Reference15r1:Concept App Service Projects

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FIXME: This product is in the beta phase and is not yet finished


The App Service Projects provides useful functionality to manage projects. It is built-on an hierarchical structure of areas, projects, backlog, sprints and tasks. Projects uses the Connect Api to post messages automatically at specified events, e.g. task status updates, and integrates the Connect App window to allow user posts.

Projects items

Projects items consist of description, status and responsible person like project owner, sprint manager or task handler.


The highest level items on the hierarchical structure of projects. E.g. to combine all projects of a department.
User access rights to the whole area including all lower level items are defined during area definition. Three access levels are provided: public, user group specific or private areas.
User groups are defined in the PBX. Protected areas and all their lower level items are invisible for unauthorized users.
Areas may be defined as zones in Connect.


A project consists of its description, status, the owner information and the area it belongs too. Projects may be filtered on area, project owner and/or attribute. Projects typically contain several sprints and backlog entries. Project tiles provides information about their sprints, backlog entries and tasks and a progress bar estimated on the story points of closed tasks / the story points of all tasks.


Container for any tasks and ideas to a project which are not in work yet. Backlog entries may be filtered on area, project, backlog entry handler and/or attribute.


Sprints specify closed units of work which are subdivided typically in several tasks. Sprint tiles provides information about their tasks and a progress bar estimated on the story points of closed tasks / the story points of all tasks. A sprint consists of its description, status, the manager information and the project it belongs too. Sprints may be filtered on area, project, sprint manager and/or attribute.


Tasks are small units of work which are mostly handled by one person. A task consists of its description, status, the handler information and the sprint it belongs too. Tasks may be filtered on area, project, sprint, task handler and/or attribute.

Other items and Projects users


Attributes are free defined, area independent flags. They may be assigned to all item types except areas. Attributes may be used as filter criteria.


To define sprint and task templates for specific workflows.

Projects users

Users are added automatically to projects as soon as they are logged in the first time. Only registered users can be assigned to Projects items.

Projects App UI concepts

The App Projects UI is subdivided into tabs that provide a structure that helps to organize projects, reflecting the Project Items: Areas, Projects, Sprints / Backlog and Tasks.

Other extra tabs provide additional functionalities: Attributes, Templates and Users.

Projects, Sprints and Tabs each consist of a board organising the Backlog or Planned, Current and Closed items.


When selecting an item, it works as filter on lower level items. E.g. if an area is selected, only projects of that area are provided. All active filter definitions are shown in the corresponding tabs and may be removed there.

Item search

Item title / ID search is provided for projects, sprints, backlog entries and tasks in the corresponding tabs. The item search does not consider user filters.


Updates on Projects items are synchronized immediately.

Using Projects App in combination with Connect App

When using Projects combined with Connect App new items defined in Projects or updates on items e.g. status changes are posted to Connect App.
The Zone has to be defined in Projects area definition and is used in all lower level items of the area.
Users are notified about item assignments and will be able to add comments / own posts on items.
Checks when having issues


  • The Application Platform must run at least version 120004


Settings App/App Installer

  • Install the Projects App on the App Platform via the 'Settings App/App Installer'-plugin:
    • Open the Settings App
    • Open the Projects-plugin
    • Read and accept the Terms and Conditions of the App Installer (if not done yet)
    • Search projects
    • Select the Projects-App
    • Select the correct version and click Install
    • Read and accept the Terms and Conditions of the Projects App and click Install
  • Add an App-Object via the Projects-plugin of the Settings App:
    • Close and Re-Open the Settings App
    • Open the Projects-plugin
    • Click on Add an app; Select 'Projects' and complete the form:
      • Name: Projects
      • SIP: projects
      • Connect App: select the correct Connect-App (default connect)
      • Connect Admin App: should be updated automatically to the previous Connect App appended with ~admin-service (default connect~admin-service)
      • (Optional) Assign the Projects-App to an existing Template
  • Assign the Projects App to authorized users using a Config Template and/or directly on the User Object(s)
  • Assign 'App(innovaphone-project)'-licenses to the authorized users (not yet possible - see below)
  • Open the Projects App

AP Manager/App Store

  • Install the Projects App on the App Platform via the App Store
  • Add an instance of the Projects App on the App Platform
  • Start the instance
  • Create a PBX-object:
    • Via the PBX Advanced UI (see below for settings)
    • Via the Settings App Plugin (not yet possible - see below) (optional: assign to the correct template(s))
  • Assign the Projects App to authorized users using a Config Template and/or directly on the User Object(s)
  • Assign 'App(innovaphone-project)'-licenses to the authorized users (not yet possible - see below)
  • Allow posting to Connect:
    • Assign the 'connect'-App to authorized users using a Config Template and/or directly on the User Object(s)
    • Assign 'App(innovaphone-connect)'-licenses to the authorized users
  • Open the Projects App


Only one PBX App object is used and needed.

Parameters of the PBX App object:

URL: https://<ap.domain.tld>/<domain.tld>/<instance-name>/innovaphone-projects

Under tab "App"

To allow posting to Connect App:


Under tab "Apps"

To allow Projects to maintain Projects zones in Connect:



Projects-plugin cannot see the Connect Admin Service

  • Check that the 'Connect'-App has an 'admin-service'-mode configured ('App'-tab).

Project cannot see the Connect-discussion

Both the Project-App and the User using the Project App must be checked for the necessary settings:

Checks in the Project-App object:

  • Check that the 'Project'-App has 'WebSocket' and 'Services' ticked ('App'-tab).
  • Check that the 'Project'-App has 'connect' and 'connect~admin-service' ticked ('Apps'-tab)
  • Open the Project-App/Areas + edit an Area. Check the 'Connect zone setup state':
    • Green: connection OK
    • Orange: connection not yet established
    • Red: connection NOK

Checks in the User-object using the 'Project'-App:

  • Check if the User using Projects has 'connect' ticked in the 'Apps'-tab (best deployed via a global Template (e.g. the default 'Config User')).

Area not connected

Check the previous Troubleshoot-item (Project cannot see the Connect-discussion) and edit the Area (via the Pencil-icon).
By editing the area the connection establishment will be restarted.

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