Howto13r3:Firmware Upgrade V13r2 V13r3

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Tools clipart.png FIXME: This article is still work in progress

Applies To

This information applies to:

  • All V13r3 capable innovaphone devices

Migration Policies

13r1 to 13r2

13r2 to 13r3

Single AP/Single PBX

  • Create a new update job in devices and select 13r3 as major version

Common AP/Several PBX'es

Tools clipart.png FIXME: funktioniert eine 13r3-PBX mit 13r2-AP?

If not all systems are to be updated at once, the update jobs are split in the preferred order described below:

  1. Update the PBXs first. Ensure the PBXs are separated in different categories. Create dedicated update jobs for the PBXs in those categories. Execute/Schedule PBX update jobs separated in time according to your update plan with the end customer. After successful update of all PBXs proceed with step 2.
  2. Create & execute a dedicated update job for the common AP.
Tools clipart.png FIXME: Werden damit alle Apps upgedatet?
  1. Finally, update the common AP's version under AP Manager/Update (not mandatory)

Configuration Changes

In 13r3 we have introduced some new features which are automatically configured if you use the installer to setup your new 13r3 from scratch. If you upgrade an existing installation, you have to configure the following settings manually.

Default SRTP key exchange value in device configuration of Phones/Interfaces

Previous to v13r3, the default value for SRTP key exchange was SDES-DTLS - with v13r3 it changes to the more secure DTLS-SDES. Therefore innovaphone devices now use DTLS instead - if the called endpoint has this preference. We recommend adjusting the SRTP key exchange setting in the Devices App, Device Configuration for phones and analog endpoints. An exception to this recommendation is if you are using old phone models (IP110A, IP240A, IP150, IP150A) in your setup - as these phones may have CPU performance issues in the connection setup phase (during encryption key generation/exchange audio setup sporadically takes 1-2 seconds longer).

Improved Conference Rooms

  • The Web Access allowed checkbox in the conference app has to be set in order to access the Conference Web Access UI.
  • To create an HTTP link for external participants with your conferencing app, a conferencing app license is required.
  • Update the announcements for your conference rooms, to include also the Web Access announcements.
Tools clipart.png FIXME: Update sample announcements for web access

Application Platform and its applications

App Platform image

It is not mandatory but recommended to update the App Platform image to the latest version to receive a newer kernel and updated Linux packages.

Recordings App

The Recordings App will now retrieve CDR information from the Reporting App. Please follow the upgrade procedure described in the 13r3 Recordings App concept article.

Tools clipart.png FIXME: Concept-Artikel 13r3 Recording erstellen und Updatepfad beschreiben

Reportings App

The Reportings App will improve missed calls querys by adding a new database index. Depending on the size of the reporting database, this database adjustment can take some minutes and results also in high CPU-load and missed CDRs during that time.

Changes visible to end customers

Here are listed changes that should be communicated by resellers to the end customers before a 13r3 upgrade, since the change in the behavior of the application/device will be visible/hearable.

Rework of Phone & Softphone UI

New UI

CallForwarding in Profile App

Added configuration option on call diversions: call forwardings depending on myApps online and Presence state. This can be switched on or off by the user in the Profile App.

Hardware Restrictions

For a list of devices with no/restricted support in 13r3, see the Firmware Upgrade article.

Tools clipart.png FIXME: update Firmware Upgrade article to include v13r3