Reference12r2:Concept Push Notifications for myPBX iOS and Android

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With firmware version 12r2 sr20 the PBX is able to send Push notifications to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs). As a result, incoming calls are also indicated when the myPBX app is not started or runs in the background mode. The PBX is using a service provided by innovaphone AG at to send the push notifications to Apple APNs. No call meta data is transmitted, the push notification is only used to wake up the myPBX app.



  • Firmware version 12r2sr20 [125501] or higher


  • Version 12r2sr20 [125501] or higher


  • Version 12.0.1 or higher



  • Check the System Name of the PBX - it must be globally unique. We recommend to use the DNS domain name of the company using the PBX.
  • Create a PBX Object of type Push. The Name of the Push object will be used in the User object to identify the push service.
    • Change to the Push tab of the Push object and provide a valid E-Mail address that can be used to send an HTTP link for verification.
    • Press Connect button, wait for the E-Mail and open the verification link in the browser.
    • Press OK button after Connect succeeded appears.

Rejected certs.png

  • The trust list should look like this afterwards:

Trusted certs.png

  • On a User object where a myPBX client is registering, navigate to the User tab and put the Name of the Push object in to the Push field.


  • On the iOS device make sure to allow push notifications for the myPBX app.


  • Check the trust list for certificate of the innovaphone AG.
  • Make sure the PBX can resolve the DNS host
  • Make sure the PBX can reach via HTTPS.
  • In case you are not sure if the push service is operational at the moment, open a support ticket and send an email to

Known limitations

Call accept time for users with myPBX client only

In case no other endpoints are registered on the User object, but only the myPBX iOS client, the PBX will not provide any alerting message to the calling party, until the myPBX client on the iOS device restores the registration to the PBX via push notification. In case no registration appears after 10 seconds, the PBX will send "no user responding" as cause code to the calling party.