Reference14r1:Apps/PbxManager/App Connector for Let's Encrypt

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Let's Encrypt Directory URL
a URL to an ACMEv2 compliant certification service directory
Email address
an email address which is used by Let's Encrypt itself for certificate expiration warning emails
Client password
innovaphone Let's Encrypt clients must have this password configured to be able to create a certificate with this App
Certificate installation before expiry (days)
30 days before the certificate expires, a new certificate from Let's Encrypt is requested and kept on standby. By default, this new certificate is installed 3 days before the old certificate expires. However, in some cases, it may be advisable to install the new certificate earlier.
Client URL
not configurable, but you can copy this for your innovaphone Let's Encrypt clients
URL for Let's Encrypt root certificates
not configurable, but you can copy this for your Devices certificates configuration. This URL provides root certificates which are used inside the Let's Encrypt certificates (without authentication, as these certificates can be downloaded directly from Let's Encrypt anway).

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