an integral value, no fractions are displayed. If the result is for example 0.4, zero will be displayed, the value 0.6 as one.

==Visualizzazione date della settimana (30)==
== Display dates of the week (30) ==
In funzione alla data immessa nel campo (4) viene calcolato la relativa settimana. Lunedi è sempre il primo giorno visualizzato e la domenica l’ultimo.
The relative week is calculated based on the date entered in field (4). Monday is always the first day displayed and Sunday the last.
Nell’esempio sotto la data immessa è il 03/02/2021 e la settimana di riferimento inizia il 01/02/2021 e termina il 07/02/2021.
In the example below, the date entered is 03/02/2021 and the reference week starts on 01/02/2021 and ends on 07/02/2021.
La visualizzazione sarebbe identica se per esempio sarebbe stato imposto come data il 2/2/2021.  
The display would be identical if for example 2/2/2021 would have been set as a date.

[[Image:DashbGraf 02.png]]
[[Image:DashbGraf 02.png]]

Il caricamento e l’elaborazione dei dati di una settimana dura circa 7 secondi.
The loading and processing of a week's data takes about 7 seconds.

=Related Articles=
=Related Articles=

Revision as of 11:34, 2 February 2022

Description statistics iQM Dashboard (from build 80308)


DashbGraf 01.png

1 Visualization of today's data, in real time every 15 minutes a measurement will be added. You can switch between a date view and an online view at any time

2 The data of the date set below will be displayed, if there is no data the windows remain empty.

3 Increase the day

4 Date displayed (14). The date can be modified and confirmed by sending or by pressing key (2)

5 Decreases the day

6 Display of 24 hours (from 00:00 to 24:00) and 96 samples or 12 hours (from 07:00 to 19:00) and 48 samples.

7 View the number of agents (21)

8 Displays the number of calls transferred (not answered and closed by the agent but transferred to other extensions)

9 Displays the number of outgoing calls from agents

10 Total time of waiting in the queue of all calls in the period. The time is indicated in minutes and hours, with a key it is possible to switch to display in seconds.

11 Peak waiting time

12 Average waiting time

13 Peak number, the graph automatically aligns (auto-scale) to the values.

14 Date (day) displayed. The language depends on the operating system settings

15 Total number of calls viewed (= 100%)

16 Total number of calls answered (QoS), absolute and in relation to the total number of calls

17 Total number of missed calls (QoS), absolute and in relation to the total number of calls

18 Average calls received in the sampling period (15 minutes)

19 Average calls answered in the sampling period (15 minutes)

20 Average missed calls over the sampling period (15 minutes)

21 Indication of the data shown in the graph below

22 Open settings, in English, password protection option

23 Peak calls, the graph automatically aligns (auto-scales) to the values

24 Switch between statistic and dashboard views

25 Minimize in the task bar

26 Close application

27 Call threshold exceeded

28 Average number of calls per agent

29 Average call duration

30 Week data display

Below is a description of the data displayed in the statistics and how the processing takes place.

Sampling period

The iQM server accumulates statistical data every 15 minutes and stores the sampling. For each day there are up to 96 records (24x4). Writing always takes place in delay. The data displayed at 8:00 am is the accumulated data from 7:45 am to 8:00 am, the data displayed at 8:15 am contains the accumulated data from 8:00 am to 8:15 am etc. At the time of sampling, the counters are reset to zero with the sole exception of the peak value (see below). The average call values ​​(15, 16, 17) are the total calls divided by the periods where at least one call is present. The value represents the average number of calls received in the “active” sampling periods. The division of the total number of calls is therefore not fixed at 96, but equal to the number of sampling periods with traffic.

Example: With a total number of calls equal to 26 and sampling periods equal to 14, the sampling average is equal to 26/14 = 1.857. Rounding to one decimal takes place and the displayed value will be 1.9 (average number of calls in active sampling periods). Analogously, this also applies to the average calculation of answered and missed calls.

Auto Scale

The size of the graphs always remains the same while the scale varies according to the maximum value detected. This maximum value is shown in the graph (23, 13). The ladder and the support lines are calculated automatically. If for example the highest number found is equal to 52 this value will be displayed and there will be 5 support lines indicating 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. For example, if the value is equal to 2.996 there will be a line at 1.000, 2,000 and 3,000 etc.

Incoming calls

Each call that enters the queue increments the counter of incoming calls shown in the upper window. If the call is not answered but the caller hangs up, the missed calls counter is increased. The number of answered calls is the mathematical difference between incoming calls and missed calls. Consider that the counter of the number of incoming calls is incremented at the moment of entry into the queue while the counter of the lost calls is incremented at the moment of release. As explained the difference of these two values ​​is interpreted as called answers, it follows that there can be differences.

Example: All the counters are zero, a call comes in at 08:14, the operator does not answer and the caller continues to wait. At 08:15 the graph displays a call answered for the sampling period 08: 00-08: 15, even if in reality the outcome of the call is still uncertain because it is still in the queue. If the operator then answers at 08:16 this call will not be displayed in the subsequent sampling period 08: 15-08: 30 because it has already been quantified in the previous period. If, on the other hand, the call is not answered in the following period, there are two cases: if in the following sampling period (therefore from 08: 15-08: 30) a call enters, it will be counted as not answered regardless of whether it is actually answered or not. If, on the other hand, no further calls come in, they will not be counted / displayed. The total number of calls is therefore always correct because calls are never counted twice.

With a large number of incoming calls, the effect is balanced and the purpose of assessing the quality of the service is still given. The system typically counts in favor of answered calls, counting only in special cases unanswered calls as answered and only if there are no calls in the next sampling period. If, on the other hand, there are calls in the following period, the non-answer eventually passes through the following period on an answered call.

Active agents (7)

Active agents are logged into the hunt group at the time of sampling and also have not set any presence status. Any log-in and log-out or changes in the presence status within the sampling period are not counted. The value shown shows the number of agents available for the service in the last second of the sampling of every fourth hour.

Calls transferred (8)

Calls transferred by agents coming from the call queue are counted. Typically they are calls where the Agent was unable to answer questions or the caller needs other extensions and therefore the Agent passes the call.

Outgoing Calls (9)

Both internal and external calls are considered outgoing calls, regardless of whether or not an Agent is logged in at the time of the call in his queue pickup group.

Duration of accumulated wait (10)

This counter displays the total waiting time of all calls. It starts counting when a call arrives in the queue and ends when the call is answered or the caller is released. This concept is very simple for a single call, if for example a call enters at 08:00 and ends at 08:17 the period from 08:00-08:15 will show 15 minutes of waiting while the period from 08:15-08:30 displays 2 minutes. But in the case of multiple calls, everything becomes complicated because the waiting time of the caller who waits the longest will always be displayed. Even with more calls in the queue, the counter advances at the rate of one second. If the current call is answered, the waiting time counter displays the value of the call that is now presented as before. It follows that the total will be increased suddenly with the value of waiting for the call that it is now presented. Note that this also applies to calls that give up: at the moment of release the counter will be increased with the value of the seconds that were waiting.

Example: there are two calls, at moment zero the first call comes in, the second call comes in 10 seconds after the first. After 30 seconds the counter shows the value 30 and the operator answers the (first) call. The second call now becomes the current queue call. The second call has now been waiting for 20 seconds in the queue and then the counter is incremented from the previous value 30 to the new value 50 (30 + 20) and thereafter incremented every second. The same thing happens and at the moment 30 the second call gives up and releases.

The value indicated in the sampling period is the accumulated time of all waits. At the time of sampling, the total of the counter is then saved, showing the total in the sampling period of all waiting times for answered or missed calls.

If the accumulated time passes in a sampling period without further incoming calls it is lost.

Example: All counters are zero, a queue call enters at 16:14 and is answered at 16:17 in the next sampling period. The statistic will show a call in the period from 16:00-16:15 and an accumulated waiting time in this period equal to one minute (from 16:14 to 16:15). If in the following period no more calls come in, the two minutes of waiting will not be displayed. If in the following period at least one call comes in, the two accumulated minutes will be added.

Maximum continuous wait (11)

Continuous waiting is distinguished from all other values ​​in the transition from one sampling period to another. In the event of an active call with an increase in the peak value in progress, it is not reset in the passage of the period but shows the value in the following period. It therefore gives an indication on how much the queue is interrupted in exceeding the historical maximum peak value. If the queue at the time of passing from one sampling period to the other is not increasing the maximum wait counter, the counter is reset and then immediately increased with the current duration in progress. Since the value of the waiting duration is zero at the moment of the passage, it follows that this counter will be increased again only in case of exceeding the maximum wait of the previous period. In the passage of the sampling period without calls in progress, the peak counter then returns to zero and will be incremented in parallel with the first incoming call.

Average waiting time (12)

The average length of wait in a sample period is the number of seconds to wait accumulated in the period divided by the total number of calls (missed and answered). As already explained (10) the representation of this time is influenced by the moment of the answer or the renunciation of the call, because only in this moment the accumulation of the waiting time takes place. Considering that for the calculation of the average the number of calls in the sampling period is considered, it follows that a single bar can give an incorrect indication on the global average. The set of averages, however, gives an indication of the lived expectations. It should therefore be considered that the number of incoming calls is increased when a call enters the queue while the duration will be counted only at the time of answer or redirection if there are more calls in the queue.

Call threshold exceeded (27)

In the configuration of the iQM (server) a maximum number of calls can be set, if exceeded the counter is increased. The value gives an indication of how many times the overshoot occurs in a sampling period.

Average number of calls per agent (28)

The number of calls answered in a sample period is divided by the number of agents. It is a pure mathematical calculation. It should be considered that the number of agents will be detected at the transitory moment from one period to the next. The average shown on the right is mathematical (obviously you will not be able to answer a fraction of a call). The value will always be an integral digit, no fractions are displayed. If the mean is for example 0.4 zero will be displayed, an average of 0.6 with the value one.

Average call duration (29)

The average call duration is, like the average number of calls per agent, a pure mathematical calculation. The number is the result of the call time divided by the number of answered calls. The value will always be an integral value, no fractions are displayed. If the result is for example 0.4, zero will be displayed, the value 0.6 as one.

Display dates of the week (30)

The relative week is calculated based on the date entered in field (4). Monday is always the first day displayed and Sunday the last. In the example below, the date entered is 03/02/2021 and the reference week starts on 01/02/2021 and ends on 07/02/2021. The display would be identical if for example 2/2/2021 would have been set as a date.

DashbGraf 02.png

The loading and processing of a week's data takes about 7 seconds.

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