Reference14r2:Concept App Service Working

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The Working App is an app for recording working hours. There is a user app (Working User) to start/stop time tracking and an admin app (Working Manager) to view working hours for all users.

Applies To

  • innovaphone PBX from version 14r2


  • innovaphone PBX
  • innovaphone Application Platform
  • innovaphone myApps
  • Firmware V14r2 beta1 or higher
  • License “App(innovaphone-working)” (order no. 02-00050-010) per application-user


The innovaphone Service Working App is an app to track working hours. There is a user app (Working User) to start/stop time tracking (clock style) or to add entries manually. These entries must be confirmed (=submitted) to be displayed on the admin app. Once they are confirmed, they can no longer be edited. There is also an admin app (Working Manager) to display the working time information for all users and where the configuration settings can be changed. The app is designed to help employees and employers to easily track working hours in a digital manner.

How it works

The first time a user starts the Working App on myApps a new entry is created in the database for this user, based on the "Name" of this user, which will be used to store all the working hours entries, vacation days, sick days and national holidays. Entering the working hours is a two step task, because after defining the start/stop time it is also necessary to "confirm/submit" these hours as correct, after the confirmation is done the user can't change them anymore and they will be displayed on the admin app.

In the Working Admin App the list of the users' names is based on the "Display Name", if no DN is set then the "Name" will be used. Once the users have opened the working app at least once, they will appear in the list of all users in the Working Manager App. The app adds a red mark when an user does not fulfill the working hours regulation.



This is an app (Working User), where the user can enter the working hours, holidays, sick and vacation days. This can be done by clicking on the start/stop button. The user have also a calendar view to add, edit or delete working hours.


This is a hidden app (Working Api), where the myApps session is been monitorized when the autostart/stop of the working times is enabled on the Working User App.


to set a websocket connection.
to configure the app as hidden.
to get the app object name where to send the notifications.
to send the notifications.


This is an app needed to provide the Working Client API, so that other apps can start/stop working times. The innovaphone-working-client-api app is also a hidden app. The PBX Manager plugin also sets the hidden function. This app should be granted to apps that use it, not to users.


to set a websocket connection.


This is an admin app (Working Manager), where an administrator (i.e. Human Resources) can see the users' working hours. Periodic reports are generated with a list of users who do not comply with the hours restrictions. Several settings like the working hours per day can be configured per user and they are set to 8 hours from monday to friday by default.

Now "hr" must be entered as Mode on the app object on the PBX. With that now there are 2 workingmanager apps for the user-objects avaiable:
workingmanager and
The administrator needs both.

  • workingmanager: the managers on the group can only see the users on the group (no hamburger menu avaiable)
  • workingmanager~hr: all the users can be seen there and all the configurations are available

Also some config items can be edited on the hamburguer menu:

  • General settings
    • Timeout to submit entries (days): max interval the user has to submit the working hours.
    • Min break time after 6 hours: min break time if the user has worked more than 6 hours.
    • Min break time after 9 hours: min break time if the user has worked more than 9 hours.
    • Config working types: which can be selected on the dropdown for every working interval and are available for all users.
  • No email reports are available on 14r2
  • Default working hours: workings hours defined per day when a user opens the app for the first time, which can be modified per user on the Admin App (Working Manager).
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
  • Rights
    • Config groups
      • Groups can be defined
      • Only the managers of the groups can see the users on the group on the Working Manager App
      • Working types only available for the users on the group can be configured
      • Enable/disable restrictions to submit working hours for the users on the group

The users' data can be exported and imported on CSV format. There are some fixed fields that are available for the import and the export. There are also some other fields that are only displayed on the export file just as extra information, which are marked with (*).

CSV export


The fields that come with the CSV are the SIP, GUID, domain, display name, the defined working hours per day and the personal number. &sip;&guid;&domain;&dn;&monday;&tuesday;&wednesday;&thursday;&friday;&saturday;&sunday;&p_number


The fields that come with the CSV are the SIP, the start timestamp, the working hours, label (vacation for a vacation day, hvacation for a 1/2 day vacation, holiday for national holidays, sick for sick leave), confirmed (if the absence has been submitted), date, and the personal number. &sip;&start;&duration;&label;&confirmed;&date;&p_number


The fields that come with the CSV are the SIP, the start timestamp, the stop timestamp, confirmed (if has been submitted), the display name, the personal number, the start date, the start time, the stop date, the stop time, the amount of hours and the label (if a type has been selected). &sip;&start;&stop;&confirmed;&dn;&p_number;&start_date;&start_time;&stop_date;&stop_time;&hours;&label

CSV import


The fields that should come with the CSV are the SIP, GUID, domain, display name, the defined working hours per day and the personal number. &sip;&guid;&domain;&dn;&monday;&tuesday;&wednesday;&thursday;&friday;&saturday;&sunday;&p_number


The fields that should come with the CSV are the SIP, the start timestamp, duration (the working hours), label (vacation for a vacation day, hvacation for a 1/2 day vacation, holiday for national holidays, sick for sick leave), confirmed (if the absence has been submitted) and date (if present timestamp will be ignored). The date must always have the english format, i.e. MM-DD-YYYY. &sip;&start;&duration;&label;&confirmed;&date


The fields that should come with the CSV are the SIP, the start timestamp, the stop timestamp, confirmed (if has been submitted). &sip;&start;&stop;&confirmed


the name of the working admin app.

PBX Manager Plugins


With the Working plugin App Objects can be created, edited and deleted on the PBX.


  • Install the Working App with the new AP app installer available in the PBX manager. Hint : after the installation done, close and open again the PBX Manager to refresh the list of the installed app (the coloured plug-in)
  • Create a new PBX Object for the Working User, Working Manager and Working API Apps with the PBX Manager Plugin.
  • Assign the Working User (to normal users) and Working Manager App (to administration for example Human Resources) by selecting the config template that should include the App.
  • Assign the Working API to all the users, so users can use the auto start/stop and push notifications.
  • Assign license "App(innovaphone-working)" via config template or directly to all users using the APP.
  • Open the object workingadmin / App / Modes: (insert here:) hr.
  • Open the object Config Admin / Apps / workingadmin~hr (select).
  • Set configuration settings on the "burger" menu of the Working Manager App (i.e. Reports Interval in weeks, groups and types configuration...).


Trace flags for App on App Platform:

  • App
  • App Database
  • App Websocket

Trace flags for myApps Client:

  • Browser Console

Known issues

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