Howto:Switzerland - Sunrise Business voice - SIP Provider(2015)

Product Name
Current test state
The tests for this product have been completed and it has been approved as a recommended product (Certification document).
Testing of this product has been finalized July, 2015.
All SIP Telephony Provider (i.e. Carrier)
SIP Provider: Sunrise Business voice
The provider supports all mandatory innovaphone features and is therefore qualified as recommended SIP Provider.
That being said, the provider has achieved 86,34% of all possible test points (139 of 161). For more information on the test rating, please refer to Test Description V11 and later
Please Note, that some features are restricted or not supported by Sunrise
- The T.38 feature is not available
- Fax via G.711 (T.38 to G.711 / Audio Fax support) is supported by Sunrise and work in most scenarios.
- Only G.711a, G.711u is supported, in special cases G.729 is supported, no other codecs are supported
- Overlapped Sending is not supported
- NAT Detection is not supported
- Redundancy Mechanism are supported when using two Sunrise Gateways
- SIP over TCP and SIP over TLS is not supported
- Call using SRTP are not supported
Sunrise doesn't support "Reverse Media negotiation". Because of this, "Media-Relay" and an "Exclusive Coder Setting" must be configured. In contrast to a SIP trunk which does not need Media-Relay, the transport of all RTP packets across the gateway will result in a higher CPU load.
In order to use some Features like Clip no screening, some configuration must be done.
Supported Features:
- Direct Dial In
- CGPN can be suppressed
- CLIP No Screening
- Hold/Retrieve
- Blind Transfer
Supported Codecs:
- G.711a, G.711u and in special cases G.729 only
For further informations on this test, please contact Sunrise.