Howto13r3:AT - WNT Telecommunication - SIP Trunk SIP-Provider (2022)
Tests for the SIP_Trunk SIP trunk product of the provider WNT Telecommunication were completed. Test results have been last updated on February 10th, 2022. Check the history of this article for the date of the first publication of the testreport.
The provider doesn't offer the possibility to test the SIP-trunk regularly and automatically (e.g. before firmware releases). As a result, we do not know if it will still work or will work with different firmware than the one we tested with.
Tested Firmware: 13r2 Service Release 6 (136223) <internal>Provider SBC: Taurus 2.0.1</internal>
List of Issues found in no media-relay Configuration
This is a list of all issues found in a configuration where the media stream between endpoints and the SIP provider - as opposed to the signalling - is not routed through the SBC.
- The provider does not send a
180 Ringing
response when the called party alerts. - CLNS ONNET
- Onnet-Calls (that is, within the provider's network) do not allow foreign calling party numbers (CGPN). In other words, clip no screening is not possible for on-net calls.
- Outgoing calls cannot be sent with a foreign calling party number (CLI).
- The provider does not support T.38 fax for onnet calls.
- FAX T38
- The provider does not fully support T.38 fax
- The provider does not support fallback to audio-fax if T.38 fails.
- REDIR 302
- The provider does not support external call redirection using the SIP
302 Redirect
response - REDIR DIVHDR
- The provider does not support maintaining the original caller ID for redirected calls (e.g. CFU) when the original caller is present in a
- The provider does not support maintaining the original caller ID for redirected calls (e.g. CFU) when the original caller is present in a
header. - SDP ICE
- The provider does not support receiving ICE candidates in the SDP-part of a SIP message.
List of Issues found in media-relay Configuration
This section lists the results that differ from the results for the first configuration.
The test results for this configuration are the same, however.
Test Results
This section explains the test results for all possible configurations in more detail.
Configuration without media-relay
- Registration
- The provider supports UDP and TCP as transport protocol. The tests were completed using TCP, since UDP is an unreliable protocol and requires all involved network elements to support IP-fragmentation.
- NAT Traversal
- The provider detects clients behind NAT and can handle calls to them without requiring the clients to use NAT-traversal methods like STUN.
- DTMF (RFC2833)
- The provider can convey DTMF digits using the RTP payload method as per RFC2833.
- Session Timer
- The tests regarding the SIP-session timer were successful. This means that either no session expiry is used or that it is used and works. It does not imply that session expiry actually is used.
- Redundancy
- Registration of two SIP-interfaces on the same SIP-account is supported by the provider. However, the provider has no failover mechanism if one device is down. As a result, you can use both SIP-interfaces for load-balancing purposes. If one device is down, for 2 minutes incoming and outgoing calls might be rejected/fail.
- Correct signalling of Ringing-state
- Ringing is not signalled by the provider. This will lead to incorrect call-state display on the PBX (phone-UI, myPBX, Soap) for outbound calls to the PSTN. The caller will see no status-update on the phone-display/PC-screen, showing that the remote party was reached and is ringing.
- Additionally external callers forwarded/transferred back to the PSTN, may get no ring-tone but hear silence while the remote party is ringing. This silence while waiting might lead to aborting the call. As a result, Carrier w/o Alerting is required in all PBX 'Mobility' objects.
- OK
- Clip No Screening (CLNS)
- CLIP no screening (CLNS) is not possible, that is, outgoing calls can only have the own subscriber number (or extension), no foreign numbers as calling line id. This affects for example externally forwarded and mobility calls.
- Also, there is no other method available for this provider to make sure externally forwarded calls will show proper calling line identification (CLI). In this case, we recommend to set the Set Calling = Diverting No check-mark in the PBX Trunk object. This way, the forwarded call will at least carry the diverting party number (DGPN) as calling party number (CGPN/CLI) when alerting at the forwarded-to target. Otherwise it would either show no CLI at all or the lowest subscriber number associated with the trunk only.
- Outbound and inbound calls to/from the PSTN show the correct connected number.
- For outbound calls to the PSTN, an update of the connected number is not signalled to the caller.
- Early-Media
- The provider supports early-media for outbound calls (hence inbound early media) to the PSTN.
- Fax
- Transport of faxes to/from the PSTN via G.711 codec was tested successfully.
- Transport of faxes using T.38 failed to PSTN and onnet destinations. Moreover fallback to audio-fax failed also.
- As a result, T.38 is disabled on the SIP-interface and the use of audio-fax is necessary.
- Codecs
- supported to/from PSTN: G711A
- supported onnet (VoIP to VoIP): G711A
- IP-Fragmentation
- OK
- Large SIP messages
- OK
- Reverse Media Negotiation
- OK
- Mobility Calls
- OK
- As the provider does not provide proper alert signalling, you will need to configure the Carrier w/o Alerting check-mark in the PBX Mobility object.
- Neither Clip no screening (CLNS) nor call redirection using the SIP Diversion: or History-Info is supported. Calls forwarded to mobility devices will thus not have the original callers calling line id (CLI). In this case, we recommend to set the Set Calling = Diverting No check-mark in the PBX Trunk object. This way, the mobility call will at least carry the mobility user's own extension as calling party number (CGPN/CLI) when alerting at the mobile device. Otherwise it would either show no CLI at all or the lowest subscriber number associated with the trunk only.
- The provider does not support audio encryption using SRTP.
- Dialing of Subscriber Numbers
- The provider does not support dialling numbers in subscriber number format. Make sure to configure the Dialing Location accordingly.
- Call Transfer
- OK
Configuration with media-relay
- Registration
- The provider supports UDP and TCP as transport protocol. The tests were completed using TCP, since UDP is an unreliable protocol and requires all involved network elements to support IP-fragmentation.
- NAT Traversal
- The provider detects clients behind NAT and can handle calls to them without requiring the clients to use NAT-traversal methods like STUN.
- DTMF (RFC2833)
- The provider can convey DTMF digits using the RTP payload method as per RFC2833.
- Session Timer
- The tests regarding the SIP-session timer were successful. This means that either no session expiry is used or that it is used and works. It does not imply that session expiry actually is used.
- Redundancy
- Registration of two SIP-interfaces on the same SIP-account is supported by the provider. However, the provider has no failover mechanism if one device is down. As a result, you can use both SIP-interfaces for load-balancing purposes. If one device is down, for 2 minutes incoming and outgoing calls might be rejected/fail.
- Correct signalling of Ringing-state
- Ringing is not signalled by the provider. This will lead to incorrect call-state display on the PBX (phone-UI, myPBX, Soap) for outbound calls to the PSTN. The caller will see no status-update on the phone-display/PC-screen, showing that the remote party was reached and is ringing.
- Additionally external callers forwarded/transferred back to the PSTN, may get no ring-tone but hear silence while the remote party is ringing. This silence while waiting might lead to aborting the call. As a result, Carrier w/o Alerting is required in all PBX 'Mobility' objects.
- OK
- Clip No Screening (CLNS)
- CLIP no screening (CLNS) is not possible, that is, outgoing calls can only have the own subscriber number (or extension), no foreign numbers as calling line id. This affects for example externally forwarded and mobility calls.
- Also, there is no other method available for this provider to make sure externally forwarded calls will show proper calling line identification (CLI). In this case, we recommend to set the Set Calling = Diverting No check-mark in the PBX Trunk object. This way, the forwarded call will at least carry the diverting party number (DGPN) as calling party number (CGPN/CLI) when alerting at the forwarded-to target. Otherwise it would either show no CLI at all or the lowest subscriber number associated with the trunk only.
- Outbound and inbound calls to/from the PSTN show the correct connected number.
- For outbound calls to the PSTN, an update of the connected number is not signalled to the caller.
- Early-Media
- The provider supports early-media for outbound calls (hence inbound early media) to the PSTN.
- Fax
- Transport of faxes to/from the PSTN via G.711 codec was tested successfully.
- Transport of faxes using T.38 failed to PSTN and onnet destinations. Moreover fallback to audio-fax failed also.
- As a result, T.38 is disabled on the SIP-interface and the use of audio-fax is necessary.
- Codecs
- supported to/from PSTN: G711A
- supported onnet (VoIP to VoIP): G711A
- IP-Fragmentation
- OK
- Large SIP messages
- OK
- Reverse Media Negotiation
- OK
- Mobility Calls
- OK
- As the provider does not provide proper alert signalling, you will need to configure the Carrier w/o Alerting check-mark in the PBX Mobility object.
- Neither Clip no screening (CLNS) nor call redirection using the SIP Diversion: or History-Info is supported. Calls forwarded to mobility devices will thus not have the original callers calling line id (CLI). In this case, we recommend to set the Set Calling = Diverting No check-mark in the PBX Trunk object. This way, the mobility call will at least carry the mobility user's own extension as calling party number (CGPN/CLI) when alerting at the mobile device. Otherwise it would either show no CLI at all or the lowest subscriber number associated with the trunk only.
- The provider does not support audio encryption using SRTP.
- Dialing of Subscriber Numbers
- The provider does not support dialling numbers in subscriber number format. Make sure to configure the Dialing Location accordingly.
- Call Transfer
- OK
Use profile AT-WNT_Telecommunication-SIP_Trunk in Gateway/Interfaces/SIP to configure this SIP provider.
Please note the following configuration hints:
- Alert not signalled, 'Carrier w/o Alerting' required in all PBX 'Mobility' objects
- 'Set Calling = Diverting No' recommended in PBX 'Trunk' objects
- Dialling of subscriber numbers not possible, 'Dialing Location' must be configured without 'Area Code'
- A most recent v13r3 firmware is required to use this SIP-profile. For hints regarding upgrade to v13r3, see Howto:V13_Firmware_Upgrade_V13r2_V13r3
New profiles are added in the course of our V13R3 software Service Releases, see ReleaseNotes13r3:Firmware. Here is an up to date list of tested SIP providers.
These tests look at a number of interoperability scenarios between innovaphone SIP devices and a given SIP trunk product. As we are enhancing our testing procedures, nature and number of these tests will vary.
All test results document the fact how the tested combination performs in the tested scenario. It explicitly does not comment on the question what the reason is for the behaviour nor if and how it could be changed. It thus does not imply that either the SIP trunk provider or the innovaphone device fails in any way. It merely says that the combination does not perform as defined by the test.
If not mentioned otherwise, all tests are repeated on a weekly basis (a.k.a. nightly tests) using the then-current innovaphone firmware. If a tested combination keeps performing differently from the state documented here during nightly tests, we reserve the right to update this article accordingly.
Some tests do not have consistent results. This may occur for various reasons. If so, we document the tests result as being unstable.
Some of the tested SIP trunk products are not available for nightly tests. In this case, the fact will be noted in the Summary section.