Howto:ComteloSupervisor - comteloGbR - Partner App

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Product Name

Comtelo comtelo Supervisor-App

Certification Status


Computer Telephony Integration and Unified Messaging / Unified Communication



comteloSUPERVISOR provides control options for the group supervisor. You can use the app to switch group members out of or into the group or to control the redirection of participants or the waiting queue. This allows the supervisor to control their group members or waiting queue according to their needs.


Short summary of the most important features:


  • Change user status of members
  • Change Call Forwarding of members and waiting queue
  • User can be automatically switched out of the WQ if a round robin call is not accepted
  • the mobilty options
  • Call forward based on Presence
  • Call forward on myApps offline
  • Response Timeout
  • Reject ext. calls
  • Do Not Disturbs

  • Display waiting queues and their members
  • Display waiting queue status
  • Display user status of members
  • Display call forwarding
  • Change your own waiting queue status
  • Call and chat with members
  • Display call journal of answered and unanswered group calls

All ComteloGROUPS App functions

Overview comtelo Supervisor App

Clicking on the user will take you to the configuration menu.

To change the Waiting Queues settings, click on the name of the Waiting Queue.

more comming soon

Multi-PBX ready

There are no known restrictions.

Cloud ready

There are no known restrictions.


User-based licensing, required license App(comtelo-supervisor), to be obtained via innovaphone licensing


  • comtelo SUPERVISOR APP Build 4207 SR14R1 / 3207 sr7 SR13R3
  • comtelo SUPERVISOR APP Build 4208 sr8 SR14R1 / 3208 sr8 SR13R3
    • Add wq supervisor menu.
    • Node specific search
    • Changed call handling. Old internal call may get messed up and sorted into "unknown".
  • comtelo SUPERVISOR APP Build 4209 sr9 SR14R1 / 3209 sr9 SR13R3
    • Adjustment of the AppID (New installation of the app required)
  • comtelo SUPERVISOR APP Build 4210 sr10 SR14R1 / 3210 sr10 SR13R3
    • Calllist fix.


Install app from App Store

The customised documentation for the Supervisor app will follow as soon as possible

To get the steps done, log in to your PBX as admin.

Open "AP Manager": After you have logged in to your PBX as admin, click on "AP Manager"

Go to the "App Store": Inside the "AP Manager", next we click on "App Store"

Go to the "PBX Manager":

User configuration

Without further settings, users can see all queues in which they are a member.

Give the desired users the permission for the waiting queues. To do this, you configure the user authorization under visibility of the WQ object. You can also assign the user to groups in which he is not a member.

Via Visibility you can fade in and fade out the waiting queues.

In the example below, the queue "WQ_Abwurf" is visible to Long Name Dagobert.Duck and not visible to Rita.Ruhrig.

Calls with Number enable the Call Journal


comtelo GbR | Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Torge Knop und Olaf Tomaski
Berliner Allee 51
30855 Langenhagen
Tel: +49 511 676 676 6-0
Fax: +49 511 676 676 6-77
Support: comtelo Team