Reference13r1:Apps/PbxManager/App Users
There are also other versions of this article available:
Reference13r1 (this version) | Reference13r2
This PBX Manager Plugin contains 2 sections:
- Add or edit Profile, UsersAdmin, Users and Users APIs App Objects on the PBX.
- Change the configuration.
Add an App
- Name
- The name displayed for the App Object.
- The sip from the App Object, which must be unique.
- Config templates
- Select which config templates will allow to access the App Object.
Change configuration
- Select the PBX (a single App Users Service can provide App Objects from several PBXs).
- Use as Profile app
- If enabled, the hamburger menu on myApps will display the button "Edit profile".
- Allow to create a user account using a web registration form
- If enabled, the No account yet? link will be displayed on myApps and the service will allow to register users via the registration page.
- Allow users to reset the password using a web form
- If enabled, the Forgot Password? link will be displayed on myApps and the service will allow to reset the password.
- Allow users to delete their own accounts
- If enabled, the option to delete the own account will be displayed on Profile.