Howto:Integrate External Apps in innovaphone UC clients

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Applies to

myPBX External Application

For more Details look at


We tested with:

innovaphone: 10.x

More Information

External applications can be integrated in myPBX. Both web applications and applications that are installed on the client PC can be configured. If this feature is activated, myPBX shows additional buttons at phone calls, in the history and in desktop notifications for incoming calls. Clicking that button opens the application with optional parameters from the call.


  • Right Click on myPBX – Configuration – External Application
  • Enter the name of the external app (which will be seen as tooltip of the external app button).
  • Paste the path of the external app into the field “Path”. It can be both the URL of a web application ($n) or the path of a desktop application installed on the local computer (C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe)
  • Optionally specify command line parameters for Desktop Apps into the field “Parameters”.
  • Save the changes.

Mypbx Konfigurationen1.jpg

The Path and the Parameters may contain placeholders that are replaced by phone call information.

   $n - phone number of the caller
   $u - uri of the caller
   $d - display name of the caller
   $c - conference ID (a global ID for the call) 

Now you will get the "start external application" button in every conversation or interaction field.

Eigener Screenshot mit Buttonhinweis EN.jpg


3rd party input
this is 3rd party content not provided by innovaphone, see history for authors.

Outlook Journal

Tested with: myPBX V11 / Outlook 2010

   Path: ...\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE
   Parameters:  /c ipm.activity /m bla?subject=Telefongespräch%20mit%20$n


Tested with: myPBX V11 / Firefox V.38

   Path: ...\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
   Parameters e.G.:  http://xxxx/$n/xxxx


Tested with: myPBX V11 / Windows 7

   Path: ...\Windows\notepad.exe
   Parameters e.G.:  C:\$d.txt

Open the default email client during a call and use the callinfo in the email

Tested with: myPBX V12, V13 and myApps V13r1 / Windows 10

   Path: notification from $u $d tel:$n&body=Hello, %0A%0APlease call back to $u $d tel:$n  %0A%0AKind regards, %0AYour Name
   Parameters e.G.:

Open a webbased CRM or Public website to search on a number

Tested with: myPBX V12, V13 and myApps V13r1 / Windows 10

   Parameters e.G.:

Open the Outlook client during a call and use the callinfo in the Calendar appointment

Tested with: V13 and myApps V13r1 / Windows 10

   Path e.g. : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE 
   Parameters e.G.: /c ipm.appointment /m " ?subject=call to tel:$I &body=Can we meet please call to tel:$I"