Reference13r1:Concept App Service AppStore
The App Services App Store is an App Service which can be installed on an innovaphone App Platform. It is used to store apps, firmware, software and app platforms. Once uploaded they can be downloaded from the download page. These items can also be cascaded from another App Store using it as a source App Store. This can be configured on the config menu (upper-right corner button).
The concept described below is not suited for an offline Appstore (e.g. when the innovaphone Appstore is not reachable by the customer devices). If needed, use the method based on an WebDav server.
If you are a PartnerApp developer and want to know how to deploy your apps in the innovaphone Appstore, please refer to the SDK documentation.
Applies To
- innovaphone PBX from version 13r1
App Store App (innovaphone-appstore)
This is an App, where an administrator can upload apps, firmware, software and app platforms. These can be downloaded from the own app or from the download page (/download.htm).
PBX Manager Plugins
With the App Store plugin App objects can be created, edited and deleted on the PBX.
Folder Structure
To upload apps, firmware, software and app platforms a path is required, which has to point to a folder containing the builds. These must be named after the build number.
Every build folder must contain an appid_files file where a list of the files that must be uploaded will be splited by commas (without white spaces). For example, "appstore.bin,appstore.debug,appstore.png".
The binaries must be placed inside 2 paths like this:
- ..130001\arm\appstore
- ..130001\x86_64\appstore
So if path is the path given in the appstore, the paths of all the files must be:
- path\130001\appstore_files
- path\130001\arm\appstore\appstore.bin
- path\130001\arm\appstore\appstore.debug
- path\130001\arm\appstore\appstore.png
- path\130001\x86_64\appstore\appstore.bin
- path\130001\x86_64\appstore\appstore.debug
- path\130001\x86_64\appstore\appstore.png
Every build folder must contain an firmwareid_files file where a list of the files that must be uploaded will be splited by commas (without white spaces). For example, "ip0001.bin,boot0001.bin".
So if path is the path given in the appstore, the paths of all the files must be:
- path\130001\ip0001_files
- path\130001\ip0001.bin
- path\130001\boot0001.bin
Every build folder must contain an softwareid_files file where a list of the files that must be uploaded will be splited by commas (without white spaces). For example, "myAppsSetup.exe".
So if path is the path given in the appstore, the paths of all the files must be:
- path\130001\myappswindows_files
- path\130001\myAppsSetup.exe
App Platform
The files that must be uploaded must be specified inside the fields File, Update, ZIP and ZIP2. Those must be inside a folder named as the build number, which is inside a folder named app-platform (i.e. app-platform\80008\…).
Download files from the App Store
To download the files from the App Store the the App Store URL can be used replacing "innovaphone-appstore" by "download". This URL can be used to create a new source on the App Store to get items from another App Store. It can also be used to download single files from the App Store just adding the right folder structure at the end of the URL. For example, to download the Icon from the Apidemo from build 130001 it will be: URL/download/130001/arm/apidemo/apidemo.png
For more information about the App Store, you could check this article.