Howto:Softwarephone recommended settings

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • innovaphone Softwarephone

Registration Protocol

Problem Details

The Softwarephone needs to setup a signaling connection to the PBX. With H323 (UDP), the signaling needs several ports and they are opened on demand for each action. Sometimes it can happen that the port opening takes too long on some Windows machines and the Softwarephone doesn't respond to any requests.


From v11, please use H323/TCP or H323/TLS for signaling protocol. With TCP, there is one permanent session open and this prevents any Windows Session timeouts

QoS Settings

Problem Details

Because the Softwarephone is a Realtime Communication Client, the Softwarephones network traffic must have a higher network priority than other Applications (Like all VoIP Traffic). If it is not prioritized, you can have Problems with bad Audio Quality.


Policy-based QoS must be configured on Windows Machines where the Softwarephone is running.

For a more detailed description, which ports an values should be used, see Howto:Set Type of Service (ToS) DiffServ DSCP Values for innovaphone Windows Applications (SoftwarePhone, myPBX Video).

Integration in myPBX Client

If you are using the Softwarephone with the myPBX Client, it's recommended to use the myPBX Integration where the login parameters are automatically taken from the myPBX Client.

This only works if Netlogon is disabled in the PBX!

The “Start Software Phone” flag in the myPBX configuration allows the registration and login data to be transferred automatically to the Software Phone.