Howto:Byon callpoint - byon GmbH - Partner App

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Product Name

byon GmbH byon callpoint

Certification Status

Not yet given due to incomplete description


IP based conferencing and video systems



Byon - About us


With byon callpoint, byon offers a comprehensive telephone conference platform as a service. This enables the fast and uncomplicated organization of telephone conferences with customers, partners or for team meetings.

Functions such as: security PIN, access control, participant overview, moderator function and many more make the callpoint platform a useful conference tool.

In order to use the full range of functions of the byon telephone conferencing plattform, additional licenses must be purchased directly from byon.

For a consultation as well as a test setup, please contact us at


Create conference rooms for telephony.

Used APIs



To access the full range of functions, licences must be obtained directly from byon GmbH. You are welcome to get in touch with us for a consultation and trial installation.


Application versions used for interop testing:

  • innovaphone V13r1sr31 oder höher


To use the byon callpoint App, you need to install it in innovaphone myApps from the PBX Manager:
PBX 1.png

Select the byon callpoint App in the PBX Manager to install it. Set the name and the right SIP to add it in your PBX.
PBX 2.png

Now it should look like this:
PBX 3.png


For any questions please refer to our contact page