Reference13r1:Concept App Service AppStore

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The App Services AppStore is an App Service which can be installed on an innovaphone App Platform. It is used to store apps, firmware, software and app platforms. Once uploaded they can be downloaded from the download page.

Applies To

  • innovaphone PBX from version 13r1



This is an App, where an administrator can upload apps, firmware, software and app platforms. These can be downloaded from the own app or from the download page (/download.htm).

PBX Manager Plugins


With the AppStore plugin App objects can be created, edited and deleted on the PBX.

Folder Structure

To upload apps, sirmware, software and app platforms a path is required, which has to point to a folder containing the builds. These must be named after the build number.


Every build folder must contain an appid_files file where a list of the files that must be uploaded will be splited by commas (without white spaces). For example, "appstore.bin,appstore.debug,appstore.png".

The binaries must be placed inside 2 paths like this:


So if path is the path given in the appstore, the paths of all the files will be:



Every build folder must contain an firmwareid_files file where a list of the files that must be uploaded will be splited by commas (without white spaces). For example, "ip0001.bin,boot0001.bin".


Every build folder must contain an softwareid_files file where a list of the files that must be uploaded will be splited by commas (without white spaces). For example, "mypbx.apk.bin".

App Platform

With the AppStore plugin App objects can be created, edited and deleted on the PBX.