Howto:Firmware Upgrade V5 V6

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Here is described what you have to take care of when upgrading from V5 to V6. Belongs to all innovaphone Products. It is not a big deal to Upgrade to V6.

Many things have changed in V6 therefore can not upgrade your system to V6 without manually reconfigure some issues.

When upgrading from V5 to V6 always save the config first!

When you have IP400, IP21 with running V5 Pbx after upgrading to V6 there will be no V6 Pbx running on these boxes, only Gateway (Relay) will work.

Applies To

This information applies to All innovaphone Products upgrading V5 to V6


IP202 with 8MB ram and 2MB flash V6 Pbx will not run at all.

It is possible to run the IP202 (with 2 MB Flash) only as an V6 Phone

Having IP202 8MB ram and 4MB flash V6 Pbx will work. Please refer here to this KB entry- Howto:V6 on IP202 and IP400


If you upgrade a whole Pbx installation we recommend first to upgrade the Phones, then the IP21 and finally your Pbx.

Having a Pbx Locations Concept - upgrade all your Locations to V6 (thats our recommendation) -

It is not in deep tested -V6 Pbx with V5 Pbx together in a Locations concept,so there could be some strange behaviour.

If you have different Locations with or without innovaphone Pbx connected via relay (connected via Gateway/Gatekeeper) ,so there is no Locations Concept you can have a mixed V5/V6 environment.

A V5 Pbx can also run with V6 Phones- this is quite intense tested in real life scenarios.

The basic software upgrade to V6 is the same handling as making normal V5 upgrades. You do not need to update the boot code.

After Upgrading insert your saved(!) Config file.

V5 Licences moving to V6

If you have non mac address bounded licences in your V5 environment - especially with Pbx Licences used in V5 this was not a must,and therefore it was mostly not done. Now with V6 you hav to bound them to the Mac address, otherwise they will not get active . Therefore you have to go to the Licence Manager.

Go to Bind Licencekey- here you see all your Not Bind-ed Licences.

Click on Bind at one Licence row , put in the mac address of the Product where you want to use the Licence- download it and insert it to your V6 innovaphone Product.


The IP230 and IP110 have no V5 therefore no issues here.

IP200 and IP200A

Use Howto:Update Tool to update phones from V5 to later versions including configuration and phone book.

Firmware upgrade

It can happen that the firmware upgrade fails if there are too many flash segments in use. This happens when there are a lot of V5-only segments. Such segments are not freed automatically. Also it can be that the LDAP directory used too much segments. A reset to factory defaults before upgrade should help in both cases.

Local Phonebook

The phonedir format was changed: phonebook and call lists stored on V5 phone are not more available on V6 firmware. Download the phonedir before from V5 phone upgrading to V6. After succesfull upgrade of the firmware upload the V5 phonedir to the phone under Upload->Directory.

Function Keys

You have to configure all Function Keys new- because they are changed totally and therefore all configured Function Keys with V5 will not be moved to V6. In V6 you have the possibility to configure all the function keys also via web interface.


If you have configured a name and Number in the Phone for registration to the Pbx- please make sure this is right written (also take care of upper case).

With V5 it was possible when you have for example a right e.164 number and a h.323 Name wrong written.

The phone registers to the Pbx, with V6 you have to take care that both entries are right (or use only one).

IP21/1 and IP21/2

When upgrading a IP21 to V6 make sure that you have the Licence for the analog Ports,Gatekeeper (if necessary) and Channel (DSP) Licences.

Go to your Licence Manager and download this licences (you get them for free for your IP21 ordered in V5 times)

Please read also Support:If you upgrade a box from V5 to V6 it will not work due to missing licenses.

If you have a Gateway as “Register as Endpoint “ or Register as Gateway” make sure that the Alias configuration is right (Name and /or Number).

If there is more Aliases configured and only one is wrong written all (!) of The Aliases can´t register.

In V5 registration was possible if the name or number was wrong written.

IP400/IP800/IP3000/IP6000 – without Pbx


Upgrading a Gateway without Pbx – first you have to take care for the new Licences (e.g channel Lics …), please read: Support:If you upgrade a box from V5 to V6 it will not work due to missing licenses.

PPP Port – if you don’t use this port as a PPP Port (instead as an Isdn Port for calls) Then this will not work in V6 unless you buy a Licence for the PPP port. Using as normal PPP Port it still works in V6 without Licence.


Configs from „disabled interfaces gets lost when upgrading to V6.

The best would be if you enable you disabled Interface- upgrade to V6 and then disable the interface again- to avoid reconfiguring.


If you have a Gateway as “Register as Endpoint “ or Register as Gateway” make sure that the Alias configuration is right (Name and /or Number). If there is more Aliases configured and only one is wrong written all (!) of The Aliases can´t register. In V5 registration was possible if the name or number was wrong written.


With V6 the Cdr´s path is encoded in the config file. The Config-applet in V5 has written the CDR Path uncoded to the config file.


Syntax-v5: plain path (not url encoded)

Example-v5: config change CDR1 ... /path /dir/file.asp

Syntax-v6: url encoded path

Example-v6: config change CDR1 ... /path %2Fdir%2file.asp

Therefore you have to reconfigure this manually in the Config File:

Download the config File and open in the editor.

Here you have two possibilities

Rewrite the CDR entries - with config change CDRX

Or you delete this config Row – then you have to manually reconfigure the CDR entries in the web interface.

Config file save and upload

IP800/IP3000/IP6000 –with PBX

All the issues described at “ IP400/IP800/IP3000/IP6000 – without Pbx” are also here with the including Pbx relevant.


First Take care of the Licences when upgrading your PBX! – go to the Licence Manager.

Here the Licences are not described in deep ,this is done on the V6 licence document or KB entries –go for the Link above.

For upgrading the Pbx to V6 you have to PAY a basic Licence – upgrading an V5 Pbx to V6 PBX is not for Free!!!

The old V5 Trial Lics are not working with V6.

In V6 you have new trial licences if you need then go to the trial license page.


Phones cannot register if no Location is configured

In V5 the default location was 'LOC'

In V6 the default location is '.'

So if a V5 was used without configuration of a location all users are configured for the location 'LOC'.

If you configure this location explicitly in your V6 config, the phones register again.

Pbx/General/Pbx Name – here enter the LOC

Objects in the Pbx.

There are new and different Objects in V6 – here there is a closer look to the differences after the upgrade to V6.

The EXTERN Object

There is a new mechanism for the EXTERN Object.

This is pretty much enhanced compared to the implementation in V5.

Now, a PBX will try to deliver a call if unknown send it to its up-nodes-tree-master.

If it returns back from there with "unassigned number" cause code send it to the extern object.

To configure on every Pbx (in the Numbering Node) a own EXTERN user and set it also in the Pbx /General at Route Root node external calls to and/or route Pbx node external calls to.

The Extern Object can be now any Object.

The Master and the Slave have the same options to set - but there is only one Extern for the whole root node .

Alslo you can define for every Node an own Extern Obejct.


If you have a Dect system (IP1500 or IP1200) you have to manually reconfigure the DECT User Object to this Object (Ldap-Object , into this will be the system Parameters discarded)


With V5 there was an Object User with Gateway Flag – this is removed with V6. Now there is an Object called Gateway. You have to reconfigure the Users with gateway Flag to Gateway Objects. Here you have also now the fine new feature to enable Block dialing. Some third party applications can only handle En-block dialing (e.g cycos mrs) .

Now you don’t need to route the calls in the relay and from there to another Gateway pointing to the application (and in this route force the call to en block).

This is one of the plenty of new V6 features - Here you can simplify the configuration.(save gateways)


If you use an External MOH source you have to reconfigure the MOH. As with the _EXTERN_ user there exists also no _MOH_ user anymore. The configuration of the external MOH is now very much simplified. Configure the Music on Hold URL in Pbx/General /Music on Hold URL.

You have to add "&coder=G729" or "&coder=G711" or if you use two coder "&coder=G711,G729" or whatever you codec is to the URL you have for the MOH.

That's all - you can delete all the routes and Gw´s what you needed for the MOH in V5 simplifies your configuration and save Gateways.

QSIG interfaces

The QSIG interface configuration needs to be upgraded as follows:

V5 protocol selector V6 protocol selector V6 Interop / CR Length V6 Interop CHI Type

Qsig interworking

Having a Qsig interworking configured, these settings get lost when upgrading to V6 . Please configure the Qsig interworking after upgrade manually new.

Mixed V5 and V6 Pbx Locations

When there is a Ldap replication from V5 to a V6 Pbx there is no "Node" attribute. In V6 there is on every user an Node attribute . Also when replicating the User is in the LOC Location/pbx. Therefore the Pbx rejects the registration of this user .

So you have to manually reconfigure all replicated users into the right Node and Pbx.

For example:

IP800 replicated from IP800 V5

(pbx=<grp name="led" mode="active"/>)
(pbx=<grp name="test" mode="active"/>)
(pbx=<grp name="base" mode="active"/>)
(pbx=<user busy-out="1" filter="normal" gi="led" pwd="6ede66c1c7d458ed80e2be4c5ff0375f"/>)

IP800 not replicated with new user

(pbx=<user filter="normal" cd-filter="normal" busy-in="65535"/>)
(pbx=<grp name="test"/>)
(pbx=<grp name="led" mode="active"/>)

V6 Pbx and V5 Locations

Here the Prefix handling is not working correctly and the prefix will not be seperated .

Solution: Configuring a MAP user in the Location with the Number= prefix , Destination leave empty.

Then only the cpgn is not working correctly ,a call from the Location(Slave) to the Master - there in the cpgn the Prefix is missing.

Here it is recommendet to disable the Ldap replication on the Location .

During the time of migration to V6 you have to configure the objects in the location manually (because of disabled Ldap replication).

Firewall and Network issues

Instead of sending RTP/RTCP from the fixed source ports 5004/5005(as we did in V5). We now send from the same ports on which we receive RTP/RTCP from the remote peer. The reason for this change are interworking problems with other peers and the improvements of our SIP implementation which uses the same media transfer mechanisms as H323. By default ports from 16384 to 32767 are used.

The port range used for RTP/RTCP can be restricted under "Configuration/IP/Setting/Port ranges".

'First UDP-RTP port' defines the lowest port number (for example 20000).

'Number of ports' defines the number of ports to reserve for RTP/RTCP starting at first port (for example 128, which is the minimum number permitted).

The resulting line in the config file would be :

config change IP0 /rtp-base 20000 /rtp-range 128

3rd party Applications

All Third Party Applications should work with V6 as with V5.

Known Problems

This entry will be continuously updated so maybe there are not all issues considered yet

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