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With the Time switches Plugin a boolean object can be configured to define generic conditions.

Add a time switch

Time switch
The name displayed for the boolean object which must be unique.
The sip from the boolean object which must be unique.
If "on" is enabled, the boolean object state is statically set to "true", disregarding the time conditions.
If "off" is enabled, the boolean object state is statically set to "false", disregarding the time conditions.
If neither of these is enabled, the time conditions below will be used.

Add a time condition

Configure a time condition. If the current time corresponds to the time condition, the boolean object is set to "true".

Day of the week
Configure which weekdays are affected by the boolean object. If none of the weekdays is enabled, then all days are affected.
Configure a time interval where the boolean state is set to "true" when the current time is to or after the start time and bevor the end time.
  • hour/minutes: Configure the start and end of the time of the day.
    • For the hour a number from 0 to 24 and for the minute form 0 to 60 has to be set.
    • An entry of 0 in the hours field and a 0 in the minutes field becomes 24:00.
  • day/month/year: Configure the start and end date of the time interval.
    • for the days a number from 1 to 31, for the month a number from 1 to 12 and for the year a four-digit figure has to be set.
  • If end time = start time, the state is set to true all day.
  • If no start time or end time is configured, there is no restriction on the time.
  • If start time is after end time the state is set to true all the day except between end time and start time.
  • all leading zeros will be removed.

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