Howto:Phone Features when registering an innovaphone Phone to the PBX with SIP

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Innovaphone always recommend when registering an Innovaphone Endpoint to Innovaphone PBX to use H.323 to have full features available.

However in some cases costumer wish to use SIP for the communication between PBX and IP Phones for example when exist firewalls/software that analyze the SIP Traffic in the network.

For that reason this article explains which features currently will not work when using the SIP Protocol in the Innovaphone Phone registered on an Innovaphone PBX.

Specific features that are not expected to work since they are only implemented with H.323 Signalling:

  • Recall/Callback if User busy
  • Presence on Ringing Message
  • Call Forwarding State from PBX not updated in the IP Phone Screen.
  • Call Forwarding FunctionKey
  • Join Groups FunctionKey
  • Park FunctionKey
  • Group Indications
  • Intrude/Call Intrusion
  • Physical Location (@PBX)
  • Application Sharing with myPBX
  • Standby PBX with 2GK Registration
  • Detection of Internal/External call (Ringtone,Recording,etc)

PBX Provisioning of the User config to the Phone when using SIP it's possible, the settings of the user are sent using SIP Options after the registration.

Note: Could exist other features that are not listed in this Test Report that could not work, we tried to cover the most of them in this article.

Certification Status

The tests for this product have been completed.

Testing of this product has been finalized April 28th, 2015.


  • Tested Devices
    • Innovaphone PBX version V11rs2
    • Innovaphone IP222 with v11sr2

Note: Besides the difference of coders this information should apply to IP110,IP200,IP230,IP240,IP241,IP2x2,IP11x

Test Setup

Device Setup

Tested feature Result
Register Device w/o specific configuration (requires DHCP) OK
DHCP is default OK
DHCP yields timeserver and time displays correctly OK
SNTP config has TZ string for timezone/dst autoconfig OK
DHCP yields correct default gateway OK
Device supports magic registration (e.g. by serial) OK
Fixed registrations works OK
Device registers w/o Extension (just by name) OK
Device registers by name with non-latin1 characters (e.g. UserÄÖÜ) OK
Device registers by extension OK
Device registers with password OK
Device registers multiple identities OK
2nd GK is supported (mit SIP??) NOK
Changing registrations between GK1 and GK2 (mit SIP??) NOK
PBX redirect (UserObject on Master/Phone at Slave registered) OK
Physical Location (@PBX) correct? NOK
Device supports STUN protocol OK
Device sends NAT - keepalive messages OK
Device usable in hosting scenarios? OK
Device refreshes the PBX registration OK
Device supports SIP over TCP OK
Device supports SRTP (SDES) OK
Device supports DTLS OK
Device supports ICE OK
Device supports SIPS (SIP over TLS) OK
Device supports HTTPS OK
Device supports VAD (Voice activity detection) OK
Device supports Auto-Answer (needed when used with CTI client) OK
Device supports Provisioning via PBX OK
Supported menu languages 19

Test Results

Basic Call

Tested feature Result
call using g711a OK
call using g711u OK
call using g729 OK
call using g722 OK
Overlapped sending OK
Device shows called id number OK
Device shows called id name OK
Device shows called id display info OK
CGPN can be suppressed OK
Reverse Media Negotiation OK
Device shows CDPN/CGPN on incoming call OK
Device shows CDPN/CGPN on outgoing call OK
Device shows connected number OK
Device shows diverting number OK
Device supports distinctive ringing OK
Device supports asymetric codec negotiation OK
Device supports codec renegotiation during a conversation OK
Device shows correct display message in case of busy CDPN OK
Device shows correct display message in case of not existing CDPN OK
Device shows correct display message in case that the call is declined OK
3party conference possible OK
Device supports display updates during call(needed for Directory Search object) OK
Long Time Call (>30 min) works? OK
Registration redirecting works? OK
Incoming SRTP call - SRTP not enabled on DUT OK
Incoming SRTP call - SRTP enabled on DUT OK
Voice Quality OK? OK
Recall/Callback if User busy NA
Presence on Ringing Message NOK
Intrude/Call Intrusion NOK


Tested feature Result
DTMF tones sent correctly OK
DTMF tones received correctly OK
RFC 2833 Supported? OK
SIP INFO Supported? OK
Inband DTMF Supported? OK


Tested feature Result
Device handles incoming hold correctly OK
Device can put a call on hold using correctly(inactive or sendonly) OK

Transfer with consultation

Tested feature Voice Ok? MoH Ok?
inno1 calls inno2. inno2 transfers to testphone. OK OK
inno1 calls inno2. inno1 transfers to testphone. OK OK
inno1 calls testphone. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK OK
inno1 calls testphone. testphone transfers to inno2. OK OK
testphone calls inno1. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK OK
testphone calls inno1. testphone transfers to inno2. OK OK

Transfer with consultation (alerting only)

Tested feature Voice Ok? MoH Ok?
inno1 calls inno2. inno2 transfers to testphone. OK OK
inno1 calls inno2. inno1 transfers to testphone. OK OK
inno1 calls testphone. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK OK
inno1 calls testphone. testphone transfers to inno2. OK OK
testphone calls inno1. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK OK
testphone calls inno1. testphone transfers to inno2. OK OK

Blind Transfer

Tested feature Voice Ok?
inno1 calls inno2. inno2 transfers to testphone. OK
inno1 calls inno2. inno1 transfers to testphone. OK
inno1 calls testphone. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK
inno1 calls testphone. testphone transfers to inno2. OK
testphone calls inno1. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK
testphone calls inno1. testphone transfers to inno2. OK

Blind Transfer (alerting only)

Tested feature Voice Ok?
inno1 calls inno2. inno2 transfers to testphone. OK
inno1 calls testphone. testphone transfers to inno2. OK
testphone calls inno1. inno1 transfers to inno2. OK

Broadcast Group & Waiting Queue

Tested feature Result
testphone makes call to a Broadcast Group. inno1 picks up. OK
inno1 makes call to a Broadcast Group. testphone picks up. OK
testphone makes call to a Waiting Queue. inno1 picks up before announcement is played. OK
testphone makes call to a Waiting Queue. inno1 picks up after announcement is played. OK
inno1 makes call to a Waiting Queue. testphone picks up. OK


Tested feature Result
Device built-in directory
Exists OK
Can be dialled from OK
Does CLI resolution OK
display update if directory object is used? OK

Tested feature Result
External LDAP Server supported OK
Can be dialled from OK
Does CLI resolution OK
display update if directory object is used? OK

Function Keys

Tested feature Result
Device has speed dial keys OK
Device has programmable function keys OK
Device has partner keys OK
Call Forwarding FunctionKey NOK
Join Groups FunctionKey NOK
Park FunctionKey NOK

CTI Features (with SOAP / TAPI / myPBX)

Tested feature Result
User Call - outgoing call OK
User Connect - Answer incoming call OK
User Reject - Reject alerting call OK
User Disconnect - Disconnect active call OK
User Hold - Put connected call on hold OK
User Hold Retrieve - Retrieve call on hold OK
User Transfer - Transfer with Consult OK
User Transfer - Transfer with Consult (Alerting only) OK
User Transfer - Blind Transfer OK
3PTY - Make 3rd Party Call OK
Park Call / Retrieve Parked Call OK
Pickup Call OK
Connected Number Update on Display OK

UC Features

Tested feature Result
Video calls possible? OK (with myPBX)
Video conference possible? (max. amount of participants) NA (feature of myPBX)
Video Codecs NA (feature of myPBX)
enable/disable video during call OK (video streaming stop/start)
Application Sharing NOK (with myPBX)
Set own presence possible? OK
See presence of others possible? OK
send IM - messages to phones possible? OK

Related Articles

SIP Features and Supported RFCS