Howto:Use LinuxAP Webdav Server in Redundancy Scenarios

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Revision as of 17:39, 21 August 2014 by Can (talk | contribs) (→‎Resolution)
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Applies To

This information applies to

All innovaphone devices with Linux Application Platform installed with redundancy.

More Information

Problem Details

When we install the Linux AP platform on the innovaphone IPXX10 Gateway, the webdav folder it's hosted in the Linux AP and for that reason it's no longer possible to use the loopback IP address ( when setting the URL on the innovaphone PBX objects for the announcements,voicemail scripts,etc. Instead it's necessary to set the IP address of the Linux AP to reach the webdav folder.

In a Master-Standby scenario for redundancy were Linux AP it's installed on both Master and Standby Gateway it's necessary to set an URL on the PBX Objects that works in both Gateways so when the Master fails the Standby still plays the announcements correctly for example.

The Voicemail Object contains backup URL, what solve the problem by setting the Standby Linux AP IP address in the backup URL however the Waiting Queue Object,Message Waiting Object, Boolean Object don't contain any Backup URL option.

So it's necessary that when Standby replaces Master PBX, the Stanby PBX it's able to reach the Webdav folder of Standby Linux AP using the same PBX Objects.


The solution suggested in this scenario it's to define an additional IP address on both Linux AP (Master-Standby) that are identical. Do a static route on the innovaphone Gateway so the PBX it's able to reach this IP address and afterwards use this IP address for the webdav URL inside the PBX.

Since both devices have the same internal IP address configured on the Linux AP, when Standby takes charge the URL will also work on the Standby Linux AP, simulating a "loopback" Ip address for the Linux AP.

1) Set the Additional IP on the Linux AP using ssh (ex. Putty).

    • Edit the interfaces file -> vi /etc/network/interfaces
    • Add the additional IP eth0:0, you are free to setup the address you wish that doesn't conflict with the existing networks.

Linux Webdav Redundancy 1.png

Known Problems