Reference9:PBX/Objects/Call Broadcast Conference

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A broadcast conference object uses a local or remote conferencing resource (e.g. a CONF interface) to implement an automatic multi-party conference. When the object is called, calls to all members of the groups the broadcast conference object is an active member itself are initiated. Moreover the Call Broadcast Conference will only make calls to PBX object having the following type:

  • PBX User object(used in most scenarios for users with an active registration. >V12r2 users via push are not reachable)
  • Call Broadcast object
  • Executive object
  • Waiting Queue object (for example to provide an announcement in the conference. Also a WQ per user as work around for users that needs to be signaled via push >V12r2)

These calls then all participate in a single conference.

This object is built-in to the PBX and thus does not need a registration to work. It will run on the PBX that is set in the PBX field.

See generic object properties.

External Conference Resource Name
If the conference resource local to the broadcast conference object shall be used, you can leave this field empty. Otherwise, you must configure the object Name of an existing resource. When a called conference member picks up the call, it gets transferred to this object. This object will usually be either a conference resource on another innovaphone PBX or a 3rd party conferencing unit.
The call sent to the conferencing resource will have a called party number that consists of the Conference Id Prefix + Conference Id + Conference Id Suffix. There will be no calling party number. The object used as External Conference Resource must have the same PBX attribute as the broadcast conference object has and there must be a registration on it. The call will be then sent to this registration. Even if there are more than one registrations, or the gateway or trunk object is the external resource, only the first registration is used. There is no support for round-robin or 'no channel available'.
Create Dynamic Conference Id
Each individual conference running on a conferencing resource (a.k.a. conference room) needs a distinct conference-id. If this check box is ticked, conference ids will be created dynamically for new conferences. Please note that a single broadcast conference object never uses more than one conference object at a time.
Conference Id
If no Create Dynamic Conference Id is not checked, then you need to specify the conference id to be used here.
3rd Party Conferencing Unit
This only enables the next two fields till firmware V9 Hotfix 6. With firmware V9 Hotfix 7 and later this option is saved and, only if it is ticked, the id prefix and suffix defined in the next two fields are used, otherwise a predefined id prefix and suffix are used. It is not required to tick it if the conferencing resource is an innovaphone conference interface.
Conference Id Prefix
See above. Till firmware V9 Hotfix 6 leave '*3' for the innovaphone CONF interface. With later firmware versions this option is only used if the 3rd Party Conferencing Unit option is ticked, otherwise the predefined id prefix is used.
Conference Id Suffix
See above. Till firmware V9 Hotfix 6 leave '#' for the innovaphone CONF interface. With later firmware versions this option is only used if the 3rd Party Conferencing Unit option is ticked, otherwise the predefined id suffix is used.
Alert Timeout
The broadcast conference object will call members and wait Alert Timeout seconds for the user to pick up the call.
Connecting Mode
This setting defines when members are connected to the conferencing unit:
Direct: Direct response. Members (including the initiator,even if there is no one in the Group) are connected immediately.
First: First member ansers. Members are connected after the first called member picks up. The initiator will hear a tone meanwhile.
All: When all users have answered. Members are connected only after all called member picked up. The initiator and all but the last called member will hear a tone meanwhile.
Timeout: When all users have answered, or at least one and after timeout. Same as above, except that if there are at least 2 members who have picked up and the timeout expired the members are connected.
Alert only at conference begin
If this is ticked, unconnected group members aren't alerted again with a new call to the conference if the conference is still running.
Only Group Members allowed
If this check box is not ticked, anyone can initiate the conference by calling the broadcast conference object. If it is ticked, only group members can.
Disconnect last remaining user
If this check box is ticked, the last conference user is disconnected if the last but one user leaves the conference. Otherwise he is not disconnected.
Allow Announcement Calls
If this is ticked, initiating announcement calls will trigger outgoing member invitation calls as announcement calls too.
Call always as Announcement Call
If this is ticked, all outgoing member invitation calls are sent as announcement calls.
Note: Not all gateway devices support local conferencing. The number of locally available conference channels is shown on the device's home page (Conference n Channels) and is specified in the devices datasheet (Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for up to n voice/audio conference channels, e.g. in IP3011 Technical Data EN). For conference licensing, see Howto:Conferences, Resources and Licenses.
Note: Some early IP6000 do not support this feature. Refer to the upgrade details if you consider upgrading your hardware.

Please refer to Gateway/Interfaces Conferencing Interface for access to a generic conferencing resource if no Broadcast Conference is required. In later firmware versions (11r1 and up), refer to Reference11r1:PBX/Objects/Conference for a PBX-based general purpose conferencing facility.