Reference13r1:Concept App Service Contacts

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There are also other versions of this article available: Reference13r1 (this version) | Reference13r3

The App Service Contacts is an App Service which can be installed on an innovaphone App Platform. It is used for information retrieval of a database of contact entries.


Database for contact entries. A user interface for retrieval purposes is available.

  • Import of comma-separated files
  • API for other apps


  • innovaphone PBX and App Platform from on version 13r1


Assign unique IDs for contacts entries

It is recommended to upload CSV files with an additional column extAnchor. The column extAnchor allows to identify individual entries uniquely and independent of renaming operations. The column extAnchor is supposed to contain an external unique database id, alike a guid. If extAnchor was provided the import procedure will perform an UPDATE of previously existing entries, instead of deleting and re-INSERTing the entries. Entries pinned on home are going to remain functional.

Upload Data by HTTP Post

A CSV file can be uploaded by means of an HTTP POST request. The following powershell script aims to demonstrate this procedure with the help of CURL[1][2] The required user and password content corresponds to the configuration underneath PBX Manager/AP Contacts/Configuration/User(HTTP Post) and Password(HTTP Post)

  1. csv.ps1
  2. Sample powershell script demonstrating how to HTTP POST a CSV file towards the Contacts App service.
  3. .\bin\curl must be present, e.g. from
  4. Examples:
  5. powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command .\csv.ps1 -Dest -File ".\myContacts.utf8" -User "contacts01" -Pw "pwd01" -Url "/"

param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Destination host")] [string]$Dest, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Name of file to be POSTed")] [string]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Authentication: User")] [string]$User, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Authentication: Password")] [string]$Pw, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="URL, e.g.: /")] [string]$Url )

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

$Uri = "http://" + $Dest + $Url

function UploadToContacts { # Ensure file's there and has content if (!(Test-Path -Path $File)) { echo $File+" not downloaded!" exit 1 } $lines = 0 Get-Content $File |%{ $lines++ } echo "Lines of $File=$lines" if($lines -le 2) { echo "No Data to upload!" exit 1 }

$auth = "${User}:${Pw}"

echo "POSTing towards $Uri" .\bin\curl "--digest" -s -S --trace-time -u $auth -i -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" -X POST --data-binary "@${File}" "${Uri}" echo "POSTed towards $Dest" }

$timeStart = Get-Date echo "===Begin: ${timeStart} ===" UploadToContacts $timeEnd = Get-Date echo "===End: ${timeEnd} ===" echo ""

List of Attributes

The list of currently available attributes for a contacts entry follows:

unique id identifiing the entry within the database
First name
Surname/Family name
Name to be displayed
Internationalized land-line telephone number, e.g. +49 7031 730090
Internationalized mobile telephone number
Internationalized home phone number
Internationalized fax number
City/Town, e.g. Milano
Federal state, e.g. some US states: Ca, Wa, Fl
e.g. Deutschland, Italia
Home address
Academic title
Position within company, department
Common description
Common info
Company URL
Dialable SIP address

List of Text-Indexable Attributes

Attributes to be considered for the full-text index

  • cn
  • sn
  • givenname
  • company
  • displayname
  • info
  • city
  • street
  • postalcode
  • country
  • state
  • private_city
  • private_street
  • private_postalcode
  • private_country
  • private_state
  • title
  • position
  • department
  • description
  • roomnumber
  • sip

Built-in LDAP Server

The App incorporates a proprietary LDAP server functionality, which is neither commercial-grade nor full-fledged. The purpose of the LDAP server functionality is to service innnovaphone LDAP clients, such as desk phones. The LDAP server only supports a proprietary search by means of a meta attribute[3], whereby LDAP is just utilized as a transport vehicle for a user's search input one-to-one.

  • E.g. a user searching for John Doe innovaphone
    • Possible user input jo do inno
    • Resulting LDAP filter (metaSearchText=jo do inno)

App Services

  • innovaphone-contacts
    • The reqular app
  • innovaphone-contacts-admin
    • Features a menu (top-right) to manually upload a CSV file
  • innovaphone-contacts-searchapi
    • Provides a search API to other apps, e.g. for the Phone App


Manually Deleting an uploaded File

If multiple files or multiple versions of a CSV file were uploaded, it might not be clear how to delete an old data set. Here is an example for how to accomplish a deletion of a particular data set related to an imported CSV file:

  • 2 Files were previously imported
    • allcontacts.csv
    • brs%20testimport.csv
  • The file brs%20testimport.csv shall be deleted
  • Hints
    • Within the Contacts database, the table dbs contains the names of files once imported.
    • The database name, here: innovaphone.com_contacts can be retrieved from the settings within in the App Manager for the Contacts App.

Establish an SSH-session by means of e.g. putty[4]

  1. Login
  2. ===================================================================

login as: admin Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password:

  1. Elevate to super-user rights, Command 'su'
  2. ===================================================================

admin@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> su Password:

  1. Command 'psql'. Printing the table 'dbs'. Contains 2 file names.
  2. ===================================================================

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "innovaphone.com_contacts" -c "select * from dbs"

id |         uri


 1 | allcontacts.csv
 5 | brs%20testimport.csv

(2 rows)

  1. Delete the file "brs%20testimport.csv" via its table-ID 5.
  2. ===================================================================

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "innovaphone.com_contacts" -c "delete from dbs where id=5" DELETE 1

  1. Printing the table 'dbs'. Contains 1 file name.
  2. ===================================================================

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "innovaphone.com_contacts" -c "select * from dbs"

id |       uri


 1 | allcontacts.csv

(1 row)


Manually Deleting all Contacts

Sometimes it may become necessary to delete all contacts from the database. This task can be accomplished by simply deleting the main table entries. The deletion will cascade from there into all sub-tables.

  • The database name, here: innovaphone.com_contacts can be retrieved from the settings within in the App Manager for the Contacts App.

Establish an SSH-session by means of e.g. putty[5]

  1. Login
  2. ===================================================================

login as: admin Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password:

  1. Elevate to super-user rights, Command 'su'
  2. ===================================================================

admin@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> su Password:

  1. List number of contacts in main table entries
  2. ===================================================================

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "innovaphone.com_contacts" -c "select count(*) from entries"



(1 row)

  1. Delete
  2. ===================================================================

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "innovaphone.com_contacts" -c "delete from entries *" DELETE 94

  1. List number of contacts in main table entries
  2. ===================================================================

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "innovaphone.com_contacts" -c "select count(*) from entries"



(1 row)

Known Issues

Related Articles

  1. For a windows distribution: e.g.:
  2. CURL is recommended(rather required), because it supports the simple POST mechanism with an initial tentative POST with the data length of 0, in order to get through the authentication phase
  3. Meta attribute: Here an attribute with a special meaning and that is non-physical, not existing within the database
  4. putty:
  5. putty: