Howto talk:Send Email MWI Notification From The innovaphone Voicemail

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Revision as of 17:34, 13 May 2008 by Ckl (talk | contribs)
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The wave files will be streamed into an email on-demand, without ever being physically present on the mass-storage

Bedeutet dass wir gar keine Datei anhängen sondern nur einen "link"? Wenn ja dann würde das aber bedeuten dass wenn man die Nachricht vom Telefon aus löscht man einen "vermeindlichen" Anhang hat den es aber gar nicht mehr gibt?



ckl 17:34, 13 May 2008 (CEST) this is to say that that the message is streamed on-the-fly to the smtp server. That is, no temp file is created on the devices CF card. The beauty of this is that no 'disk' space is required on the box, making for better reliability and scalability. The downside of it is that if the SMTP server is not reachable, then the file (in fact the entire email) will get lost. Because auf this, the server should be a reliable (and possibly local) one.