Reference9:PBX/Objects/Call Broadcast
With the Call Broadcast PBX object, it is possible to distribute all calls arriving on this object to all members of a group that this Call Broadcast object belongs to.
See Reference9:PBX/Objects#General_Object_Properties for generic object properties.
The following specifications are made in the Broadcast section:
- Execute Group Member Diversions: If this checkmark is not set, calls to the Broadcast Object are sent only to endpoints registered directly at objects which are member of one of the broadcast groups and no call diversions which are configured at these member objects are executed. If checked however, call diversions are executed and the call is not only sent to endpoints registered at the member objects, but special functions of these member objects are executed (e.g. functions of a Waiting Queue).
- Round Robin Timeout (s): With the Round Robin Timer (RRT), an algorithm can be enabled which, after the specified interval has elapsed, signals incoming calls additionally to the next subscriber of the Call Broadcast group. All previously called phones ring, until a user takes the call.
A case example would be the support department of a company created as the Call Broadcast object. Several support staff belong to this object. By specifying the RRT, call distribution to the support staff can be automated. Here, the RRT is so intelligent that it makes a note of the last phoning subscriber and misses this subscriber out in the next signalling.