Howto:Update Tool

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This article is obsolete.

One of the challenges when upgrading an existing innovaphone V5 installation to a post-V5 firmware is the handling of the telephones (i.e. IP200, IP200A and IP202). Post-V5 firmware has a different configuration file format for the telephones so that a new configuration from scratch is required. As this usually needs to be done on a phone-by-phone basis manually using the phones web interface, the bulk of the time required and thus the cost incurred is due to this.

To speed up the migration of an installation to a post-V5 firmware, we provide the innovaphone update tool. This tool aims to reduce the time per phone required for the update from approximately 10 minutes down to 1 minute.

Please contact innovaphone presales via prior to perform massive updates on production environment. We will call you back.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • IP200, V5
  • IP200A, V5
  • IP202, V5

Build 08-51006 and later.

Problem Details

Required Upgrade Steps

To upgrade an existing installation, it is recommended to

  1. upgrade the telephone firmware
  2. update the phone configuration. The phones then will run registered with the V5 PBX and operate with possible V5 gateways
  3. upgrade the gateway firmware (if any)
  4. upgrade the PBX firmware

For more detailed information regarding the peculiarities of post-V5 migration, see the related articles below.

The phone configuration has changed after V5. This includes

  • function keys
  • local phone book
  • registration settings

During an update to post-V5 firmware all these settings get lost and thus need to be reconfigured.

How the update tool works

The update tool will automate most of the work required in step 2 above. It takes advantage of the Update Server Client built in to all innovaphone devices. The tool itself is a specialized implementation of a web server that provides the update information to the update clients (i.e. telephones).

The procedure then is as follows:

  • A telephone will send current configuration information to the update tool
  • Based on this information, a corresponding V6 configuration will be computed by the update tool
  • It will then instruct the telephone to download and flash up-to-date V6 firmware
  • When the telephone restarts, it will receive configuration commands from the update tool that will configure it so that the registration will work again, the local telephone book is restored in the new format and many of the function keys are configured properly

System Requirements

The telephones must be instructed to use the update tool as update server. It is most convenient to use DHCP to deploy this configuration. See the DHCP client article for more details.

For the tool to work, the telephones must be able to reach the update tool via HTTP. If the telephones in your installation can access the public internet (NAT is OK), then you can use the hosted version of the update tool right away at If this is not possible - e.g. because there is a firewall or a protected HTTP proxy - then you can download it as an appliance to run an any windows PC. The package will include both the web server and the PHP code pre-installed, so you can start with the migration after installing the appliance.

The telephones must not be upgraded to V6 firmware before you use the tool, as this will corrupt the current configuration information. This upgrade will be done by the tool automatically. However, unfortunately, V5 firmware builds prior to 08-51006 will not work properly with the update tool. It is thus required to upgrade to this build before the update process can begin. This should be easy if you already have an update server in place. If not, you can use the update clients function in the V5 PBX, or you can use the update tool as an update server as explained below.

To run the stand-alone appliance, you need a PC with Microsoft Windows. Although Windows workstation versions will work, we do recommend to use a server platform for larger installations, as the number of sockets available on a workstation may be too small. Please note though that the appliance will not use the Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS) and thus not suffer from its harsh limitations.

Using the update tool

This section guides you through the steps when using the update tool.

Update to Recent V5 Firmware

In order to successful update V5 phones to V6 an update of the firmware to version 08-51006 is required. You can use the V5 PBX's update clients function, a local update server or the innovaphone update server for this.

The build 08-51006 firmware files can be downloaded from

Using update clients function

Download the 08-51006 firmware files to your web server and update all phones using the update client function.

Using local update server

Download the 08-51006 firmware files to your update server and put them into the /update/08-51006 directory. You can then use following update script as example:

mod cmd UP0 prot ireset updated_v5

Store this text in a TXT file on the HTTP Server and provide the URL to this file via DHCP server to the phones:

Using innovaphone update service

If no local HTTP server is available you can use update service provided by innovaphone. Use following Update Server URL to flash recent V5 firmware:

Using update tool appliance

This update script is also provided by the update tool appliance. For more information check the "Settings" page.


When using the Service

ckl 16:13, 19 March 2014 (CET) As we have released Version 10 lately it is not envisaged to upgrade V5 installations any more. If need be, you must use the Apppliance

The update tool is provided as a service on innovaphone's web server. To use it, go to page and create an account. Log in to your account and go directly to the Settings page. You will find an Update Script URL like this:

Copy it from the web page and deploy it to all V5 telephones.

Polling interval about 5 minutes is fine. Do not set it shorter to avoid excessive load on our server.

On the Settings page, it is possible to configure a private URL for local firmware' so firmware files can be stored on a local web server (you might e.g. want to use a V6 gateways CF card for this). Using this option will reduce the load on the hosted update tool service as well as increase robustness, as firmware files are not retrieved through the internet.


  • create directory named "firmware" on a V6 gateway with compact flash card
  • create directory under "firmware" with build number and firmware files in it
  • adjust the URL:
  • place recent V6 firmware files in /DRIVE/CF0/firmware/ directory(e.g. ip200.bin,ip200A.bin)

When using the Appliance

The update tool is also available for download here. It is based on the XAMPP Project and gives you the ability to run it on your PC in networks without access to the internet.

  • Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a local drive on your PC:

  • Run setup_xampp.bat once to configure the appliance:

  • Now run xampp-control.exe and start apache module:

  • When the apache web server has successfully started, you can minimize xampp-control.exe to system tray, then check the log for errors:

  • Point a web browser to your PCs IP address. Do not use loopback addresses.

Updating the telephones

Go to Device page and wait until devices appear in the list. Devices should appear in the list as soon as the update client polling interval has expired:

The devices will now save the original config. Check whether it was saved properly by clicking Show under Config Backup.

Following actions are now available on the devices:

  • Update - Start firmware and configuration update. This will update the firmware to V6 and then load the converted configuration
  • Delete - Remove device from list. This option is also useful to create new config backup.
  • Rollback - Flash V5 firmware and config backup to device. Use it if conversion doesn't work as expected.
  • Checked - Mark device as checked after successful update and after you verified the config conversion.
  • Test - Show device conversion log. You also can see possible conversion errors by clicking "Test", e.g.
Conversion to V6 will complete with 0 errors

Key 2 "Login": [OK] Registration key converted
Key 3 "Mobile": [OK] Call Forward key converted
Key 5 "Ruf holen": [OK] Pickup key converted

vars del PHONE/USER-CFG/00000
vars del PHONE/USER-PWD/00000
config change PHONECFG0
config change PHONE SIG /prot H323 /gk-addr /tones 0
vars create PHONE/USER-PWD/00000 pc 
vars create PHONE/USER-CFG/00000 p  %3cuser%3e...%3c/user%3e

mod cmd PHONE DIR local-dir add "Testnumber",,,"65878545454",,,FLAG_NONE,1,FILTER_OFF,MELODY_1,5,4
config write
config activate
  • TestOnPhone - Apply original V5 config and converted V6 config to the test phones provided on settings page, so you can make a comparison between V5 and V6 config on live devices.

To update a device firmware and config to V6 select devices and press Update button. The device state will be changed to Updating Firmware.

The following actions are performed during the update:

  • device poll update URL and flash V6 firmware
  • device reboot
  • on next poll V6 config update script is executed
  • last reboot after configuration change is performed

Press "Refresh" button or F5 to see progress.

After update is performed, the device state will change to Converted. Now you can check device configuration using web interface and approve device update by Checked button. Checked devices appear at the end of device list.

Known Problems

Recorded keystrokes

Recorded function keys have no equivalent in V6 and are not converted. You have to redefine the functions to appropriate available V6 function keys.

Obsolete Function Keys

Not all function keys are convertible from V5 or are obsolete in V6. Such keys are shown as "ERROR: Key not converted, obsolete" in the device conversion log.

Following functions keys are implemented for the moment:

  • Call Forward
  • Login, Logout, Create Registration
  • Pickup
  • Dial (including Prepare and Announcement)
  • Partner
  • Hot Desking
  • Lock Phone
  • Hide Own Number
  • Headset
  • Do Not Disturb

Following function keys are obsolete or not convertible from V5 to V6/V7:

  • Calls(inbound)
  • Call Waiting
  • Alternative ringing
  • Switch user
  • All recorded keystrokes

No devices in the list

If no devices appear in the list you should check Update Server URL provided to devices and devices info page. Update Server URL should appear in V5 device info page. Also check windows firewall on your PC.

Firmware update from V5 to V7

Direct firmware update from V5 or V6 SR1 to V7 is not possible, cause new firmware header was implemented with V6 SR2. You have to update to V6 SR2 and convert the config at first step by using update tool, after that proceed with firmware update to V7 using update server as usual.

Related Links

You can use the hosted innovaphone update tool service on if the phones in your installation can access the public internet. As an alternative, you can download the innovaphone update tool appliance from in the tools folder of the published area.

Related Articles

Guideline V5 to V6 upgrade

Upgrade Issues V5 to V6

If you upgrade a box from V5 to V6 it will not work due to missing licenses

IP200 do not start after V6_upgrade

SR2 Upgrade Issue:Partial Rerouting Over BRI Interfaces

Devices loosing flashdir tables (e.g._calling_lists) after upgrade to SR1

Please use the search function to see all up-to-date articles.