Howto:Maximum entries in local phone book

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How many entries can be stored in the local phone directory.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • IP110, IP150, IP200A, IP230, IP240, IP200, IP202, IP222, IP232

More Information


The V5 local phone directory permits for a maximum of 3072 entries.

  • IP200, IP202, IP200A

The flash area reserved for the directory is limited to 256 kB. The maximum number of entries can only be stored if the average size of an enty (20 byte header, Name, Number, H323-id, notes) does not exceed 80 byte.


The V6 local phone directory permits for a maximum of 2000 entries.

  • IP110, IP150, IP200A, IP230, IP240

The flash area reserved for the directory is at least 512 kB and thus sufficiently large to keep 2000 entries.

  • IP200, IP202

The flash area reserved for the directory is limited to 256 kB. The real number of entries to be stored depends on the average size of the entries (ca. 60 byte header, Name, Number, H323-id, notes)


The V7 local phone directory permits for a maximum of 2000 entries. The flash area reserved for the directory is at least 512 kB and thus sufficiently large to keep all entries.


The V8 local phone directory permits for a maximum of 500 entries.


The V9 local phone directory permits for a maximum of 500 entries.

  • IP222, IP232

For compatibility reasons the new phones have the same 500 entry limit for the local directory as the old ones.

The flash space reserved for all LDAP directories (call lists + local directory) is 768 kB.

It is possible to increase the maximum number of directory entries via

   config add FLASHDIR0 /max <max-entries>

Because the local directory entries should not consume more than 512 kB flash to leave enough space for the call lists <max-entries> should be not be greater than 2000.

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