Howto13r1:Activate Automatic-iSC-Reloading-Service (Auto-iSC)

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • Howto activate the Automatic iSC Reloading Service (so called Auto-iSC)
  • myApps v13
    • ensure you have at least the Devices App 13r1 SR28 installed!

Through this service, it is possible to instruct innovaphone to automatically reload your iSC balance, to ensure that always enough iSC are available.

  • The service itself is free of charge.


To see an example of different preconditions you can click here
An Auto-iSC contract can be created after

  • a hardware- or software rental-contract (or a cloud-contract) was successfully added and accepted by innovaphone and
  • one month worth of iSC was manually placed onto the balance and activated.
  • in the case of on-prem software rental, please be aware, that the installation must be able to establish an Internet connection to innovaphone, in order to work properly.
  • ensure you have at least the Devices App 13r1 SR28 installed!

Activating the Automatic iSC Reloading Service

In the portal click on “Add contract” and Select Automatic iSC Reloading Service

Select Domain (Software rental domain or Cloud Instance)

A small window shows the available software rental contracts and domain names. Select the domain name, for witch you would like to activate iSC Reloading Service and press continue.

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General information

This page give a rough description on the iSC Reloading Service.

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Select the Reloading Service Timing

Here you can specify the threshold, after which the mechanism will activate. Selecting e.g. 2 weeks (or 4 weeks) will initiate the reloading process 2 weeks (or 4 weeks) before the iSC balance does expire. If the available balance is lower then 2 weeks, the reloading process will be initiated anyway.

Specify the amount of iSC to be reloaded

This page allows to select how many iSCs will be credited to your balance. Depending on the consumption of the system, innovaphone will calculate the average monthly consumption of iSCs. You can select for how many months in advance you want innovaphone to reload your account with iSCs. Select the amount of months and press continue.

Define the Term of the Automatic iSC Reloading Service

The Reloading Service is agreed for an indefinite term. You can terminate your order for this service at any time with immediate effect. Alternatively, you can specify an end date. Please note: After the end of the Reloading Service, you will be responsible for ensuring manually that you always have sufficient iSC credit to use the rental items. If the iSC Balance does not suffice, it is not permitted and temporarily not possible to use the rental items (in particular emergency calls are not possible).

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Invoicing Partner

In order to carry out the purchase of iSCs on your behalf, through our partner network, we need information on your designated authorized innovaphone partner through whom you purchase innovaphone products and services.

  • In case this form is filled by an end customer, the responsible authorized reseller is to be named.
  • In case an authorised reseller is filling out this form, the corresponding distributor is to be named.

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Understand Technical Requirements

In order to use the Reloading Service, your innovaphone installation, and in particular the Devices App, must be able to establish an Internet connection to innovaphone once per day to check the rental status and the iSC Balance and, if required, to reload iSCs. The time of the check is not defined, therefore, the Internet connection must be permanent. If there is no Internet connection, innovaphone cannot carry out the Reloading Service.

Special Notes on the innovaphone iSC Reloading Service

Carefully read and confirm the special notes for this service.

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Finalizing the Order for Automatic iSCs Reloading

Carefully read and confirm the conditions for the offer to conclude the underlying contract. innovaphone will need to accept this contract. Typically this may take one working day.


The process is activated, as soon as accepted by innovaphone.
It may be cancelled at any time, through the portal
It will then show next to your other current contracts with innovaphone as you can see here.


  • Notice Period
    • Cancellation is always possible to the next day.
    • This means, cancellation must be made no later than 1 day before the automatic renewal will be activated.
    • How to cancel: > Contracts > select Auto iSC contract > cancel contract

  • When does the automatic recharge take place?
    • The "trigger event" for the automatic recharge process can be selected, either 2 or 4 weeks before the end of the systems operating time (meaning 2 or 4 weeks before all iSC are consumed).
    • For each system, the end of the operating time can be found through the Devices App in the Software Rental tab.
    • The recharge itself is triggered by the Devices App every night (random time between 22 o'clock and 5 o'clock UTC)

  • What is a recharging-interval?
    • The recharging-interval defines the interval, in which the iSC account is recharged. You can select 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 months. After recharging, the invoice to the partner will be generated.
    • More specifically, the recharge interval defines the amount of iSC which will be charged onto the account, as soon as the above defined "trigger event" is meet. Consequently, according to the average monthly consumption of iSC, a credit for 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 months of iSC is then loaded onto the account.

  • Who can order iSCs?
    • An endcustomer orders via his reseller,
    • The reseller orders via his distributor.

  • Who can conclude an Automatic iSC Recharging Contract?
    • both, a reseller or an end customers
    • In any case the invoice goes to the responsible reseller, who then will bill the end customer.

  • How many iSCs have to be available on the iSC account in order to be able to use the Automatic iSC Recharge Service for the first time?
    • We recommend loading initially enough iSC onto the account to ensure an operating time of 4 weeks.

  • What happens if the number of users in the system configuration changes?
    • If the number of licenses changes, the consumption of iSC per month consequently also changes.
    • This changes the time, when the automatic recharging is triggered.
    • Specifically, this means:
      • If the number of user licenses does increased, the next automatic recharge takes place earlier.
      • If the number of user licenses does decrease, the next automatic recharge will take place later.

  • What if you need an invoice reference?
    • Simply open your domain in your Devices App and configure the invoice reference under Edit.