Howto13r1:Installation Scenarios

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Before starting your v13 Installation you have to check the customer network and his requirements first.

You can install a v13 setup in different ways, so we will give you an overview and a best practice for your specific case.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • v13


Decision Matrix

On the left side you can choose the needs and conditions of your customer. Then you will se which solutions are possible or recommended.

Some information to understand the conditions in the table:

Reverse Proxy
Needed if you want connect with external phones (eg. Smartphones or HomeOffices) to your internal PBX or Application Platform. The requirement is an official domain. If you do not have one, you have to rent one.
Local DNS server
All applications can work with DNS Names. You have to configure some internal subdomains with the private ip addresses of your gateways
Example PBX: pbx.domanin.tld =>
Example Ap Platform: ap.domanin.tld =>
External DNS server
In combination with the reverse proxy you can offer some subdomains from your external domainname with the external IP or the NAT-IP of your Reverse Proxy
Example PBX: pbx.domanin.tld =>
Example Ap Platform: ap.domanin.tld =>

Reverse Proxy is needed

  Cloud   On Premise
/  innovaphone Cloud   internal DNS Server   external NAT Hairpinning   new DNS Server with a innovaphone Box   use only IP addresses 
 • local DNS server exists ✔✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔✔ X
 • no local DNS server exists ✔✔✔ X ✔✔ X

Reverse Proxy is not needed

  Cloud   On Premise
/  innovaphone Cloud   internal DNS Server   external NAT Hairpinning   new DNS Server with a innovaphone Box   use only IP addresses 
 • local DNS server exists ✔✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔
 • no local DNS server exists ✔✔✔ X ✔✔ ✔✔

  • ✔✔✔ means that we recommend it
  • ✔✔ means that you can do it, and it works fine
  • means that you can do it, it works fine but you should do some local network adjustment
  • O means that you can do it, but we don't recommended it
  • X means that you should not do it, otherwise you may run into problems

Scenario - innovaphone Cloud

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Scenario - internal DNS Server

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If you decided to setup an internal DNS than you can do that as described here:

First choose Manual Installation SetupInternerDNS-Part1.png

Than enable the DNS Server and create A Records SetupInternerDNS-Part2.png

Afterwards it looks like that: SetupInternerDNS-Part3.png

Scenario - external NAT Hairpinning

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Scenario - new DNS Server with a innovaphone Box

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Scenario - use only IP addresses

Tools clipart.png FIXME: has to be finished

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