This is the Firmware 13r2 Release Notes Document.
Service Releases are planned for the second Monday each month. For each of the service release, the complete set of tests is executed. If problems show up during the tests, the problems are fixed. This may cause a delay. The tests are started early, so that some delay is covered, but it still may happen that the patchday has to be moved. In this case it is hard to predict when the service release is good. It may be any day, so it would not be good to move the patchday by a fixed number of days, it still should be released as early as possible.
Please see:
- the disclaimer before using the information presented here!
- Howto:Firmware Upgrade
Firmware 13r2
13r2 Main improvements
103169 - App Generic and JavaScriptEnvironment for app services
The App Generic can be used to run apps on the app platform that are written in JavaScript, only.
- Web Apps can be hosted on the innovaphone App Platform without developing and compiling a specific app service.
- If the app needs a specific app service the JavaScriptEnvironment can be used to code the app service in JavaScript, as an alternative to C++.
103239 - Application sharing using video streams
Improved image quality and refresh rate when using application sharing in myApps.
103181 - Brute force protection in myApps
If the PBX detects a brute force attack on a users myApps password, it slows down the attackers login attempts.
Also the user gets notified about possible attacks inside myApps.
106999 - Call list: Filtering (all, missed, incoming, outgoing)
The call list app now has four different views:
- all calls
- missed calls
- incoming calls
- outgoing calls
103180 - Do not disturb in myApps
If the presence "DND" is set, myApps will prevent the Phone and Softphone App from starting.
103182 - Fax2Mail
The Fax App can now send incoming faxes via email.
103175 - Improved App Store
The App Store inside the App Platform Manager got a new UI with improvements needed for third-party apps.
103178 - Improved echo cancellation for Softphone App, IP10x and IP11x
To improve audio quality in speaker phone mode we added a new echo canceler to myApps for Windows and the IP10x and IP11x phone series.
103177 - Initial integration of myApps into MS Teams
myApps can now be added to MS Teams as an app.
For now, the web application is opened inside teams without any further integrations.
This is our starting point for a possible deep integration in the future.
103170 - myApps for macOS
myApps is now available for macOS.
So it can now be used on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and in the browser.
103173 - myApps Tutorials
The hamburger menu of myApps can now display a link to user tutorials that can be configured by the customer.
By default it points to a website hosted by innovaphone containing video tutorials about myApps.
103172 - New features in the Recordings App
106637 - PBX Manager Explorer
Tool to search and modify PBX object configuration
103179 - Reverse lookup in Outlook contacts in myApps for Windows
On incoming calls the phone apps do a reverse phone number lookup in the local Outlook address book.
103174 - Reverse Proxy IPv6 support
103171 - Switchboard App
First version of our new Switchboard App, that will replace the innovaphone Operator in the long term.
104771 - TLS: Support for GCM cipher suites
For details see:
103183 - Wake Softphone App by CTI
Starting outgoing calls using CTI (SOAP or RCC) now autostarts the controlled Softphone App of the user.
13r2 Other improvements
108098 - Added IWebsocket::GetHeaderFieldValue function
Headers can be now retrieved from websocket connection inside apps.
103875 - Added UDP socket to the SDK and added broadcast support
110259 - Advanced UI - 13r1 SIP profiles missing
109177 - Advanced UI: Session timeout inconsistent
Fix for the brute force protection for the login on the advanced UI.
109208 - Advanced Web UI: Password not fullfilling complexity leads to malformed xml.
Only 13r2, only for IP160/IP1203
105203 - Allow creation of certificates for IPVAs
105852 - Allow opening of dyn PBXes through the Devices App
Changed the absolute href to a relative href which can be used within the Devices App.
107478 - AP Manager: add image version to UI and coredump filenames
109225 - AP Manager: copy webserver logs to crash log if an App crashes
The webserver log is now prepended to the log of a crashed app.
108282 - AP Manager: hand DNS name as app argument
The app platform DNS name wasn't correctly handed as command line argument.
105204 - AP Manager: prevent trap on deleting logfiles if log directory doesn't exist
107612 - AP Manager: send alarm email and stop apps if disk is too full
An email address can be now configured in the Alarms&Events settings which will receive an email if the disk gets too full.
The disk full threshold can be configured too.
If this threshold is reached, all apps will be stopped to prevent apps from writing to their database.
102140 - App Devices: devices can be auto reprovisioned with a different category
107394 - App Devices: do not show apply button again after applying new update job URLs
If the URLs has been changed and the new files have been applied, the apply button was shown again.
105921 - App Devices: fixed crash during shutdown under certain conditions
In certain conditions, the App might trap during shutdown.
107170 - App Devices: fixed crash in rare cases if a client looses its connection to the App
The Devices App might have trapped in rare cases if a client lost the connection to the Devices App.
102101 - App Devices: fixed sporadic trap if device restarts during update job
109196 - App Devices: renaming a domain without setting a new password breaks the old password
If a domain is renamed and no new password has been given, the old password was broken after a restart of the Devices app.
106256 - App Devices: support large apps.json files
The Devices App can now handle apps.json files larger than 64kb for update job handling.
108160 - App Events: Do not send password if it has not been changed
On the config tab whenever a change was made, the password was always updated on the Config Library and set as empty even if it has not been edited.
108099 - App Events: Reduce number of logs saved by default
Now the last 100000 logs are saved by default on the DB.
107652 - App object: Explicit configuration of app icon URL for plain websites
In version 13r1, myApps did not display an app icon for external websites.
In 13r2 we added a field "Icon URL" at the app object that can be used to configure an explicit icon URL. If configured, myApps uses the icon behind that URL.
Note: you can also configure data URLs, like:
103754 - App Profile: Added config item to allow to edit name and display name
So the administrator can allow the users to edit the name and the display name on Profile. By default is allowed.
103350 - App Profile: Call diversions hints (based on presence) not displayed
The text hints con the call diversions that must be displayed when "Depends on the Presence status" is active, were not displayed.
103339 - App Profile: Call diversions input field is sometimes disabled
104991 - App Profile: Diversions - on search results only telephonenumber was displayed
Homephone and mobile were been ignored.
105039 - App Profile: Diversions - when setting a number from contacts () and whitespaces should be removed
105981 - App Store: Add Platform date sorting and hints about versions
- Fix app platform versions sorting (latest on top)
- Add tooltips over the app versions:
* arm -> "Installation on innovaphone gateway with arm CPUs, e.g. IP811"
* arm64 -> "Installation on innovaphone gateways with arm64 CPUs, e.g. IP6013"
* x86_64 -> "Installation on virtual environments, e.g. IPVA"
64774 - App Store: allow to download binaries without packing them into a ZIP file
For Android it would be more practical if the apk file could be downloaded unzipped. So it could be easily updated on the Smartphones.
104606 - App Store: App binaries could be downloaded duplicated
When clicking on the download button on the App UI, the binaries could be downloaded twice. On the array of files to download some filenames could be duplicated.
105910 - App Store: Do not update timestamp if build is uploaded twice
104660 - App Store: EULAs input field should not be limited to 45 characters
Only an UI limitation, not a DB one.
108100 - App Store: Wrong URL to download x86_64 App Platform on download.htm
The URL should not contain /app-platform/[build]/...
102264 - App Users: Remove duplicated provisioning codes
Now the duplicates are deleted when the provisioning is started.
108599 - App UsersAdmin: Softphone not deleted
The customer creates an user in Usersadmin in root node and master pbx. Afterwards he goes to the Advanced GUI and change the Node to the master pbx. Then he goes back to Usersadmin and assigns a Softphone to the User. If he then deletes the Softphone in Usersadmin it isn't deleted in the Advanced GUI.
110592 - App Voicemail: Encryption Key has to contain 32 Bytes of length
111154 - App Voicemail: Trap if pbx session is not online and awsClient is triggered
102944 - App Yealink: "Use Outbound Proxy in Dialog" must enabled
This parameter must be enabled on the config to avoid issues on the Cloud:
sip.use_out_bound_in_dialog = 1
106574 - App Yealink: Added rfc2543_hold to the phone configuration file
sip.rfc2543_hold = 1
Otherwise our music on hold will not be played
107595 - Apps/Unix clients: webserver might not start if IPv6/IPv4 interface is not available
If a socket open failed on creating a new TCP/UDP/LDS socket, a Bind or Connect call didn't trigger the SocketShutdown callback, so e.g. the Webserver didn't start correctly.
This might happen if IPv4 or IPv6 is disabled completely.
108030 - AppSharing license did not work for Video AppSharing
105794 - Avatar API: Rework Avatar API logic (DN/CN)
- User found: DN(DB) and if no DN(DB) then CN(DB)
- User not found: DN(API) and if no DN(API) then "..."
110233 - Avoid RTPTP routing loop
On server side, don't send packet back to the interface it was received from
107247 - Blind transfer to international number did not work
Adding the prefixes was missing
104204 - Call Forward from WQ Operator to Voicemail failed
Announcements from Voicemail stopped
110202 - Call thru broadcast could not tranfered back to broadcast
A loop detection blocked a blind transfer
103519 - Calling Name was not forwarded by PBX Multicast object
103168 - Calls from fixed phone to softphone with media-relay fail sometimes
In case Opus is used
106033 - Change naming of ICE failed event
Changed the title of the event for clarification:
old: "ICE failed"
new: "ICE: No network connection between endpoints"
106094 - Chat badge count was some times not cleared
The badge count on received chats should be cleared whenever the user has seen the message
107881 - Chat: Any user could change group admin rights of any other member
Only group admins should be able to do this
108196 - Chat: Paste into chat did result in strange format sometimes
108197 - Chat: Scroll into view on enter did not work correctly
107446 - Contacts: Altered Attribute List Processing
Allow the PBX's Quickdial object to interwork with the Contacts App.
The attributes metaSearchText, metaSearchNumber are no longer passed on into database queries, because those do not exist as SQL columns.
108932 - Crash in SNMP at duplicate free
Trap Dest '::' caused a crash
102652 - Create another DB connection to delete the logs
The task to clean the logs table must be done with another DB connection, so deleting the logs will not block the DB.
105994 - Dect IP1202: LDAP tracing into debug.xml
LDAPSRV, LDAPDIR, FLASHDIR checkmarks into debug.xml, resp. trace.xsl
103503 - Do not generate events for relay CDRs with POST
If you get many events with malformed XML CDRs, you may consider to switch to GET inside the gateway CDR configuration until this fix is published.
106486 - Firmware: create push object during install
107798 - Firmware: do not prompt install for release updates within one major version
Install shouldn't be shown for updates from 13r1 to 13r2.
105872 - Firmware: fixed Maintenance->Update after changing URL and added error message
The wrong URL was correctly used after changing it and if the update fails (e.g. file not found) no error was shown.
Depending on the state of the internal App Platform and on the timing of browser requests, the gateway might have trapped in rare occasions.
105942 - Firmware: HTTP and Websocket clients now send SNI on TLS connections
The server name identification extension in the ClientHello message is now used to transmit the DNS name of the server.
This can information be used by reverse proxies, firewalls, etc.
106440 - Firmware: new Push PBX Manager plugin
This new plugin provides the configuration for a new Push app which doesn't require a separate authentication, just MTLS towards the
108317 - Fix for "DTLS failed with error code 1"
a=setup attribute missing in SDP answer given to brwoser (WebRTC).
104877 - Fix for trap when getting trace data
Possible trap when getting trace data from device.
104024 - Fixed bug with chunked decoding of JSON structures
If the incomplete JSON structure contained special combinations of nested arrays / objects, the chunked/incomplete decoding failed.
103119 - Gateway Route 'Add #' did not work for enbloc calls
- should be added in any case
105049 - GIT migration: rename folder "update" to "up"
update is a dirty word in GIT :-(
103640 - H.323 Media Negotiation did not work with reverse media together with early media in call-proc
This cause a problem for calls initiated with RCC for a mobility endpoint thru a SIP trunk with early media
108293 - ICE: silently discard messages without MESSAGE_INTEGRITY
BINDING_REQUEST and BINDING_RESPONSE messages shouldn't be accepted during the ICE handshake, if the MESSAGE_INTEGRITY attribute is missing.
104141 - Incomplete CDR if call is redirected from WQ with SOAP/RCC
102419 - IP111/IP112/IP101/IP102: Improved the speakerphone echo canceller performance
105920 - IP111/IP112/IP101/IP102: Level limitation in headset and speakerphone mode was imprecise
150483 - IP111A IP112A Support High Assurance Boot (HAB)
HAB can be enabled with config flags A...
HAB can be disabled with a factory reset.
If the HAB Boot is enabled only signed bootcode and firmware can be loaded. The signature has to match the fused hash key of the signature.
Attempts to load unsigned firmware or bootcode will we rejected.
109897 - IP222/232: Config option use DISC key as HEADSET key
New config file option to re-define function of disconnect key on older phone models:
config change KEYS0 /disc-as-headset
104161 - IP24 linker warning entfernen
Files. ip24.mak
103679 - IP241: Support for config option /show-own-name
Support for config option /show-own-name on IP241
105067 - IP29: Fix Ethernet link setting for 100M-fdx-fixed
UI was selecting the wrong choice
108307 - ip6013 - simplified set_level(), reduced irq backlog
set GIC priority level directly in set_level(), an extra function call is not required. don't save hppir, contains no usable info.
105425 - ip6013: count only acknowlegded BMAN/FMAN/QMAN error interrupts
there is only one common error interrupt for BMAN/FMAN/QMAN errors which is sent to all handlers but must be counted only for the handler which acknowledges the error
111746 - IP6013: Fix sporadic cleared config after bootcode update
106147 - ip6013: prevent reordering of received ethernet frames
when FMAN distibutes received frames over multiple PCD queues the sequence of frames passed to the portal may have been changed. When working on a single CPU only PCD queues are not required at all and thus disabled now.
FMAN = frame manger
PCD = Parse Classify Distribute
portal = final destination of frame
105428 - ip6013: reduce the number of buffers asssigned to ethernet interfaces
Initially 416 buffers per ETH interface and 128 buffers for DSP interface were assigned but it seems to work better with less buffers for the ETH interfaces and some more for the DSP interface
108933 - ip6013: support 2 ethernet ports on evaluation board
to run IP6013 tests also on the LS1046AFRWY evaluation board both ethernet interfaces must work there
105812 - ip6013: support TDM data recording
make TDM data recording working
108370 - ipxx11/ip29-20, ip2x2: set LLDP power request according to device type
some switches don't provide enough power over ethernet when the power request is too low.
106815 - LDAP object: support for multiple LDAP attributes per type
In the configuration of the LDAP object, the admin can now specify a comma-separated list of up to 4 items, instead of a single value:
- telephonenumber
- mobile
- homephone
- facsimiletelephonenumber
- sip
For example this is useful for directories that don't return multi-valued results, but have many single-valued attributes for the same thing.
104246 - myApps Android/iOS: Avoid a crash if the operating system failed to create a TCP connection socket.
102221 - myApps Android/iOS: phone number and SIP links of WebApps inside myApps not working
104247 - myApps Android/iOS: Sometimes the CallKit call was not ended if a call failed.
104681 - myApps Android: Fixed a race condition trap from camera streaming
110396 - myApps Android: if available provide the contact display name as "dn" in directory search and reverse lookup.
104769 - myApps Android: Incoming calls were not signaled if connection service was not available
108242 - myApps Android: White screen on start of myApps on certain smartphones
104907 - myApps iOS: Fixed a crash on web content download if the link didn't suggest a file name
107386 - myApps Windows: External applications didn't start if a sip was dialed rather than a number
110799 - myApps Windows: The update notification service didn't Handle HTTP failure responses
111656 - myApps: contact folder cannot be opened causes a trap
104164 - myPBX / myApps Android: Fixed audio playout stuttering with some Bluetooth headsets.
103297 - myPBX Android/iOS: CallKit clashed with parked calls and PBX mobility calls
105198 - myPBX Android/iOS: Callthrough was not always going through the PBX if myPBX was not registered
105080 - myPBX/myApps Android/iOS: Report a call not as missed if it was answered at another device
106970 - myPBX/myApps Android: Calls initiated from contacts were not reliably dialed
104105 - myPBX/myApps Android: failed to play the ringtone on certain devices
108308 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed a resource leak on every call if audio API "Java" was selected.
109048 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed an exception on incoming call on Samsung devices with Android 11
104051 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed UI operation done from non UI-thread which caused a crash on certain smartphones
102102 - myPBX/myApps Android: Present the phone account enable dialog during installation
109186 - myPBX/myApps Android: Vibrate according to system settings and only if no other call exists
110800 - NAT: dynamic TCP maps displayed erroneously as static maps in GUI
NAT: dynamic TCP maps werde displayed erroneously as static maps in GUI
110127 - No audio when calling Softphone from media-relay endpoint with reverse media
Happens when softphone is second registration
110434 - No media calling from myPBX/WebRtc to SIP phone with media-relay
109959 - Not possible to send Chat if presence subscription to destination did not provide connected name/number
This was the case for interworking with SFB
104202 - pass on "destination unreachable, frag needed & don't frag" ICMPs
ICMP packets of type "destination unreachable, frag needed & don't frag" must be passed on when a box is capable of routing
111124 - PBX App Object: Undocumented checkmark "Local Presence" removed
110475 - PBX Manager: Executive users did not show up in groups
108608 - PBX Push Object: Potential restart, because of duplicate free
103244 - PBX Reverse Lookup did not work on delayed registration
If there was one active registration and one dynamically added softphone registration by wake to the myApps client, no reverse lookup was performed on the call to the dynamic registration.
103229 - PBX should execute CFNR on "No User Responding" even for calls on a Gateway Object
107826 - PBX Trunk did not forward delayed name id to No Response destination
107880 - PBX Voicemail: Malformed mwiInterrogate.Result PDU
The PBX Voicemail encoded a malformed H.450 mwiInterrogate.Result PDU for unknown users.
291342: Voicemail-MWI-Interrogation: connect [Malformed Packet]
111499 - PBX: No number was sent with Softphone App call thru trunk with Name as Number feature
In general this happened when an endpoint did not supply a calling party number with the call. This number is replaced anyway by the PBX
108527 - PBX: Potential trap on Mobility configuration without Device
103357 - PbxApi: Presence subscriptions without src attribute could cause a trap
If no src attribute was specified in the SubscribePresence message, there could be a trap in the PBX.
108607 - Phone must not modify presence note from calendar
When editing the presence on the phone, the phone should check if the note was changed. If not, it should store the original note (not the translated text).
103613 - phone USB Headset: additional product ID for Jabra EVOLVE 40
add product ID 0x307 to HID table for EVOLVE headsets
102286 - Phone-App: Assign display name of favorite to call
Assign display name of favorite to call did not work if call was created before profile (list of favorites) was loaded.
E.g. when Phone-App is auto-started upon call activity.
107603 - Phone-App: Cannot initiate international calls with IP62
Workaround for bug in IP62.
108298 - Phone-App: Display appsharing as ended
Appsharing receiver may close video channel.
The appsharing sender should handle that.
Mark shared app as no longer shared.
110387 - Phone-App: Fix for directory search (filtering)
When searching for 2 strings (e.g. "bob boston") no results were displayed even if a "Bob" was found living in "Boston" (city).
104123 - Phone-App: Fix for hanging calls on Yealink phones
Problem on call control with Yealink phones.
Initial dummy call not released after call transfer.
101305 - Phone-App: Fixing external application link with parameter $N
Fixing external applications link.
When $N is used the phone number still has the external line prefix.
External line prefix must be removed from phone number.
108648 - Phone-App: Hide camera preview when camera is removed
If camera was unplugged while camera test is running (Phone-App's config menu) the video player was not removed from UI.
Showing freezed video frame.
110137 - Phone-App: Incoming calls can not be connected sometimes
UserA with Phone-App calls userB with Phone-App.
While alerting UserA closes its Phone-App.
UserB answers the call.
UserA never receives connect message.
106607 - Phone-App: Link to external application was opened with wrong context information
Link to external application was opened with number and name of active (speaking) call. Even of clicked on held call. Better open with information of clicked call.
107482 - Phone-App: Name from local phonenumber lookup not displayed
Lookup in local outlook was performed, but name information was not displayed in call.
111354 - Phone-App: Sorting of favorites list wrong after changing favorite's display name
Sorting of favorites list was wrong after changing favorite's display name.
Sometimes the changed favorite even disappears from list after changing display name.
Restart of Phone-App helps to workaround.
106130 - Phone-App: Status string 'Offline' can now be translated
Status string 'Offline' can now be translated into different languages.
Applies to Phone-App, Softphone-App, Rcc-App.
111658 - Phone-App: Video camera not stopped sometimes
Video camera not stopped when call attempt is cancelled while camera starting still ongoing.
Camera starting completes when call is already gone.
109497 - Phones: Call intrusion did not work in some cases
Call intrusion could not be performed.
104663 - Phones: Cannot start local 3-pty-conference while PCAP recording
No need to keep user from local-3pty-conf while PCAP recording, because no DSP channel occupied by recording.
102328 - Phones: Fix for trap when configuring protection
Unexpected restart of phones when enabling option
"Protect Configuration at Phone"
while already having enabled option
"Fine grained Function Hiding"
106720 - Phones: Retry fetching the logo picture
105998 - Phones: Semi-attended transfer did not work
Could not execute transfer (R-4) while consultation call in alerting state.
109717 - Phones: Wrong remote party name displayed
A wrong remote party name is displayed when call is initiated from directory search.
103069 - Potential unexpected restart on abnormal SOAP connection close
Together with collions with some other operations on SOAP
110473 - Potential unexpected restart when initiating calls with RCC
If the call to the user failed anormaly
108635 - protect against loss of flash records when a trap happens inmidst an update operation
when the content of a flash record is updated the old content must not be invalidated before the new content is completely written. otherwise a trap in writing the new content results in an incomplete new record and an invalid old record
102124 - RCC: srce164 did not work for calls from a Waiting Queue
109824 - recordings: search bar does not show result some recordings
In some recordings the users names are not kept properly resulting in that they are not found during search
107222 - Reverse-Proxy: Fix for SIP/TLS
Matching registration-Id like "IP111-28-00-6e" against client certificate did not work.
109322 - SDK DBFiles: invalid memory reads in DbFilesPathInfo/DbFilesList::Get with enabled logging
109949 - SDK: IHTTPClient: Support for getting HTTP status code
The function IHTTPClient::GetResponseCode has been added. It can be used to retreive the status code after the header of the response has been received.
109213 - SDK: new FileSystem::SetLastWriteTime function
A new function to set the last modifed/access time of a file.
107143 - SDK: PbxAdminApi: Return email addresses in GetObjectResult
- h323-email (telling if the SIP URI can be used as an email address)
- emails (an array of email addresses)
103176 - SDK: The HTTP client now supports the DELETE method
101225 - SIP/SDP: Use "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP" when offering DTLS encryption
Use "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP" when offering DTLS encryption with fingerprint.
Use "RTP/SAVP" when offering SDES encryption with crypto-lines.
When both types of encryption are offered, "RTP/SAVP" is used for backward compatibility.
108143 - SIP/TCP: Fix for port in Via header
Fix for port in sent-by parameter in Via header.
110219 - SIP: Don't take incoming TLS connections as trusted without trusted client certificate
Don't take incoming TLS connections as 'trusted' if client certificate is not trusted.
103997 - SIP: Filter different H.264 codecs
Filter different H.264 codecs if multiple offered.
Most prefered variant is:
- packetization-mode=1
- profile-level-id=42e01f
108055 - SIP: Fix for dialog-info handling
Handle same dialog-info sent to several endpoints
108372 - SIP: Fix for DNS handling
Fix for problems with Telekom trunks.
SIP interface changes from one Telekom proxy to another due to expired information in local DNS cache.
110088 - SIP: Fix for failed DNS refresh
SIP interface looses registration after a DNS query left unanswered.
Better re-register to current ip address and re-try DNS on next registration refresh.
106259 - SIP: Fix for non-random branch parameter in Via header
ASCOM shelveset.
107433 - SIP: Fix for rare trap during transport problems
Out of memory or stack overflow if too many messages are enqueued while waiting for transport to connect.
108062 - SIP: Fix for small memory leak
Queued (un-sent) packets not freed and not send sometimes.
109268 - SIP: Fix for TCP keep-alive timer (RFC-5626)
106258 - SIP: Fix for ua-profile subscription
ASCOM shelveset:
Fix - digest authentication with ua-profile subscription
Fix - version info in ua-profile subscription
110338 - SIP: Get alternative registrar address from Contact list
Contact header of redirect response may contain list of registrars. Pick one for re-try. Don't pick just-tried registrar.
107154 - SIP: Handle dialog-info without tags
103595 - SIP: Ignore Session-Expires if not "timer" in Supported or Required header
SIP stack may receive an INVITE with Session-Expires header field. Ignore this if Supported/Required header field doe not include "timer" extension.
107572 - SIP: Increase buffer size for REGISTER response
1024 bytes are too less sometimes.
Depends on user-id's, domain names and authorization data etc.
110213 - SIP: Support for DNS name in Contact-URI of redirect response
Handling of 305 Use Proxy
103642 - SIP: Use 80% ~ 100% of the provided Flow-Timer value
RFC-5626: If the
UA uses the server-recommended keep-alive frequency it SHOULD send its keep-alives so that the interval between each keep-alive is randomly distributed between 80% and 100% of the server-provided time.
103764 - SIP: Wrong IP address in c-line of video description
In case of media-relay the c-line was filled with local IP address although video is not covered by media-relay (transit).
108639 - SMTP: Allow to set Mime Type for attachments
If not set, the file extension is checked as it was done until now.
AddAttachment(const char* attachmentUrl, const char * mimeType = nullptr)
110363 - Softphone call to SIP phone with Phone App no media in case of media relay
107884 - Softphone call with Media-Relay to Audio/Video endpoint did not work
Video Relay is not done in the PBX, but Video should still work if direct RTP is possible
103402 - Softphone-App does not normalize number when using hotkey
When using hotkey with a number like 0049(0)7031730090 it is turned into 0004907031730090.
External line prefix is added, but "0" between country code and area code is not removed.
102761 - Softphone-App: Automated DTMF's sometimes got lost
Dont' send DTMF's before ICE connect.
110036 - Softphone-App: Don't display "undefined" if directory information does not contain attributes "company" or "city"
Don't display "undefined" if directory information does not contain (optional) attributes "company" or "city"
109961 - Softphone-App: Failed to transfer call to decorated number
No blind transfer possible to number from directory search containing decoration marks.
107069 - Softphone-App: New text string for release cause 20
q931_cause_20_subscriber_absent:"Nicht erreichbar"
102912 - Softphone-App: No busy signaling on calls to busy destinations
Call disappears immediately without any user interaction when call failed (busy, wrong number, etc).
110887 - Softphone-App: Sometimes no audio when calling voicemail
No audio from voicemail system.
107464 - SoftwarePhone: removed possibility to add the windows SoftwarePhone to the Devices App
As the MAC address of this SoftwarePhone is not fixed, it cannot be handled by the Devices App.
It's technically not possible anymore now to add the SoftwarePhone to the Devices App.
111168 - Some special media renegotiation scenarios could result in no audio
The DTLS setup-role was not forwarded on H.323
102122 - Standby PBX showed wrong license count
This happened when after a failover has happened the active came back and licenses where changed on the active. A reset of the standby was needed in this case.
104773 - TLS: Changes in TLS profiles
- Removed SHA1 cipher suites from profile "secure"
- Added a new profile "strict"
For details see:
110251 - Trap if iLap is started
Problem from build 135585, fixed in 136041
103145 - Unexpected restart while using webdav
Trap when MOVE is used with long filenames.
Buffer overflow.
107955 - Voicemail App: Alarm is not cleared if encryption key is deleted
108636 - Webdavservice: Hanging Recv Requests causes leaks after stopping app
104167 - WebRTC DTMF did not work sometimes
WebRTC uses DTMF definitions with different sampling rates and payload types. Must be matched to the selected coders
108297 - Webserver: Fixed a crash on start if required directories were not present or accessible
110366 - Websocket client handles HTTP header fields case sensitive
13r2 Service Release 1 (136127)
112458 - add translations für myApps launcher
112293 - App Devices: fixed project discount calculation on replacing an active discount
The calculation in the Devices UI was wrong, after replacing an active discount with a new one.
112363 - App Recordings: display format for the duration of the recording
adapted according to ISO 8601
112494 - App Reporting: speed up calllist requests
Some requests where quite slow under certain conditions.
112545 - App Store: Cross-Origin Request Blocked for 3rd-party apps
When a new version was available the upload of this version with the green button returned:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at [url]. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS.
With the Upload button it worked fine.
111962 - App Store: HTTP client with authentication when uploading apps
Username and password can be added to the upload, so that the httpclient will use authentication.
111175 - App Store: Update app data when a new version is cascaded
When an app is cascaded, everytime a new version is available and the administrator installs it, the app data is updated (license_type, languages, support information...).
So if the changes on the source app will be updated on the cascaded app.
110024 - App Switchboard: Drag and drop also from the search results to the BLF
Allow also search contacts to be added to the BLF. This should be possible with drag & drop.
112528 - App Switchboard: WQ switch not working if dn is defined and dn is different than cn
The check for group members was comparing cn with dn if the dn was configured. If they did not match, the switch was always set to off even if on the PBX was right.
112065 - Calendar PBX Manager plugin didn't show the help button correctly
111743 - Chat S4B compatibility: Messages sent before Skype user accepted chat where lost
The messages are now queued until the S4B user accepts the chat
112422 - Fixed a possible trap at the beginning of FAX calls
111796 - IP10x: Use webrtc AEC
112483 - IP6013: Enable DSP and SSD with LLDP POE+ negotiation
Some switches use for POE+ a software negotiation with LLDP instead of the hardware signalling with the 2-Event Classification. The IP6013 didnt start components with high power consumption like the DSP and SSD. Now the IP6013 request POE+ power levels with LLDP. If the power request is acknowledged the missing components are started.
Note: a new LED scheme is implemented:
With missing POE+ the ready LED is green, it was blinking red
With POE+ the POE+ LED goes green. That happens if the 2-event POE+ is seen directly at boot time. If LLDP is used this happens a few seconds later when the Ethernet link is up and LLDP completed.
111745 - Kerberos: Fix OEM error message for password complexity
112493 - myApps Android: Chat attachments saved with wrong file extension
111740 - myApps Android: Localized warning texts and show them permanently
112054 - myApps Android: sporadically entered a state where incoming calls could not be answered.
111797 - myApps Android: The speakerphone button of the connection service incoming call UI didn't take effect yet.
112478 - myApps Launcher: No microphone audio with certain codecs and ptime exceeding 20 ms
112449 - myApps macOS: Avoid a crash if an application doesn't provide a screen sharing image
111786 - myApps macOS: Do not crash on non severe socket close error
112448 - myApps macOS: fixed eventual crash in jitter buffer at the beginning of a call.
111856 - myApps macOS: Ringer device selection didn't take effect
112434 - myApps macOS: Update Jabra Headset SDK
Updated to Jabra SDK
112091 - myApps Windows: Echo cancellation didn't take effect on many PC's
112083 - myApps Windows: Fixed potential crash if hexdump in traces was enabled
112457 - myApps Windows: Fixed slowly increasing audio playback delay on some PC's.
112523 - myApps Windows: Sometimes audio started with wrong sample rate causing very high or very low pitched voice.
111801 - PBX Manager Plugin for Waiting Queues broken
111788 - PBX potential crash when user edits profile contacts
111496 - PBX: Don't fork non-media calls
This causes chat not working in case of configured forking and no client active
111852 - PbxApi: Added support for "AddProfile" and "DelProfile" and "UpdateProfile"
Added support for "AddProfile" and "DelProfile" and "UpdateProfile" to PbxApi
111766 - Phone-App: Do not offer video if user has no video license
Do not offer "Start Video" and "Start Appsharing" if user has no video license.
111002 - Phone-App: Fix for memory leak
Fix for rising memory footprint of JS application.
111899 - Queues Plugin: Do not allow empty SIP on App Object
111742 - RTP: New SRTP options needed for an OEM
Remove #ifdef from code
111719 - SIP: New interop tweak /contact-addr
New interop tweak /contact-addr
Required when device is behind NAT router and Contact header is to be filled with public NAT router address and port.
112118 - SIP: Ray Baum support using RFC 7315
Ray Baum support using RFC 7315 (P-Access-Network-Info)
111981 - softwarephone: crash on startup when %APPLOCAL%\innovaphone not existing
Moving the local data from roaming folder led to the issue
112070 - Support PbxImpersonation API also for PbxSignal and EpSignal
For developers
112067 - Support presence subscriptions in the Javascript Runtime
Flag in config.json which indicates that presence subscription calls for badge counts are handled
110433 - Video: avoid sending FIR requests for OutOfOrder packets
Avoid sending unnecessary FIR requests if RTP packets just arrived out of order.
111700 - Video: do not override RTP timestamps from remote peers
Remote video was not shown if RTP packets arrived out of order.
Keep original timestamps in RTP packets.
13r2 Service Release 2 (136146)
113313 - AP Manager: prevent trap if websocket session is closed while disk full test mail is sent
113049 - App Store: Open more information url not working on iframe
Now it is opened on a new tab
113027 - App Switchboard: Add dialog info on small icons
110371 - App Switchboard: Display phone app favorites to BLF (read-only)
114100 - App SwitchboardAdmin: Allow to configure BLF for users
It should be possible on the Admin UI to:
- duplicate the BLF from other users
- configure/edit the BLF from other users
113698 - App Users: h323_email was being ignored
If h323_email was true, the h323 should be included on the emails list.
114004 - App Voicemail: Hanging Get Requests causes small leak
113244 - Conference-Web-Access Preview: Mute problem on MacOS
On MacOS 'mute' did not work.
When muting audio, microphone is released and immediately re-opened. But client still displayed as 'muted'.
113680 - Conference-Web-Access Preview: Open web links in new tab (chat)
When clicking links in chat messages the link will open in new browser tab. Instead of replacing the conference session.
113592 - DECT: Restart caused by LDAP user attrib read error
The buffer for the LDAP user attrib read is too small and causes a device restart. The buffer is dynamically increased now.
114217 - DNS resolver: Fixed incorrect precedence of some IPv6 results
113591 - Fax App: E-mail notifications can't be set
The notifications can't be enabled if the e-mail address is "user name"@"system domain" and it isn't configured with the flag in the PBX configuration or configured twice.
Additional, the e-mail addresses are always shown in lower case now.
113695 - Fixed a possible rare exception in the DNS resolver
114005 - myApps Android/iOS/Windows: Fixed a trap if TURN server credentials but no TURN server URL was set in the PBX.
114008 - myApps Android: Fixed a trap if a mailto link was klicked but no mail application existed.
113544 - myApps Windows: Update headset SDKs
The following headset SDKs have been updated:
- Jabra
- Poly
- Epos
114219 - myapps: sennheiser does not start after first time installation
missing config file prevents the start of the sennheiser sdk module
113696 - myPBX / myApps Android: Fixed missing icon on the permanent notification
114106 - myPBX/myApps Android: Couldn't query local IPv6 addresses any more since Android 10
113105 - myPBX/myApps Android: Use SHA1 instead of MD5 to sign the apk for compatibility with MDM systems
113944 - myPBX/myApps iOS: Fixed music player control left on the lock screen after an incoming call.
113324 - Phone-App: Added texts for additional cause codes
114167 - Phone-App: Bug in list of recent contacts
If different callers have same "Send Number" configured, the Phone-App joined all incoming calls into one contact. (Identity of the first caller.)
113699 - Phone-App: Bug when changing profile
When changing profile from one to another some favorites from the old profile remain in UI.
114214 - Phones: Cannot add international phone number to favorites
Cannot add an international phone number (starting with '+' sign) to favorites.
113665 - Phones: Fix for small memory leak in automated tests
Fix for non-critical memory leak.
113030 - Queues Plugin: Cannot be opened
Remove cross-domain login from AppGeneric
112955 - SDK replicator: Fixed rare access to a deleted object.
113509 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-HFO-NGN_Connect
New SIP Provider Profile
113891 - SIP: Don't accept INVITE from unknown sources
If proxy is configured at a SIP interface all signaling is send to that proxy.
Only signaling from that proxy should be accepted.
All signaling from other sources should be discarded.
This change only affects interfaces without registration.
113753 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Unexpected restart caused by SIP stack when re-INVITE is received before call was accepted by application.
E.g. Assertion failed line 16935 in common/protocol/sip/sip.cpp, No channel!
113971 - SIP: Response without Reason-Phrase not accepted
A SIP-Response without Reason-Phrase was not accepted.
113529 - Softphone-App: Enhance interface for automated testing
Add channel state as DOM attribute for automated testing.
113622 - Softphone-App: Support for acquire/release hook device
Required to avoid conflict with other applications (e.g. Teams) on access to headset device.
112785 - TURN-TCP: Fixed an inconsistency in TURN-TCP IPv4/IPv6 socket use.
113890 - Webserver could crash when digest auth response comes without host header field
13r2 Service Release 3 (136155)
114637 - Add "subscriber" attribute to dialing location
Attribute "subscriber" was missing in dialing location information provided by PBX.
API's: "RCC", "EpSignal" and "PbxSignal"
114493 - AP Manager: added hint to make a backup before updating the underlying AP image
The hint inside the wiki might be not enough, the AP Manager should also show this hint.
114481 - App Devices: fixed "invalid licensing" message with certain project discounts
A rounding issue in javascript caused the incorrectly shown message.
114620 - App Devices: prevent trap if history API is used without required parameter
114459 - App Devices: start automatic iSC reloading check at once if last check hasn't been done since 24 hours
This covers the case, that an AP or the Devices App is restarted every night which may prevent the random timed automatic iSC check.
114243 - AppStore: Allow to edit the devices array on linux.json
On the App Platform tab, it should be possible to modify the devices array.
114266 - Fax: Send number without extension after object update
If the PBX object is changed, the send number is used without the user extension. This is fixed now.
114156 - IPVA: Evaluating Boot Flag 'M'
Experimental multicore-support activateable only by boot flag 'M'.
Shelveset 'config-bootflags' by jfr
#changed ipva/ipva.cpp, ipva/ia32_env.cpp, common/box/cpu.cpp
114261 - myApps macOS: Fixed application crash with Yealink headsets.
114624 - myApps macOS: Fixed delayed audio switch through with some audio devices
114385 - myPBX/myApps Android: Support for Huawei push notifications was missing
114348 - PBX Manager: Generic SIP Profile - Improve CDPN-IN Mappings
Improve carrier support by creating two additonal CDPN-IN mappings.
- international w/o prefix
- national w/o prefix
114350 - PBX Manager: Generic SIP Profile - Prevent duplicate numbers on editing
If the same number was entered multiple times the number was duplicated in the configuration. This will grow up the configuration
114353 - PBX Manager: Generic SIP Profile - Prevent saving duplicate numbers
Numbers entered twice are no longer saved
If an second request to a resource arrived after some digest authentication stuff was cleand up, the webserver crashed
114223 - Reverse-Proxy: Must not add Record-Route header to a keep-alive packet
Reverse-Proxy must not add Record-Route header to a keep-alive packet (double-CRLF).
114166 - SMTP: Limit size chunk to 999 characters
Some servers return the error:
SMTP Error 500 Line too long
114638 - Softphone-App: Fix for false error message on console
Fix for false error message on console.
114371 - Softphone-App: Some headsets did not work with myApps
Headsets other than Jabra, Plantronics or Sennheiser did not work with Softphone-App.
114257 - UI fixes for DECT devices
There are several problems, if the UI of DECT devices are accessed with the Devices App.
114436 - Webserver access after free if Websocket connection init failed
114429 - Webserver graceful shutdown didn't work
13r2 Service Release 4 (136164)
114778 - Allow same external number for many users
This is possible for make dialin possible only with special config. For dialin a unique number is needed
115018 - App Profile: Add precedence parameter to replicator
To avoid that "Takes Precedence" will be always set to false when the user is updated.
114635 - App Switchboard: Fixes on callback emails
- On the search results the wrong name and phone number was written on the email
- Send callback email should also be available not only for contacts on the calls history
114690 - App SwitchboardAdmin: "-- none --" as primary group should not be considered as a group
114961 - App Users: Node prefix not displayed if user was on a slave PBX
The node prefix of an user located on another PBX was not displayed on Users App. The PBXs were not replicated to the Users Service, so this information was not available on the DB.
114683 - App Yealink: Closed sysclient prevent updating STUN and TURN servers
In one case the sysclient was closed, preventing the update of phone configurations.
114881 - configuration field for syslog-tls server address was missing in GUI
the configuration field for the syslog-tls server address was missing in GUI
114985 - IP-DECT potential unexpected restart on call to non operational PBX destination
An assert happend
114661 - More diagnostic info for "Catch trace on Event"
Show full event in trace
114824 - Name Id was sent to softphone before SETUP
In case of media-relay and quick response to reverse lookup
114770 - PBX Manager: Additional push objects where displayed
In case there where users, without push config, which used templates with push config
114929 - PBX user publisher: Call forward precedence added
The missing precedence broke the editing of call forward in Users
114930 - PBX waiting queue, primary group "-- none --" was written to the config
If -- none -- was selected, no group should be written
114968 - phone USB headset detection did not work for all supported headsets
Only some of the supoorted headsets were detected as supported and thus did work as audio device only :-(
113014 - phone USB: add new product ID for EPOS (aka Sennheiser) SC 135 headset
Sennheiser is now EPOS. Some existing products now have different product IDs.
114780 - Rare restart, which could happen on unusual messge sequence on EpSignal or PbxSignal
114928 - RCC blind transfer of a mobility call as a waiting queue operator does not work
Was prohibited by accident
114726 - Replicator: SendUpdate buffer was too small
When replicating an user which data length is larger than the buffer length, a segmentation fault happened.
114655 - SIP: Video negotiation failed sometimes
Video was rejected on a call to Softphone-App.
Only audio was accepted.
114632 - SMTP: Apple Mail on MacOS not showing attachments
"Content-Type: multipart/alternative;" must be replaced with "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;".
115072 - Update translations
13r2 Service Release 5 (136185)
115073 - AP Manager: enforce shutdown even if an internal task is still not completed
A hanging task prevented a restart/shutdown of the AP Manager which caused a not working AP after an update sometimes.
Now the task list is cleared after 2 minutes waiting to continue the shutdown process.
It's not yet clear which kind of task doesn't finish.
115813 - AP Manager: fixed not working statistics on arm64 AP
The websocket connection broke down when opening the AP statistics on arm64 platforms due to a malformed JSON.
115918 - App Devices: added support for new TLS profile strict
115470 - App Profile: Do not show CFx with marked Takes precedence
If Takes precedence has been marked for a CFx, then it is an administrative CFx and if should not be displayed on Profile.
114854 - App Store: Apps are not sorted alphabetically by title
They should be sorted by Title and not ID. So the sorting will look consistent.
115491 - App Switchboard: Allow to display LDAP search results
The LDAP Object rights must be given to the Switchboard App. Now the searched results prototype should be also compatible with data from the LDAP.
114922 - App Switchboard: Set all buttons corners rounded for consistency
115274 - App SwitchboardAdmin: Groups with duplicated group names will be overwritten on clone BLF from other user
A popup will be displayed informing that the duplicated groups will be overwritten.
114633 - App SwitchboardAdmin: Improvements when editing the BLF
- When configuring the BLF for the users, a search field can be used if the username is not known.
- Display Popup before deleting items.
- Duplicate BLF: only show users with already configured BLF
115329 - App UserAdmin: Label was displayed on error messages instead of the translation
115590 - App Voicemail: Badge Count is not cleared after deleting voicemail message
115261 - Apps SMTP Client: fixed buffer overflow which may corrupted the stack
115517 - Calendar: admin UI sometimes shows two entries per user
115526 - Calendar: assert when parsing Exchange SOAP due race condition
115530 - Calendar: PBX domain will be used for Exchange name resolving, too.
115518 - Calendar: possible crash when the sync system restarted
115520 - Calendar: reset button in calendar admin didn't work due latest graceful-shutdown changes
115529 - Calendar: resolved crash problems with graceful shutdown
115525 - Calendar: Sync will no longer stop if resolving a user failed with an unkown error.
115521 - Calendar: sync won't stop anymore when getting user settings reports an invalid user error
115137 - crash reading application list for applicationSharing
115106 - false alarm "LDAP Flash Usage above 85%" on devices with large flash
The 85% flash usage limit was computed too small for large flash provided with IPVA or ip6013
115312 - Fix for unexpected restart
Fix for unexpected restart
IP28 reboots when calling from analog to voip to a user with a call forwarding.
115272 - ipx11/x13 Watchdog in ac_dsp5
ip6013 showed watchdog in btree function
115645 - JavaScript Runtime: Additional libraries for app services
With this update for the JavaScript Runtime, we are adding a number of additional libararies for app services:
- Websocket client
- AppWebsocket client
- Crypto library
- Network (Sockets)
- Random
- Encoding
115548 - myAppsOutlookSearch: International calls cannot be resolved
115656 - myPBX Android: Fixed a crash on some smartphones if the ringtone selection dialog was opened.
115869 - PBX unexpected restart on WQ CFNR loop
A CFNR on a WQ operator back to the WQ could cause a restart
115341 - PBX Waiting queue caused restart on collision of call-forward with call disconnect
Missing null-pointer check
115348 - Phone-App: Hanging calls in UI
Hanging calls in UI due to code loop.
115516 - Remove PhoneCallStatusInfo on undock/redock
Remove PhoneCallStatusInfo on undock/redock.
115282 - SIP: Do not send illegal global phone number in PAI or PPI header
According to RFC-3261 a 'global-phone-number' (starting with plus sign) must not contains start (*) or hash (#).
115500 - SIP: re-INVITE not always re-tried after 491 response
re-INVITE not always re-tried after 491 response, but only on reliable transport (TCP/TLS).
No problem on SIP/UDP.
116014 - SIP: Sometimes interface does not refresh registration
Sometimes SIP interface does not refresh registration due to internal DNS problems.
115283 - Window position not properly restored if window is snapped
WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE not properly working.
Apparently Windows does not consider new coordinates after snapping the window and places the window at the old position.
13r2 Service Release 6 (136223)
116532 - Allow gateway routes to match DGPN not only CGPN
So that a route maybe selected with a matching DGPN as well
115124 - Allow H323/TLS registrations with mixed case HW-IDs
Some IP11x phone have this kind of hardware ids
116066 - AP Manager App Store: Hide app fields when no info is present
- Hide app field "More Info" and "License Information" when app infourl and licenseInfo are not available
Now this links can be configured on the config tab and they are not set by default.
116372 - App Switchboard: Display node prefix + extension on BLF users and phone favorites
116834 - App UsersAdmin: Executive users where not longer displayed on UI
Collateral problem with this fix: #114961 - App Users: Node prefix not displayed if user was on a slave PBX
All objects with a pseudo field where being ignored when reading the users list.
116524 - App UsersAdmin: PBX name missing on the nodes list
This only happened for nodes where loc had the same value as name.
116505 - App UsersAdmin: XML import ignored device name
Wrong label was being parsed.
115138 - CAS: announce DTMF support in setup ack
114882 - Connected number wrong in case of overlapping node and users numbers
115740 - Duplicate messages on chat to group
116090 - Fix for small memory leak
Fix for small memory leak in context of Softphone-App in some exotic call scenarios only.
115490 - Fix unexpected restart on config upload
Restart happened if right after config upload, before regular restart a config changed was received on the PBX
114799 - Incomplete CDRs for calls to mobility user
In case the mobility destination has a call forward configured to a not operational destination
116374 - IP101/102: Phone lamp did not light on MWI
Main phone lamp did not light on message waiting indication.
116343 - IP101/102: Visual Ringing Indication did not work
LED did not light on incoming call (config option "Visual Ringing Indication")
116616 - IP111/IP112: Audio not passing immediately because tones didn't stop before the first silence period elapsed
116815 - IP511: Conference users hear their own voice
116050 - IP6013 - AP restart sometimes failed after reset
115808 - ip6013: store trap dumps in flash memory
store trap dumps in flash memory to permit access even after a power cycle or a hard watchdog reset where RAM debug buffer lost. Up to 5 dumps are kept and can be listed with "!mod cmd CPU crash-list" and inspected with "!mod cmd CPU crash-load". Storing the complete trace buffer in 2 flash segments requires about 1 microsecond.
116637 - myApps Android/iOS: Fixed a rare trap at the end of a video call if the camera delivered a picture after close.
116064 - myApps Android: Fixed a sporadic crash on incoming call due to thread concurrency
116380 - myApps Android: Keep the webview responsive if myApps was put in background with an active call
116454 - myApps Android: Use a longer timeout to reduce forced terminations caused by pending DNS resolution.
116632 - myApps macOS: Fixed a crash on macOS 12 if a bluetooth headset was used
115875 - myApps macOS: Fixed delayed audio switch through for devices that implement voice processing themself
117030 - myApps Windows: Failed to find working ICE paths in some situations due to unexpected socket disconnect
116525 - myApps: Use appproxy for reset password and registration links
In myApps Windows/macOS/iOS/Android, the links on the login page should be opened using the AppProxy, like all other links inside myApps.
This avoids inconsistent behaviour with untrusted certificates.
116094 - myPBX Android: Fixed rare incorrect waiting for registration state after startup
117118 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed unability to accept incoming calls due to the system not granting the microphone
116282 - myPBX/myApps Android: If the user didn't enable phone account myPBX/myApps prompt for overlaying permission
116145 - myPBX/myApps Android: Phone directory search didn't show local contacts replicated from outlook
116495 - PBX another unexpected restart on WQ CFNR loop
collateral damage from 115869 - PBX unexpected restart on WQ CFNR loop
116611 - PBX dialing location: Make maximum length of internal number configurable
Was a fixed value of 7. This is used to decide if a trunk prefix has to be added to the number.
116500 - PBX Install: Show terms and condition page in selected language
115720 - PBX potential restart when changing devices at user object
Unclear what special circumstances cause this restart
116506 - PBX Waiting Queue "CFNR on no Operators" was executed even if Softphone was available
Wakeup for softphone was missing
115262 - PBX Waiting Queue potential trap on collision of CFNR and call clearing
116297 - PBX: Fix call routing to local trunk in case of e164 setup
Problem in some cases of trunk located on a slave PBX
Together with mobility and maybe more conditions
114967 - phone config: argument values starting with slash don't work
an argument value starting with a slash must be accepted as long as no restrictions for the value are defined.
116507 - Phones: Cannot add E.164 number from directory to favorites
Cannot add E.164 number from directory to favorites (+ sign got lost).
115837 - Phones: Keep PICKUP fkey in idle state (un-highlighted) when there's no call to pick
PICKUP fkey was highlighted when there was a connected call in user-group.
115708 - Potential H.323 hanging call
Related to keep RTP sessions in case of PBX restart
115792 - Recording does not work on trunks without a h323 name configured
support anonymous trunks also
115788 - recordings service license not recognized in advanced user mode
13r2: the license name changed during time from recordings to recording and back. So the extraction of the app name to match the license name from the url needed to be adjusted
116279 - Reporting: remove empty attributes in remote tag for xml reports
Empty attributes generated empty entries in the call list of myPBX
116294 - SDK docu: fixed examples for Dns
Fixed some bugs/typos in the example code.
116249 - SDK: added batch build to C++ template
Added batch build script for release builds.
116296 - SDK: fix missing app icon in JS template
App icon was not included.
116248 - SIP-Provider Profile CH-Swisscom-Enterprise_SIP
New SIP Provider Profile
116873 - SIP: Interface sometimes stays unregistered for long time
Interface sometimes stays unregistered for long time, when primary AND secondary server has failed (no response).
After failure of secondary server immediately start polling primary server.
116106 - SMTP: Missing CR LF at the end of each chunk
CR LF must be added at the end of every chunk. The chunk length is calculated between 2 CR LF, so if not set the line can be too long for many SMTP servers and a 501 error is received.
116204 - Softphone-App: Sporadic "No Microphone" errors
Sporadic "No Microphone" errors during media re-negotiation (e.g. when calling into conference).
116821 - TURN-TCP: Fixed an inconsistency in TURN-TCP eventually enqueuing a socket operation after shutdown
13r2 Service Release 7 (136254)
116970 - Add pbx to info of Login message to App service
Many App services could need the information to which PBX the logging in user is configured
117729 - AP Manager App Store: Fix confirmation popup when installing an app
117138 - AP Manager Statistics: Fix collection when reading /proc/stat fails
- Avoid division by zero
116610 - App Devices: creation of update jobs failed in Safari
Safari couldn't parse the time string (although RFC compliant).
117104 - App Profile: Cursor always jumping to the end of the input field when editing CFx on iOS
When an input field of a CFx was clicked, the focus was moving always at the end on iOS. So when you want to move the cursor to another position of the input field, it was always jumping to the end. With the keyboard it worked fine.
117876 - App Recordings: admin gui showed wrong autodelete time
when the autodelete time was not configured at least once it showed the value 0 (=keep all recordings permanently) and not the active default value of 30 (days)
117711 - App Reports: Consider user's language setting for dates and times
The user language setting has no effect for the date and time display before.
117101 - App Store: The sorting of the apps should be case insensitive
118311 - App UsersAdmin: Added more parameter to GetConfigObjects
When there are too many Config Templates on the PBX, the GetTemplates was not working. A more parameter has been added to the PbxAdminApi message:
#118249 - PbxApi: Could not read config templates if too many
117885 - App UsersAdmin: CN not sent when provisioning a Yealink Phone
When provisioning a Yealink Phone with UsersAdmin App, the CN was not delivered to the Yealink App. Without CN the right flags cannot be set on the UserObject when the config is updated.
117112 - App UsersAdmin: Wrong configuration when setting a fork without mobility object
When configuring a fork on Users Admin without a mobility object, the hw and mobility parameters where set to an empty string instead of null. This displays an * on the PBX next to the number and the hw and mobility parameters are included on the config file.
118454 - App UsersAdmin: Wrong function to check if input was name or number on Call Diversions
The function to check if the entered text was name or number when editing the call diversions was wrong. The same function as used on the Profile App must be used.
117872 - App Yealink: App crash if no CN has been delivered during the provisioning
If a provisioning was done only with the username and with no cn, the PbxObject function was called without user data and when trying to access this data the app crashed.
116635 - Contacts: Instance didn't stop sometimes
Processing a message "mt:StopInstance" sometimes didn't progress into the state "stopped".
#changed contacts.cpp
118034 - Fix for small memory leak
Small memory leak if url-recording is configured.
117626 - IP1203: Fixed duplicate tone with interfaces that provide inband tones
117087 - IP222/IP232: Eliminated clipping in the handset speaker on high peer signal levels
117698 - IPxx13: app_platform support for linux kernel 5.10.78
the new kernel must be loaded at offset 0 and not at fixed offset 0x80000 from dram base
117265 - json_io: incomplete decoding didn't always work
Depending on the JSON data and the decoding buffer length, json_io::write wrote an invalid string buffer.
117740 - myApps Android/iOS/macOS: Added audio device selection "Default" for the system default
118314 - myApps Android: Fixed a deadlock with white screen only resolvable by app re-install
118343 - myApps Android: Fixed long phases of distorted video at the peer
117034 - myApps Android: WebRTC Microphone and Camera permission not granted for apps within myApps
116725 - myApps for Windows: keep currentUser registry eintry after closing myApps
117374 - myApps iOS/macOS: Fixed a memory leak concerning Video
117726 - myApps iOS/macOS: Fixed lost incoming calls due to missing onclose/onerror for the PBX connection
116871 - myApps iOS: Fixed missing socket flag to reuse the same port
117378 - myApps iOS: Saving a chat attachment didn't open interactions on iOS 12
117706 - myApps macOS: Updated to the latest headset SDKs JabraSDK, PlantronicsSDK 3.23.53335.34198
117751 - myApps Windows/macOS: Fixed rare access to deleted object in app sharing
117117 - myapps windows: libssl-1_1.dll and libcrypto-1_1.dll missing in installation
13r1: libssl-1_1.dll and libcrypto-1_1.dll (needed by SennComSDK.exe) are mising in the installation
116898 - myPBX/myApps Android: Need to target to SDK API level 30 as required from the play store
117349 - myPBX/myApps iOS: Fixed a rare trap on audio session interruptions
117660 - myPBX: crash if a hotkey is used in an office application in Windows 11
Using a hotkey in Windows 11 with an office application made myPBX crash.
117643 - PBX App Object: Rare trap with outgoing websocket connections
Collateral damage from
#108934 - PBX App Object: Start outgoing Websocket connection after all objects are read
The trap only could happen under rare conditions:
- The connection is established before the PBX has finished reading all LDAP objects.
- At the time when the PBX has finished reading the LDAP objects the connection must have been disconnected by the remote party.
117665 - PBX Replicator to Users stopped working on messages longer then 10K
Max length increased to 32K and log output if message too long
117377 - PBX: Potential unexpected restart on Pickup with DTMF
117683 - prevent out of memory traps caused by thousands of queued LOG /CDR messages
when the LOG or CDR receiver gets stuck the messages were kept in a queue. When the sum of message lengths in the queue reached 300.000 old messages were dropped. This was too late when thousands of very small messages were queued because of the fixed overhead connnected with each message. Now in addition to the total length the number of messages in queue is restricted.
117141 - Prevent system updates if disk space is low
Future AP updates may contain PostgreSQL major updates which require certain upgrade procedures which require some disk space.
To ensure that an upgrade doesn't fail due to missing disk space, an AP update can be just performed with at least 20% free disk space.
116636 - recordings does not evaluate the license when in h323 name a blank or '+' char is contained
the name of the recording interface in the pcap filename was not decoded from url properly
117758 - Rotate postgresqls daily log files after 10MB
If too many database errors are triggered by queries, the log files can grow too fast within one day.
Rotate these log files after 10MB and keep max two log files/day.
117928 - Search Api: Executive users should also be delivered
They are also now displayed in the Users App.
117369 - Search Api: Wrong email if it did not contain the domain
If the email did not contain the domain, then the username was used to build the email instead the right email address.
117642 - SIP-Provider Profile CH-Swisscom-Smart_Business_Connect
Update SIP Provider Profile
117795 - SIP: Do not add RED to SDP answer
Do not add RED to SDP answer as long as config file option /red is NOT set.
117142 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Fixing stack overflow incident caused by too many cached DNS records.
117809 - Softphone-App: Audio not played to selected device
Audio always played to system default device. Not to selected output device.
117376 - Switchboard App: * was removed from the extension
If a number contained *, this where removed because the app expected only numeric characters.
118393 - TLS: Harmonize feature set in 13r1-13r2
- 13r1: Added support for TLS GCM cipher suites
- 13r1: Removed SHA cipher suites from profile "secure"
- 13r1: Added a new profile "strict"
- Added a new TLS profile "experimental" that is used by OEMs and that includes new TLS features in experimental status.
116862 - Translation updates (mainly Portuguese)
Portuguese translation updated and other new strings.
13r2 Service Release 8 (136268)
117930 - AP Manager: Fix webserver socket directory creation
- Remove webserver socket directory only if it exists.
- Do not remove webserver directories when creation of socket directory fails.
- Restart manager on error
119250 - App Recordings: license user mode check stops sometimes
13r2: when the recordings object is reconfigured the user mode license checking stops
119251 - App Recordings: Setting the Auto Delete timer to extreme high values causes the recordings to be deleted immediately
13r2: There is a upper limit of 30 years now implemented
119204 - App UsersAdmin: Assertion after PBX replicator update
ASSERT: CRITICAL ERROR: PQgetvalue() returned NULL.
Because devices array column was NULL.
118844 - App UsersAdmin: Remove name length limit on templates table
117955 - DHCP-Client: force broadcast server responses, add flags to prevent overriding of static gateway/dns configuration by lease
Some DHCP servers respond to discover/request packets with unicast packets by default.
This is no problem for boxes with only one ethernet interface but on boxes with two interfaces
unicast packets may be routed to a statically configured default gateway and are lost then.
Thus on boxes with two interfaces a broadcast response is requested now by setting the broadcast
flag in discover/request packets.
To prevent overriding of static configuration for default-gateway and/or dns-server the
/no-routers and /no-dns flags are provided.
118622 - Further translation updates for Portuguese
116658 - FXS: Dial pulses assignment for sweden and newzealand
Change the assignment of detected pulses on the FXS port to the corrosponding digit.
Normal : 1 pulse is '1', ... 9 pulses is '9', 10 or more pulses is '0'.
Sweden : 1 pulse is '0', ... 10 pulses is '9'
Newzealand : 1 pulse is '0', ... 10 pulses is '1'
118251 - IPxx13: increase LDAP flash usage Limit
Currently the LDAP flash usage for the IPxx13 is restricted to 256 Segments of 64kB. Reason for such a restriction is the time required to scan all assigned segments for valid data and the RAM required to shadow alll valid data in RAM then. But the IPxx13 has a fast flash and enough RAM and thus a config.h limit of 512 and a maximum of 768 seems reasonable.
118091 - myApps Android/iOS: Fixed a rare crash during service stopping.
118642 - myApps Android/iOS: Fixed a stack overwrite trap in some installations
117927 - myApps Android: Fixed a trap if the camera didn't support low preview image resolutions.
118650 - myApps Android: Sometimes no video after hold/retrieve
118233 - myApps Client: Time out DNS resolution for media establishment reasonably quickly
118765 - myApps iOS / macOS: Added missing support for console.assert()
119249 - myApps launcher: Fixed an access to a deleted object after PBX update.
118671 - myApps macOS: Fixed a rare division by zero trap in video.
118846 - myApps macOS: Fixed non responding myApps if the Mac was woken up after several days of sleep
118640 - myApps macOS: H.264 video not always working
117926 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed a NULL pointer trap with Android 12
118589 - PBX CDRs: WQ generated conn-from even if there was no connect because of "Announcement w/o connect"
conn-from event removed in this case
118208 - PbxAdminApi h323 and e164 added to GetGroupResult
To avoid unnecessary GetObject operations
118249 - PbxApi: Could not read config templates if too many
GetConfigObjects with "more" option and limit
118252 - PbxApi: SearchUsers should return emails
An array with configured email addresses is returned
118358 - Phone: USB Headset: add support for "Jabra Evolve2 30"
Handling of wired Evolve and Evolve2 headsets is identical, thus only the product ID has to be added to an existing table
118230 - Potential unexpected restart on some special transfer sequences
119070 - Potential unexpected restart when using PBX RCC
Collateral damage from
117651 - PBX RCC: Add timestamp when call was started to Call-Info
118350 - Reduce size of phone inca images
upload to DRAM failed for images produced in latest 13r2 builds. omitting the (unused) kerberos objects helps
118574 - Reset Password: Wrong URL delivered on the email on Smartphones
On Smartphones the reset password email contains the wrong URL because it is obtained from the password.htm and contains:
This must be parsed and removed.
118623 - Security improvement: use better password hashing for unix passwords
Unix passwords (admin and root) are now stored with a more secure hash sha512.
The change is automatically applied for existing passwords.
118767 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-EWE-business_DSL_voice_plus
Updated SIP Provider Profile
118896 - SIP: Failed to decode CGPN and CDPN sometimes
From-URI and To-URI are mis-interpreted:
From: <sip:30045;user=phone>;tag=8d246345 ==> source_email="30045@"
To: <sip:8199898;user=phone;transport=TCP> ==> dest_email="8199898@"
Expected is:
From: <sip:30045;user=phone>;tag=8d246345 ==> cgpn="30045"
To: <sip:8199898;user=phone;transport=TCP> ==> cdpn="8199898"
118186 - Softphone-App: Call failed if G.711-µlaw (PCMU) was selected as audio codec
Outbound call failed if G.711-µlaw (PCMU) was selected as audio codec.
118730 - UC License did not work in standby
119097 - Update of * certificate in trust list of devices
The old * certificate expires on 15.02.2022.
This software update installs the new * certificate to the trust list of all devices.
13r2 Service Release 9 (136330)
120362 - AP Manager App Store: Fix installed apps display
When an app is installed, it should be displayed under the right manufacturer section
119681 - AP Manager: allow configurable time for nightly database analyze job
Especially for hosting scenarios with multiple APs on the same host, this job shouldn't run at the same time on all APs to avoid high CPU load which may influence other clients.
In addition, the configured hour is in local time. Of course, the AP Manager must then have a timezone string configured to know your local time.
119270 - AP Manager: create alarm/events on vacuumdb/backup failures
If vacuumdb fails, an alarm is now raised, as this may indicate database corruption.
If a scheduled database backup fails, an event is sent, as this may also indicate database corruption (or HTTP server is unavailable etc.)
120178 - AP Manager: enforce deletion of too large postgresql log files
Some log files of postgresql might became too large and these files are now deleted.
119553 - AP Manager: Fix download logs button
- Fixed: when the text is long (e.g case with French language) the button was hidden
119865 - AP Manager: Synchronous start of app instances
Avoid app start failure with many instances if an app takes too long to start.
121143 - App Calendar: Admin UI sometimes shows two entries per user
121139 - App Calendar: Assert when parsing Exchange SOAP due race condition
121137 - App Calendar: PBX domain will be used for Exchange name resolving, too.
121142 - App Calendar: Possible crash when the sync system restarted
121141 - App Calendar: Reset button in calendar admin didn't work due latest graceful-shutdown changes
121138 - App Calendar: Resolved crash problems with graceful shutdown
121140 - App Calendar: Sync won't stop anymore when getting user settings reports an invalid user error
119454 - App Fax: Email notification settings unset
The email notification settings can be lost or the user's email addresses aren't shown. This is fixed now.
119499 - App Fax: Files with file names longer than 64 characters
Files with a file name longer than 64 characters isn't sent. This is fixed now.
119506 - App Fax: Sending mails stops on error
If sending a mail fails, the app proceeds with the next mail after 10 minutes first.
This is fixed now: The app doesn't stop sending and repeats failed mails each 30 minutes.
119597 - App Files: WebdavService causes trap
App Files: WebdavService causes trap if database task is hanging and get request is closed
119438 - App Recordings: display format for the duration of the recording
adapted according to ISO 8601 in the non-admin app
120100 - App Switchboard: Menu with small icons displayed out of view when scrolling down
When the BLF view was scrolled down, the menu with small icons was displayed outside the view.
120657 - App Users Service: HW name can be larger than 45 characters
120119 - App Users: DB not initializing because the words table had more than 1600 columns
The words table id was dropped whenever the app services was started. A dropped column is still physically stored and there is a limit of 1600 columns on PostgreSQL.
Now first a check is done to know if there are any dropped columns and if so a temporary table is created and to clone the whole words table. Then the old one is dropped and the new one renamed.
119675 - App UsersAdmin: Crash due to unitilialized variable with Yealink Provisioning
119508 - App UsersAdmin: Nodes were displayed again on UI
Nodes and locations should never be display on UI.
120411 - App UsersAdmin: Provisioning not displaying all the categories if there were too many
If the number of categories was > 409, then Devices sends then in batches. This was not supported by the provisioning on UsersAdmin.
120452 - App UsersAdmin: Sort provisioning categories alphabetically
If there are many categories, it is not that easy to find the desired one on the dropdown.
120344 - Calling from switchboard in PBX with node failed
The relative number has to be dialed
120406 - DTMF Feature code call completion: show calling party on callback call
The automatic callback call didn't contain the e164 and h323 of the user which should be called back.
120188 - Firmware: certain POST requests were not working through Devices anymore
The CSRF token fix didn't work in Devices iframes of the firmware and the access of shouldn't stop javascript execution.
This prevented e.g. the usage of Maintenance -> Update through Devices.
118668 - Hardware rental support
118739 - IP222/IP232 HW2200 Support
IP222/IP232 HW2200 is built with a different phy, and this fix adds the firmware support.
Downgrade to older version is blocked on new devices.
119630 - IP2x2: Reduced harmonic distortion from clipping in low range frequencies at high handset levels.
118848 - IPxx13: prevent corruption of trace buffer
reduce the probability of overriding of parts of the trace buffer by a firmware bug
120027 - Media TURN: Fixed hanging connection establishment if RTP TURN succeeded but RTCP TURN failed
119948 - myApps Android/iOS/macOS: Fixed a trap during directory search if a local contact contained many phone number entries
120316 - myApps iOS: Audio test in Softphone not working once a call had been made
120075 - myApps iOS: Fixed occasional missing audio on incoming call
120267 - myApps iOS: Fixed repeated noise sometimes heard during connection establishment or release
119382 - myApps iOS: Proxy websocket to avoid unreported broken connections on iOS 15
120190 - myApps macOS: Fixed a Crash on start of audio if certain devices were selected
120722 - myApps macOS: Fixed a trap on start of the camera with certain Macs
119782 - myApps macOS: Popup windows did not close after reload of main window
If the main window was reloaded, e.g. after PBX update, detached apps were not closed on macOS.
120950 - myApps macOS: Updated the Plantronics headset SDK to fix improper myApps termination
119352 - myApps: Added missing server name indication for certificate selection
119539 - myapps: At call termination myapps could deadlock
in certain situations myapps coulod enter deadlock when the audio channel is closed
121207 - myApps: possible crash if audio device not available
120500 - myAppsOutlookSearch: Trap if number is searched in folder which is released
MyAppsOutlookSearch crashes if a search on a released folder is tried.
119784 - myPBX Android/iOS: Fixed a crash due to too many LDAP attributes in the directory search
119504 - myPBX iOS: Fixed heavy CPU load freeze on call start with specific smartphones
120161 - myPBX/myApps Android/iOS: Directory search in local contacts didn't find matches of the company name.
120034 - myPBX/myApps Android: Handle more of the rare exceptions seen in crashes
119888 - OS support for new device
120349 - PBX avoid buffer overrun with Phone App
Problem with very long signaling messages
120196 - PBX Waiting Queue: Potential unexpected restart on call disconnect collision
118734 - PBX: Duplicate CDRs in case of call-forward to busy WQ
120655 - PBX: Potential unexpected restart on incoming call to SBC object with facilities
Access to deleted buffers
119668 - PBXManager App Voicemail and App Files: Scrolling in PBX Manager not possible
In Pbx Manager it is not possible to scroll through an amount of Voicemail Objects and Files Objects
119385 - phone: USB Headset - add EPOS product IDs for already supported Sennheiser devices
Sennheiser is now EPOS and the otherwise unchanged Sennheiser Devices got new names and USB product IDs (but fortunately kept the old USB vendor ID
119520 - phone_ip16x - possible trap caused by buffer reference count overrun
after long time of operation a VAR buffer reference count did overrun because the var was read frequently but the returned buffer was not freed .
119554 - SDK Replicator: Avoid duplicate ReplicateStart messages
This ends up in database errors. The duplicate ReplicateStart messages are caused be duplicate calls to replicator->Start(). The additional call to replicator->Start() should not cause a problem. Calls to replicator->Stop() should reset the session.
119502 - SIP-Provider Profile AT-Ipaustria-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
119463 - SIP-Provider Profile AT-Talk2U-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
120469 - SIP-Provider Profile AT-WNT_Telecommunication-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
119461 - SIP-Provider Profile CH-iWay-BusinessSIPTrunk
New SIP Provider Profile
119369 - SIP-Provider Profile DE - Voiceworks - SIP Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
119519 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-Deutsche_Telekom-CompanyFlex_TLS
Updated SIP Provider Profile - added exclusive coder option
119370 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-Voiceworks-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
120470 - SIP-Provider Profile DK-Telenor-SIP_Trunk
Updated SIP Provider Profile
-changes were made such as addition of STUN server and exclusive coder
119358 - SIP-Provider Profile FR-OpenIP-SIP Trunk Touch
New SIP Provider Profile
119372 - SIP-Provider Profile IT-Telmekom-SIP_Trunk_TLS
New SIP Provider Profile
119778 - SIP-Provider Profile LI-Speedcom-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
119726 - SIP-Provider Profile NL-TELE2-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
119490 - SIP: Call may remain in held state sometimes
If PBX sends HOLD and RETRIEVE in quick succession, while there's still another INVITE transaction pending, the call may end up in held state.
HOLD was queued and performed a.s.a.p. but RETRIEVE got lost.
120343 - SIP: NAT type discovery did not work
NAT type discovery did not work. STUN server port was lost. STUN requests were sent to port 0.
120323 - Softphone-App: Support for remote-control commands MIC_OFF and MIC_ON
Added support for remote-control commands MIC_OFF and MIC_ON.
Required when Switchboard-App is used to control the Softphone-App.
119392 - Voicemail: Fake leg2Info from ctSetup
Transferred calls from a Waiting-Queue towards a Voicemail couldn't be handled in answering machine mode.
By deriving a leg2Information facility from a call with a ctSetup facility such call can now be accepted and processed accordingly.
#changed pbx_vm.cpp,.h
119390 - Voicemail: Trap
A trap occurred as a consequence of sending the internal address check event "socket_event_addr_check_local_host" by means of queue_event(). Now sending by means of queue_event_call().
#changed vm_script_if.cpp
13r2 Service Release 10 (136338)
121590 - Allow to define a RTP port range with as little as 16 ports
The lower limit was 128 ports. This is for testing purposes only.
121105 - AP Manager: added possibility to cleanup databases
Run vacuumdb through the edit instance settings.
120959 - AP Manager: support external database hosts for instances
The AP Manager now supports the configuration of an external database host (and port).
An app instance will then connect to an external database host instead of the locally generated database.
The automated backup mechanism also supports external hosts, just restore doesn't work.
121843 - App Devices: transfer empty values in certain device configurations
Media: ports
NTP: servers and timezone string
Alarm Server: allow empty alarm server URL
121598 - App Logging: Clean logs rutine could delete logs from the future
With the arm compiler, the definition of 1 hour was wrong (it should be (3600LL*1000) instead of (3600*1000)).
Then the calculation of the timestamp to remove the old logs from the DB was setting a time in the future, so all logs where deleted.
120961 - App Profile: Change on 3rd-party phones configuration information
SIP Registrar should be changed to SIP server
The value in the field next to SIP server should be the same as at domain.
121439 - App Reporting: speed up CDR inserts and missed calls queries
Removed an unneccessary query from the insert part and added optimizations for the missed calls query.
121597 - App Store: Extra binaries containing may not be included on the copy array
If the extra binary included on x_files file contains the name of the main binary (i.e. test and test2) then it will not be added to the copy array included on apps.json and the AP Manager will not copy it.
121438 - App Switchboard: Calls may be displayed duplicated when switching the monitorized device
When the user changes the monitorized device and a call is already displayed on UI, it may be duplicated.
120363 - App Switchboard: Calls still displayed on UI even when they have been connected by an operator
This happens when an user is monitorizing a waiting queue with the "Operator Connect for SOAP" option selected.
Now a CallInfo with msg="anouncement" comes before the connect message, so when the connect comes the call can be removed from the UI.
121919 - App Voicemail: Badge Count displays wrong number of voicemails
Badge Count displays the same value if a user has a personal vm and a group vm and changes the number of personal vms. The badge count also shows the number of personal vm in the group voicemail app. If the app is restarted the badge count displays the correct value.
121615 - Firmware/Apps: updated translations
121600 - IPxx11: Production commands
For production only.
121915 - Javascript-App: app may not terminate correctly
If appwebsocket sessions closed during a running database exec sql, the app didn't close correctly anymore.
120139 - Keep Softphone-App in background in case of RCC
Keep Softphone-App in background when controlled by RCC.
121558 - Media: Fixed a race condition crash with a STUN packet received during connection abort in gathering phase
121588 - myApps Android: Fixed an eventual audio noise burst at the beginning of the first call.
121099 - myApps Android: Fixed sporadic white screens due to inconsistent information in the webview cache
121546 - myApps macOS: Fixed a crash on cmd-Q shutdown with certain headsets plugged
120666 - myApps macOS: Fixed a trap with certain Sennheiser headsets
118763 - myApps Windows: prevent missing files after MSI installation through background service
The MSI installation sometimes caused missing files because some files where in use during installation.
Now myApps is forcefully closed during the MSI setup and a check on file usage is done.
If a file is still in use, the installation fails and is rolled back.
121518 - PBX Map object for Exec direct call did not work anymore
A fix in 2015 broke this.
New Flag "Show as diverted" enables it again.
121444 - PBX potential unexpected restart on WQ operator call forward to invalid destination
121918 - PBX: fixed leak on using PBX admin API and GetPhoneConfig message
121525 - PBX: Joining/leaving group with DTMF, created problems with Waiting Queue presence setting
When a group was joined with DTMF, the Waiting Queue option "Set Operator Presence ... Clear after ...s did not work correctly. The presence was never cleared.
121425 - PBX: Potential unexprected restart on transfer of a call to a broadcast object
120322 - recordings: duration was set wrongly
duration of the call was always set to the latest highest value
121225 - SIP-Provider Profile CH-Speedcom_AG-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
121316 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-Deutsche_Telefon-SIP_Tk_Anlagenanschluss
Updated SIP Provider Profile - enabled exclusive codec, no-ice, no-rtcp-mux, no-encryption
121326 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-Deutsche_Telekom-CompanyFlex_TCP
Updated SIP Provider Profile- enabled exclusive codec
121584 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-ecotel-SIP_Trunk_2.0
Updated SIP Provider Profile- included some changes such as sip transport using udp.
121585 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-ecotel-SIP_Trunk_2.0_TLS
New SIP Provider Profile
120966 - SIP: Improve diagnostics
More details on debug command. Required to understand cases where SIP stack runs into allocation limits due to high number of ongoing transactions.
121508 - Unexpected restart if PBX is stopped while Unknown Regs active
13r2 Service Release 11 (136345)
122903 - AP Manager: fixed rare crash on shutdown with statistics collection
123312 - App Devices: added support for buggy chromedriver in nightly tests
The current chromedriver crashes when the Advanced UI is opened within Devices which is itself opened within myApps.
This is a bug of the chromdriver and the workaround opens a non standard page of the advanced UI.
The workaround is just triggered within the automated test environment.
123178 - App Devices: added test ids for nightly tests
123129 - App Devices: device checks after reboot of clients may hang
In rare cases device checks after a client reboot were not executed anymore.
122474 - App Devices: use correct local time for update job start time in Safari
Safaris Date constructor uses UTC instead of local timezone for a specific time string format ...
123039 - App Switchboard: Javascript error if dn was not delivered by LDAP (Search Api)
122060 - App UsersAdmin: Provisioning categories not displayed for Yealink
The last flag was missing on the Yealink provisioning GetCategories JSON. The categories dropdown was not displayed because it kept waiting for the last flag.
122157 - Firmware: avoid out of memory traps with PCAP to URL and out of space scenarios
121834 - Gateway CDPN Maps: UUI info with special characters where not stored correctly
If characters had to be URL encoded, the UUI was cut off, when another CDPN map was edited
122300 - Javascript Apps: prevent crash if certain POST parameters are missing
122871 - myApps iOS: Fixed a rare race condition trap on start of the app
122054 - myApps macOS: Didn't remember window location and size on next start
121833 - myApps: Allow configuration of timeout for "auto appear offline" in browser
In the browser the timeout for the "auto appear offline" feature was hardcoded to 5 minutes, before.
Now the browser version follows the settings at PBX/Config/myApps/Client Settings/Auto appear offline.
Additionally an URL parameter "inactiveTimeout" was added that can be used to set the timeout in milliseconds. 0 means that the "auto appear offline" feature is disabled and the user will appear online as long as myApps is running.
122942 - myPBX/myApps iOS: Handle eventual exception while fetching a contact photo
122957 - PBX Channel licenses randomly did not work
Did depend on some uninitialized memory
121939 - phone USB Headsets: Jabra Link 380 USB/BT dongle support added
support for Jabra Link 380 USB/BT Dongle added
122866 - Phones: directory search with very long strings could cause a trap
122160 - Phones: Toggle between truncated display-name and full display-name
E.g. toggle between:
"Max M… | 00049703173009000"
"Max Mustermann innovapho…"
121827 - potential trap when entering plain '!' via browser command line
on some devices a plain '!' entered on browser command line causes a trap
123126 - Recordings GUI: gap in displayed recordings when scrolling hits bottom
when scrolling to the bottom the next 200 entries are requested. bug caused a gap of 200 entiries
122634 - Recordings: accept license info only from the configured pbx
it should not be but in case of replicated recordings objects sometimes these objects send wrong service license info thus overriding a flat license configuration
121720 - Recordings: flat license config disappears
recordings: doing any operation on the pbxmanager generated user object deletes flat license
121917 - Relay: URL-Encoding of Action "PARTIAL-REROUTING.." wrong within LOG CALL CDRs
A space character wasn't URL-encoded
122473 - Reverse Proxy memory leak on SIP and H323 TLS connections
Small leak. But it adds up over time.
123107 - SIP-Provider Profile
Updated SIP Provider Profile - made some changes such as removal of video-relay and addition of DTMF sleep timeout.
122812 - SIP-Provider Profile LI-Telecom_Liechtenstein_AG-Convoip_Trunk
Updated SIP Provider Profile - removed ICE, encryption and video-relay.
121953 - SIP: Fix for SIP overload condition
SIP stack may reach allocation limit when outbound message-summary subscriptions cannot be established.
123181 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Fix for trap when SIP response cannot be sent.
122980 - SIP: Requests sometimes sent to wrong port
Due to bug in Contact header parsing. Requests are sent to remote port 1 (instead of 5060).
123159 - softwarephone: cannot get out of DND mode
when pressing the headset mute button, softwarephone enters the DND mode. some headsets only send the mute event during an active call and a short period after call clearance. so, if the mute button is pressed shortly after hangup, it may get through causing the dnd mode. however one cannot leave this mode anymore since the idle headset does not deliver mute button presses.
123128 - softwarephone: update functionality missing
update service was not included anymore in build
118900 - time stamps in counter vars could be wrong because of delayed system time change
the time stamp in counter vars was derived directly from the UTC time count (ctime) . When a new UTC time is set while critical apps (pbx, relay, nat) block setting the difference between the new value and the active value is saved and must be included in the counter var time stamp.
122813 - Tracing and Logging Admin UI pages were not displayed
In case of very long config lines
123125 - WebRTC widget did not play video on iOS
Set additional attributes on audio and video elements:
- playsinline
- webkit-playsinline
Harmonization with the softphone.
13r2 Service Release 12 (136349)
124514 - AP Manager: sometimes an App Service couldn't be started
The check if a process of the App exists failed if there was another process with a certain PID.
124080 - App Fax: Ampersand in subscriber name
It is possible to use an ampersand (&) in the subscriber name in the PBX fax object configuration now.
The fax interface must have the same firmware version or later. (Changed modules: PBX fax and fax interface)
123949 - App Fax: number start with '*' and '#'
It is possible to start a number with '*' and '#' now. A search was done before.
123948 - App Fax: Remove number decorations
The fax app removes the number decorations in numbers of searched contacts now.
123520 - HTTPClient problem with chunk encoded transfer and recv partial
120735 - myApps for Windows: lock in audio driver
124395 - myApps for Windows: write myApps version and trace flags in the log files
124051 - myApps Windows: Small Timeout during initialization to reduce cpu load
124438 - myAppsOutlookSearch: Fixed infinite loop in phonebook initialization
In some cases it is possible that the initialization of the phonebook hangs because of denied access to phonebook folders.
123321 - myPBX toolbox: css path fix in docu
The given path in the widget.html does not match the file structure. Css files are linked to an underfolder, which is not the right path.
124478 - PBX: allow rental and purchased licenses on the same PBX
123620 - Phones: Bug in recording fkey
If local recording is configured, the recording fkey should control local recording.
If _no_ local recording is configured, the recording fkey should control remote recording.
123835 - Phones: Fix for PICKUP fkey
Pressing PICKUP fkey sometimes opened call-select-dialog, although there was only one single call to pick.
123770 - prevent trap at high logging rates
prevent trap at high logging rates
124576 - Protection against theoretical XSS possibility in pbx_appclient_popup.htm
URLs given in the "url" parameter are now filtered for javascript code.
123578 - SDP encoding: invalid a:candidate encoding when rport was 0
The SDP encoder removed the raddr and rport values from SDP when rport was 0.
Browsers ignore SRFLX and RELAY candidates without raddr and rport according to RFC 5245, section 15.1. This led to connection issues with WebRTC.
Encoding before fix:
a=candidate:2 1 UDP 16642046 20932 typ relay
Encoding after fix:
a=candidate:2 1 UDP 16642046 20932 typ relay raddr rport 0
123606 - SIP-Provider Profile AT-Telecom5-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
124079 - SIP-Provider Profile DE-Colt-SIP_Trunking
Updated SIP Provider Profile- Changed identity header to enable CLNS again
124241 - SIP: Accept SIPS signaling through TCP connection
Required for registration through reverse-proxy.
RP receives SIP/TLS but forwards SIP/TCP.
Do not try to redirect to TCP transport.
124284 - SIP: Fix for calls from SIP phone to Softphone-App
Call fails with "504 Server Time-out".
But only when Softphone-App needs to be auto-started to receive the call.
124194 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Rare trap when TCP connections was opened to send a response message. Usually TCP connections is already open when response is sent.
123812 - SIP: Handle Subscribe 405 response as 489 Bad Event
124361 - Softphone-App: Do not display received UUI text information
13r2 Service Release 13 (136357)
125321 - AP Manager: fixed possible leaks in alarm client
It leaked if the event queue size exceeded 300 items or if an alarm was removed but still inside the queue.
125012 - App Devices: fixed iSC calculation for new iSC values
Just the display calculation was wrong. The server side calculation was fine.
126041 - App Devices: fixed possible hanging device checks after reboot of a device
125355 - App Switchboard: Fix setTransfer null value in UI
124497 - App Users: Automatically remove user from homescreen if it does not exist anymore
When an user from the homescreen does not exist anymore and it is clicked, the item must be deleted automatically from the homescreen.
125920 - App Yealink: fixed crashes with provisioning/deprovisioning if websocket session broke away too early
125873 - Calendar: fixed a potential crash when configration is wrong
125919 - Calendar: Fixed small null pointer bug in Calendar PBX Manager Plugin
125918 - Calendar: improved speed for name resolving with Exchange
126387 - DNS: Start with the primary DNS address even if DHCP is late by more than 10 seconds
124822 - Editing Forks with Advanced UI: "Bool" and "Not" parameter from first fork copied to the others
123186 - Fix for trap caused by uninitialized pointer
126375 - Fixed unexpected PBX restart due to NULL pointer access in RTP channel
124823 - H323/SIP CLEARMODE interworking did not work anymore
Collateral damage of 104167 - WebRTC DTMF did not work sometimes
126040 - Hanging calls with media-relay
In case of calls rejected even before RTP channel is initialized completely
125081 - IP112: USB headset volume could not be increased
124764 - ip1202: fix bootcode upgrade for OEM devices
bootcode upgrade on OEM devices failed because it was misinterpreted as an illegal downgrade
126140 - ipxx11: set the AP console buffer to uncached mode
By accident not the whole the AP console buffer was set to uncached mode
124619 - myApps Android: Update Huawei Messaging Service to meet the play store requirements
123518 - myApps for Windows: Update openssl library with version 1.1.1n
124747 - myApps iOS: 2FA confirmation, if done on the iPhone, failed with "Session not found"
125014 - myApps macOS: Fixed flickering mute if headset mute button was pressed
124391 - myApps Windows: fixed rare deadlock with notifications and office integration
126437 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed sporadic endless ringing if a call was quickly accepted on another device
126097 - No audio in some cases of calls to SIP trunk
On the H.323 side of the call, encryption mode was set to the same as on the SIP trunk. This created a problem and was unnecessary
126008 - No dialog subscriptions from slave to master for groups as option
To reduce load in case of big slaves and no cross location groups
126010 - PBX: Adjustment for international number missing for call-reroute
This means that a call reroute with the myApps Phone App does not work
126445 - PBX: BC Conf trap
A trap occurs if an user starts an IM session to a broadcast conference object with the group only option and the user isn't in this group. This is fixed now.
124830 - PBX: Potential restart on reverse lookup in Waiting queue
124736 - phone ip10x: support mode "Use Handset like a Headset..."
The mode "Use Handset like a Headset, ignore Hookswitch Signals" permits to initiate/terminate calls with the Headset key while the media stream goes via the Handset. This mode is configured under "Phone/Preferences"
126110 - Potential restart on broken voicemail lics
124821 - Potential restart on some special login requests to Advanced UI
Maybe caused by an attack
126117 - Potential unexpected restart if PbxAdminApi connection is terminated prematurely
Missing check if the connection still exists, when the request tries to return a result
124817 - Potential unexpected restart on subscriptions from users without name or number
The check for visibility caused a null pointer access
122464 - Potential unexpected restart with Phone App
Togehter with issues on the client side or network problems
124642 - Queues: PBX manager plugin should only be displayed for own domain
Erroneously the plugin for the app instance was configured to be displayed in the PBX manager of all domains.
125323 - SIP-Provider Profile AT-Telecom5-Tc5IPX
Updated SIP Provider Profile - T.38 is now supported
126504 - SIP-Provider Profile PT-G9Telecom-SIP_Trunk
New SIP Provider Profile
126383 - SIP: Add display name to PAI/PPI header
Add display name to P-Asserted-Identity/P-Preferred-Identity header.
126413 - SIP: DNS SRV load balancing not working
DNS SRV load balancing not working. Priority was honored, but weight value not.
124173 - SIP: Fix for crypto-tag in SDP
124397 - SIP: Fix for DNS caching
Bug in caching of host-records (A/AAAA) could result in memory exhaustion (Out-Of-Memory).
124549 - SIP: Fix for outgoing calls on SIP-Registrar interface
Calls routed to SIP-Registrar interface are not sent out, but rejected.
125720 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Unexpected restart caused by an unusual REGISTER message.
124442 - SIP: New config file option "/100rel-disabled"
New config file option:
config change SIP /100rel-disabled
124903 - SMTP client: Support for longer host names in EHLO message
Applies to the SMTP client in the firmware as used by the PBX or voicemail.
The length of the EHLO host name was limited to 40 characters.
The limit was increased to 248 characters.
124844 - Softphone busy if chat open and softphone not open and no other phone
125105 - Softphone-App: Failed to establish video channel
Browser refused remote video offer because one video codec offer misses RTP payload-type.
This video codec offer is now sorted out.
125000 - Sometimes no audio heard when dialing to automatically answered services.
124652 - TLS: Possibility to disable client-initiated renegotiation
Renegotation can now be disabled in the TLS settings.
- Applies to TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 in the firmware. TLS 1.3 does not support renegotiation.
- Renegotiation could be used by attackers to cause additional CPU load on servers.
Advanced UI:
- New flag IPx / TLS / Disable renegotiation
Config lines:
- config change TLS0 /no-renegotiation
- config change TLS6 /no-renegotiation
124601 - Trap on SOAP:FindUser
An argument vector evaluation failed.
124812 - Trunk Name as Number did not work correctly for endpoints without external number
If there is no match for the name, the normal CGPN should be sent
126171 - Web-Access-Client: Cannot re-join conference after unexpected disconnect
13r2 Service Release 14 (136373)
126966 - AP Manager: Fix buffer overflow when requesting instance live statistics
127767 - App Contacts: PBX Manager Plugin Failed Object Enumeration
Trailing "/" no longer needed in URL for enumeration of App Contacts objects.
#changed innovaphone.ManagerContacts.js
127224 - App Events: Do not broadcast syslog messages on not authenticated WebSocket connections
Syslog messages delivered to the Events instance were sent over WebSocket connections that were not authenticated via AppLogin. Reported by trizwo GmbH IT & Communication,
For more details:
126252 - App Recordings: sometimes recordings metadata incomplete
App Recordings: sometimes recordings metadata incomplete due to a syntax error in psql command.
125683 - App Recordings: crash when more than 1000 call participants are in DB
When the number of call participants in the database exceeds 1000, the app crashes when Admin gui is invoked.
125692 - App Recordings: include call participants for access list users selectable
When using access lists the call participants of a user in the access list should also be selectable for filtering
125807 - App Recordings: scrolling works only up to 400 entries
There is a limit of 1000 entries in the scroll area which is not reached, scrolling stops at 400.
126797 - App Users: Fix device name in the user object when provisioning
- The wrong category was used to construct the device name when provisioning
126970 - App Users: Fix provisioning provider title
3rd party provisioning provider title should be used instead of the App Service title.
127247 - App Users: Fixed an access to a deleted object on provisioning provider title
127623 - App Users: Removed column length restriction of certain fork/diversion columns
Removed the 45 chars limit of:
diversions (h323, e164, bool)
forks (h323, e164, bool, mobility)
126663 - App Users: SeW-UsersAdmin failed with leak-check
Relates to 13r3
#124726 - SeW-UsersAdmin failed with leak-check
#changed users.cpp
126803 - Call from Softphone to Third Party SIP phone with Media Relay did not work
RTCP-MUX was turn-off by accident, which caused the Browser to termintate the call
127235 - Conference: Do not charge licenses on foreign locations
The PBX Conference object also charges PBX channels licenses on all foreign PBX locations. This is fixed now.
127792 - DNS: Pending DNS requests during shutdown could cause a trap or deadlock
126689 - Event-App: Fix for javascript exception
Fix for javascript exception when opening an error of type "phone".
127205 - FAX Channel: T.38 renegotiation not before the call connect
The fax interface channel should not start a coder renegotiation for a T.38 request before the call is connected. Otherwise there could be a race condition between the endpoints which results in an unconnected media channel because of a wrong name and password combination for the TURN channel. This is fixed now.
128563 - Include hardware licenses
127750 - IPxx11: Fix bootloop in manufacturing flash procedure
Nur intern wichtig
126587 - ipxx11: remove initialization of unused packet processor ports
initialization of unused packet processor ports may hang sometimes and can be skipped. the fix permits testing of pre 13r3 under 13r3 after fix "#125264 - IP811 Upload DRAM without softreset" has been applied.
126811 - myApps Android: Fixed screen ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on start after many PBX updates.
126868 - myApps for Windows: Speed up start of the softphone
This is a problem with the audio driver due to a slow checking of the I/O devices.
I already changed that to run in a thread in 13r3 with significant improvement.
Another change was the enumeration of the available apps for application sharing. This was also taking a couple of seconds.
127597 - myApps iOS didn't connect to car audio devices
127064 - myApps iOS/macOS: ICS download did not work on iOS 14.5 / macOS 11.3 and later
128161 - myApps Windows: fixed not working notifications in certain scenarios
If myApps was started the first time on another user account, the shortcut creation failed which is neccessary for notifications.
128155 - myApps: unresponsive when audio devices are added/removed
128156 - myApps: Update Windows jabra sdk
126749 - PBX/H323 potential unexpected restart when receiving a H323 registration thru RP
Buffer overrun on XFF added by RP
127252 - PbxAdmin Api operation GetAppObjects returns wrong objects
An URI can be provided as to match. This is done as a head-match, but it should be an excat match.
126751 - phone ip16x - FHF Indutel: let REDIAL & FLASH key in idle mode trigger a call
the "Indutel" version of IP16x has no display and thus redial and flash key pressed in idle mode should directly trigger a call
126605 - phone ip240A: fix problem with DHSG headset after powercycle
Since 13r2 DHSG headsets could not accept calls after a power cycle. This is fixed now.
126729 - phone USB headset: support Jabra Link 400 USB/DECT adapter
Support for the new Jabra Link 400 USB/DECT adapter as included in the Jabra ENGAGE 55 package (and may be others).
126697 - phone: fix bug in handling of "Dialing Location - Max Internal Number Length"
When dialling a non-decorated plain number from a directory the "External Line" prefix is prepended if the number is longer than the specified "Max Internal Number Length ". On some older phones like ip241 this was done even if the number from directory already starts with this prefix.
126681 - R2 CAS: Throttle digit dialing speed to account for problems with slow switches
128044 - recordings: crash at startup or intermediate
when a pseudo does not have a number recordings can crash
127981 - SIP: Fix for special negotiation problem
Loop of re-negotiations when calling from a video phone to a snom phone.
127110 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Trap when receiving a special unexpected response message.
126705 - SIP: Send Record-Route header in initial INVITE
Send 'Record-Route' header in initial INVITE instead of 'Route' header.
'Route' header is used in any in-dialog requests (re-INVITE, BYE, etc).
For interoperability with Yealink.
127046 - softwarephone; crashes when logging is enabled
when logging is enabled softwarephone crashes on start 12r1
126687 - Switchboard-App: Fix for call hold
Switchboard user itself should not get the dialtone, when putting a call on hold.
126775 - TLS: Add CBC cipher suites to profile expermental
Needed for OEM version interoperability.
128084 - Unexpected restart on special timing when disconnecting announcement call
This happened on calls to the HTTP interface from Waiting Queues
126294 - Voicemail: PBX/Objects/User/General/External not applied
Trunk object's "name as number" mapping functionality wasn't effective when forwarding a voicemail call to an external destination.
13r2 Service Release 15 (136377)
129133 - Advanced UI: Relay/GK - Allow passwords starting with a slash
Due to invalid URL decoding it was not possible to configure passwords starting with a slash at Gateway/GK.
128749 - AP Manager UI: Fix app title height/width
129186 - App Users: fixed trap on phone provisioning within Users Admin
129094 - myApps: fixed and internal endless loop if DNS resolved to multiple IPv4 or multiple IPv6 addresses.
128641 - myApps: No relay/srflx candidate if multiple TURN/STUN servers configured.
128803 - PBX RCC/SOAP cause code did not work for UserClear
128802 - PBX: Potential restart because of buffer overrun with SOAP
128800 - PBX: Potential unexpected restart, when closing RCC api while calls are active
128804 - Reverse Proxy increase maximum number of maps to 128
13r2 Service Release 16 (136383)
130318 - A call from WQ, rejected on mobility endpoint disconnected calls to all operators
The call was retried to the operators, still not nice
129329 - Advanced UI: Relay/SIP - Allow passwords starting with a slash
Due to invalid URL decoding it was not possible to configure passwords starting with a slash at Gateway/SIP.
130495 - Firmware: Could not open special advanced UI pages through the devices app
127591 - Fix for coder names in WebRTC
Softphone-App and Web-Access-Client: Chrome does no longer accept "G723-53" in SDP. Must use "G723" instead.
130158 - Hardware licenses added for ip800, ip6000 and ip2000
130160 - IP29-20: start all TEL interfaces when PoE+ is indicated via LLDP
The interfaces TEL9...TEL20 started only when PoE+ was detected by ethernet hardware at boot time. Now they are also started when PoE+ is indicated via LLDP later
130352 - IPv4: prevent direct routing between interfaces
incoming frames directed to another interface are passed directly to this interface by default. When "IP4/General/Settings/Isolate Interfaces" in the advanced GUI is checked such frames are dropped and the SNMP counter IPROUTINGDISCARDS is incremented.
The corresponding flag can also be set with
!config add IP0 /isolate-interfaces
!config write
!config activate
129696 - LLDP configuration via advanced GUI
To overcome PoE+ problems with certain switches LLDP needs to be configured for example to omit PoE+ negotiation via LLDP at all or to omit some PoE+ or VLAN specific TLVs in sent LLDP frames.
130816 - myApps Android/iOS: Use HTML in the send logs e-mail to prevent triggering spam filter rule "HTML and text parts are different"
129824 - myApps Android: app closed its UI if the smartphone was locked.
129938 - myApps Android: Fixed inconsistency whether incoming call was shown through myApps or Smartphone dialer UI.
131120 - myApps macOS: Notificatione were not shown in latest macOS versions.
Implement local notifications with UNUserNotifications instead of deprecated NSUserNotifications
130315 - myApps macOS: On some installations it always only showed a blank screen.
130062 - myPBX/myApps Android: Native phone app floating control remained after call disconnect on some smartphones.
130874 - myPBX: crash using Windows AutomationElement API for hotkeys
129637 - phones ip10x /ip16x: protect all phone GUI pages in viewer mode
some pages of the advanced GUI were not protected agaist changes in "viewer" mode
131098 - SIP: Do not reject redirected REGISTER request
Rejected REGISTER request may have a Request-URI with a special postfix.
130417 - SIP: Fix for config option /accept-any-reg-interval
Even with config option /accept-any-reg-interval sometimes the assigned registration TTL was lower than the propsed value.
E.g. REGISTER with "Expires: 3631" and 200/OK with "Expires: 220"
130659 - SIP: Fix for lost registrations
SIP interfaces sometimes lose their registration (stop refreshing). This happens if DNS-SRV-Query gets no response (timeout).
130500 - SIP: Reduced re-transmission of UN-REGISTER request
Instead of re-transmitting REGISTER (Expires: 0) for 32 seconds (10 re-transmissions) only 4 seconds (3 re-transmissions) are sent.
129857 - Users: Provisioning via Users Admin was not possible if provisioning Provider Title did not match Service Title
129858 - Yealink: Possible crash in case of big list of Devices at PBX User Object
The buffer for JSON message was sometimes too small.
13r2 Service Release 17 (136386)
131497 - Advanced UI: Prevent XSL injection
The servlets for the advanced UI accept an "xsl" URL paramter that specifies the XSLT file for displaying the corresponding page.
Before this fix it was possible to specify a DATA URL containing a malicious style sheet that could be used for phishing attacks.
After this fix no values containing a colon are allowed, like:
- xsl=data:...
- xsl=data%3A...
- xsl=data%3a...
- xsl=javascript%3A...
- xsl=http%3A...
- ...
So only the pre-defined style sheets from the box are allowed.
Reported by trizwo GmbH IT & Communication,
131162 - AP Manager: Filter out additional parameters in the apps popup URL
Prevent html/javascript injection
131382 - App UsersAdmin: Users not loaded on UI
The max ID value used to read the users list was INT instead of ULong64. This was interpreted as a number out of range for a bigserial, which translated into a negative number.
131909 - Calendar: Fixed a problem with new or updated Exchange Installations
Sometimes the sync stopped with an ErrorNoRespondingCASInDestinationSite error message.
132066 - Calendar: restart loop if config had been changed.
131739 - Could not send DTMF in early-media state
Could not send DTMF while hearing early-media announcement (e.g. waiting-queue).
131302 - DHCP: timer assertion when times greater 357.912 minutes were configured or received
Checks of configured server time values and of time values received in a lease did not consider the reduced interval timer limit introduced with V13r2.
132065 - Fix for unexpected restart caused by inconsitent packet chaining
Fix for unexpected restart caused by inconsitent packet links.
132044 - Fixed command injection vulnerability by modification of service id during app upload
Just possible with access to the AP Manager and knowledge of the password of the AP Manager.
The service ID is now validated and must only contain a-zA-Z0-9_- chars.
Thus no command injection vulnerability is possible anymore.
Reported by: Dennis Herrmann of Code White GmbH
Note: the CVE score is wrong (at 7.10.2022), as the CVE has been reported with wrong "Privileges Required" and "User Interaction" tags. Privileges Required must be "High" instead of "None" and User Interaction "Required" instead of "None".
With correct tags, the score would be much lower!
132280 - Fixed crash on info cmd to unformatted FLASH
The FAT32 module now ignores info commands if the underlying FLASH is not formatted.
131403 - IPv6 memory leak
An icmp6 redirect is performed for incoming packets for which there is a route not addressing the local stack. In this case a packet may get lost.
131737 - myApps Android: Include Huawei push messaging only in a separate distribution for the Huawei App Gallery
131256 - myApps Android: Rarely used audio API "RTP" exhibited a leak and race condition trap
131486 - myApps for Windows: increase process priority during voice calls
ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS is now used. When the call is over NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS is set again.
131988 - myApps iOS/macOS: Avoid prompt for camera permission on every start of the app.
131983 - myApps macOS: Fixed a crash if the camera was used with macOS 12.6 or later
131243 - myAppsOutlookSearch: Reverse Lookup Results from Unknown Caller
112306 - phone USB: support Gigaset ION (DECT Handset/Speaker)
add support for Gigaset ION (DECT Handset/Speaker)
129697 - phone USB: support Snom A330M/D headset, C300 personal conference
Add support for Snom A330M/D headset and C300 personal conference (speakerphone)
Added support for more fine grained function locking flags:
- PHONE_LOCK_CALL_INFO: 0x40000000
Applies to IP222, IP232, IP111, IP112
131905 - Provide PoE+ via LLDP on Aruba Switches
Some Aruba Switches require that the Ieee 802.3 - Power Via MDI TLV sent to the switch returns the latest PSE Allocated Power Value in addition to the PD Requested Power Value: Otherwise the switches provide only 13 Watt instead of the required 25.5 Watt
131349 - Raise "PoE+ missing" alarm only when PoE+ is missing at all
Alarm 0x00120004 Critical BOX Missing POE-plus
should be set only if PoE+ is signalled neither by ethernet hardware nor via LLDP.
131395 - Softphone-App: Fix for unwanted local conference
Unwanted local conference could happen if an inbound waiting call is accepted while having an outbound not-yet-connected call.
13r2 Service Release 18 (136390)
133429 - adjust LLDP power request according to PoE class of device
For most devices PoE class 2 (max 6.5 W) is sufficient. Previously 13W were requested which is critical at switches with a small PoE budget.
133045 - App UsersAdmin: Device not displayed on the UI after XML import
After the XML import, if a device was added, it was not displayed on the UI due to a Javascript error.
133046 - App UsersAdmin: With XML import only the email of the first user was added
Wrong variable name for the email.
132613 - DNS resolver: Keep using the same UDP socket since there is no need to ever close and re-open it.
132465 - IP222: Add ringer status signal
133597 - myApps Android: Fixed invalid avatars for smartphone contacts without photo.
132847 - myApps for Windows: update OpenSSL library to version 1.1.1q
132841 - myApps iOS: In heavy network conditions sometimes starting with black screen
133116 - myPBX/myApps Android: Fixed a trap on start of audio in low memory situation
132411 - Phone-App: Display name missing in callback request
Sometime the display name was missing on callback request email.
133133 - SIP: Create system alarm when OPTIONS gets no response
Create system alarm when OPTIONS gets no response.
Clear alarm when next response is received.
Helps system admin to keep track on trunk line status.
For interfaces without registration.
132556 - SIP: Fix for changing the remote IP address
Sometimes the SIP stack sends REGISTER or INVITE to an alternative IP address retrieved by DNS.
Better to stay with a once selected IP address.
13r2 Service Release 19 (136395)
135873 - Add new OEM-Code for IP112A-secure
OEM-Code soll 12 sein.
Wird als IP112A-secure angezeigt
135928 - AP Manager: Prevent restarting the manager 2 times after an update
135289 - App Devices: enhanced error message about invalid project in rental tab
The error message now tells that the balance has to be charged first to continue with renting licenses.
134002 - App UsersAdmin/Profile: MAC length can be 12 or 10
When provisioning a 3rd-party phone now it is possible to enter a MAC with length 10 or 12. This is needed because Gigaset uses IPUIs with 10 digits, instead of MACs.
135922 - Calendar: Add option in PBX Manager Plugin to enabled log output of EWS protocol data
135963 - Fix for interrupted websocket connections and sporadic ICE failures
Sometimes websocket connections are closed during call establishment:
"Websocket connection failed: Could not decode a text frame as UTF-8"
Could also fix sporadic ICE failures.
135245 - IP2x2: External Signal Alert for alert state
136936 - IPxx10: LLDP power request too low
Since 13r2 sr18 the power requested for IPxx10 boxes via LLDP was too low (6.4 W instead of 13 W)
It was observed that an Aruba switch switched off/on power after about 10 minutes.
135206 - ipxx13: disable misleading debug message
PP ERR: FMAN: ETH0 Rx FD status=00080000
does not indicate a real error and should be logged only in debug mode.
134762 - myApps Android/iOS/macOS: Help links didn't work e.g. in the PBX manager
134541 - myApps Android: Fixed a reload loop after downgrade of the PBX firmware
134453 - myApps iOS: On recent iOS opening web windows within myApps propmted for confirmation
134454 - myApps iOS: Opened web windows within myApps didn't close automatically
134569 - myApps iOS: Opening certain web windows within myApps showed a blank screen
134455 - myApps iOS: The user agent string of the myApps web view was not properly set with recent iOS
134975 - myApps: allow geolocation API for app iframes
Allow accessing geolocation API for partner apps.
allow="microphone; camera; display-capture *; autoplay; clipboard-write; geolocation"
134580 - myApps: Allow https and wss resources with the same path
133230 - myapps: audio devices with identical names for micro and headset not recognized
when the microphone endpoint and the speaker endpoint of the device have identical names the device is not recognized as a headset
133874 - myAppsOutlookSearch: Lookup for international numbers do not work correctly
137108 - myPBX Android: Incoming calls sometimes ringing silently on specific devices
135208 - One-way-audio on some calls from Softphone to Media-Relay endpoints
The problem happened on some special circumstances depending on the sequence of the coders
135826 - PBX App object changed to "endpoint" mode when editing
A App object should be "gateway" mode. It changed to "endpoint" mode when edited with Advanced UI. Only changed back to gateway mode with reset.
134536 - PBX Mobility: Unexpected restart with some special disconnect scenarios with SOAP
Missing null pointer check
135209 - PBX Trunk: Buffer overrun on more then 32 registrations
133942 - PBX XML import did not work for big objects
There was a limit on 1000 bytes
135072 - PBX: High CPU load caused by Mobility Loop and CC
CC to two users which configured each other as mobile endpoint caused a loop when doing a CC
134535 - PBX: Unexpected restart if RCC with mobilty is used and another forking destination is configured
136558 - Phones/PBX: Reduce high load on PBX caused by config changes
Config changes trigger phones to re-new all their subscriptions even if no changes where made to user's favorites.
Load on PBX can go to extreme if changes are made to config template. Lots of phones get new config at the same time. Keep all these phones from terminating and restarting all their subscriptions.
135391 - RCC-App: MissedCallNotification was missing
There was no OS notification on a missed call.
134983 - recordings: certain trunk recordings configurations can lead to wrong owner evaluation
134981 - recordings: flat license can disappear when admin gui is invoked
130596 - recordings: no recordings list shown when more than 7 access numbers configured
No recordings are shown in the gui when more than 7 access numbers are configured
136602 - SIP/TCP: Fixing failover problems
Fixing problems in failover scenarios where unused TCP connections kept open to currently unused backup server.
134547 - SIP: DNS SRV load balancing not working
Idea: Select one primary IP address and one backup IP address. Switch between primary and secondary address in case of failover.
Do not switch to another primary IP address.
136502 - SIP: Fix for +sip.instance parameter
Do not remove angle brackets from value of +sip.instance parameter.
135222 - Softphone-App: 'No Ringtone' option was not saved
'No Ringtone' option was not saved.
'No Ringtone' option was not selected after app restart.
136592 - Softphone-App: Fix for myApps crash
Fix for myApps crash when giving illeagal "StartDevice" message to native backend.
137123 - Update of * certificate in trust list of devices
133194 - Users Service: Add api when provisioning a 3rd-party phone if provided
If an api is provided by the services info, then the ProvisioningPhone message will contain that api when provisioning 3rd-party phones.
134627 - Users Service: Remove domain from email did not work if the domain part of the email contains the PBX domain
If a PBX domain is for example and the email is then removal of the domain part to check if an email already exists will look for user@dom.
133876 - Voicemail: Sometimes voice messages are not saved
Sometimes voice messages are not saved if HTTP-URL was longer that 254 bytes.
133932 - Waiting: Redirecting an operator call did not work
Facility not handled
133444 - Webdav-Client: Fix for resource leak
HTTP sessions were not closed after use. Resulting into many established TCP connections on client side and server side.
135288 - X.509: Workaround for certificate compatibility with new versions of Chrome and Edge
Recent versions of Chrome and Edge could no longer decode self-signed certificates created by the firmware.
Most probably this caused by a bug in the Chrome engine that might be fixed in the future. However we provide a workaround for certificate creation in our software.
- Before the fix, uncritical extensions contained the critical flag set to false.
- After the fix, uncritical extensions do not contain the optional critical flag.
- If you run into the problem with a self-signed certificate created on a box, we recommend creating a new certificate after firmware upgrade.
- The device certificates that are pre-installed on innovaphone products are not affected.
- There is a bug report at for the issue:
13r2 Service Release 20 (136401)
137410 - AP Manager: fixed core dump generation on the latest App Platform image
A 13r2 AP Manager started apps with sudo which prevented correct core dump generation on the latest App Platform image.
136497 - App Switchboard: Added disc parameter to UserInitialize
137706 - App Switchboard: Call not interactable once a second call is disconnected by peer
With 2 calls once the second has been disconnected by the peer, the first call is no longer interactable. The second call was still displayed on the phone and the first was permanently on hold. An UserClear message must be sent after r-disc arrives.
137126 - App Switchboard: Peer data not updated for queued calls
When a call was added to "In the waiting queue" section, the peer information (name and number) was not updated when a "CallInfo" with msg "update" message arrives.
137363 - Counters: Fix for PING statistic
No pixels drawn is response time is 4ms or below.
138097 - HTTP-Client: Support 401 response with Connection:close and Content-length
401 HTTP responses with Connection: close and Content-length did not work.
135994 - IP222/P232 HW2000 Dark Display in Bootcode/Minifirmware
When the minifirmware is running nothing is displayed on IP222/IP232 with Hardwarebuild of 2000 or higher.
136400 - IP6013: Fix sporadic trap when a RTP packet length is out of range
137018 - IPVA NIC: Hyper-V, VLance Improvements
Fixed problem with frames received out-of-sequence
Increased Vmbus buffer space
Increased numbers of rx-, tx slots
Increased numbers of rx-, tx slots
Enabled caching of previously uncached memory spaces
Increased queue lengths on abstraction for software switching level
138497 - Memory leak receiving ISDN CEI facilities
Problem with very high uptimes
138274 - myApps iOS: Added a registration check for the PBX websocket connection of the softphone app
137703 - myApps macOS: Fixed stall in some environments with Jabra headset
136563 - myApps: JS error whith presence activity "unknown"
A JS error occurred, if users on the home screen had the presence activity "unknown".
137145 - myPBX Android: Two ringtones were playing at the same time in certain situations
137926 - PBX crash on XML Import with some configs
If the config contained lots of small items, a 30K chunk could exceed the maximum number of XML elements
135501 - PBX Manager Plugin Groups: Only 64 group members where displayed
138494 - PbxSignal Api: New Check command
To verify the connection
138493 - Potential buffer overrun in SOAP FindUser
In case of long numbers or prefixes. Maybe caused by loops in Node Tree
137922 - Potential restart when using PBX Exec object
Together with multiple secretaries on 64bit platforms
137417 - RCC-App: Calls missing in call list
Calls cancelled by RCC-App do not appear in callees call-list.
Missing call entry is missing on called side.
136759 - recordings: solve js exception and disapperance of buttons on small window
71402 - Remove "Master" config from DECT object
Not used in 13r1
137912 - Reporting: buffer overrun if call flow contains too many events
137932 - SIP: Duplicate recording on Interfaces with Internal Registration
137326 - SIP: Fix for certificate validation problem
If there are several DNS host name records for the same SRV name, only the first host name will be checked during validation.
137271 - SIP: Fix for unexpected restart
Unexpected restart when receiving 481 for BYE.
137902 - SIP: Sometimes no delay when trying alternative proxies that fail
Do delay when switching between (not working) proxies.
13r2 Service Release 21 (136409)
139670 - Addtional protection against theoretical XSS possibility in pbx_appclient_popup.htm
- The page does not work anymore, if loaded without a window.opener.
- The page does not work anymore, if loaded in a standard browser, just in the myApps launcher.
- The URL-Parameter does not allow data-URLs anymore.
140248 - AP Manager: UI fixes
- Long app version is not truncated
- Opening the apps popup with the selected language
139038 - DECT sometimes no media after handover
140394 - IP-DECT: User license check with UI
If an user is added with the UI, the user license is checked before the LDAP save operation now. Otherwise the user data is saved, but the user is not added to the DECT system.
138483 - IP2x2: External Signal Alert for alert state
External Ring Alert state was wrong, now this is implemented:
On Pin 9 a low level is signaled if the phone Alerts, otherwise the signal is high.
On Pin 5 a low level is signaled if the handset is offhook or if handsfree mode is active. Otherwise the signal is high
138484 - IP6013: Add serial logger module
Merge from 13r3 for
138291 - IPxx13 - add power consumption counter
the power consumption of the ipxx13 is rather high, specially when the SSDs are heavily used, but should not reach the PoE+ limit of 25W . An alarm should be raised when this limit is rached .
125712 - IPxx13 - handle missing interrupts
try to restart interrupt controller when idle loop runs longer than 1/2 second without being interrupted
We added "web-share" to the allow attribute of app iframes.
138823 - Option to create debug builds
Nature of build shown in release state
140414 - PBX Exec was called directly even if secretary was available
Collateral damage from
137922 - Potential restart when using PBX Exec object
139674 - PBX Fax: T.38 renegotiation for outgoing calls
The FAX interface does try to renegotiate to T.38 for outgoing calls. Normally, the called gateway has to renegotiate, but if it does not, the innovaphone FAX interface does this after a timeout.
Now, the PBX Fax object sends an UUI message, because the signaling connect message is not forwarded to the interface for outgoing calls by the PBX.
This helps if the remote fax gateway decides to use an audio coder for the transmission and an innovaphone FAX interface only with T.38 is used.
138074 - PBX: Hanging calls on some rare Timing during connection establishment
Esspecially when media is switched multiple times. For example on a waiting queue, when first an announcement is played and then the operator connects
139668 - PbxAdminApi: fixed objects of the regs array in GetRegsResult
The output of the GetRegs was not formatted as stated in the PbxAdminApi documentation. The regs array contained mixed elements (objects and strings).
138977 - phone USB Headsets: add additional product-ID 0x030c for Jabra Evolve 65 (wired) product
Newer Evolve65 Headsets come with product-ID 0x030c instead of 0x030b.
139919 - SIP: Avoid registration at backup server when registration is canceled
Sometimes a registration at backup server was started when registration was about being cancelled.
137923 - SIP: Fix for interfaces not registering
Sometimes SIP interfaces do not register at carrier, becase sometimes IP6 address is picked from DNS results, but no local IP6 address is available.
Better switch to alternative IP address.
137728 - SIP: Interface did not switch to alternative IP address
139279 - SIP: Memleak when checking certificate name
Small memory leak when checking certificate name.
137807 - SIP: Send P-Asserted-Identity header in UPDATE
Send P-Asserted-Identity header in UPDATE (not P-Preferred-Identity), if option /pai is set.
137739 - Softphone-App: Fix for directory lookup
Sometimes additional directory info (gathered from Contacts-DB) is not displayed during call.
137350 - Webserver: Possibility to set status code
137420 - WebserverPlugin: Enable SetTransferInfo function for all IWebeserver* handler interfaces
Will be for 14r2, 13r3 and 14r1
13r2 Service Release 22 (136416)
142560 - App Devices: do not allow to provision a device to a different domain if already provisioned
It is not longer possible to provision a device into another domain if the device is already inside a domain in devices.
If you want to reprovision a device to a different domain, you must first remove it from its current domain.
139049 - myApps for Windows: audio distorsion problems
142405 - myApps macOS: Update the Yealink headset SDK to version
142408 - Potential problem with H.323 registration thru RP
Due to uninitialized data
142156 - Potential unexpected restart on collision of mobility call clearing and start of SOAP/RCC monitoring
143077 - recordings: sometimes not all recordings configured in access list are shown
137106 - SIP: New interop tweak /x-cisco-srtp-fallback
If set, the Supported header (INVITE and 200/OK) includes "X-cisco-srtp-fallback".
13r2 Service Release 23 (136420)
144055 - App Devices: fixed iSC calculation in the UI for project discounts with hardware rental with not yet rented products
The iSC calculation in the UI was wrong if a project discount was bound with hardware rental products where no such product was yet rented at all.
The server side iSC calculation was not affected.
142399 - App Switchboard: CFx could not be edited if there were already diversions with boolean
If the user had already a call diversion defined which included a boolean, then the diversion of the same type could not be edited.
143389 - Fix for unexpected restarted caused by torture testing
Special crafted SIP messages caused a controlled restart.
144019 - myApps Windows: improved signature validation in update service
143131 - myPBX/myAPPS iOS: Switching to speakerphone mode not possible on iPhone 14
144361 - PCAP-Recording did not work on SIP interfaces
142922 - Phones: Could not start consultation call while inbound call is waiting
There was no way to start an outbound consultation call in a situation like this:
- having one call connected
- having one (or more) inbound waiting calls
Now the plus button [+] is available to start an outbound consultation call.
143464 - SIP: Fix for parsing multipart bodies
Parsing of multipart body terminates prematurely in some cases. Could result in SDP being NOT processed.
143213 - SIP: Saving energy on mobile devices
Saving energy on mobile devices by NOT starting a timer-tick.
13r2 Service Release 24 (136422)
144483 - App Platform Manager: do not send update messages do not yet authenticated websocket sessions
144528 - IP-DECT: Trap with user license check
This is a fix for the previous fix "IP-DECT: User license check with UI".
145476 - myApps macOS: Fixed a crash on specific installations when making a call
145485 - myapps: headset plugin/remove not correctly detected
headsets with names containing special german character are not properly recognized sometimes
144564 - myPBX/myApps Android: Switch to speakerphone didn't take effect on Android 12 any more
144581 - Phone-App: Fix for sporadic fails when adding video
Fix for sporadic fails when adding video channel to an audio-only call.
13r2 Service Release 25 (136429)
146467 - App Recordings: when new pseudo object is added access list does not work on this number
147121 - Updated translations
13r2 Service Release 26 (136432)
148867 - IP1203: Support for new phy
147098 - myApps for Windows: Chromium update to .199
13r2 Service Release 27 (136433)
150383 - IP112: Fixed a potential division by zero in handsfree and USB headset mode.
150933 - myApps iOS: Preconfigure the PBX hostname via MDM was not working
150867 - phone IP240A,IP101,IP102: indicate broken gatekeeper or network connection in active call
On IP240A and on all other phones based on INCA chip and also on IP101 and IP102 a broken network or gatekeeper connection was not indicated while a call was active.
Now the call duration counter is replaced by the corresponding "network down" or "gatekeeper not connected" icon in this case.
13r2 Service Release 28 (136437)
152967 - myApps macOS: Updated the Sennheiser headset SDK to
151768 - myApps Windows: added commandline argument to get chromium major version
myApps.exe --version-chromium-as-exitcode
This returns the chromium major version as exit code and myApps exits at once.
Needed for nightly test automation.
123814 - SDK: JS Runtime: Possibility to read httpfiles from app service
AppInstance.httpfiles() lists all httpfiles.
AppInstance.httpfile(filename, binary) returns the file content for the given file name.
13r2 Service Release 29 (136444)
155698 - App Platform Manager: just use default NTP servers if no NTP servers configured
Just use default NTP servers like if no NTP server is configured or received by DHCP.
155697 - IP102/IP112/IP222A: Improved the sound quality with headsets that only support 48 kHz
151983 - myApps for Windows: Chromium update to 117.0.5938.150
Chromium 117.0.5938.150
154098 - myApps Windows: Fixed invalid value that was set for Environment variables LIBJABRA_TRACE_LEVEL and LIBYEALINK_TRACE_LEVEL
152335 - PBX: Increase size of SOAP Admin messages
The size of XML messages for SOAP Admin commands increased from 10000 to 64000 bytes.
155626 - PBX:Send PresenceUpdate on Softphone Registration
If a Softphone was registered or unregistered no PresenceUpdate was sent on the presence subscriptions.
155661 - prevent trap on IP DOS attack
on a certain DOS attack a trap in IPv4 could happen
13r2 Service Release 30 (136448)
156240 - App Devices: fixed rental license usage if device has all available licenses bound
The rental menu was not usable anymore if a device had all available licenses bound.
156859 - IP-DECT: Rare trap on user unregister
There can be a rare trap if the user's handset registration to the PBX is closed. It can occur during a configuration upload by an OEM update service. This is fixed now.
157826 - myApps macOS: Fixed a crash if camera permission was not granted.
155100 - PBX restart on Waiting Queue URL > 260 bytes
157340 - phone_imx6: Adjust LCD clock
150993 - SIP: Fix for wrong RTP port in SDP
If different ports were offered for RTP and SRTP.