Reference15r1:Apps/PbxManager/App Projects
With the Projects Settings App plugin, the App Object for the Projects-App can be created and configured. In addition, the app object can be assigned to specific config templates (if any exist).
Add an app
- Name
- The name displayed for the App Object, which must be unique.
- The sip for the app object, which must be unique.
- Connect App
- Select the Connect-App (all available Connect-Apps will be listed). [1]
- Connect Admin Service
- Select the mandatory Connect Admin Service (all available Connect-Apps will be listed which have the 'admin-service'-mode) [2]
This field may not be empty (if so: check/correct the modes of the 'Connect'-app).
If Config Templates exist: these will be listed with a checkbox. The App Object will be assigned to the checked config templates.
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