Howto:Create Faxserver Cover Sheets

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • Faxserver, V10 and up

More Information

The innovaphone fax server can insert cover pages into outgoing fax documents. It furthermore allows to create individual cover sheet templates. These templates are standard LibreOffice (.odt) documents. Administrators can create them and install them with the fax server (see Covers in Concept Faxserver).

The fax server can do some substitutions on a per-fax basis on a cover sheet. This is done by setting Text format values for some LibreOffice user defined custom variables as shown in the following table:

Name of Variable Value
Date Date fax email has been sent
Time Time fax email has been sent
UserName Name of fax job's initiator (Long Name from PBX)
UserMail Email address of fax job's initiator (available with V10 Service Release 9 and later)
Recipients Fax email recipients
CcRecipients Fax email cc recipients
Priority One of Urgent (urgent), For your information (non-urgent), As soon as possible (other) depending on the fax email's priority header
Subject Fax email subject

Both Date and Time are also available as float format. If in string format, date and time are formatted according to the fax servers language and time-zone settings. To create your own cover sheet, you would edit a new document (or modify a copy of the cover sheet document that comes with the product) and insert custom fields as needed.

It is also possible to define user variables in the string format in the email body which can be used in the cover sheet. This feature is available with V10 Service Release 9 and later. The default value in the cover sheet must be empty, otherwise the field variable isn't substituted by the fax server. To define a variable in the email, following notation must be complied: @variable name=variable value

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