Reference8 talk:Administration/PBX/Objects/Waiting Queue

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is it possible to have an voicemail object as queue operator (i.e. to make the queue sending calls to a vm script instead of to a phone)?

I added a voicemail object directly to the prim. group of the queue, but it never will be called. I also tried to use an user object within the prim. group of the queue and a cfu to the voicemail object. Although "CFU disables Operator" is _not_ checked, the vm script will also never be called. And even a fork setting on the user object will be ignored...

Is this behaviour intended? Any other idea to accomplish what I would like to do?


Jörg Wolf

Yes it is intended, a waiting queue cant be an operator. CFU disables operator simply says that an operator is not called if there is a CFU on it (which is normally the case). Nevertheless, your scenario is easy to fix. Look at the Howto:Mobile Extension to get the idea (you need a user object that routes calls to the waiting queue).