Howto:Adjust Speaker volume on IP241 IP222 IP232

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Applies To

  • IP241, IP222, IP232 with V9 and above


  • Headsets from different manufacturer respond different (too loud or too quiet) on the default volume setting at the USB or DHSG Ports.
  • customer need higher speaker volume of handset, loudspeaker then configurable on phone


It's possible to turn down or turn up the volume individual within the phone configuration. The values are offsets, which means that 0 is not off, it's the default value of the firmware.

The headset volume can be adjusted with http://addr/dsp.xml -> Volume

The other levels can be adjusted on the command line, the level is specified in db.

config change AC-DSP0 HANDSET /mic-volume
config change AC-DSP0 HANDSET /spk-volume
config change AC-DSP0 SPEAKER /mic-volume
config change AC-DSP0 SPEAKER /spk-volume
config change AC-DSP0 HEADSET /mic-volume
config change AC-DSP0 HEADSET /spk-volume

You can set the speaker volume /spk-volume and the microphone volume /mic-volume. Normally the headsets microphone volume must not be changed, because the user adapts the loudness of his own voice from situation to situation. The common problem is the speaker volume.

Example to turn up the speaker volume a bit:

  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config add AC-DSP0 HEADSET /spk-volume 2
  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config activate

Example to turn up the speaker volume a bit more:

  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config add AC-DSP0 HEADSET /spk-volume 4
  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config activate

To avoid hearing damage, please be careful with the values! Increase the values step by step. You hear the difference after the !config activate

Example to turn down the speaker volume a bit:

  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config add AC-DSP0 HEADSET /spk-volume -2
  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config activate

Example to restore default behaviour:

  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config rem AC-DSP0 HEADSET /spk-volume 
  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config activate

If you satisfied with the settings, type:

  http://ip-adress-of-the-phone/!config write

Now, the values are in the config.

Please also note, that it's possible for future DSP code updates, that the default value can be changed (what means that "0" can be louder or quieter) and it's possible that updates of the headset manufacturer can change the volume, too. So after doing a firmware update on the phone or on the headset, it's necessary to do the steps above again.