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This is the Firmware V8 Roadmap Document.<br/>
This is the Firmware V8 Release Notes Document.<br/>
The release date of the next Hotfix is planed for the second monday of a month. Please note that this a scheduled and no fix date. <br/>
Please see ''[[Reference:What_are_the_Release_Notes_Documents?|the disclaimer]]'' before using the information presented here!
[[Category:Release Notes|Firmware]]

Latest revision as of 23:45, 22 January 2021

This is the Firmware V8 Release Notes Document.

The release date of the next Hotfix is planed for the second monday of a month. Please note that this a scheduled and no fix date.

Please see the disclaimer before using the information presented here!

Firmware V8

V8 Hotfix 1 (10-80500.01)

758 - "mod cmd UP0 prot TFTP://..." does not work

Ticket #48957. problem: firmware upload from a TFTP server fails because of a missing 'complete' indication in last packet.

solution: fix in code

files: httpclient_i.cpp

products: all

risks: None

752 - "mod cmd UP0 scfg TFTP://..." does not work

Ticket #48911. problem: saving config to a TFTP server fails because the update module was not triggered to send the next data chunk.

solution: fix in code

files: httpclient_i.cpp httpclient_i.h

products: all

risks: None

685 - "vars del" does not delete additional administrator accounts

Ticket #48400. Problem: The "vars del" command preserves all VARS with the name prefix CMD0. Therefore the additional administrator accounts and other module configuration are not reset. This problem occurs on factory resets and config updates.

Solution: Preserve only "CMD0/AUTH" when executing the "vars del" command.

Files affected: command.cpp

Risks: none

639 - AD Replication. Only 10x In-Maps per Source Attribute Configurable

Ticket #47629. Problem: Only 10x In-Maps per Source Attribute Configurable

Solution: Adjust to 40. Form submit method now POST (was GET).

Files: ldapmap.cpp, ldaprep.xsl

Products affected: PBX products

Risk: No risk.

727 - allow empty search base in directory search object

Ticket #48703. problem: ldap server needs an empty search base, but the directory search object doesn't allow an empty one

solution: disable check for empty search base

files: pbx_dirsearch.cpp

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

712 - Call-Completion display at called phone not deleted if calling/called in same but not root node

Ticket #48580. problem: The Call-Completion waiting display at called endpoint was not deleted after execution of call completion if calling and called endpoint in same but not root node. The mwiDeactivate used to deleted the display contained the wrong number. In a previous fix the mwiActivate which was also wrong was fixed, so before this fix it worked, because both contained the same wrong number

solution: Fix number in mwiDeactivate

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

644 - Config download must be supressed in phone training mode

Ticket #47713. problem: Config download is not supressed in phone training mode.

solution: fix in code

files: phone_save_hdr.xml

products: all phones

risks: None

702 - Configuration of _KADMIN_ password

Ticket #48504. Problem: On the PBX/Security page the _KADMIN_ password can only be deleted by removing it from the first one of the two input fields. This is inconsistent with the configuration of the other users that can also be deleted by removing the password from both input fields.

Solution: Implement the deleting of the _KADMIN_ password in a consistent way: Removing the password from the first or both fields removes the _KADMIN_ user.

Files: pbx_admin.cpp, pbx_password.xsl

Risks: Small risk of collateral damage

682 - default language setting from bootcode must be respected when setting phone default configuration

Ticket #48342. problem: the default language for texts displayed on the phone may be set at manufacturing time. it's saved in the bootcode and evaluated at boot time. But because of some changes in config processing it was not included when gathering the basic configuration data and thus the phone alway started in german language.

solution: fix in code

files: phone_config.cpp

products: all phones

risks: None

699 - Display of hardware id missing for UNKNOWN Registrations

Ticket #48493. problem: The Hardware Id is not displayed for Unknown Registrations on the Registrations page and is not copied into the edit page

solution: User Interface fixed

files: pbx_regs.xsl, pbx_edit_object.xsl

products: All with PBX

risks: None

641 - Do not allow special characters for Kerberos realm names

Ticket #47634. Problem: On the General/Kerberos page the name of the server realm was not checked. Only domain style names should be allowed.

Solution: Allow only A-Z a-z 0-9 . -

Files: kerberos_db.cpp

Products affected: Gateways

Risk: No risk

666 - dtmf feature code set presence used wrong argument to toggle the mobility

Ticket #47916. problem: the feature code argument for toggling mobility was swapped

solution: use correct argument index

files: pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

676 - editing phone user config with IE failed for users with non-ascii chars in long name

Ticket #48017. problem: the long user name was patched latin1 encoded into a xml file with encoding="utf-8"

solution: fix in code

files: pbx_phone.cpp

products: all PBX

risks: None

720 - enabling mobility/cw didn't work for 2 stage dialing over mobility object

Ticket #48616. problem: if a mobil client tries to call its mobility object first and then dials the corresponding feature code for mobility on/off (and mobility cw), it didn't work

solution: separate method for toggling mobility/cw on calling user object

files: pbx_dtmf.cpp, pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

716 - feature codes are not always working for mobility, if multiple mobility objects exist

Ticket #48602. problem: if there are more than one mobility objects, mobility feature codes didn't work for users with the second (etc.) mobility object

solution: recursivly go through mobility objects when trying to find a user with a certain fork number

files: pbx_dtmf.cpp, pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

717 - Gateway Routing Table: Routing a call to a Gatekeeper registration using Name Out did not work anymore

Ticket #48608. problem: When Name Out in a route was used to address a Gatekeeper registration this Name Out was sent with the call. This prohibited further routing of the call on the receiving side with overlap sending.

solution: Do not send Name Out with call if the name is used to identify Gatekeeper reg.

files: relay.cpp

products: all Gateway products

risks: Small risk that this name needs to be transmited for some special configurations

744 - Gateway: Trap if reconfiguring an analog interface registration with Feature Code support

Ticket #48838. problem: If the reegistration configuration of an analog interface (e.g. changing registration name/no) was changed a trap happened when the registration was up again. Happened only with enabled Feature Codes.

solution: Better handling of reconfiguration

files: dtmffty.cpp, gk.cpp, relayfty.cpp, relayfty.h, relayfty_if.h

products: all with analog interfaces

risks: Minimal

751 - H450 debug info

Ticket #48889. problem: Additional debug messages are needed for the h450_entity object.

solution: Debug info added.

files: h450.h, h450.cpp.

products affected: All devices with H323.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

697 - handle calls from master/slave user in dtmf object if calling number is found as mobility fork

Ticket #48448. problem: if a call comes from the master/slave user, the dtmf object cancels the call, even if there is a user which has the calling number as mobility fork

solution: check mobility users for incoming master/slave calls and if a user is found, use this one

files: pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

708 - If for one user two mobile endpoints are configured, no mobile endpoint could be called

Ticket #48571. problem: Calls to a user with two mobile endpoints resulted in busy. If call-waiting was turned on, only one mobile endpoint was called.

solution: Algorythm to check if a call already exists for a mobile endpoint fixed

files: pbx_mobility.cpp, pbx_mobility.h, pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h, pbx_xml.cpp, pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Small risk of collateral damage with mobile endpoints

647 - incorrect pointer assignment in submit_config of dtmf/icp object and false configuration possibility

Ticket #47716. problem: a) local buffer assigned to a given pointer
b) it was possible to configure just one of two needed e164 and if configured just one (which makes sense for pickup), the code was not correctly shown as enabled in configuration window.

solution: fix in code

files: pbx_dtmf.h, pbx_dtmf.cpp, pbx_edit_dtmf-ctrl.xsl, pbx_icp.cpp

products: all pbx products

risks: None

710 - IP 22/24/28/302/305 - provide more dynamic memory by disabling memory guard

Ticket #48576. problem: memory guarding requires 8 byte per malloc'd item. For 50000 items as already seen on active boxes the overhead is 400000 byte. Because of the limited memory it's better to disable guarding.

solution: fix in code

files: ip24.mak

products: IP 22/24/28/302/305

risks: None

747 - IP-DECT facility entity memory leak

Ticket #48852. problem: Facility entity objects aren't deleted in rare situations.

solution: Facility entity delete function call fixed.

files: dectmaster.cpp, dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

663 - IP-DECT GUI Authentication Code

Ticket #47892. problem: The configuration option for the System Authentication Code is not shown.

solution: Fixed.

files: dectusers.xsl.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage. Only GUI change.

689 - IP-DECT GUI MWI numbers

Ticket #48411. problem: The configuration options for MWI numbers are not shown.

solution: Fixed.

files: dectfty.xsl.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage. Only GUI change.

757 - IP-DECT GUI user search

Ticket #48946. problem: A wrong URL is generated if a question mark is typed in the user search field.

solution: Search field text encoding fixed.

files: dect_users_left.xsl.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage. Only GUI change.

665 - IP-DECT handset product id/software version

Ticket #47897. problem: There is no possibility to see the handset product id and software version.

solution: Tool-tip with the product id and software version of the handset has been added for the IPEI item in the GUI user list. It will be available after restart of the handset.

files: dectmaster.cpp, dectradio.cpp, dect_users_right.xsl(OEM).

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

662 - IP-DECT idle display update

Ticket #47891. problem: Idle display update does not work for DECT handsets.

solution: Functionality implemented, but it must be enabled over the GUI and must not be used if foreign handsets are used.

files: dectmaster.h, dectmaster.cpp, dectmaster.xsl.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

675 - IP-DECT MSF module login

Ticket #47984. problem: It is not possible to login to the MSF module.

solution: Function signature changed with the new MSF module version.

files: dectmsf.h, dectmsf.cpp, telnet.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage. Updated from improved OEM branch.

660 - IP-DECT OEM user database import/export

Ticket #47889. problem: New functions for OEM import/export of user data like export filter, ipei checksum or error messages.

solution: Functionality implemented.

files: dectusers_if.h, dectusers.h, dectusers.cpp, OEM xsl files.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

671 - IP-DECT OEM module software update

Ticket #47934. problem: There are new software versions of the OEM software modules: BMC interface software, MSF module and Skinny protocol.

solution: OEM modules replaced.

files: DECT files, MSF files, Skinny files, config.h, fty.h, fty.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Normal risk of collateral damage. Updated from improved OEM branch.

664 - IP-DECT RTP stream of second hold call

Ticket #47894. problem: The RTP stream of the second call is not stopped if the call is hold and an unattended call transfer is initiated.

solution: RTP stop event added.

files: dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

691 - IP-DECT SARI variable

Ticket #48436. problem: The SARI variable is updated every configuration change, but is not needed in OEM modules.

solution: Update condition fixed.

files: dectlocalusers.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

677 - ip2000/ip6000 - start ETH2 (virtual network connction for Linux) only when Linux is enabled

Ticket #48061. problem: ETH2 was always started with the preconfigured fixed address routing problems may occur if this network is used otherwise already.

solution: start start ETH2 only when Linux is enabled, do not preconfigure an IP address on ETH2

files: linux_eth_drv.cpp, config.h

products: ip2000/ip6000

risks: None

650 - IP22 Interop with devices that do not support T38 redundancy and retransmits

Ticket #47774. problem: Some fax gateways (e.g. old avaya equipment) do not accept T.38 packet with redundancy or do no accept resent packets with the same sequence number

solution: DSP config added, use http://addr/AC-DSP0/info.xml?xsl=dsp.xsl to edit the settings.

files: ac_dsp3.cpp ac_dsp3.h ac_dsp3.mak dsp.xsl
products: IP2x IP30x
risks: Low

736 - IP240-1000 - network connectivity lost after restart of the physical layer controller because of spurious errors

Ticket #48785. problem: the physical layer controller (PHY) of an IP240-100 is checked for spurious errors any second. If such errors are detected the controller is restarted. After restart data transfer from the phone CPU to the network was blocked. Data reception from network and transfer between LAN and PC port did work.

solution: fix in code

files: inca_drv.cpp

products: IP 240-1000

risks: None

683 - Kerberos for PBX-Realms did not work on IP302 and IP305

Ticket #48347. Problem: The processing of LDAP search results in the Kerberos realm tree was erroneous and therefore failed on devices of the IP28 platform.

Solution: Fix processing of LDAP search results.

Files affected: kerberos_db.cpp, kerberos_ldap.cpp

Risks: none

739 - Leaks with DECT signalling using TLS

Ticket #48794. Problem: Sometimes the TLS sockets that are used by DECT signalling are not deleted because of a shutdown event collision in the TLS socket

Solution: Fix TLS shutdown flow

Files: tls.cpp

Risk: Collateral damage with other applications using TLS

642 - malloc must always run disabled

Ticket #47646. problem: usually malloc is called only from disabled state. in some extremely rare cases (for example before a DRAM upload) it is called from enabled state and then an interrupt may cause assignment of the same memory chunk to different callers.

solution: fix in code

files: os.cpp

products: all products

risks: None

754 - Master PBX to obtain licenses from another Master

Ticket #48938. problem: There are configurations in which centralized licensing is desired but otherwise independent Master PBXs are needed.

solution: Configuration option added to allow a slave to register at a master to obtain licenses, but act as master in all other respects

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_general.xsl

products: all with PBX

risks: Minimal

729 - Memory Leak

Ticket #48714. Problem: Lost memory every time a registered SIP interface is deactivated.

Solution: Free allocated memory for authentication data.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP endpoints

Risk: No risk.

722 - Missing normalization of received diverting leg info

Ticket #48624. problem: A diverting leg info received on a trunk or gateway object must be normalized to the PBX internal representation (number from root with all prefixes but without escapes) to be displayed correctly when sent to an endpoint. This normalization was missing.

solution: Normalization added.

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

products: all with PBX

risks: None

669 - Missing Tooltips in web ui for licenses

Ticket #47930. Problem: Missing Tooltips in web ui for licenses.

Solution: Added tooltips.

Files: license.xsl

Products affected: All Gateway/PBX devices

Risk: No risk.

721 - Modem interop problem

Ticket #48622. problem: The modem bypass function does not work with some modems.

solution: Option to disable modem bypass added, pcm trace option added, new DSP code

files: ac_dsp3.cpp ac_dsp3.h dsp.xsl trace.xsl ac49?004.h ac49x_drv_*.h

products: ip22 ip24 ip28 ip302 ip305

risk: low risk

696 - no presence note set if no activity has been selected

Ticket #48446. problem: if the activity is empty, but a note given, no note was set for this presence index

solution: use note even if no activity is given

files: pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

695 - One-way-voice after retrieve together with SRTP, H323 and Registration with password

Ticket #48442. problem: One-way-voice could happen after retrieve, if SRTP is used on H.323 call, which uses a refistration with password. This could also happen when switching to a 3-pty conference (retrieve done on one leg). This is caused by an unencrypted SRTP key sent with the media renegotiation.

solution: Do encryption of the SRTP key.

files: h323sig.cpp

products: all

risks: Collateral damage with media negotiation

756 - PBX BC conference object TAPI information

Ticket #48940. problem: The broadcast conference object does not generate information for TAPI.

solution: Monitor connector added which generates the TAPI information.

files: pbx_bc_conf.h, pbx_bc_conf.cpp.

products affected: All devices with PBX.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

659 - PBX Broadcast Conference Option

Ticket #47886. problem: It should be possible to configure if the last remaining user in a conference call should be disconnected or not.

solution: New configuration option implemented.

files: pbx_bc_conf.h, pbx_bc_conf.cpp, pbx_edit_bc_conf.xsl.

products affected: All devices with PBX.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

719 - PBX/Node was added to config object when configuration was changed

Ticket #48612. problem: When the configuration of a config object was changed (e.g. a Function key added to the phone config), the Node and PBX was set to the local PBX. The config object should never have a Node/PBX. The Node/PBX config could not be removed anymore.

solution: Do not add Node/PBX in this case

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

731 - PBX: As diverting number the real number was sent even if Send Number configured

Ticket #48718. problem: The 'Send Number' should be sent as diverting number if configured

solution: Send 'Send Number' as diverting number if configured

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

750 - PBX: Device configuration was lost, if PBX object was changed with SOAP Admin function

Ticket #48874. problem: The <device/> tag could not be written with the SOAP Admin function, so this information was lost, when an object was changed or created using this method.

solution: Allow <device/> tag

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

725 - PBX: Dialing local objects without PBX config was not possible from different PBX

Ticket #48692. problem: If an object is defined without PBX and Node, it is handled on each PBX as if it was configured for the local PBX/Node. Thus it should be possible to dial it on a given PBX by using the node prefix of this PBX. This was not possible if the local flag on the object was set as well.

solution: PBX routing fixed

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h, pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Collateral damage within routing to 'local' objects

734 - PBX: Reject external calls did not work as desired together with call forward

Ticket #48727. problem: An endpoint with 'Reject Ext. Calls' set should not be able to forward external calls. An external call forwarded to an endpoint with 'Reject Ext. Calls' set should succeed.

solution: fixed

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Could be that the old behaviour was desired in some installations

705 - PBX: Trap if filter next config too long

Ticket #48554. problem: If a PBX Filter is configured with a 'next filter' of a length more then 15 characters the PBX traps

solution: Check for length

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: none

648 - permit to control the display format of names from local/PBX directory the same way as for external directories

Ticket #47731. problem: some users want to control the name display format for inbound and outbound calls separately and to reorder/omit parts of a name. this already works for external directories but names from local or PBX directory were not displayed if the first name attribute was not configured for display because such names have only one, the 'cn' attribute.

solution: by default the full 'cn' is displayed for entries from local or PBX directory. if the format string starts with an asterisk ('*') 'cn' is tokenized and the tokens are ordered according to the requested format.
config add PHONE APP /name-display-in <format-in> /name-display-out <format-out>"
'format-...' selects the name attributes to be displayed and their order.
The default format is "123", i.e. all names are displayed as configured.
"3" displays only the third attribute of a name from an external directory but the complete 'cn' from local or PBX directory.
"*3" displays only the third attribute of a name from an external directory and only the third token (if any) of a 'cn' from local or PBX directory.

files: app_call.cpp

products: all phones

risks: None

714 - Phone: Handling of failed attended transfer

Ticket #48585. Problem: An attended transfer may fail. If an error is encountered the call legs may disappear in the background. This happened regularly when a phone tried to transfer calls bound to different SIP registrations or to a SIP and a H323 registration.

Solution: Terminate both calls if attended transfer failed. Don't initiate transfers which which cannot be handled by SIP protocol.

Files: sip.cpp, phonesig.cpp, app_call.cpp

Products affected: Phones

Risk: No risk.

637 - Potential trap accessing NULL pointer in PBX Waiting Object

Ticket #47563. problem: There is a small chance of a NULL pointer access trap when doing confuguration changes on a Waiting Queue object right when a call is cleared

solution: Check for NULL pointer added

files: pbx_wait.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

742 - Potential trap when reconfiguring Gateway interfaces

Ticket #48833. problem: If a gateway interface is reconfigured while calls are active a trap could happen later on.

solution: Better handling of reconfiguration

files: signal.cpp, signal.h

products: all

risks: none

707 - Presence display on fkey 'Partner' stops updating

Ticket #48569. Problem: Phone gives up on trying to to establish/re-establich presence subscription.

Solution: Don't stop trying to establish/re-establich presence subscription.

Files: phonesig.cpp

Products affected: Phones

Risk: No risk.

749 - Presence note ignored if presence activity has been set

Ticket #48863. problem: Presence note ignored if presence activity has been set, the calling party expects to see both the activity and the note

solution: fixed in code

files: phone/app_disp.cpp

products: all telephones

risks: none

738 - Presence subscription to external user failed when forwarded through PBX object "Gateway"

Ticket #48791. Problem: "Gateway" object did not remove its prefix when forwarding subscription.

Solution: Remove prefix when forwarding presence subscription.

Files: pbx.cpp

Products affected: PBX

Risk: No risk.

706 - Presence: Added overlay activity attribute

Ticket #48563. Problem: External applications want to set/reset "on-the-phone" activity for a PBX user.

Solution: Added overlay activity attribute for each PBX user.

Files: pbx.cpp/h

Products affected: PBX

Risk: No risk.

654 - prevent creation of pbx dtmf object with char '#' in long name

Ticket #47805. problem: it was possible to create a dtmf object with long name dtmf#join_group. If one then creates another dtmf object with long name dtmf and feature code join group enabled, it traps, because the object tries to create another user with dtmf#join_group as long name without check.

solution: disallow char '#' in long name of dtmf object

files: pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

753 - prevent to link useless exit code from library

Ticket #48937. problem: for some some static objects the constructor registers exit handlers calling some library function. this is useless because we never call exit().

solution: add dummy function to code

files: box.cpp

products: all

risks: None

715 - Progress Indicator 'Call not end to end ISDN' sent with each H.323 alert

Ticket #48597. problem: The PI 'call not end to end isdn' was sent with each H.323 alert. But this progress code also indicates that in-band info is available, so a local ringback is sometimes turned of because of it.

solution: Do not send 'call is not end to end isdn'

files: relay.cpp

products: all gateway products

risk: Could be that some endpoints require this PI

656 - provide uptime and local time of trap in debug log

Ticket #47855. problem: sometimes it's helpful to know at which time of day and how long after boot a trap occured

solution: fix in code

files: box.cpp

products: all

risks: None

643 - reduce phone firmware size by excluding unused LDAP components

Ticket #47709. problem: references from flashdir module to fdirui object (flash dir user interface) force the inclusion of objects which are not used in the phone.

solution: conditional compilation of flashdirui.cpp to prevent references, conditional linking of objects

files: common/service/ldap/flashdir.cpp, common/service/ldap/ldap.mak, phone_inca.mak, ip72.mak, phone_coldfire.mak

products: all products

risks: None

678 - Reject of ectLinkIdRequest not handled

Ticket #48095. Problem: When trying to pass a call transfer of two ISDN calls to the ISDN network by means of ECT ("External Transfer"), a reject was not handled properly.

Solution: Decode an provide error code to gateway.

Files: fty.h/cpp q950.cpp relay.cpp

Products affected: ISDN gateways

Risk: No risk.

733 - Remove memory leak in kerberos client

Ticket #48720. Problem: When the decryption of a Kerberos ticket fails a memory leak is left. Also the Kerberos client does not report this to the application.

Solution: Fix protocol implementation and Kerberos client.

Files: kerberos_prot.cpp, kerberos_client.cpp

Risk: none

740 - RTP is sent to wrong destination

Ticket #48798. Problem: A single packet causes the RTP stream to be redirected to a new destination (workaround for NAT). May cause no-media in case of late packet arrival after call transfer.

Solution: Only a continuous packet stream can cause the RTP redirection.

Files: media.cpp/h

Products affected: All devices

Risk: No risk.

686 - Setup wizard does not accept new XML formatted license files

Ticket #48401. Problem: When trying to upload an XML formatted license file while stepping through setup wizard no licenses are accepted. No error indicated neither.

Solution: Delegate upload to new XML style license handler.

Files: setup_lics.xsl

Products affected: All devices.

Risk: No risk.

635 - Show presence note (if available) instead of activity during ringback

Ticket #47531. Problem: When calling another PBX user, it's presence activity is displayed at the callers phone screen. Presenting called user's presence note is more appropriate.

Solution: Prefer 'note' over 'activity'.

Files: app_disp.cpp

Products affected: H.323 Phones

Risk: No risk.

703 - SIP: CSeq not correct inside dialog

Ticket #48533. Problem: Requests within a dialog MUST contain strictly monotonically increasing and contiguous CSeq sequence numbers (increasing-by-one).

Solution: Keep a private CSeq counter at each call object, subscription object and registration object.

Files: sip.cpp/h siptrans.cpp/h

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

636 - SIP: Fax and audio offer was rejected with 488

Ticket #47544. Problem: A combined SDP offer (fax and audio) was rejected with 488.

Solution: Answer with 200/OK and provide audio answer.

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: SIP gateways

Risk: No risk.

668 - SIP: Handling of transfer to different ip address

Ticket #47919. Problem: MS Exchange transfers fax calls to external fax servers with REFER.

Solution: Follow this transfer and send new INVITE to destination address.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk

645 - SIP: Handling of weird simple-message-summary

Ticket #47714. Problem: "Messages-Waiting:yes;Voice-Message:/0" turned MWI off. "Messages-Waiting:no;Voice-Message:8/0" turned MWI on.

Solution: "Messages-Waiting:yes;Voice-Message:/0" turned MWI on. "Messages-Waiting:no;Voice-Message:8/0" turned MWI off.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP Phones

Risk: No risk.

688 - SIP: Interoperability to Aastra endpoints

Ticket #48406. Problem: Calls broadcasted by WQ cannot be accepted by Aastra phones. Aastra phones sending 180 Ringing with SDP offer while requesting PRACK with SDP answer. SDP answer cannot provided at this early stage.

Solution: Send dummy answer in PRACK. Re-Negotiation will happen anyway after connect.

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: PBXs serving SIP Phones

Risk: No risk.

640 - SIP: INVITE rejected with 407

Ticket #47631. Problem: Registered SIP interfaces reject incoming calls with 407 if the INVITE comes from a remote source addr/port that doesn't match addr/port where the REGISTER was sent to.

Solution: Do not check remote source port.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

680 - SIP: Media negotiation problem at Alcatel Omni PCX

Ticket #48337. Problem: Several provisional responses with changing remote RTP addresses may cause RTP to be sent to wrong destination.

Solution: Fix handling of updated SDP answers.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

692 - SIP: No switch from local ringback tone to inband ringback tone

Ticket #48438. Problem: No switch from local ringback tone to inband ringback tone, because 183/Progress response was not handled after 180/Ringing.

Solution: Handle 183 after 180.

Files: sipstate.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

672 - SIP: Problem with media negotiation after 488

Ticket #47956. Problem: After re-INVITE client transaction was rejected (e.g. 488) the next re-INVITE was not send. May result in one-way-audio.

Solution: Cleanup when handling reject for re-INVITE.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk

694 - SIP: Problems with DTMF when interworking v5 devices to SIP

Ticket #48441. Problem: A call initiated by a v5 device that is interworked to SIP may have problems with DTMF.

Solution: Send SDP offer in INVITE as one single media description.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP gateway and PBXs

Risk: No risk.

684 - Timing problem at the first request to a Kerberos server

Ticket #48380. Problem: Currently there is a timing problem when a Kerberos server receives its very first ticket request. To answer this (and any following) requests the server needs its own secret key. The current flow is that the server calculates this key, answers the request and then writes the key to the database. Until the key has been written all following requests will be answered with a Kerberos error message. As a consequence the very first try to join the Kerberos realm fails.

Solution: The server has to wait until the key has been written to the database before it answers the first request.

Files affected: kerberos_ldap.h, kerberos_ldap.cpp, kerberos_db.cpp

Risk: small

704 - Trap if dialing wrong number from mobile phone

Ticket #48543. problem: A trap happens if a mobile endpoint dials a wrong number and continues to dial when the busy tone is already played.

solution: Better handling of DTMF during playing busy

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Minimal risk of collateral damage

728 - Trap if T.38 timer expiry during closing of T.38 session

Ticket #48707. problem: If a T.38 timer expired right within the fraction of a ms which it takes to close the T.38 session, a trap happened

solution: Stop timer before closing session

files: media.cpp

products: all

risks: None

687 - Trap when configuring empty realm name for Kerberos server

Ticket #48405. Problem: On the General/Kerberos page the box traps when the user removes the realm name and clicks the Ok button.

Solution: Fix processing of form.

Files: kerberos_db.cpp

Risks: none

748 - Trust manufacturer root certificate by default if there is no certificate in flash

Ticket #48861. Problem: New devices are equipped with a certificate chain stored in first flash segment. The devices will add the root certitificate to the trust list at first boot. If there is no certificate in flash this will not happen. Hence staging with HTTPS-based update scripts did not work on legacy devices.

Feature: Add a OEM specific manufacturer certificate in the product_info in the firmware. If present, this certificate will be trusted after factory reset, if there is no certificate in flash.

Files: box.cpp, box.h, os.h, ipXXX.cpp, x509.cpp

Risk: Collateral damage on the X509 module and product_info mechanism

674 - use flashman erase on "reset to factory defaults"

Ticket #47983. problem: when resetting telephones to factory defaults, first default registration survives the reset

solution: use flashman erase now

files: phone/admin/phone_admin.cpp

products: all telephones

risks: none known

698 - VM: Trap, Double-Free after sending Email with Body

Ticket #48492. problem: VM, trap, double free after sending email with body

solution: don't send such emails or apply fix

files: smtp_mta.cpp

products: all pbx devices

risks: None

701 - When pressing apply on PBX Objects Node editor, the editor changed to a PBX editor

Ticket #48500. problem: After apply the wrong .xsl was used (pbx_edit_loc.xsl instead of pbx_edit_node.xsl)

solution: Use correct .xsl

files: pbx_edit_node.xsl

products: all with PBX

risks: None

V8 Hotfix 2 (80500.04)

829 - AD Replicator, Searches to Global Catalog Server weren't possible

Ticket #50129. problem: Searches to Global Catalog Server weren't possible

solution: Fix configuration for LDAP port

files: ldaprep.cpp

products: all PBX-,Dect products

risks: None

927 - Assertion to verify that access to license data structures is correct

Ticket #51752. problem: There is a hint, that access to license data structures could corrupt memory.

solution: Verify that access to license data structures is correct with a assertion which results in a restart if this does happen.

files: inno_lic.cpp, pbx.cpp

products: all except phones

risks: Additional restarts could happen, but only in cases memory would be corrupt otherwise, so restart is the better choice

783 - Basic authentication support in HTTP client

Ticket #49450. Problem: Currently the HTTP client does not support basic authentication but basic authentication is needed to access boxes that have Kerberos configured.

Solution: Integrate basic authentication into HTTP client.

Files: httpclient_i.h, httpclient_i.cpp

Risk: small

860 - Better norwegian translation for telephone text entries

Ticket #50941. problem: Better norwegian translation for telephone text entries

solution: Changed translation file

files: phone/txt/phonetxt.base

products: All telephones

risks: none

771 - Cleanup gateway interface config

Ticket #49181. Problem: Config option 'mask' could not be used as filter for incoming calls.

Solution: Accept configured 'mask' and use it as filter (together with 'addr') for incoming calls on interfaces without registration.

Files: gk_if.h gk.h/cpp relay.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: Long forgotton feature "dial the remote ip address" not available anymore.

915 - compatibility issue with PBX Waiting queue sending ct-complete before connect

Ticket #51620. problem: If a call alerting at a PBX waiting queue is connected by a operator, the PBX is sending out a ct-complete message to indicate to the caller, which operator connected. This was sent right before the connect, but ct-complete is allowed by the standard only after connect. This created an interworking issue with when this was sent out to a QSIG PBX

solution: send ct-complete after connect

files: pbx_wait.cpp

products: all with PBX
risks: none

902 - Config Wizard Update

Ticket #51501. problem: Several issues with config wizard: CLIP no screening mappings for international calls wrong, CLIP no screening mappings did not handle internal numbers matching Trunk/National/International Prefix, switchboard waiting object was not configured, extern only needed for insert mode

solution: config wizard fixed

files: setup.cpp, ip800/config_wizard.txt, ip6000/config_wizard.txt, ip6010/config_wizard.txt, ip24/config_wizard.txt

products: IP30x, IP800, IP6000, IP6010

780 - Configurable distinction of internal and external call ringing on analogue port

Ticket #49344. For swiss users the internal call should be signaled with a ring sequence that is normally used for external calls and vice versa. Swiss seems to make an exception here. In addition it is now possible to configure 'always internal' and 'always external'.

831 - Control calls without facility elements were forwarded on ISDN

Ticket #50199. Problem: Control calls (calls without media channel) without facility elements were forwarded on ISDN. Seems to causes trouble on some ISDN switches

Solution: Reject control calls without facility elements with "Invalid information element contents".

Files: relay.cpp

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: No risk.

828 - Country settings in 'TELx/Physical' cannot select lines containing '+' character

Ticket #50108. problem: lines with'+'character cannot be selcted.

solution: indroduce cmd-line parameters without '+' for si32xx_drv.cpp

files: si3210_drv.cpp, si3241_drv.cpp

products: ip22, ip24, ip28, ip302

953 - DSP debug

Ticket #52124. problem: sporadic trap in ac-dsp, defect return address

solution: debug added to show packets sent to DSP. Enable on IP6000 with config+change+AC_DSP11+/dtrace config+write and restart. Use not with SRTP, since CPU load with 60channel RTP is increased on the IP6000 from 66% to 77%

files: ac_48xhi.c

products: ip800 ip6000 ip1200 ip1201 ip4001

risks: low risk

793 - DTMF digits missing during DTMF generation

Ticket #49588. problem: Tones are not send out after channel init with a undefined coder

solution: fixed in code, ignore DSP status packets for timing calculation, DSP message trace function fixed

files: ac_dsp2.cpp Recordpck.h ac48xhi.c

products: ip6000/800/1200/1201/4001
risks: low risk

895 - dyn PBX General configuration page changes did not work sometime

Ticket #51436. problem: Sometimes strange behaviour, when removing config like 'Route Master calls if no Master to' or 'Max Calls to Master'

solution: editor fixed

files: pbx_admin.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

808 - Enblock flag not evaluated on Routes to MAP

Ticket #49896. problem: The enblock flag on routes to MAP could be set, but it did not do anything

solution: Evaluate enblock flag on routes to MAP

files: gk.cpp

products: All gateway products

risks: None, no change if enblock flag not set

773 - ENUM/SIP interfaces shall accept incoming calls

Ticket #49198. Problem: Gateway interfaces of type ENUM/SIP did not accept incoming calls.

Solution: Make ENUM/SIP interfaces accept incoming calls.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: Gateway devices

Risk: No risk.

833 - fat32 check disc trap

Ticket #50204. Problem: After a firmware trap with a cf card, the afterwards check disk can cause a trap loop, if directory entries are corrupt because of the first trap.

Solution: Increment counter which caused the trap loop.

Files: fat32.cpp

Products affected: All gateways with CF slot

Risk: minor risk

865 - Flashdir: Comparison for 'guid' could fail

Ticket #50965. problem: Comparison for 'guid' could fail

solution: apply binary comparison (was case insensitive)

files: flashdir.cpp

products: all PBX products

risks: None

903 - function keys defined in a config template could not be overloaded by an associated user object

Ticket #51506. problem: a function key defined in a template could not be overridden by an associated user object, the key in the template did always win.

solution: the changed function key must be kept in user object

files: phone_config.cpp

products: all PBX and phones

riscs: none

825 - Gateway sends calls to wrong registered SIP endpoint

Ticket #50102. Problem: If the addressed endpoint is currently not registered at the registrar interface at the gateway, calls are delivered to another registered SIP endpoint.

Solution: Reject calls if addressed endpoint is not registered.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: No risk.

851 - Gateway: Cannot use SIP interfaces without having "Media-Relay" and "Exclusive Coder" enabled

Ticket #50425. Problem: Cannot use SIP interfaces without having "Media-Relay" and "Exclusive Coder" enabled. Installations with many SIP interfaces and heavy load will suffer from RTP traffic.

Solution: Do not enforce "Media-Relay" and "Exclusive Coder" in SIP interfaces.

Files: relay_edit_sip.xsl

Products affected: Gateways with SIP interface

Risk: No risk.

769 - Gateway: CGPN Map at route was executed even if the call using this route failed

Ticket #49175. problem: A CGPN Map at a route was executed even if the call using this route failed. This was confusing if rerouting was configured in case a destination was not available.

solution: CGPN map not executed if call failed, so rerouting could be done with the same CGPN

files: gk.cpp

products: all gateway products

risks: Could be that there are configs depending on old, wrong behaviour

767 - Gateway: Feature Code Support Configuration fixed

Ticket #49152. problem: Feature Code fieldset was displayed even if not Feature Code support available. Sometimes empty Feture Code Fieldset

solution: Better checking in UI

files: relay_edit_phys.xsl

products: all gateway products

risks: None

821 - GUI: Registration indicator not aligned

Ticket #50070. Problem: The registration indicator (arrow) was not aligned on Gateway/GK page.

Solution: Make it aligned.

Files: relay_ifs.xsl

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: No risk.

807 - H.323, PROGRESS with cause treated as DISC causes problems

Ticket #49889. problem: In H.323 no DISC message is defined. Because of that a PROGRESS message with Cause code was treated as a DISC message. This behaviour causes problems, because there is H.323 equipment sending PROGRESS with Cause even if no DISC is intended

solution: No special handling of PROGRESS with cause anymore

files: h323_tbl.h, h323sig.cpp

products: all

risks: old behaviour could be expected by other equipment

799 - H323 channel null pointer trap

Ticket #49813. problem: Trap caused by null pointer access.

solution: Null pointer check added.

files: h323_ch.cpp.

products affected: All devices with H323 protocol.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

795 - headset mode must be kept when a knocking call is accepted via operator while a disconnected call is pending

Ticket #49796. problem: a knocking call accepted via operator was routed to speaker instead to headset when the phone was in headset mode playing the busy tone for a call which was disconnected from remote.

solution: fix in code

files: app_ctl.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

924 - HTTP client header access

Ticket #51715. problem: access to received httpclient headers needed in some applications,OEM Manufacturer in httpclients user agent header needed

solution: added virtual function to access received http headers, user agent header uses OEM struct manufacturer as user agent string
files: httpclient_i.cpp httpclient_i.h httpclient.h
products: all

risks: low risk

857 - in any phone recording mode the recorder gets number and/or h323id of the currently connected remote party

Ticket #50827. problem: without this infomation the identification of the remote party in an recorded call requires syncronisation with log files not directly available in the recorder.

solution: a CT-COMPLETE with number/h323id of the remote party is sent to the recorder whenever the remote party changes because of a consultation call or a call transfer.

files: appp_form.cpp, app_fkey.cpp, app_disp.cpp, app_ctl.cpp, app_ctl.h, app_call.cpp

products: all phones

risks: Minimal for recorders not able to deal with CT-COMPLETE info

843 - In some countries the ring tone timing patterns for internal/external calls need to be swapped to meet country defaults

Ticket #50328. problem: the builtin ring tone timing patterns for internal/external calls which are applied to the builtin ring melodies don't meet the country specific preferences for example in switzerland. swapping the patterns may help.

solution: "config add RING /swap-i-x" to swap patterns

files: ring.cpp, phone_pref.xsl

products: all phones

riscs: none

853 - INCA phones - monitoring a headset conversation via handset (headset-spy) did not work

Ticket #50673. problem: the /headset-spy option was skipped because of a bug in the driver option handler

solution: fix in code

files: inca_dsp.cpp

products: all phones

risks: None

912 - IP-DECT configuration option 'Redirection with GK ID'

Ticket #51616. problem: Configuration option needed to append the GK ID if the registration is redirected by the PBX.

solution: Configuration option added.

files: dectmaster.h, dectmaster.cpp, dectmaster.xsl.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

855 - IP-DECT Handset's product number and software version

Ticket #50738. problem: The DECT handset's product number and software version are not shown in the user list in the DECT master.

solution: Information is shown if available.

files: dect_users_right.xsl (OEM).

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

870 - IP-DECT hanging calls

Ticket #51007. problem: Sometime there are hanging calls in the radio.

solution: New timer added to check for hanging calls.

files: dectradio.h, dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

904 - IP-DECT IP-Master in IP6000 device

Ticket #51509. problem: For big DECT systems the IP-DECT IP-Master should be hosted in IP6000.

solution: IP-DECT module with IP-Master added to IP6000 firmware. Usable only with IP-DECT multi-cell license.

files: dectuser.cpp, config.h, ip6000.h, ip6000.cpp, ip6000.mak, left_menu.xml, trace.xsl, new: dect module files without dect radio files, dect_hdr.xml, dect_admin_hdr.xml, dect.xml, dect_admin.xml.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

928 - IP-DECT logging release code

Ticket #51759. problem: The release code is not correctly shown in logging events.

solution: Fixed.

files: dectmaster.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

867 - IP-DECT memory leak

Ticket #50975. problem: There are memory leaks with update event of uninitialized radio registrations.

solution: Cleanup added.

files: dectmaster.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

788 - IP-DECT OEM compatibility with old MWI configuration

Ticket #49518. problem: The MWI configuration should be compatible with old configuration.

solution: Configuration added.

files: dectfty.h, dectfty.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

871 - IP-DECT OEM module MSF trap

Ticket #51008. problem: Traps occur after using of the MSF module.

solution: Pointer cleanup added.

files: dectmsf.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

877 - IP-DECT OEM multi-cast module support

Ticket #51269. problem: Some new functions are needed for the oem multi-cast module support.

solution: Function added.

files: signal.h, signal.cpp, dectusers_if.h, dectusers.h, dectusers.cpp, dectlocalusers.h, dectlocalusers.cpp, dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

882 - IP-DECT OEM protocol display update

Ticket #51354. problem: If a OEM protocol is used the display update wrongly inserts the last pre-dialed digit as post-dialed keypad info.

solution: Function fixed.

files: dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

800 - IP-DECT OEM system name update

Ticket #49825. problem: The OEM DECT needs update of the system name.

solution: Update added.

files: dectusers.cpp, dectlocalusers.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

819 - IP-DECT old anonymous PPs

Ticket #50064. problem: The old anonymous PPs saved in the system object in firmware version 6 should not longer be used.

solution: Anonymous PPs in the system object are automatically deleted.

files: dectusers.h, dectusers.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

854 - IP-DECT Radio call statistics

Ticket #50736. problem: Radio call statistics like call or handover counter are missed in the master radios overview GUI for DECT deployment.

solution: Radio call statistics added.

files: dectmaster.h, dectmaster.cpp, dectmaster_radios.xsl (OEM), dectradio.h, dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

909 - IP-DECT trap during call release and information message

Ticket #51583. problem: A trap occurs if the DECT handset sends a information message and the call is release by the PBX. Only the channel is released, but not yet the call.

solution: Null pointer check added.

files: dectmaster.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

801 - IP-DECT unattended call transfer

Ticket #49829. problem: It should not be possible to enter the unattended call transfer mode if the second call is in ring-back state.

solution: Condition added.

files: dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

888 - IP-DECT wrong forward of internal information event

Ticket #51418. problem: A internal information event is wrongly forwarded to the PBX.

solution: Forward of this event is avoided.

files: dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

805 - IP2x IP30x: unreliable V.34 modem

Ticket #49883. problem: echo canceller needs to be off, DSP jitter buffer must be static, output volume must be reduced

solution: fixed in code. Use "disable echo canceller flag" to enable this features. Use http://addr/AC-DSP0/mod_cmd.xml?cmd=form&xsl=dsp.xsl to tune the volume and disable modem-bypass.

files: ac_dsp3.cpp ac_dsp.h

products: ip2x ip30x

risks: low risk

803 - IP302/IP305: PCM connected channels disconnect other channels media

Ticket #49879. problem: disconnect is sent to wrong channel

solution: fixed in code

files: ac_dsp3.cpp

products: ip302 ip305

risks: low risk

923 - IP6000 LE newer kernel support

Ticket #51712. problem: Newer Linux kernel included in Debian does not work.

solution: Support for linux kuser helper functions added.

files: startup_littleendian.S.

products affected: Only IP6000 little-endian firmware.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

792 - IP72 announcement calls should be routed to headset if plugged

Ticket #49587. problem: IP72 announcement calls should be routed to headset if plugged. currently announced calls are always received with handset.

solution: fixed in code, has to be explicitly enabled in phone's web-ui: "Administration/Phone/Preferences/Route Automatically Connected Inbound Calls to Headset (if enabled)"

files: phone/sig/phonesig.* phone/user/phone_pref.xsl

products: all telephones

risks: none

790 - IP72 DSP acoustic web page not storing changes upon "OK"

Ticket #49576. problem: IP72 DSP acoustic web page not storing changes upon "OK"

solution: fixed in code

files: box/omap/omap_code.cpp

products: IP72

risks: none

900 - IP72: beacon recv time now configurable through command line

Ticket #51452. problem: beacon recv time now configurable through command line. This is required for a special Meru Networks interop. (config change WLAN0 /beacon-recv-time 10)

solution: fixed in code

files: ascom-drivers/WLAN_drv.cpp

products: IP72

risks: none

931 - IP72: function keys only available in idle mode

Ticket #51798. problem: IP72: function keys only available in idle mode

solution: option /softkey-mode now defines whether a predefined function key overlays a softkey in idle mode, in active mode, or not at all

files: phone/forms/forms*

products: IP72

risks: none

918 - IP72: ring though handset

Ticket #51624. problem: IP72 feature: ring through handset if configured so and handset plugged

solution: fixed in code

files: box/omap/omap_dsp.* box/omap/omap_codec.cpp

products: IP72

risks: none

905 - IP72: Upgrade WLAN subsystem to Ascom 1.7.10

Ticket #51516. problem: Upgrade WLAN subsystem to Ascom 1.7.10
Ascom i75 v1.7.10 release.
- Beacon reception time can be changed.
- Scan interval can be changed.
- Null data keep alive period can be changed.
- Two different site filters can be chosen.
- RSSI filter parameters is changed: 25% new value + 75% old value (previous releases use 10% + 90%).
- Roaming threshold is changed to -67 dBm (from -70).
- Authentication timeout changed to 100 ms (from 500 ms).

solution: upgraded shared code

files: WLAN/* ascom-drivers/WLAN_drv.*

products: IP72

risks: none known

791 - IP72: WLAN code upgrade

Ticket #49577. problem: IP72: WLAN code upgrade to latst from Ascom (Meru fixes)


files: ./WLAN/Supplicant/obj/libodSupp_O.a ./WLAN/esta_dk/obj/libestadrv.a ./WLAN/esta_dk/obj/firmware.o ./WLAN/esta_dk/inc/wspVer.h ./WLAN/esta_dk/inc/TI_IPC_Api.h ./WLAN/esta_dk/inc/paramOut.h ascom-drivers/WLAN_drv.cpp

products: IP72

risks: none

798 - IP800 conference

Ticket #49800. problem: Conference hardware initialization for channel ten does not work.

solution: Delay within initialization sequence inserted.

files: ipac_drv.cpp.

products affected: Devices with IPAC chip.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

806 - IP800: V8 Firmware upload not possible after V7 licenseses are returned to myinnovaphone

Ticket #49888. problem: Missing label to identify new license scheme with certificates.

solution: fixed in makefile

files: ip800.mak

products: ip800

risks: low risk

926 - ISDN: Sending of CEI facilities as Point to Multipoint endpoint did not work

Ticket #51744. Problem: Call independent signaling did not work on Point to Multipoint interfaces. Required for Call Completion.

Solution: Fixed.

Files: q931.cpp

Products affected: BRI Gateways

Risk: Small risk of collateral damage.

859 - LDAP Searches for unsupported DNs disconnected all LDAP connections

Ticket #50934. problem: LDAP Searches for unsupported Distinguished Names (DN) disconnected all LDAP connections

solution: Remove (meanwhile surplus) v7 code

files: ldapsrv.cpp

products: all PBX products

risks: None

925 - LDAP/Replicator-Status "There is no replicator active"

Ticket #51733. Problem: When no replicator is enabled the replicator status window is showing
an empty drop-down list. It should be a message shown indicating that
no replicator is enabled.

Solution: Display "There is no replicator active"

Files: ldaprep_status.xsl

Risk: none

901 - Make LCD dump to be displayed in browser

Ticket #51485. Problem: LCD dump was displayed by external program.

Solution: Fix Content-Type of lcd_dump.bmp to make browsers display it.

Files: http.cpp

Products affected: All phones

Risk: No risk.

862 - Manufacturer URL is needed in static HTML pages

Ticket #50950. problem: Manufacturer URL is needed in static HTML pages

solution: added %U option to servlet_vars.cpp

files: servlet_vars.cpp
products: all

risks: low risk

814 - Media Negotiation between SIP and H.323 failed if Offer from both sides available

Ticket #50037. problem: If a H.323 and a SIP call leg were to be connected and a media offer was available on both legs, nothing happend. The new offer should have been sent on the H.323 leg. This situation could happen in special cases with transfer and reverse media.

solution: Send offer on H.323 in this case

files: h323ch.cpp

products: all

risk: Small riks of collateral damage

765 - Media Renegotiation from H.323 Slowstart to H.323 EFC failed accross multiple PBXs

Ticket #49147. problem: The message with the new FeatureSet, which indicated a switchover from non-EFC to EFC was not forwarded by the PBX. This happens if a slow-start endpoint located at a slave transfers a call originating from another slave so that both new endpoints are EFC. The master in this case did not forward the switchover FeatureSet.

solution: forward FeatureSet

files: h323ch.cpp

products: all

risks: None

768 - Memory Leak

Ticket #49164. Problem: When closing a SIP interface a small buffer containing the proxy name was not freed.

Solution: Free proxy name buffer.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP endpoints

Risk: No risk.

872 - Mobility Object returns busy if called from a unknown mobile phone

Ticket #51010. problem: The mobility object answers calls only if called by a mobile phone which is configured as forking destination. Calls from other mobile phones are rejected. The cause "user busy" was used in this case, which was misleading.

solution: Use cause "Service unavailable, unspecified" instead.

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

838 - Mobility: Call forwarding on no response did not work for mobile endpoints if only mobile endpoint

Ticket #50242. problem: A call forward on no response, either as CFNR or as no response destination at a trunk failed if only a mobile endpoint was present for a given object.

solution: Forwarding fixed

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h, pbx_mobility.cpp, pbx_mobility.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Risk of collateral damage with Mobility

837 - Mobility: Call to obeject within other PBX not in root node failed

Ticket #50241. problem: Routing of calls from mobile endpoint, did not work with nodes on other PBXs

solution: Routing fixed

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h, pbx_mobility.cpp, pbx_mobility.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Risk of collateral damage with Mobility

836 - Mobility: Reject of call to mobile endpoint did not work

Ticket #50239. problem: If a call on a mobile endpoint was rejected, on the calling side there was still ringback. Also a CFB was not executed in this case.

solution: Reject on mobile phone fixed

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h, pbx_mobility.cpp, pbx_mobility.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Risk of collateral damage with Mobility

845 - Mobility: Send presence info of called user with ALERT at call to mobile endpoint

Ticket #50349. problem: When a mobile endpoint was called, the presence info of the mobile endpoint (typically there is no presence info available) was send to caller instead of the presence info of the related local user object.

solution: Send presence info of local user

files: pbx_mobility.cpp, pbx_api.h

products: all with PBX

risks: None

763 - Need to configure 'Route Root-Node External Calls to' in case of 'License Only' on Slave

Ticket #49137. problem: A Slave or Standby-Slave PBX configured as 'License Only' did not allow to configure a Root Node Extern destination

solution: Allow configureation of Root-Node Extern

files: pbx_general.xsl

products: all with PBX

risks: None

892 - no RTP-DTMF after rerouting

Ticket #51431. problem: If rerouting happened from one media endpoint to another, for example if a TONE interface is used for a dialtone after one digit dialed there is a rerouting to another interface, RTP-DTMF does not work.

solution: Media renegotiation fixed for this case

files: ac_dsp.h, ac_dsp2.h, ac_dsp3.h

risks: none

777 - NTP Server must respond to SYNC clients even if the device has no correct time from an official server

Ticket #49267. problem: when the NTP server is used to syncronize devices (SYNC client) a correct time is not required but the server must respond.

solution: don't ask for correct time on a client request.

files: ntp.cpp

products: all

risks: None, responses with a time lower Y2K are ignored by the NTP client (but not by the SYNC client)

875 - One way media after SRTP renegotiation on IP6000

Ticket #51148. Problem: On the IP6000 platform the SRTP ROC was not reset on media renegotiation.

Solution: Reset SRTP ROC when rtp_channel::set_media_config is called

Files: srtp_cipher.cpp

Risk: no risk known

810 - One-way-voice after unpark/pickup together with SRTP, H323 and Registration with password

Ticket #49963. problem: Within media renegotiation after unpark/pickup a wrong SRTP key was sent. This resulted in one-way media.

solution: Transmit correct SRTP key

files: h323sig.cpp

products: all

risk: Other media problems

891 - PBX BC Conference member type restriction / call information

Ticket #51429. problem: Some other PBX objects can not be called as conference members. Conference object call target is not shown correctly in the PBX call list. This information is also used as calling party number for the other conference member calls, useful for recording with the VM object and several conference objects.

solution: PBX object type restriction removed and remote endpoint information (cgpn) fixed.

files: pbx_bc_conf.cpp.

products affected: All devices with PBX.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

894 - PBX BC conference object TAPI feature clear call

Ticket #51434. problem: The TAPI connection of the broadcast conference object does not support clearing calls.

solution: Feature added.

files: pbx_bc_conf.h, pbx_bc_conf.cpp.

products affected: All devices with PBX.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

890 - PBX CGPN missing with call to mobile endpoint, if not supplied by calling endpoint

Ticket #51424. problem: If a calling endpoint registered to the PBX, did not supply the calling number, the PBX did not set it, when calling a mobile endpoint

solution: PBX sets calling number

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

815 - PBX device definition with empty hw-id was generated for a user without name

Ticket #50043. problem: For objects without device configurations, a default device is generated with the hw-id being the same as the Name of the object. This is for v7 compatibility. This was done even if there was no Name. But it was done only for a single object, because after that duplicate hw-id was detected. This caused registration with number being possible on this object even without device configuration.

solution: Check for empty name

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

849 - PBX object device config lost, if invalid info added somewhere else (e.g. duplicate number)

Ticket #50415. problem: If a PBX object editor is opened and invalid information is added, then after Apply or OK the error message is displayed and the devices list was empty. After correcting the error and Apply or OK again the object is saved without the device list.

solution: Fill in device list on error as well

files: pbx_admin.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

917 - PBX send call to mobile phone as diverted call

Ticket #51623. problem: Billing applications need to associate a call to a mobile phone to the respective user. This can be done with the diverting leg info.

solution: Add diverting leg info 2 to call to mobile phone

files: pbx_mobility.cpp, pbx_gi.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: none

794 - PBX Waiting Queue did not provide diverting party display name

Ticket #49786. Problem: PBX Waiting Queue did not provide diverting party display name when forwarding/distributing calls.

Solution: Provide diverting party name.

Files: pbx_wait.cpp/h

Products affected: PBX

Risk: No risk.

885 - PBX-CDR: Local Time wrong (same as UTC)

Ticket #51415. problem: In the CDRs from the PBX the local time was always set to UTC

solution: Use correct time

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

820 - PBX: 'Route Internal Calls to' only works for internal destinations being users or slaves

Ticket #50068. problem: It was explicitly implemented that 'Route Internal Calls to' was only executed for Users or Slaves. This was does not seem to be a usefull restriction.

solution: Restriction removed

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Could be that this restrictions turns out to be usefull

784 - PBX: After CFNR from Waiting with end of first announcement no MOH during call proceeding/alerting

Ticket #49458. problem: If a CFNR is executed at the end of the first announcement of a Waiting object (no second announcement), MOH should be played during call proceeding/alerting of the forwarded call. This did not happen, because MOH was turned off by accident with clearing of the announcement call.

solution: Don't turn off MOH

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: litte risk of other media problems within PBX

899 - PBX: Busy Name was not sent if busy because of 'Busy on ... calls'

Ticket #51451. problem: No Name Identification Facility was sent if call was busy because of 'Busy on ... calls'

solution: Send Name Id

files: pbx.cpp, pbx_api.h

products: all with PBX

risks: None

812 - PBX: No default device definition was added to new object

Ticket #49973. problem: If a new object was added to the PBX, with a Name, but without device hw-id, no default device definition was created containing name has hw-id. After an unknown enpoint was assigned to this user by dialing the number of the user a registration with name was not possible anymore.

solution: Create default device definition

files: pbx_admin.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

889 - PBX: No Inband Disconnect for Gateway Object

Ticket #51421. problem: 'No Inband Disconnect' was not configurable for Gateway objects

solution: Configuration added

files: pbx_edit_gw.xsl

products: all with PBX

risks: None

823 - PBX: On CFB configured at Slave PBX executed on max_calls, additional digits were added to called number

Ticket #50083. problem: If a CFB on a Slave PBX was executed because max-calls, the original dialed digits should be added to the diverted to number. If the original dialed number did not exactly match a user in the slave, but additional digits were dialed, these digits were added twice.

solution: Add digits once only

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

913 - PBX: Pickup call did not show original called/parked endpoint

Ticket #51617. problem: When doing pickup, the to be picked up call did not show what endpoint was called. This is especially a problem if group pickup is used with a function key without display

solution: Add ct_setup/leg2 info to pickup call

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

824 - PBX: Presence subscription was rejected by object type 'Executive'

Ticket #50091. Problem: Watching presence of an 'Executive' user was not possible. Subscription was rejected.

Solution: Accept presence subscription at 'Executive' user .

Files: pbx.cpp

Products affected: All PBX devices

Risk: No risk.

760 - PBX: Reference to Config Template lost, when opening User from Registrations page

Ticket #49089. problem: If a user object was opened from the Registrations page a configured config template was not displayed. By pressing Save or Apply the user object was written without the config template

solution: Display config template when opening user object from registrations page

files: pbx_regs.xsl

products: all with PBX

risks: None

898 - PBX: Retrieve was not sent in case of chained Waiting Queues

Ticket #51450. problem: When using DTMF destinations with Waiting Queues, the waiting queue is sending a Hold Notific when DTMF map destination is alerting. A Retrieve Notific must be sent when the destination connects. This was missing if the destination was another Waiting Queue.

solution: Send missing Retrieve

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

products: all with PBX

risks: None

772 - PBX: Sending of multiple group indications after registration did not work

Ticket #49190. problem: If a phone registers to the PBX, the PBX is sending group indications for all active calls. If more then one call was active not all group indications were sent successful. This also happened with the update of Boolean function keys.

solution: Sending of Group Indications fixed

files: pbx_gi.cpp, pbx_gi.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Risk of collateral damage in the area of Group Indications

916 - PBX: SOAP initiated calls were sent with CT-SETUP

Ticket #51622. problem: If a call was initiated by SOAP to the PBX, the outgoing call contained a CT-SETUP facility. This way the call was displayed as transfered call by the destination, but it should be displayed just the same as a call initiated on the phone itself.

solution: remove CT-SETUP from outgoing call

files: pbx_xml.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

866 - Phone: access to PBX directories failed if the PBX System Name contained non ascii characters (>= 128)

Ticket #50974. problem: the LDAP API expects latin1 but the name was utf8 encoded

solution: convert name to latin1 before passing to API

files: phone_dir.cpp

products: all phones

risks: none

835 - Phone: Changes to option 'Proposed Registration Interval' were applied after reboot only

Ticket #50214. Problem: Changes to option 'Proposed Registration Interval' had no effect until reboot. Demand for reboot was not indicated.

Solution: Apply configured registration interval at runtime. No reboot required.

Files: phonesig.cpp

Products affected: All SIP phones

Risk: No risk.

847 - Phone: Fkey "Partner" should light up LED when partner's presence activity is "on-the-phone"

Ticket #50389. Problem: Fkey "Partner" does not light up LED when partner's presence activity is "on-the-phone".

Solution: Light up LED on partner key when partner's presence activity is "on-the-phone".

Files: app_disp.cpp

Products affected: Phones with partner keys only

Risk: No risk.

858 - Phone: Fkey "Partner" should try to subscribe for Presence only if checkmark set

Ticket #50857. Problem: Fkey "Partner" tries to subscribe for partner's presence. Even on PBXs not supporting Presence.

Solution: Added checkmark to Partner fkey config.

Files: phone_config.h/cpp phone_edit.cpp app_fkey.cpp fkey_edit_partner.xsl

Products affected: Phones with partner keys only

Risk: No risk.

863 - Phone: Fkey "Partner" show presence activity even if partners presence status is "closed"

Ticket #50952. Problem: Fkey "Partner" does not show presence activity if partners presence status is "closed" (not registered).

Solution: Show presence activity regardless of the status.

Files: app_disp.cpp

Products affected: Phones with partner keys only

Risk: No risk.

809 - Phone: Local coder config was not used on outgoing phone calls

Ticket #49899. Problem: Local coder config was not applied to outgoing phone calls, but is required when it comes to media re-negotiation.

Solution: Give local coder config to all kind of calls.

Files: phonesig.cpp/h

Products affected: All phones.

Risk: No risk.

906 - Phone: Presence subscription of partner fkey not created sometimes

Ticket #51519. Problem: In some cases the presence subscription of the partner fkey was not established.

Solution: Fix lookup of existing presence subscription.

Files: phonesig.cpp

Products affected: Phones with partner fkeys

Risk: No risk.

844 - Phone: Stop trying to subscribe for own presence

Ticket #50346. Problem: On PBX's not supporting presence subscription (v7 or earlier) the phone endlessly tries to subscribe for own presence.

Solution: Stop trying to subscribe for own presence.

Files: phonesig.cpp

Products affected: All SIP phones

Risk: No risk.

911 - Phone: Trap when re-creating presence call

Ticket #51588. Problem: Trap when re-creating presence call, because facility entity did not exist.

Solution: Re-create facility entity when re-creating call object.

Files: phonesig.cpp

Products affected: All phones

Risk: No risk.

883 - picked internal calls were recorded when transparent recording of external calls only was configured

Ticket #51361. problem: a phone is configured for transparent recording of external calls only. when this phone did call an internal party and the call was picked by another internal party the call was recorded. The reason was that the remote party number provided by the cpickupNotifiy facility indicated an external peer. The connected party number indicated an internal peer but this was ignored.

solution: The type of number from cpickupNotifiy is ignored, thus the correct type of the connected party number wins.

files: app_call.cpp

products: all phones

risks: none

922 - Possible trap when removing a cf card without previous unmount

Ticket #51705. Problem: events where queued to not exisiting serial

Solution: cf driver shouldn't answer outstanding events after removing the cf card, as the fat32 module won't wait for any events after receiving status removed event

Files: cf_drv.cpp

Risk: minor risk

873 - Potential trap when disconnecting call, WEBMEDIA-CH.5 default(82c09798): serial_event(814)

Ticket #51132. problem: Under special timing conditions a trap could happen during call disconnect. This only happened if the call terminated at a physical interface on the given box.

solution: Cleaning up of media channel fixed

files: media.cpp

products: all

risks: None

869 - Potential trap with Mobility

Ticket #50989. problem: A trap could happen with a collision of CFNR Timeout and call disconnect, when calling a mobile endpoint, because of NULL pointer access.

solution: Check for NULL pointer added

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

775 - PPP IP header compression traps

Ticket #49221. problem: PPP IP header compression traps because a word aligned buffer is addressed by a struct ip_hdr pointer and the GCC optimizer replaced a memcpy by inline long register assignments)

solution: fix in code

files: iphc.cpp, iphc.h

products: all

risks: None

813 - presence function key usage on phone traps with non-presence-available pbx

Ticket #50034. problem: presence function key usage traps with non-presence-available pbx

solution: fixed in code (check)

files: phone/app/app_disp.cpp

products: all telephones

risks: none

907 - Problems with Mobility and Nodes

Ticket #51549. problem: When calling from a mobile handset belonging to a user which is configured in a node a CLI without the node prefix was sent. Using a user configured in a node was not possible to use as mobile endpoint.

solution: handle node prefixes

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: little risk of collateral damage with mobility

779 - RAS registration over a PPTP connection fails - association of server-local addr to PPTP interface wrong

Ticket #49308. problem: RAS registration via a PPTP interface failed because a wrong rasAddress was returned in GatekeeperConfirm. Instead of the servers defaut IP address the remote endpoint address was associated to an interface without a configured server-local address.

solution: fix in code

files: ipproc.cpp

products: all

riscs: none

679 - RELAY: Remove config parameter "mask" from GUI

Ticket #48127. ENUM/SIP interfaces shall accept all call sources (no filtering).
No-Reg-IFs shall use addr/mask as filter for call sources.
(Remove old mask logic for outgoing calls in gk.cpp)

864 - Ringing style upon incoming message is not configurable via web - ui

Ticket #50963. problem: Ringing style upon incoming message is not configurable via web - ui

solution: fixed in xsl

files: reg_edit_general.xsl

products: all telephones

risks: none

868 - Ringing tone used for incoming message can not be reconfigured permanently

Ticket #50976. problem: Ringing tone used for incoming message can not be reconfigured permanently. It switches back to default after ringing once without user interaction.

solution: fixed in code

files: phone/app/app_ctl.cpp

products: all telephones

risks: none

786 - SIP: 180/Ringing was not re-transmitted

Ticket #49461. Problem: If 180/Ringing got lost and the caller re-transmitted INVITE, re-transmission of 180/Ringing was missing.

Solution: Re-transmit last sent provisional response.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

762 - SIP: Handling of re-INVITE collision

Ticket #49135. Problem: After re-INVITE collision at Mitel-PBX, every incoming re-try was rejected with 491 until outgoing re-try was successful.

Solution: Accept incoming re-try while having a postponed re-INVITE client transaction.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

787 - SIP: Incoming calls not accepted by PBX

Ticket #49473. Problem: Incoming SIP calls are rejected with 407, if lookup of active registration fails due to display-name in Contact header of INVITE.

Solution: Skip display-name of Contact header when performing registration lookup for incoming call.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: Low risk of collateral damage.

818 - SIP: Incoming calls with anonymous From-URI were not tagged as CLIR

Ticket #50058. Problem: Incoming SIP calls with anonymous From-URI were not tagged as CLIR.

Solution: Honour "anonymous" in From-URI and set Presentation Restricted flag in CGPN.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: All SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

802 - SIP: INVITE after REFER for blind transfer missed Referred-By header

Ticket #49854. Problem: After receiving REFER for blind transfer a new INVITE is sent without Referred-By header.

Solution: Save Referred-By header of received REFER on existing call and send it in INVITE for new call.

Files: sip.cpp/h siptrans.cpp/h

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

896 - SIP: NOTIFY(message-summary) not handled by PBX

Ticket #51443. Problem: NOTIFY(message-summary) was not handled by PBX (server side). Only by phones (client side)

Solution: Implement handling of unsolicited NOTIFY(message-summary) at server side.

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: PBX with SIP clients

Risk: No risk.

850 - SIP: Problems parsing exotic SIP URIs

Ticket #50421. Problem: Failed to decode destination port from a redirect URI like this: <sip:2204;;maddr=;transport=udp;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server>

Solution: Fix URI parsing.

Files: sipmsg.cpp

Products affected: All SIP devices

Risk: No risk

876 - SIP: Remote number update after pick-up does not work

Ticket #51268. Problem: PBX send UPDATE with changed From URI (rfc4916) too early (interfering with ongoing INVITE transaction). UPDATE is rejected by picking party.

Solution: Postpone UPDATE(from-change) until INVITE transaction is complete.

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: PBXs with SIP endpoints doing call pick-up

Risk: No risk.

908 - SIP: Send Call-Info header with "answer-after=0" for auto answer signaling

Ticket #51554. Problem: Snom phones (and others) do not support Answer-Mode header (RFC-5373). But they honour "anser-after" parameter in Call-Info header.

Solution: Send Call-Info header with "answer-after" header.

Files: sipmsg.cpp/h siptrans.cpp

Products affected: All SIP PBXs

Risk: No risk.

848 - SIP: Signaling not sent to non-standard port

Ticket #50394. Problem: Even if non-standard remote port is configured, signaling is sent to 5060.

Solution: Apply configured remote port.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

839 - Trap if 'Escape Dialtone from' configured not being a User Object

Ticket #50267. problem: If a 'Escape Dialtone from' destination was configured, which was not a User object (e.g. a Gwateway) a trap happend when a escape dialtone was to be played.

solution: NULL pointer access fixed

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Minimal

827 - Trap if doing Pickup from analog interface with Feature Code

Ticket #50107. problem: If a Pickup was performed from an anlog interface using Feature Codes, the gateway restarted. This was caused by an invalid cast.

solution: Cast fixed

files: relayfty.cpp, relay_api.h, relay.cpp

products: all gateway products with analog interfaces

risks: None

929 - Trap if some but not all interfaces of a given type are unlicensed

Ticket #51771. problem: If some but not all interfaces are unlicensed (e.g. IP6000 with 4 PRI interfaces is licensed for 2 PRI interfaces) a trap could happen any time after the Gateway config was updated.

solution: Access to license structure fixed

files: inno_lic.cpp, gk.cpp

products: all gateway products

risks: None

874 - Trap in SRTP socket

Ticket #51146. Problem: Under special conditions SRTP sockets send events to serials that are already deleted.

Solution: Check if the destination does still exist before sending the event.

Files: srtp_cipher.cpp

Risk: Small risk of damaging SRTP encryption on IP6000/IP2000

776 - Trap when SIP closes unused transport connections

Ticket #49257. Problem: Rare trap when SIP closes transport connections that failed to establish.

Solution: Fix cleanup of unused transport connections.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices using SIP/TCP or SIP/TLS (not SIP/UDP)

Risk: No risk.

789 - Trap when switching off SIP phone

Ticket #49556. Problem: Switching off causes unregistration. It traps when receiving REGISTER response.

Solution: Wait for response before deleting interface.

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: SIP devices

Risk: Small risk of collateral damage.

884 - When upgrading a phone to V8 directories having been disabled in V7 may come up enabled in V8

Ticket #51381. problem: to save space in flash the default V8 directory configuration is not stored in xml-config. When a V7 config is merged to a default V8 config a default enable='1' may override an enable='0' from V7 (V7 does not write bools with a value '0' to xml config)

solution: fix wrong overrides by checking for V7 specific config patterns

files: phone_user.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

879 - wrong calculations causing check disc to damage data

Ticket #51305. Problem: check disc could produce damaged data in certain situations

Solution: correctly calculate partial records and clusters for next run. Also check if clusters are used multiple times.

Files: fat32.cpp, fat32.h, fat32.xsl

Risk: minor risk

842 - Wrong calling party info on CTI initiated calls from a phone to a Trunk Object with 'Set Calling=Diverting No' checked

Ticket #50309. problem: When a CTI application (TAPI or other SOAP based application) initiates a call from a phone to a Trunk Object with 'Set Calling=Diverting No' checked the the called party receives a wrong calling party info.

solution: when a CT-INITIATE is received on a RC-CONNECT call the cdpn in the CT-SETUP facility sent with the newly created outbound call is set to the phones own number (i.e. identical to the SETUP cgpn).

files: phonesig.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

781 - wrong help url in ICP object

Ticket #49411. problem: wrong help url for ICP object

solution: change url

files: pbx_edit_icp.xsl

products: pbx

riscs: absolutely none

840 - Wrong presence status in PBX admin dialog

Ticket #50268. Problem: Presence status 'open' is displayed when no presence status is available.

Solution: Fix presence dialog.

Files: pbx_edit_presence.xsl

Products affected: All PBXs

Risk: No risk.

V8 Hotfix 3 (80500.09, withdrawn)

1072 - 16 SIP Interfaces configurable on IP6000

Ticket #53499. To allow up to 16 dynamic PBX on an IP6000 each with its own SIP trunk

1024 - Alarm on certificates that will expire soon

Ticket #53071. Boxes shall throw an alarm if the box certificate or certificates in the trust list have expired or will expire during the next 30 days. To trigger the alarm the certificates are checked once an hour.

Files: x509.h, x509.cpp

966 - Allow to limit license usage of slave PBX

Ticket #52238. problem: In some configuration it is desireable that it can be ensured, that a slave PBX cannot use up too many licenses from the master. This is esspecially the case with dynamic slave PBXs managed by the customer in a hosted environment.

solution: Limits configurable by admin login to the Host box only

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_general.xsl, config_options.cpp, config_options.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Risk of collateral damage, no trivial fix.

972 - Avoid reboot when reading traces, if trap happens after firmware update

Ticket #52311. problem: If a firmware update is done and before a regular restart a trap happens, the next reading of the trace buffer could generate another trap, because firmware dependent content is accessed in trace buffer.

solution: Avoid trap, by reading save info only from trace buffer in this case

files: debug.cpp, debug.h, arm.cpp, mips.cpp

products: all

risks: None

1032 - Call Completion to Gateway object with prefix option failed

Ticket #53157. The destination number of the call completion needs to be adjusted: The number of the Gateway object removed.

997 - Call Intrusion across PBXs did not work

Ticket #52556. problem: If a call was to be intruded with the destination of the intrusion (which is one of the endpoints of the call to be intruded call) on a different PBX the intrusion failed in a strange way, because the intrusion facilities were not correctly forwarded between the PBXs

solution: Fix forwarding of intrusion facilities

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

products: all with PBX

risks: Small risk of collateral damage with intrusion

1038 - Change packet creator information for debugging

Ticket #53192. Packet's creator is changed to destination module by the OS if trace is enabled for source or destination module. For debugging.

952 - Control calls without facility elements were forwarded on ISDN

Ticket #52095. Problem: Control calls (calls without media channel) without facility elements were forwarded on ISDN. Seems to causes trouble on some ISDN switches

Solution: Reject control calls without facility elements with cause "Invalid information element contents".

Files: q931.cpp/h nt_tbl.tbl te_tbl.tbl

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: No risk.

1034 - DECT System Object could not be configured as critical

Ticket #53160. This could be definitly a critical object since operation of a DECT system could depend on it

951 - DHCP client must check if an address provided by the server or a kept/reused address is not already in use

Ticket #52076. problem: some DHCP servers may deliver addresses which are already used by another device in the network. This may happen if the server does not check the addresses before delivery and either the server crashed and forgot previous assignments or there is a statically configured device with this address in the network

solution: if there is ARP reply for the provided address send a DHCPDECLINE to the server and restart discovery

files: dhcp.cpp, dhcp.h, arp_p.cpp

products: all

riscs: none

1076 - Direct Dial timeout configurable on analog Interfaces

Ticket #53569. The timeout was fix 4s, but in some applications a smaller timeout (e.g. 0s) is desired

1012 - directory entries displayed duplicate when using delayed input with slow LDAP-servers

Ticket #52877. problem: with delayed keyboard input the number of queries sent to the LDAP server when typing a name is reduced. The first query is sent after the number of characters configured by 'delay-count' or the timeout configured by 'delay-ticks'. If another character was typed before the response arrived a new search was started but the previous search results were not cleared.

solution: fix in code

files: phone_dir_ui.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

1017 - distictive ringing support for SIP registrations

Ticket #52983. problem: distictive ringing was not supported for SIP calls at all. Some SIP registrars use the 'alert-info' to identify external/internal calls. As far as our SIP stack knows the magic words the numbering plan of the called party number identifies external/internal calls.

solution: evaluate numbering plan for SIP calls

files: app_call.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

1011 - Distinctive Ringing bei eingehenden SIP-Rufen

Ticket #52865. Per SIP empfangen wir einen Alert-Info Header
und dadurch wird ggf. der Numbering Plan der CGPN auf "private" gesetzt.

Den Numbering Plan der CGPN soll die Phonesig auch bei SIP/TSIP/SIPS berücksichtigen.

Bei Numbering Plan "unknown" soll zusätzlich noch mittels Dialing-Location entschieden werden.

969 - DSP fix sporadic trap

Ticket #52247. problem: sporadic trap in ac-dsp, defect return address

solution: fax buffer size increased, buffer check added, dsp receive packet relase done later

files: ac_fax2.cpp ac_dsp2.cpp

products: ip800 ip6000 ip1200 ip1201 ip4001

risks: low risk

1047 - dyn. PBX: Replication started only after reset

Ticket #53254. After a dynamic PBX with replication was configured a restart was needed to get the replication going.

1058 - formatting of an unknown first partition broke this partition

Ticket #53382. If a cf card has partitions and the first partition wasn't recognized, the formatting of this partition broke the first partition, as the wrong boot sector was used.

1057 - formatting of small cf cards didn't work

Ticket #53381. The formatting of small cf cards (<512 MB) didn't work, as the cluster size was calculated too high.
Smaller cluster sizes are used now.

963 - Gateway: Potential Trap with collision of transfer an call clearing

Ticket #52213. problem: If a transfer is attempted to a call to the gateway at the same time this call is release an NULL pointer access could happen

solution: Check for this situation added

files: gk.cpp

products: all with gateway

risks: Nonen

1021 - GSM License algorithm did not work for GSM version >1

Ticket #53045. The license checking algorithm did only work for GSM-1 license. A client version 2 and higher would not have been accepted even with correct license installed

1052 - GSM License alorithm did not work with Feature Codes

Ticket #53324. There are features, which are transmitted as A<feature>B DTMF sequences. For example the calling Id can be sent this way. This did not work together with the license check.

1042 - H.323 coding fixed, Wireshark indicated error

Ticket #53208. The mandatory field 'maintainConnection' was missing in the Setup message. This usually does not create problems, because it is an extension, so that the message can be decoded even if the field is missing.

NULL element 'symmetricOperationRequired' was coded with length 0. According to the standard it should be a byte with all 0 bits and length 1.

1039 - H.323 RAS registration more robust

Ticket #53194. On wireless or congested networks registrations were lost easily if only a few packets were lost. Esspecially if a call signal failed the registration was assumed lost right away. Now this triggers only a keep-alive cycle.

954 - H.323 RAS Registration thru NAT to PBX does not work with password

Ticket #52126. problem: If registration with password is done, the client is sending a GatekeeperRequest as first message. Response to this message is sent to the (private) address contained in the message itself and not to source address

solution: Send response back to source

files: h323ras.cpp, h323.h

products: all

risks: Minimal

990 - H.323 Signal IE when sent once during a call, was then sent with each subsequent message

Ticket #52517. problem: A Signal IE sent with one message was repeated with all the messages. This could cause the a Signal IE indicating Ringback sent with Alert was repeated with Disc, so that no busy tone was played with Disc, but Ringback

solution: Send Signal IE once only

files: h323sig.cpp

products: all

risks: Minimal risk of collateral damage

945 - H323 potential trap during signaling cleanup

Ticket #52030. problem: A trap can occur if a call is still active in accept state and its signaling is cleaned-up.

solution: Call membership fixed.

files: h323sig.cpp.

products affected: All devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

941 - HTTP client head request waits for data

Ticket #51978. problem: HTTP client head request waits for data since a content_len is set in the HTTP header. That data is not sent during a head request

solution: ignore content-len header on a head request

files: httpclient_i.cpp

products: all

risks: low risk

1056 - HTTP to HTTPS redirect

Ticket #53373. Devices trap or redirect does not work if force https is enabled and some http pages are requested.

936 - Ignore calls from gateway objects to dtmf object if no mobility user is found for incoming number

Ticket #51871. Problem: If one would call the dtmf object over a gateway object and no mobility user is found for the caller, the feature codes would be applied to the gateway object.

Solution: Reject calls over gateway objects without mobility user for incoming number.

Files: pbx_dtmf.cpp

Risk: no risk

932 - innovaphone endpoints which do not support group indications can turn off sending of group indications in PBX

Ticket #51799. problem: High load can be generated by group indications on endpoints which do not support group indications (e.g. IP-DECT).

solution: These endpoints can turn off sending of group indications in the PBX

files: gk.cpp, pbx_api.h, pbx.cpp, pbx_gi.cpp, h323sig.cpp, h323ras.cpp, h323.h, voip.h, dectmaster.cpp

products: all

risks: Small risk of collateral damage

967 - innovaphone parameters were not sent with H.323 ras registration confirm, if the confirm was lost the first time

Ticket #52240. problem: If a RasRegistrationRequest needed to be retransmitted, because the RegistrationConfirm was lost, the second RegistrationConfirm did not contain innovaphone parameters and the client did not detect it was connected to a innovaphone PBX/Gatekeeper.

solution: Send innovaphone parameters in this case also

files: h323.h, h323ras.cpp

products: all

risks: None

992 - IP-DECT BMC trace off command

Ticket #52528. problem: The BMC should be able to stop the trace for debugging.

solution: BMC message and handler added.

files: dect.h, dect.cpp.

products affected: All OEM DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

977 - IP-DECT call counter

Ticket #52347. problem: The call counter for maximum cpu load for SRTP should count radio calls and handover-ins together.

solution: Call counter changed. Handover-in calls aren't counted separately.

files: dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

980 - IP-DECT call counter busy state

Ticket #52406. problem: The last possible call from master is not accepted by DECT because the DECT is switched to busy state before sending this call setup.

solution: Sequence of signaling setup and busy message changed.

files: dectradio.h, dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

1041 - IP-DECT configurable endpoint response timeout

Ticket #53203. New IP-DECT Master configuration option: response timeout. If the timeout is configured and the handset does not answer, the call is released with cause 'No user responding'.

1067 - IP-DECT configuration reset state

Ticket #53461. Reset is needed if the primary IP address is changed in standby mode.

1014 - IP-DECT interface functions for OEM modules

Ticket #52920. problem: New interface functions for OEM modules needed.

solution: Interface functions added.

files: dectusers_if.h, dectusers.h, decctmaster_if.h.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

987 - IP-DECT IP6000 DECT module

Ticket #52486. problem: Unused OEM DECT module should not be available in IP6000.

solution: Configuration changed.

files: config.h, changed OEM files, removed files.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

942 - IP-DECT Master potential trap

Ticket #51983. problem: There is a potential trap if the IP-DECT Master is used in the IP6000.

solution: Condition added.

files: dectmaster.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

955 - IP-DECT OEM location recovery

Ticket #52146. problem: No location cancel acknowledge response message is sent back if the endpoint is unknown. Needed in OEM system.

solution: Location cancel acknowledge response message added.

files: dectradio.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage. OEM devices only.

1036 - IP-DECT OEM module GUI menu configuration

Ticket #53184. Mode string depends on an OEM module changed for the DECT menu configuration.

1065 - IP-DECT OEM option type changed

Ticket #53440. DECT module interface option type changed for DECT OEM support.

984 - IP-DECT OEM protocol memory leaks

Ticket #52466. problem: There are memory leaks if Skinny protocol is used.

solution: Cleanup fixed.

files: skinny.h, skinny.cpp, skinny_signaling.cpp, skinny_translation.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: Minimal risk of collateral damage.

1029 - IP-DECT OEM protocol release reasons

Ticket #53118. IP-DECT Release reasons for OEM protocol are changed.

1031 - IP-DECT submodule gui information interface

Ticket #53143. Interface added for IP-DECT submodules to provide appending additional gui informations to the main IP-DECT page.

956 - IP-DECT trap during debugging

Ticket #52157. problem: Trap occurs if endpoints are listed for debugging in DECT radio.

solution: Pointer check added.

files: dectlocalusers.cpp.

products affected: All DECT devices.

risk: No risk of collateral damage.

1026 - IP-DECT user import content checks

Ticket #53078. New file content checks for the user import function added: maximum item lengths, unsupported xls file format.

1001 - IP-DECT/Analog: CC was lost if initiating endpoint busy

Ticket #52595. problem: If with an anlog phone connected to a IP24/28/... gateway or an IP-DECT phone initiated a call-completion but was busy itself at the time the call-completion could be executed, the call-completion was silently discarded

solution: delay call-completion until not busy

files: dtmffty.cpp, dtmffty.h

products: DECT and Analog gateways

risks: Minimal risk of collateral damage

943 - ISDN: Call completion could not be activated at point-to-point interfaces

Ticket #51990. Problem: Call completion could not be activated at point-to-point interfaces. ccbs_T_Request was badly encoded.

Solution: Fixed encoding ccbs_T_Request and added handling of ccbs_T_RequestResult.

Files: q932asn1.cpp relay.cpp q950.cpp/h fty.h

Products affected: BRI Gateways

Risk: No risk.

1050 - Kerberos server with no realm configured stops listening when processing requests

Ticket #53318. If a Kerberos server with no realm configured received a Kerberos request it stopped listening. After that the server was not reachable any more.

Files: kerberos_kdc.cpp

981 - Kerberos trap when turning off standby PBX with replication

Ticket #52415. problem: The box traps when a standby PBX with LDAP replication is turned off.

solution: Fix event flow in kerberos_ldap_realm_tree.

products: all with PBX

files: kerberos_ldap.cpp, pbx.cpp

risk: no risk known

1055 - Leak in TLS socket

Ticket #53372. The TLS socket did not delete the data from SOCKET_SEND if it was disconnected before.

995 - local call forwarding on busy for already alerting calls

Ticket #52541. problem: local call forwarding on busy was supported only for calls rejected with cause busy before entering alerting state, i.e. when call waiting was disabled and the phone was busy with another call. there seems to be a need to forward already alerting calls too when the disconnect button is pressed to get rid of the call.

solution: implement in code

files: phonesig.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none, only used when local call forwarding is enabled

1046 - log records to a SYSLOG (UDP) server were sent delayed

Ticket #53224. log records passed to the logging module before the transport layer is up are saved in a queue. in case of SYSLOG (UDP) this queue was not flushed correctly and sending of a record was triggered only by the following record with the effect that one or more of the latest records were always pending in queue.

986 - mem info for TLS socket

Ticket #52476. description: Implement mem info for tls_socket objects for debugging purposes.

products: all

files: tls.h, tls.cpp

risk: no risk

1040 - Minor User Interface implementation change

Ticket #53200. Needed to support special OEM Features. (Use CMD0 for xml-modes exclusively and not sometimes CPU)

1044 - Mobility together with PCM calls did not work

Ticket #53221. For calls from an ISDN interface with 'Enable PCM' set, which were sent out again on the same or another ISDN interface on the same box, also with 'Enable PCM' set, sending of additional dialing digist did not work as soon as the PCM connection was switched. For calls thru mobility PCM switching must be disabled.

1006 - Noise after transfering a waiting queue connection

Ticket #52718. Problem: Being connected to a waiting queue announcement; Transfering this call to another endpoint; Transfer destination will hear noise instead of waiting queue announcement (in case of code change only)

Solution: Re-start announcement in matching coder.

Files: webmedia.cpp/h

Products affected: All PBXs

Risk: No risk.

1013 - Option added to configure DTMF detection sensitivy

Ticket #52879. problem: sporadic false DTMF detect

solution: Option added to configure DTMF detection sensitivy. Use
config change AC-DSP0 /dtmf-threshold <val>
config write
to change the sensitivity.
0 selects -38dBm ( default),
1 selects -28dBm,
2 selects -33dBm,
3 selects -43dBm,
4 selects -48dBm
During boot a non-default sensitivity is shown in the trace

files: ac_dsp2.cpp/h ac48xlo.c ac48xdef.h

products: ip800 ip6000

1020 - Option to map a calling Name to a Number in trunk object for Outgoing calls

Ticket #53030. This allows objects to be defined which are represented to the public network with a number defined as part of the name, which is different from the number used internally. For calls from the public network a called party number can be mapped back to a name depending on a configurable prefix. This allow these endpoints to be called from the outside by the same number.

1078 - PBX Broadcast: Duplicate display of diverted Broadcast number if 'Execute Member Diversions' set

Ticket #53617. original called and diverting number was set to the Broadcast object

933 - PBX dtmf object selects wrong mobility user for feature codes

Ticket #51811. Problem: e.g. calling cfu activate activates cfu on any user with a mobility fork and not just on the mobility user who is calling

Solution: use correct number to determine mobility user

Files: pbx_dtmf.cpp

Risk: no risk

934 - PBX dtmf/icp object couldn't assign e164 without node/pbx if another object already has this e164

Ticket #51812. Problem: setting an e164 for features in an object without node/pbx didn't work if another object already had this number, but with configured node/pbx

Solution: use a new method for determining existing e164

Files: pbx_dtmf.cpp, pbx_icp.cpp, pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h

Risk: no risk

1048 - PBX Mobility: Calls from mobile endpoints with presentation restricted were accepted

Ticket #53273. calls from mobile endpoints with clir were accepted and associated to any configured mobile number. Even two-stage calls were possible

1062 - PBX Mobility: Handling of disconnect from mobile phone improved

Ticket #53413. If the DISC from the mobile phone was received from ISDN with in-band information it could take 30s after DISC until Mobile Phone could be called again. If the User with Mobility was monitored by SOAP (or TAPI), the call could hang until the SOAP/TAPI Application was terminated

1008 - PBX Mobility: No media if 3 or more forking/mobility destinations without delay configured

Ticket #52783. problem: The media path was not switched correctly when calling mobile endpoints. More or less by accident it worked anyway for the first and the last forking destination

solution: media path switrching fixed

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

1010 - PBX Mobility: Trap if consultation call is cleared by remote side and user attempts to switch back to first call

Ticket #52860. problem: If a consultation call is cleared by remote side an attempt to switch back to the first call (by sending R-Key pattern) leads to a trap

solution: Handle switch back to first call better

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

1007 - PBX Mobility: Unexpected restart if 3 or more mobility destinations configured at a user

Ticket #52782. problem: The binary tree used to keep track of the mobility calls at a user got corrupted because of a typo in the Mobility object code. For some strange reasons this only happened with 3 ot more mobile destinations

solution: typo corrected

files: pbx_mobility.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

988 - PBX SOAP FindUser did not work correctly with users not in root node

Ticket #52498. problem: A library function adding prefixes to a number did not work correctly. This was used within the FindUser SOAP function of the PBX

solution: library function fixed

files: q931lib.cpp

products: all

risks: None

1035 - PBX SOAP: Allow CLIR calls to be made

Ticket #53161. If the srce164 argument of UserCall starts with 'r' or 'R', the call is sent with CLIR (calling line identification restricted)

998 - PBX Trunk automatic disconnect did not work if user was monitored by SOAP

Ticket #52574. problem: If a user was monitored by SOAP a automatic hangup was not sent to the endpoint

solution: Send automatic hangup

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

1030 - PBX Waiting: 'CFU disables operator' was not taken into account for 'Max Call/Operator(%)'

Ticket #53123. If the CFU disables operator option is used, an operator with a configured CFU should be treated as if it was not in the operator group. It was still counted as operator for the Max Call/Operator feature.

1045 - PBX-SOAP: UserClear could not be used to cancel UserCall

Ticket #53222. If the local phone was still ringing because of a UserCall, the UserClear could not be used to cancel this call.

1037 - PBX: Clear Slave license if Slave deregisters

Ticket #53185. If a Slave was deregistered the licenses consumed by the slave were not freed on the master. The number of licenses used on the slave was only corrected when the slave registered again or when the PBX object was deleted or on reboot of the master.

939 - PBX: Filter needed for Gateway or Trunk objects

Ticket #51947. problem: Filter configuration was removed from the user interface of Trunk and Gateway objects, but there are applications for which Filters are needed for these objects.

solution: Filter configuration added for Trunk and Gateway

files: pbx_edit_trunk.xsl, pbx_edit_gw.xsl

products: all with PBX

risks: None

1071 - PBX: More then one registration was accepted for a Slave PBX. Caused problems with Standby switchover

Ticket #53496. The normal rules were applied for registrations as Slave PBX. This meant if authentication was used multiple registrations were accepted. This caused the address to which registrations should be redirected to be set wrong. After a switchover to a standby slave and a switchback it could happen that on the Master registrations were not correctly redirected to the slave

1074 - PBX: Obsolete config from v7 created problems

Ticket #53565. In PBX version7 it was possible to configure some parameter (e.g. Group Indications) at objects were it did not work correctly. In version 8 this is prohibited, but old config from v7 was still evaluated and was not easily removed.

Obsolete config is not evaluated anymore.

973 - PBX: Potential Trap if changing groups

Ticket #52312. problem: If group memberships are changed esspecially at Waiting Queues or Waiting Queue operators a trap could happen, because PBX internal information could get inconsistent.

solution: Fixed update of internal information

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Other traps, complex operations, so it is possibly still wrong

947 - PBX: Successive diversion activate/deactivate and dynamic group status sometimes failed

Ticket #52037. problem: If a diversion activate/deactivate from an endpoint arrived before the last was written to flashdir, update was performed based on information in dram not information being written into flash

solution: Update information in dram before writing to flashdir

files: pbx.cpp, pbx.h, pbx_api.h, pbx_dtmf.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: Collateral damage with diversion/dynamic group updates

982 - PBX: Unknown Registrations did not display name _UNKNOWN_ on the phone anymore

Ticket #52417. problem: By accident the name _UNKNOWN_ was removed for unknown registration

solution: Name _UNKNOWN_ added

files: pbx.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: None

1043 - permit to adjust ring tone volume on phone while phone is ringing

Ticket #53220. While the phone is ringing the volume of the current ring tone can be changed by pressing the +/- or the left/right key now. the ring tone is restarted on each keystroke and a slider is displayed to indicate the volume level.
The changed volume is saved in user config if the current ring tone is one of the tones configured under "Configuration/Registration x/Preferences/Ring Tones" or "Configuration/Registration x/Preferences/Ring Filter". The volume of ring tones assigned to a telephone directory entry is not saved.

1054 - phone: config option to supress the dial tone

Ticket #53346. Specially when using a headset the dial tone may be annoying when for example the active call is put on hold with the R-key and the user needs some time before dialling the consultation call. This dial tone can be supressed now by setting the checkmark "Administration/Phone/Preferences/No Local Dial Tone"

1075 - phone: configurable audible signal for automatically connected inbound calls (announcement calls)

Ticket #53567. Announcement calls were indicated with a short tone sequence. Melody, volume and duration could not be configured.

Now one of the usual ring melodies and its duration may be configured under
"Configuration/Registration <n>/Preferences/Ring Tones/Announcement Calls"
"Configuration/Registration <n>/Preferences/Ring Tones/Multicast Announcement"
The default 'melody' is short single tone repeated for 1,5 seconds.

To keep existing installations running playing of this melodies must be enabled explicitely by checking
"Administration/Phone//Preferences/Play Configured Ring Melody before
Automatically Connecting an Announcement Call"

Signaling of Announcement calls can be switched off separately per registration by checking
"Configuration/Registration <n>/Preferences/Announcement Calls/No Audible Signal"

996 - phone: DHCP configuration of a non-automatic primary registration fails when the registration is created before DHCP completion

Ticket #52543. problem: when DHCP completed after creation of a non-automatic primary registration some parameters provided in phonesig_if::create_phone_reg() were overriden (non-automatic primary registration: a primary registration not created automatically by phonesig.cpp with the parameters given on the "config change PHONE SIG ..." command line but by an application).

solution: fix in code

files: phonesig.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

1070 - phone: hot desking with phone config stored on PBX did not work

Ticket #53490. A PBX user has 'Store Phone Config' checked in the user object. If such a user registered via the 'Hot Desking' key a 'Delete Registration' key was added to the user confguration overriding another key on this position (if any).

This can be supressed now by configuring the 'Hot Desking' key with 'User Config Stored at PBX' checked.
With this flag set the 'Hot Desking' key is functional only in the primary registration and creates the new registration without a 'Delete Registration' key. If required a 'Delete Registration' key must be provided in the stored config. If the stored config contains itself a 'Hot Desking' key with 'User Config Stored at PBX' checked this key works as a 'Delete Registration' key in a hot desking registration.

935 - Phone: Mis-configuration may cause phone to try presence subscription for nobody

Ticket #51838. Problem: Configuring a partner fkey without specifying partner's name or number causes the phone to subscribe for presence without name or number.

Solution: Never try to subscribe for presence without name or number.

Files: phonesig.cpp

Products affected: All phones

Risk: No risk.

1005 - phone: names containing non-ascii characters entered in the registration menu of secondary registrations are garbled

Ticket #52674. problem: if any name containing non-ascii characters was entered in the registration menu of a secondary registration (Registration 2...6/Registration) the text was stored in wrong encoding. in this case it was not not possible to register via 'Name' or to access a gatekeeper via 'Gatekeeper Identifier'.

solution: fix in code

files: phonesig_if.cpp, phonesig_if.h, phone_edit.cpp, phonesig.cpp, phonesig.h, app_fkey.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

1009 - phone: passwords containing non-ascii characters did not work for the primary registration

Ticket #52788. problem: if a password containing non-ascii characters was entered in the registration menu of a primary registration (Registration 1) the password was stored in wrong encoding and thus did not match the password configured at PBX.

solution: fix in code

files: phonesig_if.cpp, phonesig_if.h, phone_edit.cpp, phonesig.cpp, phonesig.h, app_fkey.cpp

products: all phones

riscs: none

946 - Phone: Presence fkey disappears and cannot be configured

Ticket #52036. Problem: An already configured fkey "Presence" disappears and cannot be configured after uploading hotfix2.

Solution: Fixed presence fkey.

Files: phone_config.cpp phone_edit.cpp

Products affected: All phones

Risk: No risk.

971 - Potential hanging h323 signaling (Mem Leak) on collision of removing a signaling entity with outg. call

Ticket #52252. problem: If a signaling entity is being removed (e.g. by configuration change) and at the same time an outgoing call is attempted at this interface, it could happen that the remove of the signaling interface failed.

solution: handle this collision

files: h323sig.cpp

products: all

risks: None

999 - Potential trap if HTTP session is closed while command is still pending

Ticket #52576. problem: The command processor was deleted in this case without waiting for result of the command

solution: Wait for result until deleting command processor

files: command.cpp, command.h

products: all

risks: Hanging command processors if check wrong

938 - Potential trap when disconnecting call, WEBMEDIA-CH.5 default(82c09798): serial_event(814)

Ticket #51945. problem: Under special timing conditions a trap could happen during call disconnect. This only happened if the call terminated at a physical interface on the given box.

solution: Cleaning up of media channel fixed

files: media.cpp, media.h, medialib.h

products: all

risks: Other problems with media negotiation

1051 - Potential trap with Mobility

Ticket #53323. A trap could happen if a no response timer for a waiting call expired right after a recall for the waiting call was attempted

1064 - PPTP connection failed because of packet reordering by certain DSL providers/equipment

Ticket #53429. dial out PPTP connections to a central innovaphone IPxxx failed when tried from certain remote locations but succeeded from other locations.
The reason for the failure was that packets sent by the central IPxxx were reordered by some network equipment and this case was not handled correctly in the connection setup phase.

994 - Problems with TLS event handling

Ticket #52537. problem: Two problems with the TLS state machine were found:
A) SOCKET_SHUTDOWN from application is ignored if it is received between SOCKET_CONNECT from application and SOCKET_CONNECT_COMPLETE from TCP.
b) When the TCP connection is closed during TLS handshake, TLS tries to send a SOCKET_RECV_RESULT(fin) to the application instead of SOCKET_SHUTDOWN.

solution: fix state machine

products: all

files: tls.cpp, tls.h

risk: risk of damaging applications using TLS

1004 - Registration with Name or Number was only possible if Device with hw-id identical to name was configured

Ticket #52634. problem: In v8 devices were introduced into PBX configuration, which allow much better control of SOAP applications on which devices are used and also a mechanism to prohibt registration by Name or Number was built in. Even if this is useful in some cases, this mechanism was so obscur that it generated problems.

solution: Allow registrtation with name or number again independent of configured devices. If no device is configured with hw-id matching the name of the object, such a registration is associated to the first configured device.

files: pbx.cpp, pbx_admin.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: In some installation the new feature may have been used already.

1027 - Reject TLS sessions if the server uses an expired certificate

Ticket #53102. TLS connections were not closed on the client side if the server used an expired certificate. This was treated as a warning but not as a fatal error.

Files: tls.cpp

1018 - Replication truncated attributes greater 1024 bytes

Ticket #52997. Replication truncated attributes greater 1024 bytes.
asn.1 encoding fixed.
All PBX devices were affected.

1015 - report result of call triggered by a Dial function key with "Send as Control Call " checked

Ticket #52974. problem: feedback for the keystroke was missing

solution: report result via a popup message on display

files: phonesig_if.h, phonesig.cpp, phonesig.h, app_reg.cpp, app_fkey.cpp, app_ctl.h

products: all phones

riscs: none

1019 - RSA encryption problems with some compilers

Ticket #53028. The code was based on invalid assumtions about the evaluation order of function parameters. Hence the code did not work with some compilers.

Files: rsa.cpp

1033 - Send Number/URL not configurable at Waiting and Broadcast

Ticket #53159. These parameters are needed for some applications

968 - SIP Entity URI in "application/dialog-info+xml" and "application/pidf+xml" was wrong

Ticket #52246. Problem: The SIP URI in the "entity" attribute was wrong in presence and dialog XML.

Solution: Fix SIP URI in the "entity" attribute.

Files: sip.cpp/h sip_dialog_info.cpp/h

Products affected: PBXs serving SIP endpoints

Risk: No risk.

959 - SIP: Anonymize remote-party info when sending dialog-info if remote-party calls with CLIR

Ticket #52171. Problem: Calling party is seen in dialog-info even if CLIR was set.

Solution: Hide remote party in dialog-info if remote-party calls with CLIR.

Files: sipmsg.cpp

Products affected: PBX serving SIP endpoints

Risk: No risk.

970 - SIP: Bad REGISTER request was not rejected

Ticket #52249. Problem: If an incoming REGISTER request does not contain userpart in To-URI, no response was sent to client.

Solution: Reject with "400 Bad Request".

Files: sip.cpp sipmsg.h

Products affected: PBXs serving SIP endpoints

Risk: No risk.

957 - SIP: SRTP key changes right after connect

Ticket #52159. Problem: During call establishment with SRTP a re-INVITE is initiated right after connect providing a new SRTP key. It's unnecessary and some equpiment fail to handle change of SRTP key.

Solution: Avoid change of SRTP during call.

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: SIP Gateways

Risk: No risk.

978 - SIP: Trap when performing call transfer on ARM based hardware

Ticket #52356. Problem: Trap due to alignment error.

Solution: Fix alignment of data.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: ARM based devices talking SIP

Risk: No risk.

961 - SIP: Trap when using TCP as transport

Ticket #52209. Problem: Trap when trying to cleanup idle/unused TCP connections.

Solution: Check connection state before initiating connection shutdown.

Files: siptrans.cpp

Products affected: SIP devices doing SIP over TCP

Risk: No risk.

944 - SIP: UPDATE with SDP with "sendrecv" wasn't handled

Ticket #52007. Problem: UPDATE(sendrecv) wasn't handled after UPDATE(sendonly/inactive).

Solution: Fixed handling of UPDATE with SDP.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: All SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

975 - socket bind/connect sometimes failed because of duplicate assignment of local wildcard port

Ticket #52341. problem: a local wildcard port could be assigned twice in case a socket using this port did exist over a period where all port numbers above and below this number had been assigned once.

solution: fix in code

files: tcp.cpp, tcp.h

products: all

riscs: none

1049 - Stopping/Starting of dyn PBX did not work correctly

Ticket #53309. Several Problems:
- Trap could happen
- Slave was not unregistered/re-registered
- Registrations did not work after restart
- ...

1053 - Stuttering sound when WLAN handset is held when using U-APSD mode

Ticket #53330. Problem: When WLAN handset is held (receives "sendonly" from PBX) the handset stops sending RTP. This makes MOH sound bad.

Solution: Now config option /no-recvonly (don't stop sending RTP, even in recvonly mode)

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products affected: All SIP devices

Risk: No risk.

1002 - Switch-PCM together with Media-Relay caused disconnect of call

Ticket #52614. problem: If a call from one ISDN interface to another ISDN interface on the same box with Switch-PCM enabled (so that normaly the PCM Switch should be used), was routed thru a PBX with Media-Relay, the call was disconnected.

solution: In case of Media-Relay the PCM-Switch should not be used

files: h323ch.cpp

products: all

risks: None

1023 - Transferring VM calls could trap

Ticket #53064. problem: Transferring VM calls could trap

solution: Add NULL pointer access check

files: pbx_vm.cpp

products: all with PBX

risks: none

1060 - Trap if Waiting Queue Announcement reaches end while doing DTMF two stage dialing

Ticket #53404. The call to the waiting queue is terminated if the first announcement reaches its end. If then still DTMF two stage dialing was pending a trap happened

937 - Trap of PBX when relasing webmedia call

Ticket #51938. Problem: Trap when releasing a webmedia call (MOH, WQ announcement, Voicemail, etc).

Solution: Don't give events to channel object after CHANNEL_DISCONNECT.

Files: dummysig.cpp

Products affected: All PBX devices

Risk: No risk.

1025 - Trap of PBX when relasing webmedia call

Ticket #53072. Problem: Trap when releasing a webmedia call (MOH, WQ announcement, Voicemail, etc).

Solution: Wait for CHANNEL_CONTROL_ACK from channel before releasing call object.

Files: dummysig.cpp/h

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: Small risk of collateral damage.

1069 - Trap on media recording

Ticket #53481. Problem: Media recording may cause a trap when destination HTTP server does not support PUT.

Solution: Fix error handling.

Files: webdav_client.cpp

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: Small risk of collateral damage.

1079 - Trap when disabling or deleting SIP gateway interfaces

Ticket #53627. Problem: Trap when disabling or deleting a SIP gateway interface while interface is in DNS resolving state.

Solution: Wait for DNS query completion before deleting interface.

Files: sip.cpp

Products affected: All gateways using SIP

Risk: No risk.

1028 - unset "don't fragment bit" in dummy ip header for rpcap

Ticket #53104. The "Don't fragment bit" of the dummy IP header for rpcap was set, which can cause some confusion, if one does not know, that this header is just a dummy header when reading the innovaphone wireshark trace.
This flag is now off.

1073 - UserRc did not work for some calls connected to special objects (such as e.g. waiting queue)

Ticket #53538. Some PBX objects (such as the waiting queue) do not support sending of facilities to intercepted calls. Sending innovaphone remote control facility via SOAP UserRc on such calls did not work thus.

1068 - Waiting queue announcement does not stop

Ticket #53465. Problem: If WQ is configured w/o explicit announcement, the built-in MOH pattern is played to caller. When DTMF dialing starts, announcement is not stopped.

Solution: Keep built-in MOH pattern from being re-started.

Files: webmedia.cpp

Products affected: All gateways

Risk: No risk.

1059 - XML attribute "href" in PROPFIND response was not URL encoded

Ticket #53390. Problem: XML attribute "href" in PROPFIND response was not URL encoded.

Solution: URL-encode XML attribute "href" in PROPFIND response.

Files: servlet_webdav.cpp

Products affected: All gateways with CF card

Risk: No risk.

V8 Hotfix 4 (80500.11)

1082 - Hotdesking does not work when the primary registration is down

Ticket #53793. A hotdesking registration inherits the gatekeeper configuration of the primary registration (primary/alternate gk address, gk ID).
The hotdesking registration tries to register to the active gatekeeper of the primary registration.
If the primary registration is down the configured primary gatekeeper is tried but in case of failure the alternate gatekeeper was not tried.
Now the alternate gatekeeper is tried when the primary cannot be reached.

1088 - HTTP client: Put does not to work with digest authentication if the HTTP session is already authenticated

Ticket #53942. problem: Put does not to work with digest authentication if the HTTP session is already authenticated. The client tries to reauthenticate with by putting a file with 0 length.

solution: Just send the PUT request if the http session is already established

files: httpclient_i.cpp

products: all

risks: low risk

1087 - IP-DECT trap with unbound call objects

Ticket #53903. It is required to send empty events to call objects for binding.

1085 - PBX SOAP Function LocationURL returns wrong URL if dynamic PBX

Ticket #53888. The URL does not contain the correct module name (PBX0-<id>)

1081 - send disengageRequest also if call is cleared by TCP disconnect, respond to disengageRequest even if there is no call

Ticket #53777. On an Avaya PBX it happened that the signalling TCP session was closed by the PBX just after a SETUP had been received. 1,5 seconds later a disengageRequest for this call was received but because the call did not exist anymore no disengageConfirm was sent. Because of the missing confirmation the PBX gets hanging.
Now we send disengageRequest also if call is cleared by TCP disconnect and respond to disengageRequest even if there is no call

1080 - Trap after re-configuring a SIP gateway interface

Ticket #53776. Problem: Reconfiguring a SIP registrar interface may leave the system in inconstent state. System trapts on next in coming call.

Solution: Fixed handling of interface re-configuration

Files: sip.cpp/h

Products Affected: Gateways with SIP registrar interfaces

Risk: No risk

1086 - Trap on call independent (CEI) signaling

Ticket #53899. Problem: Trap when call independent (CEI) signaling is used on ISDN interface (e.g. Call Completion)

Solution: Fix handling of call independent (CEI) signaling

Files: gk_if.h gk.cpp/h relay.cpp

Products: ISDN Gateways

Risk: No risk

1089 - With hf3 fax 14440 and 1200 send didnt work on ip6000 and ip800

Ticket #53965. With change 52247 the dsp packet size was 0 for the higher speeds, so the send failed

1084 - Wrong crypto tag in SDP answer

Ticket #53834. Problem: On SIP/H323 interworking scenarios, the crypto tag in the SDP answer was wring. did not match the offer's tag.

Solution: Fix crypto tag in SDP answer.

Files: sip.cpp

Products Affected: SIP devices

Risk: No risk

V8 Hotfix 5 (80500.12)

1119 - Cause code in PROGRESS not forwarded by PBX

Ticket #54466. This is a problem since on QSIG lines a PROGRESS with cause indicates a call clearing, whereas a PROGRESS without cause could be just indication of inband info.

1127 - Config Wizard did not handle blanks in SIP trunk parameters

Ticket #54802. The parameter (e.g. the authentikation name) was cut off at the blank

1109 - Dect device cannot replicate from Dyn-PBX

Ticket #54353. Dect device cannot replicate from Dyn-PBX.

Adding new field Configuration/LDAP/Replicator/DN, to allow for the configuration of Dyn-PBX's Ldap DN.

1094 - DHCP server/client ARP based address validation did not work

Ticket #54075. The DHCP server should check if an address is already in use by a device in the network before the address is offered to a client. The DHCP client should check an address offered by a server in case the server does no such check. Both checks were broken since V8 hotfix3.

1099 - directory search object transfer ignored cfu of called object

Ticket #54122. The transfer of the directory search object should use the transfer method in a way, that checks the called object for cfu etc. and this is done now.

1114 - dyn. PBX license limits did not work

Ticket #54433. - if the total usage of a license over all PBXs exceeded the limit of a single PBX, no registration at this PBX was not possible anymore
- The total usage was displayed at a dyn PBX. This needs to be hidden from a dyn. PBX admin
- a dyn. PBX should only be able to sub-license to slave PBXs up to the limit

1129 - Gateway Routing: Enblock calls should not match mappings with additional digits

Ticket #54828. Enblock calls did match to mappings with additional digits and were rejected as incomplete. Now the search is continued and a matching mappings after this are executed.

1102 - GSM License was not sent to slave correctly

Ticket #54239. The Version was missing. Because of this a license was not freed if not used anymore.

1104 - H.323 compatibility issue with missing mandatory fields

Ticket #54262. The fields multipleCalls an maintainConnection are marked as mandatory in the asn1 definition. Some H.323 implementations reject messages if these fields are missing even though decoding is possible.

1110 - HTTP client: User-Agent header must conform to syntax rules of rfc-2616

Ticket #54355. IIS rejected PUT request due to illegal User-Agent value:

PUT /innovaphone//bced28b8e909d311a6f70090331b341f.pcap HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: innovaphone IP3028.00 hotfix4 [80500.11/8050011/200]
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 06:15:01 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 86

<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>Parametr jest niepoprawny. </body></html>

1123 - Improve mem/cpu Statistic Layout

Ticket #54616. So it can be imported to spreadsheet applications more easily (see

1113 - IP-DECT consultation calls by TAPI connections

Ticket #54386. The DECT base station supports consultation calls initiated by TAPI connections (e.g. Servonic CtiServer with IXI-Call).

1091 - IP-DECT DRAM Upload Link

Ticket #54047. The DRAM Upload Link is fixed.

1096 - IP-DECT idle display update for anonymous endpoints

Ticket #54100. No idle display update is done in the DECT system if not configured in the IP-DECT Master. This fix correct the behavior also for anonymous endpoints.

1090 - IP-DECT Master call clear and list information

Ticket #54046. Now it is possible to clear a DECT call and there are new informations about the master calls in the call list:
- Uptime
- Media
- Encrypted call

1092 - IP-DECT OEM monitor function for location change

Ticket #54052. For a OEM module a new endpoint monitor function is added to notify about an endpoint location change.

1117 - IP800: Number of SIP interfaces and GWs increased to 16

Ticket #54449. Same as already on IP6000

1131 - ISDN PRI (US): Channel status 'out of service' should be cleared with channel restart

Ticket #54888. The US ISDN protocols allow the switch to set channels out-of-service. Normally this should only happen if subscription to channels changes, but it can be seen under error conditions as well. A channel restart procedure should clear this status

1132 - ISDN: FACILIYT as first response to SETUP caused call clearing

Ticket #54907. This could happen if a Facility we were sending with the SETUP was not accepted by the other switch. Problem occured with Hipath and diverted calls.

1115 - Max number of PBX call filters increased to 32

Ticket #54440. The limit was 16 and this seems to be too small for some special applications

1107 - memory leak when logging to a TCP log server which did connect but did not consume the sent data fast enough

Ticket #54304. too much data was buffered when a TCP log server accepted the connection but did process log data at a lower rate as it was produced (or no data at all).

1133 - Mobility: Reject calls from mobile phone with cause user-busy or reject only

Ticket #54928. This is a workaround for a bug in the T-Mobile network, which is sending an ALERT if a absent mobile phone is called before the call release.

1105 - One way voice with SRTP, and transfer executed by slowstart endpoint accross PBXs

Ticket #54283. Call from phone with SRTP configured and registration with password to a slowstart endpoint on another PBX, which does transfer back to another SRTP phone on original PBX causes the call between the two SRTP phones to be one-way-voice

1130 - PBX admin with 'all-objects' rights should be allowed to edit filters

Ticket #54831. Inconsistent, because such an admin could remove filters from user object.

1120 - PBX Mobility: A call to a busy mobile endpoint should be rejected in case of twin phone

Ticket #54469. If a user is talking on the mobile phone even without mobility and a call comes in to the fixed phone, which causes a call to the mobile phone because of mobility, this incoming call should be rejected with cause busy and the fixed phone should stop ringing

1095 - PBX Mobility: Better handling of disconnect from mobile phone (potential trap on release collisions)

Ticket #54077. Fixes from v9 development merged

1101 - PBX Multicast object can optionally call endpoints without automatic connect

Ticket #54165. So that the phone rings

1111 - PBX Node 'incomplete Number' destination did not work for block dial calls

Ticket #54357. A block dial call to an incomplete number was not sent to the configured destination for incomplete numbers, but failed.

1098 - PBX potential trap when turning OFF

Ticket #54120. If a PBX configured as master is turned off (setting mode to OFF) a trap could happen

1103 - PBX SOAP Method UserInfo did not work right after UserCall

Ticket #54261. As long as the call to the local phone was not connected this call was ignored.

1112 - PBX: Transfer of parked call failed

Ticket #54372. A tranfer of a call, which was parked by the remote peer, did result in a call without media

1121 - Potential trap during boot

Ticket #54479. If flashman marks the first flash segment as unused (state=0) the device may trap during boot

1124 - Potential trap when removing CF cards while writing files

Ticket #54666. A file_event_close was sent twice, so that it was sent to an already deleted object.
Use a flag to prevent a second file_event_close.

1128 - Potential trap with cascaded waiting queues

Ticket #54804. This trap was introduced by

in v8hf3

1126 - Problems with PBX OEM version (License, UI)

Ticket #54787. Change relevant only for a single OEM

1106 - QSIG PBXs sometimes reject calls with PROGRESS and in-band info. Should be translated to DISC on EDSS1

Ticket #54301. The PROGRESS was not sent out to EDSS1 at all, which caused calls to busy endpoints within a QSIG PBX to hang for a while without busy signaling

1125 - quick dial keys (keys not assigned to display line) of IP230/IP240 cannot be controlled via soap

Ticket #54726. key codes > 256 are used to control function keys (257..356 for F1...F100) but this did work only for F1 to F7. Now the keys can either be addressed using the codes 257 .. 356 or per key block using codes > 1000:
1000 + key number ==> keys assigned to display
2000 + key number ==> quick dial keys on the phone
3000 + key number ==> quick dial keys on 1st extension keybank
4000 + key number ==> quick dial keys on 2nd extension keybank
5000 + key number ==> quick dial keys on 3rd extension keybank
The key numbers start with 1

1100 - Removed class="pad" attribute (because type-specific XSLs do not use this either)

Ticket #54153. Removed class="pad" attribute (because type-specific XSLs do not use this either).
Causes mis-alignment of data cells.
See fault.png

1118 - SIP: Duplicate Call-ID on forked calls

Ticket #54456. Causes trouble when forked calls go to same destination.
INVITE may be considered as looped.

1093 - Trap if sending DTMF R-Key (**) while sending busy to mobile phone

Ticket #54074. If inband busy is played to mobile phone (e.g. after dialing wrong number) a DTMF R-key caused a trap.

This also happened after blind transfer with R-4 in this case the error was sending the inband busy in the first place.

1122 - Trap in media handling under high load when closing SRTP channels

Ticket #54615. An assertion happend in the code, which was put in the trace buffer like

70:2793:594:6 - SRTP.57814 default(827790b8): serial_event(710)
70:2793:594:7 - Assertion failed line 717 in common/os/os.cpp, object deleted

1108 - Unintialized SRTP key during re-negotation after transfer

Ticket #54352. re-INVITE was sent with invalid crypto attribute

1097 - Webdav client must URL decode content of href element in PROPFIND response body

Ticket #54101. According to RFC-2518 the href XML Element is URL encoded.

V8 Hotfix 6 (80500.20)

1167 - "Join Group" function key lost state after a PBX reboot when the phone config was stored on the PBX

Ticket #55790. The Join Group function key lost it's state and did not work anymore after a PBX reset because the the phone config sent by the PBX after reregistration was not evaluated at the phone again.

1158 - A DHCP client with "/keep on" should not fall back to dicsover mode if the lease is due

Ticket #55561. "/keep on" forces reusing the remembered lease if no DHCP server is responding after boot. But if the server failed to respond to the final rebind request for a regularly obtained lease a new recovery was started.
Now in this case the lease is used further, a request for the lease and an ARP requests to check if the IP address is not assigned to another device are sent in regular intervals.

1157 - ARP requests/replies returned to the sender should be ignored

Ticket #55560. It was observed that in WLAN environments broadcasted ARP requests/replies may be received by the sender again. This results in some problems when DHCP checks if an IP address is not used by another device via ARP. Now returned requests/replies are simply ignored.

1160 - DECT: Trap while initiating blind transfer when using SIP as PBX protocol

Ticket #55581. 0:0246:363:3 - GK-CALL free error 9481a58c
0:0246:363:4 - last free=DECTMASTER-RADIO len=6
0:0246:363:4 - caller=0x943796d0
0:0246:363:4 - HEXDUMP
00000000 - 05 80 38 30 31 31 ..8011
0:0246:363:4 - BUFFER-FREE: obj at 0x9481a574 inconsistent
0:0246:363:4 - HEXDUMP

Fixed in dectmaster.cpp

1147 - DTMF feature call completion can be also used for no response

Ticket #55309. The feature is not only usable after a busy call, but also after a call with no response.

1168 - flash variables may get lost after reboot (because of an earlier trap in the critical phase of flash garbage collection)

Ticket #55797. Two valid segments bearing the same data are left back when a fragmented segment is compacted into a new one and the box traps after the new segment has been validated but before the old segment has been marked invalid.
Because of a wrong comparison this situation was not resolved after reboot. Instead of deleting one of the segments the new segment was used until completely filled. Therafter all further allocations failed. This situation could only be cleared by a reset to factory defaults.
Now, if the flash user is permitted to use only one segment (for example VARS on most boxes) the old segment is invalidated and the new compacted segment remains. If the flash user is permitted to use more segments (for example LDAP) the new segment is invalidated because it's not known which of the old segments was compacted.

1148 - Gateway: divertingLeg2 was not passed in some cases

Ticket #55310. divertingLeg2 got lost during re-routing in Gateway.
E.g. routing each call over TONE caused the divertingLeg2 to disappear.

1144 - H.323: Cause received with PROGRESS message got lost

Ticket #55248. This could result in calls to busy subscribers in a QSIG PBX to terminate with "recovery on time expiry" instead of "user busy"

1140 - Hide some pages and items on admin UI while OEM provisioning is running

Ticket #55162. While the provisioning module of an OEM is active, special xml-modes are set that can be used to hide items from the administration interface.

1162 - Include modes into configuration page of update client

Ticket #55669. Needed for OEM specific XSL.

1135 - IP-DECT Master call list OEM link and call state

Ticket #55026. For OEM devices the call clear link doesn't work.
Call state for the outgoing party is shown as "off-hook".

1154 - IP-DECT OEM configuration options for registration speed

Ticket #55499. For an OEM PBX it is necessary to configure the user's registration speed to this PBX. Used only in the OEM DECT device.

1146 - IP-DECT OEM location monitor function change

Ticket #55294. For OEM modules the location monitor is changed.

1163 - Kerberos problem with encrypted password data containing null bytes

Ticket #55692. Encrypted Kerberos passwords that are stored using LDAP may contain null bytes. Therefore they must not be handled as strings but as binary data when reading them.

1137 - Modified interface for OEM password complexity

Ticket #55087. OEMs can now implement a module for checking password complexity

1141 - No Media event was generated even everything was normal for unanswered CC exec on IP-DECT

Ticket #55177. Could happen for other traffic cases as well like rejected CC exec

1138 - OEM password complexity for Kerberos users

Ticket #55091. The Kerberos module can now check the complexity of user passwords if this is implemented by the OEM software.

1169 - PBX potential trap when parsing SOAP XML

Ticket #55812. No child element found in SOAP XML

1165 - Phone: Make PBX-initiated calls don't look like transferred calls

Ticket #55784. Do not send CT_SETUP.

1166 - Phone: Problems with 'Presence' Fkey

Ticket #55785. Presence Fkey requires working presence subscription.
Presence subscription may fail from time to time due to several reasons.
Reliable re-establishment is required.

1142 - Point to Multipoint ISDN Maps need to set Type ISDN for CGPN-Out Map

Ticket #55184. If not the mapping does not work for some networks and always the default number is used for outgoing calls as calling party number

1170 - Possible buffer overrun when reading/writing fat volumn id

Ticket #55858. There was a possible buffer overrun when reading/writing the fat volumn id.

1134 - send busy tone from PBX dtmf object for not working cf with diversion filter

Ticket #54978. If a diversion filter is set on a user and the dialed diversion to the pbx dtmf object is not allowed, a busy tone and a reject cause is now sent by the dtmf object.

1139 - Simplified administration UI for some OEMS

Ticket #55137. Some items in the adminstration user interface can now be hidden by setting special xml-modes (admin-basic,admin-advanced).

1155 - SIP: Added Microsoft propriatary extension "ms-acceptedby" for OCS compatibility

Ticket #55510. A forked call that is accepty elsewhere is counted as "missed call" by OCS unless Microsoft specific extension is add to Reason header.
Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="OK";ms-acceptedby="
According to [MS-SIPRE].pdf

1151 - SIP: Detect remote party identity change

Ticket #55329. Remote party update did not work in all cases:
If initial INVITE got no identity header, but re-INVITE contains identity header.

1143 - SIP: Digest authentication is rejected if username contains non-us-ascii characters

Ticket #55217. Digest authentication is rejected if username contains non-us-ascii characters.
Expected special characters to be URL encoded, but most clients send it UTF8 encoded.

1171 - SIP: Display name contained bad characters in some cases

Ticket #55891. Uninitialized buffer content presented as name identification.

1161 - SIP: Hide product information in reject responses

Ticket #55620. Don't be kind to SIP scan tools.

1116 - SIP: Media-negotiation after call transfer failed (no audio)

Ticket #54442. Re-negotiation after call transfer failed.
Results into no-audio condition.

1145 - SIP: Outgoing call (early, not connected) was not canceled (sometimes) on ISDN interworking scenario

Ticket #55277. An incoming DISCONNECT with progress indicator did not caused the outgoing SIP call to be canceled.

1172 - some Compactflash cards not working with innovaphone cardslots

Ticket #55903. There are compactflash cards that don't respond 848Ah as General Configuration word to Identify Device Command.

1159 - T.38 doesnt work if the call is transferred from a IP-Phone to a fax device

Ticket #55569. Affects IP2x IP30x fax gateways, the ipphone needs no update

1156 - TEL interface: '#11' not callable if feature codes enabled

Ticket #55537. If feature codes are enabled for a TEL interface, the number '#11' without anything else can not be dialled.
To fix please submit gateway's general page with the OK button or do a factory reset.

1150 - Update client option for short URL

Ticket #55324. For OEM http server the update client should not append additional options to the update server URL.

1153 - Webdav: Handling of failed TCP when writing to file

Ticket #55460. Webdav client needs handling of TCP error when writing to file

V8 Hotfix 7 (80500.27)

1191 - A DHCP client with "/keep on" should send DISCOVER requesting the last assigned address after boot (not a REQUEST)

Ticket #56543. In WLAN networks with more than one DHCP Server REQUESTing the last assigned address after boot needs more time to switch to a new server if the server providing this address has gone.

1185 - Always allow local authentication in boot mode

Ticket #56396. As Kerberos does not work in boot mode, the disable local authentication flag must be ignored there.

1182 - Call Completion on Busy to diverted destination failed

Ticket #56243. with the call rejection no informtion about the final destination (leg1 info) was sent, so the call completion was tried with the original called destination.

1197 - Changing the do-not-disturb user setting has no effect if do-not-disturb function key configured and present

Ticket #56743. problem: Changing the do-not-disturb user setting has no effect if do-not-disturb function key configured and present

solution: fixed in code

files: phone/user/phone_user.cpp

products: all IPxxx telephones

risks: none

1196 - Configuration Option to keep Routes over a PPP interface always active

Ticket #56711. To guarantee that certain connections are only established over a virtual private network, routes over a PPP interface need to be kept active in routing table even while the PPP interface is down. This is done now by checking
"Configuration/IP/PPP-Config/PPP<n>/Always keep Routes active"
For enabled PPP interfaces which are not up the current routing state (active/skipped) is displayed in addition to the interface state under

1176 - Firmware update failure on ip4001

Ticket #55981. On the IP4001 the hwbuild string is computed using the boot flags to see if the box is in production mode. This causes a flash access conflict if the info screen is shown during a flash write ( firmware upload ).

1177 - Gateway: Overlap Dialing routes did not work as expected

Ticket #56006. - sometimes '#' was added to the outgoing call even if 'Add #' was not configured
- enbloc calls were terminated by a route with '.' as incomplete if not enough digits, even if matching routes followed

1173 - Gateway: Trap if Name Out or other fields with very long content

Ticket #55941. A buffer overrun could happen if very long strings were used as input values

1181 - Gatway: Call completion interworking on called side did not work

Ticket #56214. Call completion on called side did not work

Thanks to Georg Hartwig for giving us his precious support during developent!

1193 - IP-DECT FTY with TSIP and SIPS

Ticket #56580. The feature codes do not work with TSIP, the local cf does not work with TSIP and SIPS.

1189 - IP-DECT R-key handling for OEM protocol

Ticket #56469. The R-key for an OEM protocol does not work.

1194 - IP-DECT: No Audio was received during call waiting

Ticket #56616. This was another collateral damage from

fix: #55177: No Media event was generated even everything was normal for unanswered CC exec on IP-DECT

1178 - IP2x IP30x: Missing tones on BRI interface with SIP implementations that send RTP prior to coder negotiation

Ticket #56010. This is the problematic scenario:
The IP302 BRI interface is registered on a SIP proxy.
An outgoing call is placed, the SIP proxy sends a STATUS 180 Ringing without SDP information.
The remote side sends RTP data (with inband information) to the IP302.
This switches off the IP302 generated tone, but the remote tone is cannot be used since the SDP is missing in the STATUS 180 message.

Now we ignore RTP with unknown coder for switching off the tone.

1188 - PBX-SOAP: Admin function could not be used to configure some new parameters

Ticket #56419. like phone-config, description, ...

1187 - PBX: Errors when creating or changing Mobility objects were not displayed

Ticket #56411. If an error was detected (e.g. duplicate number) saving of the object was prohibited, but no error message as for other objects was displayed

1184 - PBX: Groups could not be configured for objects with empty PBX setting

Ticket #56307. Empty PBX setting means the object is handled as it has the local PBX set. So the local groups should be selectable

1183 - PBX: Multiple mobility destinations with delay not handled optimal

Ticket #56302. - if no local phone was registered, all mobility destinations were called right away. Now the destination with the shortes delay is called right away and the others later according difference in delay

- if local phone was busy the mobility destinations was only called after delay. The one with the shortes delay should be called first and then the others.

1174 - PBX: Unknown filter did not work anymore in version 8

Ticket #55944. The unknown filter could be configured, but was not applied to calls made by endpoints registered as unknown.

1190 - SIP Interworking: CGPN in display name of From URI

Ticket #56504. SIP Interworking: Get CGPN from display name of From URI

1175 - SIP: Distinctive ring tones

Ticket #55948. Handling of "Alert-Info: internal".
Triggers special ring tone.

1180 - SIP: Send P-Asserted-Identity header in 180/Ringing

Ticket #56091. Some UAC do not show called party's display name when added to To header by UAS.
We now provide PAI header in provisional responses also containing the called party's display name.

1179 - SIP: Switch to fax did not work in some cases

Ticket #56076. Sometimes switch to audio occured immediately after switch to t.38

1186 - SIP: Switch to t.38 was answered with audio instead of 488 reject

Ticket #56404. In case t.38 is not enable, a switch to t.38 was not rejected with 488.
SDP answer with currently active audio coder was send instead.

1192 - Support for packetization up to 80ms

Ticket #56566. 60ms was the limit before

V8 Hotfix 8 (80500.28)

1241 - Allow dtmf features park/unpark for calls from voicemail object

Ticket #57582. Currently, calls from the voicemail object to the dtmf object were cancelled, as all calls from non user objects have been cancelled.
Now, the features park and unpark are allowed.

1225 - Automated Kerberos configuration triggered by a special VAR

Ticket #57330. A box can now be advised to join a Kerberos realm by writing an XML-Command to variable CMD0/KCMD.

1249 - automatic or manual recording cannot be stopped if the recorded call is not the currently active call

Ticket #57685. Automatic or manual recording could not be stopped if the recorded call was not the currently active call.
If the Redial-key is used to toggle recording this is intended behaviour because otherwise the Redial-key could not be used to transfer the non-recorded active call.
If a 'Recording' function key is used to toggle recording there is no need for this restriction.

Now a 'Recording' function key stops automatically or manual started recording any case.

1230 - Decoding of special XML entities

Ticket #57451. Implement decoding of the following entities: &lt; &gt; &quot; &apos; &amp;

1206 - Disconnect from DTMF/ICP/Directory search object didn't work with mobility

Ticket #56883. The disconnect from the DTMF, ICP and Directory search objects didn't work with mobility, as it was wrongly called.

1212 - DTMF facilities: new MWI modes for an OEM protocol

Ticket #56953. New modes for message waiting indication added in the DTMF facility module. There are used for an OEM protocol in OEM IP-DECT devices.

1246 - Filter did not work correctly with local objects and overlap sending

Ticket #57652. For checking the filter in case of overlap sending, the number including the Node prefix was used regardless if the node prefix was dialed or not.

1248 - Gateway: If Moh Mode is configured set 'exclusive coder' checkmark as well on UI

Ticket #57654. The MOH Mode implies that exclusive coders are used

1164 - Gatway: Do not pass through SRTP key if "Enable SRTP" not activated

Ticket #55767. Pass through SRTP key only if "Enable SRTP" is activated

1203 - Gatway: Suspend/Resume on call completion interworking

Ticket #56827. Suspend/Resume signaling on call completion interworking did not interwork

1210 - H.323 registration using a PPTP connection failed

Ticket #56910. on PPTP server side wrong IP address was chosen as local address if interface was vonfigured without local address and authentication was used on H.323

1214 - IP-DECT: anonymous login; master id checks/traces

Ticket #57104. For anonymous handsets login additional master id checks and traces added.

1226 - IP-DECT: Kerberos configuration options for radio device configuration

Ticket #57339. Now it is also possible to configure the Kerberos client if the radio device in discovery mode is configured by the master. The new feature #57330 is used.

1211 - IP-DECT: Load sharing for trunks (OEM protocol)

Ticket #56942. Load sharing for trunks does not work. It is used for an OEM protocol.

1233 - IP-DECT: log messages for MSF calls

Ticket #57512. Log messages for MSF calls added.

1229 - IP-DECT: Messaging options and XML message type support

Ticket #57413. New configuration page "DECT - Messaging" for the IP-DECT messaging alert signal options. The enable option replaces the IP Master option "Enable messaging to PBX".
The XML message type is supported now. With XML messages it is possible to change the alert signal message dependent.
The message priority can be considered if enabled: the SIP priority "emergency" changes the alert signal to alarm and the priority "non-urgent" changes it to silence.

1244 - IP-DECT: MSF CLMS messages

Ticket #57612. Now CLMS messages can be sent with the MSF module.

1238 - IP-DECT: MSF module option disable

Ticket #57560. With the option /disable it is possible to disable the DECT MSF module.

1232 - IP-DECT: Pickup, caller id update

Ticket #57509. Fix for the caller id display update after call pickup.

1201 - IP24, IP28: Trap if doing a tranfer for a pickup call

Ticket #56780. If a pickup was done (*0#) from an analog phone connected to a IP24, IP28 and this call was transfered afterward (R), a trap happened as soon as the transfer was executed either by R-4 or by hanging up

1220 - make function keys on the phone-ui unmodifiable and unviewable

Ticket #57212. problem: by setting a function key readonly mask (config change PHONE USER /funclock-ro-mask <mask> or web-ui: Phone->Protect->Function keys not modifiable on the phone-> <mask>), one can now determine a set of function key types which can only be set thru a web-ui and can only be viewed but not modified through phone-ui (see

solution: fixed in code

files: phone/user/*

products: all telephones

risks: none

1218 - Missing "Recall possible" text in status line

Ticket #57196. problem: Missing "Recall possible" text in status line

solution: fixed in call

files: phone/app/app_cc.cpp [box/phone]/forms/[lcd/]forms_gen.cpp

products: all telephones

risks: none


Ticket #57599. This causes problems with some third party equipment, which expects these messages

1208 - PBX Mobility: CLIR did not work correctly

Ticket #56899. A call was sent without number, but it should have been sent with Number Presentation restricted option set.

1204 - PBX Mobility: Trap if call to mobile phone scheduled for recall is cleared and SOAP monitoring is on

Ticket #56847. If call is put on hold by the mobile phone and then the mobile phone hangs up, the PBX tries to recall the mobile phone. If the held party hangs up in this situation with SOAP monitoring of the mobile phone active, a trap happens

1219 - PBX: Call from mobile endpoint could not be picked up with DTMF group pickup

Ticket #57204. pickup was rejeceted

1200 - PBX: CFNR configured at Waiting not executed correctly on transfer to Waiting

Ticket #56775. under some circumstances not executed at all and sometime without waiting for No Response Timeout

1195 - PBX: Checking if a call matches an pending call-completion request was wrong

Ticket #56706. If a call completion is pending and the user calls the destination with the pending CC or the user retries successfully the call independent of the pending CC, we want to avoid to signal this CC. For this we match any calls to pending CCs. Sometimes this resulted in matches even if there was none and pending CCs were cleared which shouldn't

1221 - PBX: Diverting number sent in group indications was not adjusted

Ticket #57213. The number was sent with all node prefixes

1207 - PBX: Filters to even restrict registration with password

Ticket #56888. The existing filters only restricted registration to the PBX without password. Now in addition to this registration with password can be restricted as well.

1247 - PBX: IP Filter to restrict Registration do not work for UNKNOWN

Ticket #57653. These Filter only work for registrations to configured objects

1198 - PBX: Only 8 IP Filters possible, no indication if maximum reached

Ticket #56764. Number increased to 32. If 32 Filters are configured no field to enter a new one is displayed

1202 - PBX: Trap if calling a Boolean object from a mobile endpoint

Ticket #56825. This could be used to set boolean state from a mobile phone

1199 - PBX: Trap if duplicate "Long Name" in Database

Ticket #56774. It may happen that on a replicated PBX temporarily multiple objects with the same Long Name (cn) exist. In the case the PBX restarted.

1240 - PBX: Trap when handling presence subscription for VM object

Ticket #57578. Trap when handling presence subscription for VM object

1250 - Phone: Show presence note on 'partner' fkey label

Ticket #57687. Show presence note (if availbale) on 'partner' fkey label.
If no text note is avalable, activity is shown (as usual).

1217 - Protect TLS socket against collision of SOCKET_RECV and SOCKET_SHUTDOWN

Ticket #57130. It was possible that a collision of SOCKET_RECV from the application and SOCKET_SHUTDOWN from the TLS socket occured. This could lead to a trap because the application was already deleted when the SOCKET_RECV_RESULT was sent.

1216 - Qsig Leg2 Info decoding could fail

Ticket #57126. Qsig Leg2 Info decoding could fail

1213 - SIP: Allow to receive messages larger than 2560 bytes

Ticket #57081. There was a limitation for incoming SIP messages at 2560 bytes.

1234 - SIP: Decoding of special Contact-URIs

Ticket #57523. sip:2031;phone-context=cdp.udp@dpp.nortel:5070;maddr=;transport=udp
The port information was not extracted from phone-context parameter.
Format used by Nortel only.

1231 - SIP: Fix for video calls through broadcast user

Ticket #57504. When initiating a video call towards broadcast user, an offer/offer collision may occur in the PBX.
The PBX must select the video coder (not only audio coder) in this case.

1209 - SIP: Keep ringing calls longer than 3 min

Ticket #56901. An INVITE client transaction was canceled 180 secs after "180 Ringing" have been received.

1235 - SIP: SDP attribut annexb=no was missing

Ticket #57533. If G.729 Annex B was disabled it must be explicitely announced,
because no mentioning annexb is interpreted as annexb=yes.

1228 - SIP: Some interop tweaks did not work

Ticket #57354. Some module options did not work after reboot:

1224 - SIP: Use registration's Contact-URI as Request-URI on calls to endpoints only

Ticket #57300. Registered gateways get a Request-URI containing the destination number

1243 - SNMP, ifSpeed wrong

Ticket #57610. SNMP, ifSpeed wrong

1237 - Tones: Ringback cadence for Ireland not correct

Ticket #57545. Ringing tone - Ireland
Freq: 400+450
Cadence: 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off

1205 - Trap on call completion with mobility over dtmf object

Ticket #56882. When using call completion with mobility over the dtmf object, the PBX crashed.
Now call completion over mobility is rejected.

1215 - Trap: When handling call completion request from ISDN

Ticket #57113. Trap: When handling call completion request from ISDN

1252 - update service 'provision' option to request earlier and faster polling in provisioning mode

Ticket #57799. In provisioning mode the update service should start polling the update server as soon as possible and not use the default delay.
This can be configured now by

config add UP1 /provision <n>

<n> defines the delay in seconds of the first poll, subsequent polls start after (previous delay * 2) seconds. The maximum delay between polls is 60 seconds.

config add UP1 /provision 0
config rem UP1 /provision

switches back to the default or the configured polling interval

1223 - v9 Replication Compliance

Ticket #57274. Fixes addressing UTF-8 conversions

1239 - VM, URL parameter "$_noctl=true" allows to reject control-calls

Ticket #57571. Control calls may reach a VM object unintentionally. Such calls can now be rejected.

1245 - VM: trailing '#' in CDPN let's diverted call to VM fail

Ticket #57649. VM: trailing '#' in CDPN let's diverted call to VM fail

V8 Hotfix 9 (80500.32)

1284 - 30s Timeout for dialing too short

Ticket #58783. When putting someone on hold with 'R' there was a timeout of 30s until the consultation call was terminated. This could be too short to find the one to whom to transfer the call.

The protocol timeout in H.323 (TO302) was increased from 30s to 120s

1268 - AD-replicator: xml-show-namingcontexts leaks memory

Ticket #58564. a memory leak occurred every time when clicked on Configuration/LDAP/Replicator(AD)/DN/"Show Options"

1278 - Call Intrusion across PBXs did not work (intrude call at slave from master)

Ticket #58710. There was a fix already for this, but this covered only intrude at master from slave.

1253 - Disabling local authentication also turned off module authentication

Ticket #57863. When Kerberos was configured on a box and the local admin accounts were disabled, logging and PBX administration using PBX users did not work anymore.

1269 - Do not disconnect calls to directory search object from master/slave user

Ticket #58587. Calls from a master/slave user where disconnected by the directory search object.
These calls are allowed now.

1282 - DRAM /Firmware upload stops sometimes

Ticket #58769. Depending on the timing the upload hangs.
Seen with the innovaphone test program and minifirmware

1279 - Gateway Routes with CDPN map to number containing '#' did not work

Ticket #58737. The number starting with the '#' was omitted.

Collateral damage of fix: #56006: Gateway: Overlap Dialing routes did not work as expected

1292 - Gateway: A call counter with name containing blank or other special character created problems

Ticket #58944. It could be configured, but if another map was added to the same route the config was corrupted

1283 - Gateway: Trap on early RELEASE from calling side

Ticket #58780. If the caller stops calling at an early stage, a trap may occur:

0:0806:591:0 - LOG CALL 15 Alloc
0:0806:591:3 - LOG CALL 15 A:Call -> / PRI2::->*::
0:0806:597:0 - LOG CALL 15 B:Call 100->226 / PRI2:5336100:->RP2:226:
0:0806:701:3 - LOG CALL 15 A:Rel 100->226 / PRI2:5336100:->RP2:226: Cause: Recovery on timer expiry
0:0806:712:3 - LOG CALL 15 Media 100->226 G711A,20(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) PRI2:5336100:->RP2:226: Cause: Recovery on timer expiry
0:0806:713:7 - LOG CALL 15 B:Alert 100->226 G711A,20(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) PRI2:5336100:->RP2:226: Cause: Recovery on timer expiry
0:0806:714:0 - TRAP: 0x10

1264 - Invalid duplicate DTMF object caused the PBX to trap

Ticket #58514. A false config with an invalid DTMF object (name like DTMF#pickup_group) caused the PBX to trap.
Such an object will be ignored now.

1255 - IP-DECT: no digits en-bloc timeout

Ticket #57925. The timeout of the en-bloc timer is changed for the case that no digits are dialed. This fixes the Aastra PBX block bug.

1257 - IP-DECT: OEM device GUI

Ticket #57993. Some little changes for a DECT OEM device for the GUI.

1291 - IP-DECT: potential trap

Ticket #58920. Potential trap in DECT devices fixed.
Trap identification:
XCPT: no 2 (TLB load) pc 94273278 ra 94273254 va 0000000c

1259 - IP-DECT: TONE interface

Ticket #58041. The tone inferface is added to the IP1200.

1294 - MWI key with configurable DTMF signaling type for message center calls

Ticket #58980. Some users must force inband DTMF for certain SIP providers but our Voice Mail requires out of band DTMF signaling.
Now the type of DTMF signaling to be used for calls to the message center can be configured at the MWI key.

1267 - PBX dtmf group feature marks dynamic in groups

Ticket #58536. As the PBX dtmf group feature shows all dynamic in and out groups, the displayed name of dynamic in groups will be preceeded with '* ' now.

1281 - PBX Trunk Object: Incomplete destination did not work for incoming incomplete enblock calls

Ticket #58755. collateral damage of fix: #54357: PBX Node 'incomplete Number' destination did not work for block dial calls

1290 - PBX: Don't apply Send Number to Recording calls

Ticket #58878. For recording it is usually needed to know the real number

1285 - PBX: Name Identification was not forwarded with forked call

Ticket #58786. With call forking the original calling name id was not forwarded

1286 - PBX: Trap if 'Escape dialtone from' is configured to a non-existent object

Ticket #58789. Check implemented to use internal TONE interface in this case

1251 - permit to send log messages, alarms and events via HTTPS with and without checking the server certificate

Ticket #57785. Both for the log server and for the alarm/event forward server HTTPS can be configured now.
But because distribution of certifcates a may be problematic if there is a big number of clients checking the server certificate can be supressed by

config add LOG0 /tls-unchecked

1262 - phone directory collating sort order unexpected

Ticket #58386. The ordinal of the space character was higher than that of any alphameric character, thus for example "Smith Eric" was displayed behind "Smithson Eric".
The ordinal of the space character is now 0.

1695 - phone: disable call intrusion via partner key when recording is active

Ticket #65918. Call intrusion cannot be performed while recording is active:
- recording establishes a 3party conference between local party, remote party and recorder.
- call intrusion establishes a 3party conference between local party and the two remote parties
- recording and call intrusion at the same time would require a 4party conference which cannot be set up because the phone has only 2 DSP coder channels.

Now if any kind of recording is configured call intrusion is neither offered in 'recall' menu nor performed via partner key.

1270 - Phone: Light up partner fkey even on active state

Ticket #58589. While the phone itself is in active state (non-idle) a partner fkey lamp did not light up when partner's presence indicate 'on-the-phone' activity.
Only in idle state the lamp indicated that partner is 'on-the-phone'.

1265 - Pickup function key display discards leading letter on transferred call

Ticket #58520. problem: Pickup function key display discards leading letter on transferred call, so the first letter or number of the calling party is always missing

solution: fixed in code

files: phone/app_disp.cpp

products: all telephones

risks: none

1297 - Potential trap if routes with DTMF output combined with pause chars (',') are used for calls without channel or out-of-channels

Ticket #59012. In this situation pause digits are passed to a channel, which does not exits. This causes the trap.
Could also be dialed pause characters on a call-independent signaling.

1260 - product_id 153,154 added

Ticket #58122. these new IDs are needed for IP152 based phone versions

1261 - QSIG Call Complettion to MD110 failed

Ticket #58372. QSIG Call Complettion to MD110 failed

1258 - Resuming TLS sessions did not work correctly

Ticket #58013. The server now ensures that session IDs are unique by adding a timestamp and a serial number. This increases the size of session IDs from 16 bytes to 24 bytes.

Also IP addresses were not handled correctly by the session cache.

1289 - send PROGRESS after CALL-PROC to stop 10s T310

Ticket #58839. sometimes too short to forward a call

1271 - SIP: Dialog-Info did not show "confirmed" state

Ticket #58594. "proceeding" was indicated instead.
Caused Problems on snom phones.

1263 - SIP: Don't send empty P-Asserted-Identity in provisional response

Ticket #58493. SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK6728a259
From: ""<;user=phone>;epid=123A3A4D16;tag=c755636afc
To: <sip:00763773033@;user=phone>;tag=3908677425
Call-ID: d0248a8c-a324-454b-807a-923c30c1e24b
Contact: <sip:00763773033@;user=phone;transport=TCP>
Content-Length: 230
Content-Type: application/sdp
Server: (innovaphone IP800/8.00 dvl [tac-1.11108:/8050028/400])
Supported: replaces,privacy,answermode,from-change,100rel,timer,histinfo
P-Sig-Options: Sending-Complete

1288 - SIP: Handling of reject of re-INVITE without SDP offer was incomplete

Ticket #58824. Handling of reject of re-INVITE without SDP offer was incomplete.
Need to generate dummy offer for app.

1275 - SIP: Mapping of "403 Forbidden" into "Q.931 Requested circuit/channel not available"

Ticket #58635. Previously mapped into "Q.931 Call rejected"
Better mapped into "Q.931 Requested circuit/channel not available" in order to trigger re-routing at the Gateway

1287 - SIP: re-INVITE without SDP offer was rejected with 504 Server Timeout in 'held' state

Ticket #58822. re-INVITE without SDP offer was rejected with 504 Server Timeout if received on an inactive session.

1280 - SIP: Support of P-Called-Party-ID

Ticket #58748. Get CDPN of incoming SIP calls from P-Called-Party-ID if present.

1236 - SIP: Suppress Annex B of G.729 if "Silence Compression" is not enabled at the interface

Ticket #57540. Suppress Annex B of G.729 if "Silence Compression" is not enabled at the interface

1254 - SIP: Transfer handling at Gateway may cause on-way-audio

Ticket #57906. I some scenarios where REFER is handled at the Gateway to transfer a local media call leg (e.g. ISDN) to any other call leg.

1277 - Soap::UserPickup() sometimes didn't work

Ticket #58665. Soap::UserPickup() sometimes didn't work

1295 - Trap on CF remove while files are deleted

Ticket #58984. When files are deleted from the CF card and the card is removed or has an error, the box could trap.

1266 - trap on late CHANNEL_INIT to relay_media_relay::serial_event()

Ticket #58524. A null pointer was referenced when a CHANNEL_INIT was passed to an object in closing state

V8 Hotfix 10 (80500.33)

1301 - Call Forwarding Function Key with "Apply 'Always' Setting Only" checkmark (CFU Only)

Ticket #59077. If "Apply 'Always' Setting Only" is checked the Function key toggles onls over the 'Always' (i.e. CFU) entries and keeps other existing diversions untouched.
Thus CFB or CFNR diversions set at the phone or at the PBX are not changed when toggling this key.

1320 - Debug: Support to identify bad objects

Ticket #59714. Only mem-clients are allowed be deleted dynamically.

1300 - DHCP client: "Wait for selected Server" timeout was not applied after a DHCP restart

Ticket #59076. When the DHCP client receives a DHCP restart request a timer is setup to trigger the restart. The failure happens when an offer arrives before this timer fires.

1293 - H.323 Remote address was not checked for calls coming in on special trunks with non-standard ports

Ticket #58958. This is no problem which affects innovaphone standard products. It is only for H.323 trunks configured with fixed remote and local address and port.

1310 - H.323 slowstart avoid sending duplicate TerminalCapabilitySet messages

Ticket #59203. If a media re-negotiation happened on a remote system at a time the local H.245 channel was not even established, it could happen that a sequence of TCS, TCS0 and TCS again was sent to a calling system. This irritated especially a Cisco Call Manager.

This happened for example, if a call was received from the call manager on one PBX, which was routed to another PBX on which a CFNR was configured.

1311 - H.323 Slowstart media renegotiation did not work if TCS was not yet received

Ticket #59248. This caused a CFNR not being executed (call was cleared on the original called endpoint, but was not sent to new destination) for calls from Cisco Call Manager

1316 - H.323-Q.931-Interworking - display text provided in the Display Information Element of an ISDN Information Message on phone

Ticket #59506. The text provided in the Display Information Element of an ISDN Information Message was silently discarded. Now it is displayed in the phone status line.

1304 - H.323: Don't send a call-independent-signaling call without facilities

Ticket #59088. This could happen if a QSIG call was interworked, with facilities we do not support

1296 - Interworked Control-Calls without Facilities Shall Stop in Relay

Ticket #59009. Interworked Control-Calls without Facilities Shall Stop in Relay

1325 - PBX CDR records with a size near 1kB or larger were garbled when sent via HTTP

Ticket #59966. PBX CDR records with a size near 1kB or larger were garbled when sent via HTTP because of an encoding bug. Locally logging worked correct.

1298 - PBX Exec Object: A number Map object to be used to call exec directly

Ticket #59066. A number map can be put in exec secretary or direct call groups to call the exec thru this Map Object directly. This did not work for calls from IP Phones, which sent a source name with the call.

1313 - PBX Mobility: Filters were not evaluated for mobility calls

Ticket #59398. Calls from mobile phones thru the mobility object were not affected by filter configurations for the user

1323 - PBX: Call was possible from registration as standby PBX

Ticket #59844. A standby PBX registers at the active PBX to check if it is alive. This registration could be misused for calls. It could be done with H.323 and SIP. This fix prohibits calls from this registration and allows registration with H.323 only

1327 - PBX: Trap if a call from mobile endpoint was diverted to a waiting queue, with altert Timeout

Ticket #60161. A NULL pointer access happend in this case while sending the ALERT message

1299 - PBX: Trap if using SOAP Version Method if PBX not started

Ticket #59071. null pointer access happens in this case

1324 - Phone - switch off microphone while sending DTMF as voice data, increase volume of DTMF tones sent as voice data

Ticket #59846. When "Registration x/General/No DTMF Detection" is checked DTMF tones are sent as voice data. Detection of such tones at the receiving side may fail when mixed with microphone input.

1321 - Phone IP150 - dialling numbers containing asterisks '*' does not work

Ticket #59768. if in offhook mode the asterisk key is pressed for a short time the key is ignored, if it is pressed longer it is evaluated as mute key.

1326 - Phone: Translation for presence activities

Ticket #60119. Abwesend, Beschäftigt, Mittagessen, Besprechung, Urlaub
Away, Busy, Lunch, Meeting, Vacation
Parti, Occupé, Déjeuner, Réunion, Vacances
Assente, Occupato, Pranzo, Riunione, Ferie
Ausente, Ocupado, Comida, Reunión, Vacaciones
Fravær, Opptatt, Lunsj, Møte, Ferie

1308 - send PROGRESS after CALL-PROC to stop 10s T310 - in ISDN Stack not PBX

Ticket #59195. sending PROGRESS in the PBX could have some unwanted side effects, like a Cisco Callmanager believing that there is actual in-band media available

1318 - SIP: Do not take P-Called-Party-ID as CDPN (rollback of 58748)

Ticket #59539. Rollback of #58748
Do not take P-Called-Party-ID as CDPN.
P-Called-Party-ID contains nothing but the AOR of the receiving interface.

1317 - SIP: Interop feature "X-cisco-sis-3.0.0"

Ticket #59533. Required for SRTP sessions

1309 - SIP: Interop feature "X-cisco-srtp-fallback"

Ticket #59198. Required for SRTP sessions

1319 - SIP: Media negotiation problem in some early media scenarios

Ticket #59711. SIP/H323 interworking problem.
Call was terminated with "504 Server Time-out" and "Recovery on timer expiry (102)"

1303 - SIP: Media negotiation problem when processing INVITE without SDP

Ticket #59082. Media negotiation problem when processing INVITE without SDP

1302 - SIP: Registration lookup by attribute 'username' of Authorization header

Ticket #59078. Registration lookup by attribute 'username' of Authorization header (not only on anonymized calls)

1322 - SIP: Registration refresh interval not parsed from REGISTER response if behind NAT

Ticket #59826. Registration refresh interval not parsed from REGISTER response if behind NAT.
Wrong handling of 'received' and 'rport' parameters in Via header (RFC-3581).

1306 - SIP: Support for another Contact-URI parameter in REGISTER

Ticket #59174. +u.sip!

1315 - SNMP, ifSpeed wrong

Ticket #59504. SNMP, ifSpeed wrong

1305 - x509: Support for DNS names in SubjectAltName extension of certificates

Ticket #59171. Create self-signed certificates and certificate requests that contain a DNS name in the SubjectAltName extension. Display the DNS name in the certificate details.

V8 Hotfix 11 (80500.34)

1342 - editing function keys via WEB interface broken after invalid characters have been entered in an e164 number field

Ticket #60468. xml syntax characters like < > & entered in a number field were not encoded on output and thus garbled the xml structure

1358 - Fix for SIP requests with 10+ header instances

Ticket #61014. Response to following INVITE request did not returned all Via headers:

INVITE sip:229@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:145bf82@;transport=udp;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:;lr;sap=433098584*1*016asm-callprocessing.sar-624908352~1296718381566~-535462628~1>
From: "H323-2" <>;tag=8084387dbc40e01d7f4d42da8200
To: <>
Call-ID: 8084387dbc40e01d8f4d42da8200
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9099903-AP;ft=
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9099903
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9199901
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9199900
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK8084387dbc40e01d7f4d42da8200-AP;ft=6565
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK8084387dbc40e01d7f4d42da8200;avaya-cm-term-reaction=shortcut
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9099899-AP;ft=7355
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9099899
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9199897
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKC0A8C1DBFFFFFFFFDEB7B1F9199896
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK8084387dbc40e01d9f4d42da8200-AP;ft=6565
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK8084387dbc40e01d9f4d42da8200
Supported: 100rel,histinfo,join,replaces,sdp-anat,timer
User-Agent: Avaya CM/R016x.00.1.510.1 AVAYA-SM-
Contact: "H323-2" <sip:201@;transport=tls>
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Contact: *;+avaya-cm-line=1
Alert-Info: <>;avaya-cm-alert-type=internal
History-Info: <>;index=1
History-Info: "229" <>;index=1.1
Min-SE: 1200
P-Asserted-Identity: "H323-2" <>
Record-Route: <sip:145bf82@;transport=tls;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=tls;lr;sap=433098584*1*016asm-callprocessing.sar-624908352~1296718381477~-535462632~1>
Record-Route: <sip:145bf82@;transport=tls;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=tls;lr>
Session-Expires: 1200;refresher=uac
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 178
P-Location: SM;origlocname="Interoplab";termlocname="Interoplab"
Max-Forwards: 63

o=- 1296719515 1 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 2564 RTP/AVP 8 18 96
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000

1336 - Gateway: Trap on early RELEASE from calling side

Ticket #60400. Trap when Notification Indicator is received with ALERT while peer call is released already.

1352 - Group Indication with a diverting number of zero length caused a encoding error

Ticket #60715. The number should not be sent at all. This happend if a group indication was to be sent from a call which was diverted by an object without number

1341 - H.323: If INFO was sent with cdpn and kp it could happen that it was forwarded with cdpn in SETUP and kp in INFO

Ticket #60443. If a call was established by the application (or incoming signaling) without dialing information and then before the TCP connection was established a INFO message was sent with keypad and called-party-number, the call (SETUP) was sent with the called-party-number followed by an INFO with keypad.

This could result in a duplication of the dialed digits.

Only in special OEM scenarios, because keypad is usually not used.

1357 - IP-DECT: cause code changed

Ticket #60958. The cause code is changed to "cause unassigned number" if the call is released because no radios are available.

1332 - IP-DECT: number map for incoming calls (OEM)

Ticket #60294. Number map for incoming calls added for OEM devices.

1337 - IP-DECT: potential trap

Ticket #60406. Some pointer checks are added to prevent traps.

1349 - Ldap Replication, Problems with Percent-Char in Password

Ticket #60611. Ldap Replication, Problems with Percent-Char in Password

1343 - Memory leak when configuring H.323 NAT

Ticket #60474. Memory leak when configuring H.323 NAT

1350 - Optional display of text provided in the Display Information Element of an ISDN Information Message

Ticket #60612. The text provided in the Display Information Element of an ISDN Information Message is displayed at the phone status line.
This may be supressed now by checking "Phone/Preferences/Hide Display Info from ISDN Providers"

1339 - PBX CF Loop detection indicated loop with CFNR even if there was no loop

Ticket #60427. A CFNR loop is only detected if the CFNRs are executed because of no registration. The loop was detected with a single Object without registration instead of only detecting the loop if all objects are without registration

1347 - PBX DECT System object: DECT parameters got lost, when changing critical flag

Ticket #60565. The object was written back to flash without the parameters stored by the DECT system

1348 - PBX SOAP Admin: Critical flag could not be set in object

Ticket #60568. The attribute "critical" was not allowed

1338 - PBX Waiting object: Problem with announcements from Boolean Object

Ticket #60421. The announcement worked, but if DTMF dialing to another Waiting object was done, DTMF dialing on this second Waiting object did not work anymore.

1353 - PBX Waiting: Don't forward DTMF to announcement source

Ticket #60838. Announcement source could be a boolean object and DTMF could change the state of the boolean

1345 - PBX/SOAP: Potential trap when disconnecting a mobility call

Ticket #60538. If a SOAP application (e.g. TAPI) disconnects a call to/from a mobile user, a trap could happen

1335 - PBX: Slave license update period too short

Ticket #60390. was 100s (v8) or 10s (v7) should be 10min

1344 - possible trap with enabled trace flag on CF checkdisc

Ticket #60513. The box could trap while checking the card, if the trace flag for CF0 was enabled.

1340 - SIP: Add PAI/PPI header to 181 response for INVITE

Ticket #60438. To get full identity information of the new remote partner

1331 - SIP: Add PAI/PPI header to 200/Ok for INVITE

Ticket #60249. Some SIP servers wants us to send P-Asserted-Identity/P-Preferred-Identity header in final INVITE response.

1351 - SIP: Authentication issue (AVAYA-SM interworking)

Ticket #60712. Another re-try with authentication required.

1359 - SIP: Do not send INFO(dtmf) before call is connected

Ticket #61025. Do not send INFO(dtmf) before dialog is in confirmed state.

1333 - SIP: Handling of re-INVITE w/o SDP offer while in held (inactive) state

Ticket #60296. A re-INVITE w/o SDP offer while in held (inactive) state must be answered with 200/Ok containing an sendrecv offer (not inactive).

1307 - SIP: Interop flag for Avaya: /no-t38-in-initial-offer

Ticket #59176. config change SIP /no-t38-in-initial-offer
Can be used to suppress T.38 capability indication in initial SDP offer.
A switch to T.38 fax mode may follow, if T.38 is enabled at the interface.

1346 - SIP: Module option /share-local-port

Ticket #60542. This option forces outbound TCP signaling connection to be bound to the same local port as the signaling interface is listening on.
(In order to make the remote peer do connection reuse)

1334 - SIP: SRTP re-negotiation failed sometimes

Ticket #60387. After switching to non-encrypted media (MOH) the re-negotiation for encrypted media failed (on CCM).

V8 Hotfix 12 (80500.36)

1367 - Calls redialled from call list were not set up with CLIR although CLIR was active for the original call

Ticket #61321. The CLIR setting of the original call was saved in the call list but not applied when the call was redialled from list.

1368 - CFNR at PBX object, was executed on call to busy endpoint

Ticket #61323. should only be executed registration down or no respone at all

1366 - Critical Flag at DECT System Object disappears

Ticket #61318. If the DECT system is replicated from the PBX and systems settings are changed on the DECT system, the critical flag on the DECT System object in the PBX is lost

1375 - do not open multiple HTTP sessions when forwarding a big number of alarms in a short time

Ticket #61527. when alerm forwarding is active the fault handler passed new alarms immediately to the forwarding httpclient and httpclient opens a new session when there is no idle session.

1363 - H.450 encoding problem with call-transfer and diverting facilities, if length of number was 0

Ticket #61222. A zero lenght number cannot be encoded, it must be omited from the message

1380 - IP-DECT: Abnormal call release error event

Ticket #61705. Now the DECT Master sends an error event to the event logger every time if an abnormal call release occurs.

1378 - IP-DECT: OEM module update function

Ticket #61671. The update function for an OEM module was changed.

1379 - IP-DECT: trap with call transfer

Ticket #61676. Null pointer trap with call transfer and release event from the DECT side.
Trap identification, IP1200, V8 Hotfix 10:
XCPT: no 2 (TLB load) pc 943fd6d4 ra 94278e9c va 0000000c

1355 - IP2x/30x: T.38: Calling tone (CNG) detect didnt work

Ticket #60879. to configure this option use

1354 - IP2x/30x: T.38: Option for high speed data redundancy

Ticket #60866. to configure this option use

1365 - IP2x/IP30x: T38: Missing "no signal indications" on remote initiated T.38 session

Ticket #61273. This solves a problem with SIP-Provider behing a NAT router on outgoing fax calls.

1356 - IP3xx: Trap if switching a PBX from Standy to Off

Ticket #60956. This happens because we try to unregister from a CONF interface, which does not exist on the IP3xx platform

1387 - ISDN, QSIG, NT, Invalid Progress message was sent

Ticket #62190. The mandatory Progress Indicator was missing in Progress message when rejecting a call. This could cause that the inband busy tone could not be sent.

1386 - new: phonesig api method to restart registration process without deregistration

Ticket #62165. WLAN phones we need a way to restart a RAS registration when coming back from a out-of-coverage condition to syncronize the handsets and PBX's registration state.

1372 - PBX phone config templates could overrun when a big number of function keys was configured

Ticket #61476. There was a general 4kB size limitation for attributes read from LDAP directory which was too small for the 'phone' attribute of a config template.

1382 - PBX-SOAP: Admin function could not be used to configure "phone-config"

Ticket #61726. "phone-config" was missing in the list of allowed attributes

1381 - PBX-SOAP: Admin function removed password if Object Long Name (cn) was changed

Ticket #61725. If the cn is changed the object must be identified by guid an the password of this old object is to be used

1376 - PBX: Boolean Function Key was not updated when joining group

Ticket #61590. For the Boolean function key it is required to receive Group Indications from the Boolean object, which does not happen if the phone is not member of the group (dynamic out). When joining the group an update should be sent to the phone.

1370 - phone: " reject if busy" option for incoming announcement calls

Ticket #61412. In some scenarios it's required that announcement calls are not accepted when the phone is busy.

1369 - phone: function key Boolean Object with 'Toggle State' checked did not display the correct state sometimes

Ticket #61368. This happened when the state of the boolean object was toggled from 'manual-on' to 'automatic-off' state at the PBX or by another phone with such a key. It did not happen when with a key where the 'Toggle State' checkmark was not set.

1362 - Phone: Memory leak when deleting SIP registration

Ticket #61132. Failed to delete registration, but only if trying to delete during state "rgistration failed due to no response from server".

1312 - Phone: New config option "Proxy" for SIP registrations

Ticket #59396. Now DNS names can be specified.
Replaces config option "Primary Server Address".

1377 - Possible to configure use of Feature Codes on Basic Rate ISDN

Ticket #61620. This configuration option is not useful on ISDN BRIs. In fact it usually results in unexpected behaviour.

This option is removed from the user interface.

1364 - SIP: Bug in handling of re-direct responses

Ticket #61264. New remote port was not respected when maddr parameter was present in redirection URI.


1371 - SIP: No overlap sending if 'sending complete' was declared

Ticket #61472. Do not start overlapping INVITE transaction for new dialing digit if 'sending complete' was indicated for the call.

1361 - SIP: Read PAI/PPI header when receiving MESSAGE request

Ticket #61086. Read PAI/PPI header when receiving MESSAGE request in order to get calling party identity

1360 - SIP: Trap when receicing provisional response for obsolete INVITE

Ticket #61035. In overlap dialing scenarios overlapping INVITE client transactions are used.
Same Call-ID, different CSeq and different To-URI.

1385 - SIP: Very large SIP request headers were rejected with 414 Request-URI Too Long

Ticket #62033. SIP request headers larger than 2000 bytes were rejected with 414 Request-URI Too Long

1384 - SNMP, If Index sometimes missing in interfaces walk

Ticket #61985. SNMP, If Index sometimes missing in interfaces walk

1374 - v8 Firmware for IP6010, IP3010, IP1060, IP0010

Ticket #61522. Version 8 Firmware will be released for the new IP6010 Gateway familiy as part of a hotfix release.

1373 - Webdav: Bad encoding of special characters in XML properties

Ticket #61505. Bad encoding of file/folder names containing special characters.

V8 Hotfix 13 (80500.37)

1411 - ADSP driver: initialization changed

Ticket #62869. The ADSP2191 initialization is changed. This fixes some missed voice channels in conference calls.

1402 - Call Completion to MD110 didn't work

Ticket #62512. Call Completion to MD110 didn't work

1388 - CAS E1 3bit pulse dialing

Ticket #62191. Support for CAS E1 3bit pulse dialing, which is sometimes used instead of DTMF addressing.

1408 - DHCP client: timeout for response to a REQUEST too small in some case

Ticket #62709. When the DHCP client REQUESTs an OFFERed address a variable timeout (min 2 seconds) is set up. In the case in question the server always responds to DISCOVERs and REQUESTs with a delay of a little bit more than 2 seconds and thus a new DISCOVER was triggered a short time before the ACK arrived.
To overcome this problem the minimum timeout is changed to 5 seconds which should be enough for any server.

1413 - Diagnostic/Tracing on IP6000: Trace flag on TEL could not be cleared

Ticket #62914. once set, it could only be cleared with a !config change command

1393 - Do SRTP Re-keying when doing media renegotiation

Ticket #62325. Using the same SRTP key could be a security issue. When after a transfer the same SRTP keys are used, in theory the party doing the transfer could still decrypt the SRTP even if not in this call anymore

1410 - Gateway Routing: Support of '?' wildcards in CGPN and CDPN output

Ticket #62809. In the routing table digits received at places marked with '?' are forwarded to the respective '?' in the output number. This works for CDPN and CGPN maps in routes. It does not work in interface maps

1396 - General btree library problem: Potential Trap if many outgoing registrations need to be retried

Ticket #62428. Actually the problem is in the commonly used btree library, but there are not that many cases in which the libray is used in a way that create the problem

1412 - ISDN, QSIG, NT: No Disc Option can be used to send PROGRESS instead of DISC

Ticket #62879. DISC message causes some PBX to release a call right away, so that no in-band busy tone can be played. In this case just to send PROGRESS is better.

1392 - License: License upload shows error "No licenses available"

Ticket #62318. "No licenses available" when uploading license XML.

1391 - PBX Quickdial: Transferscenario leaves orphaned call

Ticket #62311. PBX Quickdial: Transferscerio leaves orphaned call
The orphaned call remains under PBX/Calls and cannot be cleared.

1398 - PBX Waiting: Connected Number handling different from normal Connected Number Handling

Ticket #62437. This caused different behaviour whether the operator answered the call on a SIP or H.323 phone. In case of SIP the Connected Number was sent, in case of H.323 not

1397 - PBX Waiting: Limited DTMF targets could be added using Internet Exporer

Ticket #62432. URL size limitiation of IE -> use POST instead

1406 - PBX: Blind transfer with consultation to mobile endpoint -> Retrieve missing

Ticket #62638. The caller is put on hold for the consultation, but is not retrieved when the transfer happens. If the caller is SIP, this results in no media sent.

1400 - PBX: Progress Indicator in Alert not forwarded by PBX

Ticket #62483. This could result in in-band info not played at receiving phone in case no progress incator was sent in previous message of same call

1394 - phone: a call unparked by a phone with recording active was released instead of reconnected

Ticket #62367. When the phone receices the SETUP indicating the unparked call the call should be automatically connected and become the active call. This failed because the currently active call was not put on hold before and thus there was no free DSP cannel to connect the unparked call.

1395 - Polish Language could not be configured in the PBX Phone Config

Ticket #62410. The table entry for polish language was missing

1407 - Possible trap on certain compact flash operations

Ticket #62703. There has been the possibility of a trap on certain compact flash file operations.
This trap has been fixed.

1409 - RPCAP uses system time instead of uptime now

Ticket #62745. A wireshark capture with RPCAP will now receive packet timestamps with the system time and not the uptime anymore.

1390 - SIP: Expect early inband information if 180 with SDP answer is received

Ticket #62275. Expect early inband information if 180 with SDP answer is received

1389 - SIP: INVITE after redirect must not contain the old remote tag

Ticket #62263. INVITE after redirect did contain the old remote tag.
Now it is cleared before new INVITE is sent to new destination.

1399 - SIP: Media negotiation failed when interworking with H.323

Ticket #62439. When calling from H323 to a user with multiple registrations
and the called user accepts on one of its (SIP type) secondary registration,
the media negotiation can fail.

1404 - SIP: Media negotiation issue

Ticket #62606. Handling of re-INVITE w/o SDP offer in 'held' state requires change.

1401 - VM, <pbx-forward>, two display names were sent

Ticket #62505. VM, <pbx-forward>, two display names were sent

1403 - VM, Smtp authentication sometimes in-place, although not required

Ticket #62571. VM, Smtp authentication sometimes in-place, although not required

V8 Hotfix 14 (80500.47)

1423 - 62879: ISDN, QSIG, NT: No Disc Option can be used to send PROGRESS instead of DISC - fix for this fix

Ticket #63209. This fix from hotfix13 did only for calls on which a CALL-PROC was sent as well. For calls still in overlap dialing (only SETUP-ACK sent) it did not work

1429 - DECT: GUI password input limit info

Ticket #63349. The user password is truncated to 15 signs. Now the input field is limited and an info is shown.

1414 - H.323: Don't send a call-independent-signaling call without facilities and user-user information

Ticket #62961. This fix is related to the fix #59088.
A call-independent-signaling call without facilities should not be sent, but if it has got a user-user information, it should be sent.
This fixes the DECT messaging problem on the IP1200.

1418 - HTTP-Server: Closing connection after transaction causes trouble with Webdav client

Ticket #63045. NetDrive client fails when uploading files

1276 - New flash S29GL256P90/S29GL128P90 on IP1200

Ticket #58643. This flash is used on new IP1200 devices.
Bootcode downgrade to older bootcode is disabled.
If the bootcode is downgraded the bootcode version is shown as 1013.

1427 - SIP: Authentication passwords were truncated

Ticket #63321. Authentication failed because password was truncated.

1417 - SIP: Bad encoding of To-URI in INVITE when handling REFER with special chars in user part of Refer-To URI

Ticket #63030. Refer-To: <sip:+49231395710880_(399)@>
received with REFER was mangled into
To: <sip:%2049231395710880_(399)@>
and send in INVITE

1424 - SIP: Fix for dialog-info notification

Ticket #63249. NOTIFY for dialog state 'terminated' was missing sometimes.

1428 - SIP: Not accepting calls from alternative proxy

Ticket #63327. When being registered at a proxy with 2 ip addresses the gateway does not accept calls from the alternative ip address.

1425 - SIP: Trap when session timer is used

Ticket #63271. Trap on collision of session timer and call release

1422 - SNMP, innoColdStart Trap to be sent only after sw failure or button reset

Ticket #63160. Settlement of a feature request to have the innoColdStart SNMP trap indicate severe reboot reasons only.

1430 - support for external ringer unit

Ticket #63358. some special purpose phones may be equipped with an external ringer unit. the information controlling the internal ringer is now passed to the module controlling the external ringer unit.

1415 - TCP: Ack was not sent under special conditions with re-transmissions

Ticket #62965. This could cause the breaking of a TCP connection in case of packet loss, even if the packet loss was not too bad

1416 - Trap when processing webdav requests

Ticket #62980. Trap when webdav request session were terminated irregularly.

1419 - Webdav: Bug when handling GET with Range header

Ticket #63131. When applied on a zero length file this response was returned:

HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:52:23 GMT
Server: innovaphone Virtual Appliance / 9.00 dvl [xxx/1000/0]
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 0
Content-Range: bytes 0-4294967295/0

Error response "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" must be returned instead.

1420 - Webdav: Don't keep zero-length files open on server side

Ticket #63133. In case of large files, NetDrive performes GET operation between PUT0 and PUT.
The actual PUT was rejected with 500 error resonse then.

V8 Hotfix 15 (80500.49)

1443 - certain non latin-1 characters entered via WEB interface or provided by an external LDAP Server cause display errors

Ticket #63591. entering such characters via copy/paste as when editing a PBX object may result in an xml-error when showing PBX objects.
when such characters are provided by an external LDAP Server to a phone the display may get cleared.
Now such characters are transcribed to a single latin1 character or replaced by a '-' if no transscription is available.

1433 - Command traps in minifirmware on joining or leaving Kerberos realms

Ticket #63415. Because command does not check if kerberos_client_provider::provider is null.

Files: command.cpp

1502 - Conference on IP6000 Hardware 200 and lower not working with v8hf14 and v9

Ticket #64132. The ADSP serial port has been changed from SPORT1 to SPORT0 for the IP6010.
Old IP6000 hardware has the SPORT0 not connected, so now SPORT1 is again used on IP6000.

1455 - config download may trap when malformed LDAP config data has been uploaded

Ticket #63678. a buffer overrun happens on config download when a "mod cmd FLASHDIR0 add-view nnn cn=..." line with a length > 63 characters has been uploaded.

1442 - DECT: Radio firmware for new handsets

Ticket #63577. The new radio firmware PCS05Ah accepts new handsets with the new IPEI number range.

1493 - Gateway: Allow interface maps for analog interfaces as well

Ticket #64068. Was prohibited in the past, but there are uses for this.

1439 - Gateway: Outgoing Call Completion did not work when outgoing call was routed through TONE interface

Ticket #63517. Outgoing CC request did not went out to ISDN interface.

1438 - HTTP-Client: Bad encoding of uri parameter in digest authentication

Ticket #63469. Uri parameter in digest authentication was not URL encoded

1437 - ip0010 wizard configures PRI1, gateway/interfaces shows PRI1

Ticket #63430. PRI1-L1 must be renamed into PRI1-CLK

1486 - IP152: Flash access not working with version 8050047

Ticket #64009. With fix #58643 16 bit access to spansion flash doesnt work

1451 - License: Character encoding problem

Ticket #63645. Character encoding problem

1490 - missing response 'reset required' when changing PRIx-Lx config options

Ticket #64055. changing i.e. the ,NT-Mode' config option didn't show the 'reset required' link button after pressing 'OK'.

1489 - No received cause code should be treated as 'normal clearing'

Ticket #64043. Was sometimes treated as cause code to do re-routing. This happened esspecially with multiple registrations to v8 gateway object. A call sent successfully to the gateway on the first regsitration was sent again on the second registration after call clearing.

1431 - PBX: License mechanism changed to allow easy migration to new version

Ticket #63381. - licences of different versions may be installed
- check for min version
- v8 master can act as license master for v9 licenses
- applications may run on older version

1504 - PBX: Potential Trap on calls to exec, map or waiting object

Ticket #64135. under some rare circimstances, which are unfortunatly not known, there could be a NULL pointer access

1492 - PBX: Transfer Recall timer was not started if destination was ringing after blind transfer

Ticket #64064. After a blind transfer without consultation to a busy destination the recall timer should be started as soon as the destination is not busy anymore and the call is delivered

1432 - PBX: Trunk - don't retry call to next gateway if wrong number

Ticket #63386. all gateways registered to a trunk are by definition to the same network, so a rerouting is useless, if the cause indicates that the dialed number was wrong

1484 - phone: improved czech display texts

Ticket #63998. now all texts are translated to czech, previous errors were fixed (translations provided by

1461 - Presence functionality is not available when registered via H323 at a non-innovaphone PBX

Ticket #63745. Presence operations via H323 are encoded in private facility elements which are unknown to a non-innovaphone PBX. Presence control calls sent to such a PBX may be misunderstood and routed back as normal voice call to the sending phone.
Thus no presence control calls must be sent to such a PBX.

1470 - SIP: Allocated message size to small for INVITE redirect response (Avaya)

Ticket #63829. Memory allocation is a bit to tight to fit the message due to many Via headers.

INVITE sip:3003@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:5793d7f@;transport=udp;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:;lr;sap=315810451*1*016asm-callprocessing.sar1905633216~1304428214402~-1054885358~1>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526620194612-AP;ft=
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526620194612
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526621194610
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526621194609
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0e2106b7388e016424db9a29200-AP;ft=11786
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0e2106b7388e016424db9a29200;avaya-cm-term-reaction=shortcut
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526620194608-AP;ft=12651
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526620194608
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526621194606
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKC0A896726E7526621194605
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0e2106b7388e018424db9a29200-AP;ft=11786
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0e2106b7388e018424db9a29200
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK200_f1774512c29cc2e5cd78966_I2371
User-Agent: Avaya one-X Deskphone AVAYA-SM- Avaya CM/R016x.00.1.510.1
Record-Route: <sip:5793d7f@;transport=tcp;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=tcp;lr;sap=315810451*1*016asm-callprocessing.sar1905633216~1304428214355~-1054885362~1>
Record-Route: <sip:5793d7f@;transport=tcp;lr>
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=tcp;lr>
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 215

1440 - SIP: Message buffer too small for REGISTER request for re-try with authentication

Ticket #63539. On some installations a change-of-nonce at server side may cause volatile "Registration down error" on client side.

1434 - TEL and PRI1-4 not contained in 'PPP connection port' dropdown menu on ip6010, ip3010 and ip1060

Ticket #63419. 'PPP connection port' dropdown should contain TEL and PRI1-4

1464 - Trap when starting from flash_stick

Ticket #63752. and flash memory not yet programmed with bootcode

1436 - V9 und V8 PPP port configuration geht nicht richtig auf ip6010

Ticket #63427. Da erscheint in V9 bei Auswahl von PPPOE das ISDN Menu, dafür ist bei <none> jetzt kein weiterführendes Menü sichtbar. Das sollte auch bei V8 so sein.

Bei V8 erscheint derzeit auch bei <none> das ISDN Menu, dafür ist bei V8 das PPPOE Menü korrekt vorhanden wenn man PPPOE0/1 als Schnittstelle auswählt.

1449 - Web-UI: PBX password length is limited to 15 chars

Ticket #63640. Added tooltip and fixed maxlength attribute on input elements.

V8 Hotfix 16

1562 - A Bootcode Update could disrupt the Media stream for some seconds

Ticket #64631. This was observed on phone devices with relatively slow flash memory when a bootcode update took place while a call was active.

1557 - A PBX user with "Full PBX Administration" Rights could not edit phone configuration

Ticket #64572. The configuration pages could be opened once but after changing an item the input was disabled

1637 - buffer overflow in fat32 method

Ticket #65344. The borders of a static buffer has been exceeded.

1650 - Gateway: Allow sending of Date/Time in Connect on ISDN interfaces

Ticket #65445. Was missing in the User Interface, so it could not be configured

1631 - Gateway: Configured signaling port got lost, when ediiting interface maps

Ticket #65303. The signaling port was reset to the standard port when saving interface mappings

1630 - Gateway: Not possible to enter wildcards ('.') in interface maps

Ticket #65280. wrong check for correct value

1649 - Gateway: Record URL at SIP interface was lost when Internal registration was configured

Ticket #65443. UI problem

1621 - H.323: Display call state in "Signaling Timeout" error log

Ticket #65194. To provide better indication about the nature of the problem

1609 - H.323: Don't forward G.729B capability if silience compreession not enabled

Ticket #65133. This solves quality issues some SIP provider have with G.729B.

1579 - ip800 trace telling wrong information about power source

Ticket #64826. PCBs since V300 cannot detect POE power and trace therefore told 'not powered'.

1542 - memory leak check missing for last parked call info

Ticket #64445. when a call is parked using the 'Park' function key info about the parked call is kept for later checks when the call is unparked again. the leak check for this info was missing.

1517 - Out Of Memory Trap when running VM without prompt files

Ticket #64243. When calling into a Voice Mail object without prompt files
memory objects are allocated at high rate without being freed.
Memory is freed at disconnect.
This may cause a OOM trap when call stays connected for a longer time.

1628 - PBX Broadcast: CFB configured at broadcast was always executed if "Execute member diversions"

Ticket #65261. If "Execute Member Diversions" was checked a call to Broadcast was also sent to CFB destination

1567 - PBX User Interface did not work with Groups containing XML reserved characters (&,<,>,...) or non-ascii

Ticket #64695. XML or URI encoding was missing in some paces. The browser could not display the page.
This happend when using the left PBX/Group tree for nvigation

1570 - PBX v5 SoftwarePhones licenes did not work on v9 or v8 PBX

Ticket #64709. An old v5 SoftwarePhone license installed on a v9 PBX did not work for v5 SoftwarePhones

1646 - PBX-SOAP: Trap if initiating multiple outgoing calls from a Waiting object at the same time

Ticket #65418. Some applications do this to deliver voice messages

1653 - PBX: Call-Intrusion could result in wrong name display

Ticket #65462. esspecially for silent intrusion

1573 - PBX:OEM Voicemail license did not work

Ticket #64769. collateral damage from supporting licenses from different versions on a PBX

1564 - phone: picking up a call failed sometimes

Ticket #64679. Sometimes pressing the partner, pickup or park key to pick up an alerting or parked call had no effect.

1565 - phone: prevent the pc port of the ethernet switch from receiving frames directly from the phone firmware

Ticket #64689. In some cases is not desired that frames sent by the phone firmware via the cpu port are recieved by the pc port. This may be prevented now by
config add ETH0 /isolate-pc

1510 - PPPOE: specific configuration not reachable from config web page

Ticket #64192. problem: PPPOE: specific configuration not reachable from config web page, so no new PPPOE can be configured (already present ones run though), also ISDN part always visible

solution: fixed

files: ip_pppif.xsl (now check for PPPOE0, PPPOE1 and PPPOE2 types)

products: all (gateways effected)

risks: none

1591 - Qsig: leg1Info sent with ALERT msg, instead of in FACILITY msg

Ticket #64948. Problem: Siemens ACWin got confused after upgrade v6->v7. Qsig mandates to send the leg1Information within a FACILITY message (while H.323 does also allow for an ALERT to carry the leg1).

Solution: Detect and treat this case accordingly within the relay/gateway.

Files: relay.cpp

Risk: none

1538 - ring-back tone missing in certain call fork cases

Ticket #64410. a SIG-PROGRESS indicating in-band-info received after SIG_ALERT stopped the ring-back tone and if no in-band-info is provided the user misses the ringback tone. Now the ringback tone is stopped and started again if there is no RTP data received within 500 milliseconds.

1620 - SIP-H323 calls with SRTP: No media after multiple Hold/Retrieve

Ticket #65185. After first Hold/Retrieve there was no SRTP, after the next Hold/Retrieve very often no media

1514 - SIP: Ignore History-Info URI not containing user part

Ticket #64211. Calls from Avaya PBX were indicated as diverted/redirected calls
since they have History-Info header.
But URI in History-Info header does not have userpart.
Ignore that.

1574 - SIP: Interworking of "Q.931 CALL PROCEEDING" into "183 Session Progress"

Ticket #64770. Required if only CALL PROCEEDING and no ALERTING is received.

1588 - SIP: Interworking of calls with Q.931 Bearer Capability "Unrestricted digital information" rejected

Ticket #64932. Calls with Q.931 Bearer Capability "Unrestricted digital information" were rejected.

1435 - SIP: Media negotiation problem during transfer to early media source

Ticket #63422. test\9.00\relay\early-media failed

1633 - SIP: New config file option /add-cn-capability

Ticket #65313. Required for mediation server (lync) interoperability.
Otherwise mediation server complains:
"The Gateway peer does not support comfort noise"

1526 - SIP: P-Asserted-Identity in UPDATE not working

Ticket #64289. PAI with changed remote party identification was not handled
if also Session-Expires header was present in UPDATE request.

1566 - SIP: Treat "Privacy:off" like "Privacy:none"

Ticket #64692. Treat "Privacy:off" like "Privacy:none" when receiving INVITE

1531 - supress "Send Number" for calls triggered by a 'Dial' function key with 'Send as Control Call' checked

Ticket #64365. When using a 'Dial' function key with 'Send as Control Call' checked to control a call recording device the unique original calling party number must be passed to the recorder. The 'Send Number' configured in the the PBX user object may be the same for a group of phones and does not identify a certain phone.

1554 - Timeout when calling Mobile endpoint which does not send alert

Ticket #64563. Some SIP carriers do not send correct alert but only something which can be translated to CALL-PROC. In this case the CALL-PROC was not forwarded to the caller and therefore the call timed out after 12s

1569 - TLS: Error on processing huge handshake messages

Ticket #64702. The current implementation does not work with handshake messages that are bigger than 8 kilobytes. Especially the CertificateRequest message that is used for MTLS can be bigger.

files: tls.cpp

1635 - Trap in rarely used OS function bufman::remove

Ticket #65338. could result in negative length of buffer

1533 - Trunk Park/Pickup (line keys) did not work anymore

Ticket #64373. Collateral damage from fix

fix: #61590: PBX: Boolean Function Key was not updated when joining group

1634 - UTF-8 Conversion Wrong Since HF15 On Little-Endian Machines (e.g. IP3010)

Ticket #65317. LDAP Replication produced wrong contents
Affects IP6010, 3010, 0010, 1060

V8 Hotfix 17 (09-80500.55)

1731 - DECT: Delete duplicate LDAP 'pbx' <gw> items

Ticket #66174. Now duplicate LDAP 'pbx' <gw> items are deleted by the DECT users module.

1670 - DECT: Trap during registration up handling

Ticket #65698. Trap in DECT Master fixed. It occurs if the master endpoint is in delete state and a RAS registration up event is received.

1703 - Gateway SIP Interfaces: Could not configure internal registration for a disabled interface

Ticket #65975. and if a interface was disabled afterwards, the config for the internal registration was lost

1584 - Incorrect rpcap timestamp after TRACE LOST messages

Ticket #64915. The RPCAP timestamp (Wireshark) after a TRACE LOST message was incorrect, as the TRACE LOST message contained an incorrect timestamp.

1721 - IP3010/6010: fax problems

Ticket #66110. * CED is not transfered
* Wrong T38 encoding in V8

1711 - ip6010 - frame loss on ethernet ports running in a VLAN

Ticket #66028. receiving of VLAN tagged frames did not work stable, when running ping -t over a longer time a frame loss from 5 to 10 percent was reported

1699 - ip6010 - same MAC address was assigned to ETH0 and ETH1

Ticket #65939. this results in problems when both interfaces are connected to the same LAN segment

1559 - IP6010, IP6000: Use optimized memcpy

Ticket #64587. Use of load/store multiple and shifts for 32 bit alignment speeds up memcpy by a factor of approx 2

Orginal memcpy
<info product="IP6010" mips="800Mips">
<memcpy bytes="1000000" time="2ms" speed="347.826Mbyte/s"/>
<read bytes="1000000" time="2ms" speed="347.826Mbyte/s"/>
<write bytes="1000000" time="2ms" speed="470.588Mbyte/s"/>
<stack_memcpy bytes="1000000" time="7ms" speed="133.333Mbyte/s"/>
<uncached_memcpy bytes="1000000" time="41ms" speed="24.169Mbyte/s"/>
<aes bytes="1000000" time="135ms" speed="7.373Mbyte/s"/>
<sha bytes="1000000" time="70ms" speed="14.260Mbyte/s"/>

Optimized memcpy:
<info product="IP6010" mips="800Mips">
<memcpy bytes="1000000" time="1ms" speed="888.888Mbyte/s"/>
<read bytes="1000000" time="2ms" speed="347.826Mbyte/s"/>
<write bytes="1000000" time="2ms" speed="421.052Mbyte/s"/>
<stack_memcpy bytes="1000000" time="7ms" speed="142.857Mbyte/s"/>
<uncached_memcpy bytes="1000000" time="15ms" speed="64.000Mbyte/s"/>
<aes bytes="1000000" time="138ms" speed="7.200Mbyte/s"/>
<sha bytes="1000000" time="70ms" speed="14.285Mbyte/s"/>

CPU load with the test test/9.00/box/dsp/ip6010 shows approx 1% lower CPU load.
Enet test test/9.00/box/enet/ip6010 shows 10638Kbyte/s transfer rate, compared to 9708Kbyte/s with the old memcpy.

With ECC enabled the CPU load was 19% / 21% without SRTP and 31% / 33% with SRTP
With ECC Enet test test/9.00/box/enet/ip6010 shows 10638Kbyte/s transfer rate10309

1742 - IP6010-CF: Kingston compact flash was not recognized

Ticket #66269. the card was not recognized because a register was wrongly initialized.

1733 - ISDN: New interop flag to forward network provided or checked cli only

Ticket #66183. Useful if the real calling number is needed and not a number provided by CLIP no screening

1658 - Kerberos: Do not allow registration of multiple databases for one realm name

Ticket #65589. This happened when a box hosted multiple PBXes with the same system name.

kerberos_kdc.h (v9 only)

1694 - Message Waiting Interrogation: Result message coding wrong

Ticket #65912. a malformed message was displayed in wireshark

1679 - MWI does not work in various Node/Pbx combination

Ticket #65750. MWI does not work in various Node/Pbx combination

1713 - PBX Broadcast: CFNR was executed only after No Response Timeout even if no member

Ticket #66032. If there is no member in the broadcast group, a CFNR configured at the Broadcast object should be executet immediatelly.

This was a collateral damage from hotfix

65261: PBX Broadcast: CFB configured at broadcast was always executed if "Execute member diversions"

1736 - PBX Trunk: Prefix was added to connected number even if no connected number present

Ticket #66213. The PBX then displayed just the Trunk prefix as remote number on the calls page when the call was connected.

1700 - PBX-SOAP: Don't provide caller number if CLIR was used on call to monitored endpoint

Ticket #65944. If this was an internal call, the PBX knows the calling number anyway, but it should not be sent on SOAP

1737 - PBX-SOAP: FindUser should not show hidden objects

Ticket #66216. Could be confusing

1702 - PBX-SOAP: UserDTMF did not send DTMF to Voicemail or Waiting Objects

Ticket #65958. It only sent DTMFs to a VOIP connection

1724 - PBX: Missing Group Indications when SIP phone is monitoring

Ticket #66148. If a SIP phone is monitored by another SIP phone,
there are GI's missing if the monitored SIP phone is calling.

1750 - phone: Hexadecimal values instead of descriptive texts were displayed for some rare disconnect causes

Ticket #66343. "0x57 - unknow cause" was displayed instead of "user not a CUG member". Mainly german descriptive texts were missing.

1716 - QSIG: Avaya expect Progress Indicator with external calls

Ticket #66074. Avaya uses the Progress indicator 'Interworking with a public network' to identify a call as external. This Progress Indicator is now added for calls from a Number NOT with private numbering plan (which is our way to identify internal calls)

1744 - SIP: Bug in SDP handling

Ticket #66274. If value of the session id and version in the o line are zero.

1690 - SIP: Fix for SDP answer to SDP offer with "a:inactive"

Ticket #65863. Interop with CUCM.
Should return RTP/AVP(inactive) if offer was RTP/AVP(inactive).
Not not RTP/SAVP(inactive).

1426 - SIP: Session refresh was taken as session modification

Ticket #63310. Local SRTP key was re-calculated after re-INVITE for session refreh was received.
Causes SRTP decode error at remote side.
CUCM scenario

1697 - SIP: Set CLIR if display string of From-URI contains "Anonymous"

Ticket #65925. Not only if userpart of From-URI contains "anonymous".

1704 - SIP: Trap when receicing provisional response with RSeq header

Ticket #65986. Trap when trying to send PRACK

1682 - Trap: When Dectmaster registers user at PBX using SIP protocol

Ticket #65798. Occurred on IPBL[4.1.22]

1651 - VM, Project script didn't run for endpoints having "Send Number" configured

Ticket #65456. VM, Project script didn't run for endpoints having "Send Number" configured

V8 Hotfix 18 (80500.57)

1786 - DHCP-client monitors ethernet link down/up events and revalidates current lease after link up

Ticket #67006. This prevents problems when a device is hot plugged to another network.
Further this helps to overcvome a problem with certain cable modems.

1771 - Gateway: Trap in case of collision of hold and clearing from remote

Ticket #66642. This could happen on gateways with analog interfaces if the R-Key was pressed right when the other side hung up

1776 - H.323 Coding error, when forwarding tunneled SDP in some cases

Ticket #66727. This could happen if during call setup a media negotiation happened on a call with a SIP and a H.323 leg.

This happened for example if a call was received from a SIP Trunk to a Quickdial object in the PBX. The outgoing call from Quickdial could fail because of this.

1772 - H.323 potential trap if AlertingNumber is received

Ticket #66710. is no problem with existing equipment, because we don't know of any sending an AkertingNumber. Could become an problem if we do this sometimes in the future

1767 - PBX CF Filter for external calls did not work as expected in case of chained CFs

Ticket #66599. A filter for external calls did not match if the external call was forwarded already by an internal user

1798 - possible noise in PRI connections with ip6010 ip3010 ip1060

Ticket #67302. some few gateways may produce noise when using the PRI ports. This can be fixed with a new CPLD code contained in future firmware.

1777 - Release not forwarded in quick dial object

Ticket #66728. If the called party released the call, the remote party didn't get the release.

1778 - SIP: Always add payload type 13 (CN) to SDP

Ticket #66735. Config file option /add-cn-capability is obsolete and replaced by /rem-cn-capability now.

1757 - SOAP, Send leg2Info.originalCalled Info

Ticket #66422. As CallInfo.No with type="leg2orig"

1755 - X.509: Add key usage to certificate requests

Ticket #66413. The Microsoft CA (standard) does not write the key usage into the certificate if it is not specified in the request.

V8 Hotfix 19 (80500.58)

1812 - DECT: IP6000/IP6010/... default config Master mode off

Ticket #67479. Now the Dect Master is in mode off by default for the IP6000/IP6010/...

1903 - DTMF user configuration with invalid checkbox check for presence setting

Ticket #68383. The check of the checkmark of the presence setting was wrong.

1887 - Gerneral/Admin page was broken if too many authentication servers were configured

Ticket #68231. The number of authentication servers is now restricted to 10.

1847 - H.323 Malformed packet

Ticket #67803. The ASN.1 encoder had a bug under one special condition: For a constrained character string with a maximum length of more or equal to 16bits, with an effective length of zero, the padding for octett alignment was missing for the zero length bitfield containing the string.

In H.323 this only happens for the CallIdentity used for H.450 call transfer message in case of blind transfer without consultation.

This fix breaks compatibility with earlier versions, for this reason this fix is available for version 9,8,7 and 6.

If phones and PBX with versions containing and not containing this fix are mixed the following problems will occur:
- A blind transfer without consultation (initiated with the redial key) is not possible
- A call which was transfered without consultation is not displayed at the transfered-to phone as transfered

1846 - H.323: A name_id of length 0 resulted in invalid H.450 coding

Ticket #67796. An empty name identification received was forwarded in H.323 as invalid H.450. Such a name is now forwarded as 'name not available'.

1900 - IP-DECT: Adding OEM radios to Kerberos realm did not work with passwords containing special characters

Ticket #68377. The password was not URL-decoded when reading it from the UI.

1823 - ip200a/230/240: handset conversations can be monitored in a directly connected headset

Ticket #67666. This feature is required for a special application and is supported only for ip200a/230/240 phones with a directly connected headset (non DHSG).
It is enabled via
config add INCA_DSP /handset-spy <volume>
whith <volume> in the range from 1..8

1797 - IPxx10: error handling in sata driver

Ticket #67229. Old cards are producing DMA errors that were not handled properly. Try again read/write operation after error recovery.

1911 - License: Be safe against factory reset during license invalidation

Ticket #68447. If factory reset is done before license invalidation procedure is complete,
will keep you from completing the license invalidation.
Now the procedure can be completed even after factory reset.

1834 - PBX Trunk: Problem with Forking to trunk if multiple GWs are registered to Trunk

Ticket #67720. If one of the gateways rejected the call (no channel, not connected, ...), the original call from which was forked was disconnected

1828 - PBX: Don't forward original diverting_leg2 info if divertion is executed

Ticket #67686. The leg2 information which is generated when executing an diversion already contains theoriginal called number from previous diversions, so the old leg2 info is not needed anymore. In fact it is harmfull if the call is received by an application only looking at the first leg2 info (e.g. Voxtron)

1871 - PBX: End of call intrusion was not signaled to the phone

Ticket #68007. The call intrusion tone was generated even if the intrusion was terminated

1829 - PBX: License accounting in centralized licensing scenario wrong if master not available

Ticket #67698. When the master is available the slave stores the licenses from the master including the usage. This stored usage included the licenses used by the slave itself, so if after a reset the master was not available the local usage just added to this.

Now from the stored usage the local usage is subtracted.

1867 - PBX: Master/Slave compatibility problem with version 9 and version 8 and non-ascii characters in PBX name

Ticket #67956. In version 8 only latin1 characters were allowed, which means in unicode the high byte was always 0. So it could be ignored and when sending location information between master and slave sometimes the high byte contained 0xff.

In version 9 this non-ascii location information was not correct unicode at all.

The problem happened only if non-ascii characters were used when naming a PBX.

1919 - phone: DHSG headset not reset to idle after a hookswitch signal in idle state

Ticket #68567. most DHSG headsets generate a hookswich signal and enter voice mode when taken out of basestation. This hookswitch signal was simply ignored.
Now the voice mode is cleared after one second if there is no other DHSG event before.

1891 - phone: intrusion call started in handset mode is not terminated when going on hook when TAPI or operator run on PBX

Ticket #68249. With TAPI or operator running on the PBX the the signaling of a busy condition is changed such that a disconnect instead of a release is sent. The disconnect was not handled correctly, the hookswitch state was lost and the next on-hook signal was ignored. TThus teh call could be terminated with the disc-key only.

1878 - phone_inca: "ETH0/Isolate PC Link" checkmark could not be cleared via WEB UI once set

Ticket #68098. Only a WEB UI problem, a "config rem ETH0 /isolate-pc" did help.

1861 - SIP: DNS problem when SRV response provides no additional records

Ticket #67907. If 2-step resolving is required (SRV and A) the service port
of the SRV response got lost and default SI Pport 5060 was used.

1841 - SIP: Fix for early media from Waitng Queue

Ticket #67775. PROGRESS after ALERT was not handled by SIP stack.
Now 183 Session Progress with SDP is send after 180 Ringing w/o SDP.

1884 - SIP: Interoperability with LinkSys SPA3102

Ticket #68174. LinkSys SPA3102 gives "g729a" as RTP payload type mapping:

o=- 510843041 510843041 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 16404 RTP/AVP 18 100 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729a/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no

Needs to be handled.

1820 - SIP: Interoperability with Lync and media-bypass

Ticket #67645. Ack contained wrong To-Tag when calling a lync client in media-bypass scenario.
Results into call drop after 30 seconds.

1862 - SIP: Trap when configuring STUN server on a SIP/TCP or SIP/TLS interface

Ticket #67923. STUN is for SIP/UDP only.

1817 - SIP: Uninitialized data in SDP offer/answer

Ticket #67617. Applies to G.726 exclusive calls only.

1848 - SIP: Unwanted media-relay sessions when using forking/broadcast/multi-reg

Ticket #67819. If in incoming SIP was routed to multiple destinations
the final session could be media-relay although not configured.

1815 - VM: Trap while processing self-forwarded call

Ticket #67570. VM: Trap while processing self-forwarded call

1910 - X509: Fix for reading innovaphone info from flash

Ticket #68435. Parsing the innovaphone info text was incorrect

V8 Hotfix 20 (80500.59)

1997 - Allow multiple HTTP IP address filters (allowed stations)

Ticket #69645. synced from V9

1882 - Gateway: Allow configuration of username and password for ENUM/SIP interfaces

Ticket #68147. For rare where remote destination server asks for authentication.
(And all remote destination servers ask for same auth or remote destination server s always the same.)

1936 - H.450: Bad encoding of DivertingLegInformation4 arguments

Ticket #68868. DivertingLegInformation4 content coding was wrong.
Wireshark displayed it as malformed.

This fix causes interoperability problem with phones with older (non-fixed) firmware versions!
Phones also require an updated firmware if PBX is updated.

1979 - IP-DECT: New radio BMC firmware PCS05Ak

Ticket #69468. The new radio BMC firmware PCS05Ak for the IP1200 fixes a trap by the DECT system if more than 255 DECT users without an endpoint subscription are sent to it.

2002 - IP6010: RSTP did not work

Ticket #69731. When connecting ETH0 in RSTP mode to an HP Pro Curve switch the switch changed the port state to blocked after negotiation phase

2013 - IP6010: SRTP using AES-192 and AES-256 did not work

Ticket #69828. Due to a bug in the encryption driver of the IP6010, only AES-128 worked on this platform.

1996 - IPxx10-sata: trap after config /trace /track activation

Ticket #69642. Instruccion was accessing uninitialized pointer.

1957 - ISDN interop issue with SecuGATE LI 30 from Sirrix

Ticket #69168. The SecuGATE LI30 is sending/receiving ISDN INFO messages in Call Proceeding State (State 3 and state 9), which was not supported

1934 - Kerberos: Protect against ping pong attacks

Ticket #68822. Do not answer with an error message to unexpected or malformed messages.

This protects against the "Kerberos Server Spoofed Packet Amplification DoS" attack. The attack causes two Kerberos servers to send each other error messages in a ping pong style.

1987 - PBX Waiting: No ringback when doing two-stage dialing to a Gateway/Trunk object

Ticket #69531. A local ringback is now switched on, when receiving ALERT from called party

1984 - PBX: Filter for internal or external calls at CFs did not work CFB or CFNR if call already diverted

Ticket #69483. Problem:

User A has CFU to User B
User B has CFNR for ext. Calls only to User C

An internal call to A was diverted to B (ok) and after no response diverted to C (nok)

1965 - PBX: Phone config was not sent to phone, if phone was power cycled shorty after registration

Ticket #69280. The new registration after the power cycle was not detected as new registration but as re-transmission of the previous registration, so it was not reported to the PBX and no phone config was sent

1982 - PBX: Reject calls without media, if no known facility

Ticket #69477. Fixes compatibility issues between versions. For example presence subscription sessions from v8 phones being forwarded to voicemail

1992 - phone: assume an outbound call to be an external call if connected number info is missing in connect event

Ticket #69581. In certain ISDN configurations the PBX can not provide the connected number info in the connect event for an outbound call. In this case the the call was assumed to be an internal call and consequently was not recorded when transparent recording of external calls was configured.
Now an external call is assumed in this case.

1929 - Phone: Changing config option /sip-hold does not call for reset

Ticket #68691. Reset is required and 'reset required" must be displayed.

1995 - phone: VLAN signaling priority could not be configured via phone menu

Ticket #69633. Under "Menu/Administration/IP Settings/VLAN" there was only a "VLAN Priority" menu item. This menu item did override the 'Priority RTP Data' value but not the 'Priority Signaling' value as entered via WEB configuration.
Now the items "Prio. RTP Data" and "Prio. Signaling" replace the "VLAN Priority" item.

1935 - Potential Trap because of recursive loop, if "incomplete" deastination used at a Node to invalid name/number

Ticket #68862. Check for loop implemented (merge from v10, v9)

1920 - SIP/TCP: Transport error when connection is closed by client

Ticket #68578. If transaction client closes connection before final response has been sent,
the server tries to open a new connection toward ephemeral port of closed connection.

1921 - SIP: Fix for Dialog-Info notification

Ticket #68581. Send an empty dialig-info XML after inbound subscription.
Required for interop with Grandstream GXP2010.

1966 - SIP: NOTIFY sent after 302 moved temporarily

Ticket #69282. After processing "302 moved temporarily" on an outbound call a NOTIFY (sipfrag) was sent.

1928 - SIP: Problem decoding INFO(application/dtmf-relay)

Ticket #68667. DTMF digit was not decoded from message body if whitespace between EQUAL and DIGIT.
E.g. Signal= 5

2009 - SIP: Trap when handling NOTIFY(application/qsig)

Ticket #69771. Traps if no progress indicator present in tunneled DISCONNECT message.

V8 Hotfix 21 (80500.60)

2047 - Gateway: Forward Display Info received from ISDN Setup to H.323

Ticket #70562. needed for compatibility with SecuGATE LI30

2115 - phone: display info provided by SETUP or CONNECT was ignored

Ticket #71727. only the display info provided by an INFO event was handled

2071 - phone: LED mode of Join Group function key can be set both for idle and for active state

Ticket #71247. sometimes the "not in group" state must be signaled as the exception

2114 - phone: Mic Off/On controllable via Soap:UserRc(<call>,14/15)

Ticket #71721. To allow Soap app's control of the mute key

2082 - phone: send config to PBX only when the config was edited on phone

Ticket #71387. A config from an older PBX may contain duplicate elements which are stripped by the phone. I such a stripped config is sent back to the PBX the PBX will return the old config again.

2084 - SIP: Interop with Nortel CS1000 SIPLine GW

Ticket #71426. Nortel sends 183/Progress with 'sendrecv' answer
followed by UPDATE with 'inactive' offer
followed by UPDATE with 'sendrecv' offer.

Innovaphone SIP stack remains in 'inactive' state.

2095 - SIP: Interoperability with MX-ONE

Ticket #71480. A semi-attended transfer fails if MX-ONE sends INVITE(Replaces)
instead of 200/OK when connecting a call.

2077 - SIP: No media after accepting a waiting call

Ticket #71288. Call waiting on a phone.
Going onhock while another call is waiting starts ringer.
After going offhook again the waiting call is accepted, but no media in both directions.

2064 - SIP: No route processing if neither Record-Route header nor Contact header is present

Ticket #70971. Misleading trace message:
sip_call::process_routing(0xA8) Unsupported transport protocol:;user=phone

2046 - SIP: Reject unsupported method types with "SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed"

Ticket #70526. Not ignoring them.

PING sip:tel3@PBX0 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK937906956;rport
From: <sip:tel3@PBX0>;tag=3520474
To: <sip:tel3@PBX0>
Call-ID: 193626070
CSeq: 20 PING
Contact: <sip:tel3@>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0

SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK937906956;rport
From: <sip:tel3@PBX0>;tag=3520474
To: <sip:tel3@PBX0>
Call-ID: 193626070
CSeq: 20 PING
Content-Length: 0

2111 - SIP: Trap on timer expiration during call release

Ticket #71699. Media negotiation watchdog timer expired after final SIG_REL went to app.
But before app deleted the call object.

2054 - Trap: When Dectmaster registers user at PBX using SIP protocol

Ticket #70675. After closing regstration Dectmaster starts another call.
Call is rejected, but signaling enity is deleted before call object.

2019 - VM, email attachments weren't sent for https URLs

Ticket #69965. i.e. voicemail wave attachments

2070 - when editing a phone config template the dialing location inherited from a predecessor template was stored in the edited templat

Ticket #71246. after a template has been edited unchanged information units inherited from predecessor templates must be removed from the edited template. this did not work for the dialing location and thus a later change in a predecessor template had no effect.

V8 Hotfix 22 (80500.61)

2132 - Debug information on assertion

Ticket #71961. More debug information on default event handler.

2152 - PBX SOAP: Called Number presentation not correct for calls to 'local' objects

Ticket #72396. If an object is marked as local, the PBX prefix should not be included in the called number.

This is a fix, which is merged from v9 and higher back into v8

2184 - PBX: Called Name displayed when calling an object with forking was wrong

Ticket #72735. The name of the forking destination was displayed instead of the name of the called object

2222 - PBX: Forward original received ISDN display element to picking up or forwarded call

Ticket #73278. In the display element from ISDN there could be vital information from equipment like crypto gateways. This should be available also if the call was picked or forwarded.

2186 - PBX: No Audio if call thru Waiting Queue DTMF destination, was transfered to BC-Conf

Ticket #72746. Problem caused by call state management error in PBX for calls connected without alert if alert was received later

2143 - Scheduling improved to avoid processes not being scheduled during long flashman operations

Ticket #72243. In version 7 it could happen, that IP and other processes were not scheduled any more during periods of long flashman operations (e.g. bootcode update or reorganizing flash).

In version 8 and higher there was already a fix for this problem, but this included special handling of the flashman priority level, which was not a good solution even if it worked.

2148 - SIP: Cleanup failed (resources leaking)

Ticket #72284. Call and channel objects were not freed sometimes
when INVITE was followed by CANCEL very fast.

2159 - SIP: Get display information from Call-Info header in register response

Ticket #72448. Get display information from Call-Info header in 200/OK

2197 - SIP: Memory leak during transfer

Ticket #73003. Occured on internal testing only (002-conf-with-bcast.xml)

2140 - SIP: Trap on IP-DECT when re-configuring PBX link

Ticket #72190. 85:2195:425:7 - REG_PRI.4 default(8102be48): serial_timeout
85:2195:425:7 - Assertion failed line 748 in common/os/os.cpp, object deleted

2138 - TCP: Roundtrip measurement wrong in case of packet loss

Ticket #71985. In case of packet loss, way to high round trip values were measured. If the packet-loss was to high, this could result in a constantly increasing re-transmission timeout value.

2182 - Trap: When Dectmaster registers user at PBX using SIP protocol

Ticket #72729. When Dectmaster registers user at PBX using SIP protocol

2180 - update - scfg command could hang when the HTTP session was broken or prematurely closed by the server

Ticket #72708. in consequence update script processing was stopped until reboot

V8 Hotfix 23 (80500.62)

2405 - AD Replication failed on objects without cn-attribute

Ticket #76473. AD Replication failed on objects without cn-attribute

2396 - Gateway: Conference interface, no voice

Ticket #76419. The ADSP firmware is changed to version 122. This fixes a bug in the conference interface of IP6000/IP6010/... which results in conference calls without voice in one direction for a single member.

2298 - IP6000 crypto driver: Trap when buffers are depleted

Ticket #74935. Avoid the trap and log an Event when the buffers are depleted.

2246 - ISDN Trunk: Transfer to ISDN Trunk with TONE interface failed

Ticket #73695. There was not media after the transfer

2271 - ISDN: Send HLC with mobility calls

Ticket #74296. Some ISDN networks refuse the forwarding of a call to a mobile network if no HLC (High Layer Compatibility) Information Element indicating Telephony is included in the call.

2341 - PBX-SOAP: UserHold without MOH to local User

Ticket #75577. UserHold was sending MOH to the local and the remote User. With the argument remote=true, the MOH is sent to the remote user only

2275 - PBX: CF at Gateway Type objects - additional dialed digits should be added to the destination

Ticket #74348. This way a CFNR at a trunk object can be used to reroute the call to another trunk.

2252 - SIP: Handling of collision of transfer and release

Ticket #73936. If one end releases a call while the other initiates an attended transfer, a "ghost call" may remain.
Resource leak.

2259 - SIP: Handling of P-Alias header was wrong

Ticket #74061. Interop of v8/v7 clients with v9 PBX:
New alias type "2" in P-Alias was taken as numeric.

2376 - SIP: Memory leak in SIP stack

Ticket #76059. If group indications are configured for a user
and SIP phone registers at user object
without subscribing for "dialog-info"
box memory can be exhausted with sip_gpi_ctx objects.

2319 - SIP: Send "305 Use Proxy" if INVITE is received from unexpected source

Ticket #75380. Applies to registered interfaces only (e.g. phones).

2250 - SIP: Using wrong remote port when registering

Ticket #73784. Only affects IP-DECT when handset is switched OFF and ON and if the SIP runs on non-standard port.

2330 - TLS: Duplicate alert message on malformed ClientHelloV2

Ticket #75509. Only one alert should be sent per session.

2303 - TLS: Flow control for incoming data

Ticket #75004. The TLS socket has to wait for the application to process incoming data before sending the next RECV.

2331 - TLS: Improved negotiation of protocol version

Ticket #75510. TLS server unnecessarily rejected ClientHello messages with TLS 1.1 and higher. Instead of rejecting it should tell the client that it wants to use TLS 1.0.

2332 - TLS: Skip empty records

Ticket #75511. TLS record layer should ignore records with zero length without doing anything.

2310 - VM: <pbx-upd-obj type="cfu"..> without effect when invoked multiple times

Ticket #75121. Statement <pbx-upd-obj type="cfu"..> failed to work properly after being used for diversion manipulation multiple times within a single script session.

V8 Hotfix 24 (80500.63)

2397 - Avoid Snmp decode error trace outputs

Ticket #76435. Avoid Snmp decode error trace outputs when receiving requests > SNMPv1

2438 - Edss1 Interworking: divertingLegInformation2 didn't contain redirectingNumber

Ticket #77003. Edss1 Interworking: divertingLegInformation2 didn't contain redirectingNumber

2436 - PBX-SOAP: Call initiated by SOAP for softwarephone or IP-DECT was sent as transfered call

Ticket #76962. The result was that call diversions or busy on ... calls settings were ignored

2482 - RTP: Potential random trap when closing channels

Ticket #77918. Happens if there is a collision with a received packet and closing of the channel. Window for this is very small, so it should happen very rarely. Probability can increase with high load.

V8 Hotfix 25 (80500.65)

2499 - Gateway: Trap when interworking Call Completion

Ticket #78228. Trap when interworking Call Completion.

LOG CALL 6 A:Call -> / PRI2::->*::
R_CALL free error c18a59b8

2473 - HTTP-Client: MD5-sess authentication

Ticket #77773. HTTP Digest Authentication with alogrithm=MD5-sess.
Choose the first supported "WWW-Authenticate" line from 401 response headers.

Needed for new versions of IIS.

2519 - IP6000: Traps in DSP driver under high load

Ticket #78591. under high load timing may change. Checks in driver relaxed to take this into account.

2580 - IP6010/3010/1060/0010: RSTP not working

Ticket #79251. RSTP packets were sent to but not received from switch port

2476 - ip6010/3010/1060: Ethernet receive packet sometimes delayed

Ticket #77781. Sometimes the rx descriptor are processed with the next tx event.
Now the rx queue is processed completely in on interrupt.

2474 - ip6010/3010/1060: Ethernet transmit packet length is sometimes wrong

Ticket #77774. Sometimes old content of the tx dma descriptor was used by the ethernet MAC.
Now the memory write buffers are drained before enabling the tx dma.

2065 - IP6010: Wrong timer under high load

Ticket #71001. -Clear IRQ in handle-interrupt after os_interrupt is too late, since IRQ´s a enabled again and e.g. the timer irq is called again if a lower level IRQ like the enet occurs.
-The IRQ needs to be cleared in the serial-irq handler, in all case. After the serial-irq other interrupts are enabled.

2514 - SIP: Be save against sudden death of SIP caller

Ticket #78460. Lifetime of an INVITE trasnaction is not limited by any timeout
after provisional response has been send/received.
Sudden death of a caller make calls hang forever.
Now overall lifetime of an INVITE server transaction is limited to 3 minutes.
After expiration fimnal reject response is sent and call is released.

2545 - SIP: Wrong number of waiting messages (MWI)

Ticket #78890. MWI: Number of voice messages not decoded from incoming NOTIFY(application/simple-message-summary).
Was either 1 or 0.

2507 - TLS flow control damaged in versions 7 and 8

Ticket #78377. The following fix was not good:
#75004: TLS: Flow control for incoming data

Therefore TLS did not work correctly in the following releases:
v7hotfix35 and v7hotfix36
v8hotfix23 and v8hotfix24

No problem in version 9.

V8 Hotfix 26 (8079900)

2625 - IP1060 IP3010 IP6000 IP6010: DSP packet debug didnt show some packets, version endian ,and dsp-trace port was wrong

Ticket #79754. cleanup

3102 - PBX Waiting: DTMF overlap dialing or blind transfer to same Waiting object was rejected with busy

Ticket #87681. Even if this was caused by a CFB or CFU on the dialed destination

3100 - PBX Waiting: Missing ringback on call forward after announcement

Ticket #87674. This was a collateral damage of

fix: #81370: PBX Waiting: Call state shows "Disconnecting" after switch from announcement 1 to announcement 2

2669 - Phones: Switch for phoneapp to disable auto-answer

Ticket #80233. Disable/enable auto-answer support on phoneapp level.

V8 Hotfix 28 (80804)

2806 - Debug "HTTP_GET LOG_HTTP.1: retry, authentication failed" removed

Ticket #82499.

2770 - Debug information on assertion

Ticket #81973. More debug information on default event handler.

2790 - Gateway CDR with '0. 0' charge amount

Ticket #82359. Should be '0.00' instead

2793 - H.323:No Media for calls with reverse media to a H.323/SIP exclusive Code Media Relay interface

Ticket #82408. The execlusive coder/media relay config is used to avoid media negotiation problems with carrier which do not support media renegotiations. In case of a call with reverse media to such an interface, this did not work. This happens for example if a CFNR is configured at a Waiting Queue which redirects a call, which received an announcement from the Queue to such interface.

2774 - HTTP-Server: Configuration of "Public compact flash access" did not work for all cases

Ticket #82064. E.g. /DRIVE/CF0/Neuer Ordner/ does not work, because HTTP request contains escaped sequences.

2813 - SIP: SRTP key exchange failed

Ticket #82616. Bug in base64 decoding of SRTP key.

2808 - SIP: Trap during call handling

Ticket #82544. Trap during call handling

V8 Hotfix 29 (80807)

2805 - failure of analog ports of ip28

Ticket #82488. ip28 analogue ports do not react to incoming calls and hook-off. Problem could only be solved by reset.

2898 - phone: when scrolling directory search results sometimes one of the numbers of a contact was not displayed

Ticket #84362. the tag characters assigned to the different numbers were not included in sort order.

2918 - SIP: Trap during channel handling

Ticket #84800. Rare trap when re-assigning channels.

V8 Hotfix 30 (80811)

2999 - AD Replication: Configuration Buffer Increased

Ticket #86211. Was too small for many maps

V8 Hotfix 31 (80815 )

3137 - (clone of #80623) SIP: Calls may remain in clearing state

Ticket #88134. SIP calls may remains undeleted.

3034 - Gateway: #11 could not be dialed on analog interfaces with feature codes enabled

Ticket #86819. This is a featiure code used on DECT systems and it was not disabled on analog interfaces

3038 - PBX: Trap if a Hold was attempted for a call without media

Ticket #86874. Could be caused by a misbehaving application or voip device

V8 Hotfix 32 (80816.00)

3494 - PBX: Potential trap when receiving unknown presence activity

Ticket #98043. In the respective version unknown activities are mapped to "busy"

V8 Hotfix 33 (80819.00)

3516 - SIP: Do not add payload type 13 to media description for fax

Ticket #98757. Add payload type 13 only to media description for audio

3514 - SIP: SDP version not increased when answering an offer where only media-mode has changed

Ticket #98739. If remote side changes from 'sendrecv' to 'inactive'
the SDP answer follows this change of media-mode,
but SDP version was not increased.

3501 - SIP: Wrong encoding of proprietary response header

Ticket #98235. 200/OK for REGISTER delivers endpoint's alias list.
Encoded in proprietary response header "P-Alias".
Encoding specifier was wrong.

P-Alias: 2,17,uranus%2Ck%FCmmel
Must be:
P-Alias: 1,17,uranus%2Ck%FCmmel

V8 Hotfix 34 (80820)

3593 - I6000 IP2000 Allow changing SRTP key while data is queued for encryption

Ticket #100549. Bug in the crypto crypto driver. When the SRTP key is changed while a packet is being encrypted the SRTP socket hung up.

3604 - NTP-Server: use destination address from client request as source address in response to client

Ticket #100940. a response to a client request received via ETH1 was sent with the ETH0 address as source address when routed through default gateway on ETH0.
a response with a source address not matching the adressed server is discarded on client side.

V8 Hotfix 35 (80821)

3622 - PBX: Boot-Loop when replicating objects with wrong password

Ticket #101879. When a replication was configured, replicating all objects from a different PBX, with different PBX password then configured already on the box, the box entered a boot loop, which only could be stopped with a long reset.

V8 Hotfix 36 (80822)

2117 - IP230/IP240: Sporadic traps during manufacturing programming

Ticket #71778. Inefficient loop during mac address programming

V8 Hotfix 37 (80857)

4069 - phone: In Recording Mode 'transparent' or'optional' a 2nd call started by a dialing application could terminate the 1st call

Ticket #114789. This happened when a 2nd call was started by a dialing application and then terminated again while the call was in alerting state.

2284 - Phones: Only one diverting party displayed on incoming calls

Ticket #74406. Only original called party displayed, not the last diverting party.
Phones with non-color display only (IP240,IP230,IP200,IP11,IP150)

V8 Hotfix 38 (80866)

4061 - phone: In Recording Mode 'transparent' or'optional' internal calls were recorded although 'External Calls Only' was checked

Ticket #114516. happened only to outbound calls initiated by some dialing application.
outbound calls initiated directly at the phone and inbound calls were recorded correctly.

V8 Hotfix 39 (80868)

4152 - Kerberos: Admin UI trap when having too many Kerberos hosts

Ticket #116957. The problem occured if many Kerberos hosts (~1000) were registered on the server. In this case the box trapped due to an XML encoding problem when opening the page General/Kerberos or PBX/Config/Security.

Was already fixed in v10 and v9hotfix18.

V8 Hotfix 40 (80869)

4345 - FXS: Trap on very rare race collision of retrieve with call release

Ticket #122980. If a retrieve happens at the same time as a call release of the held call, a trap could happen. The propabilty of this to happen was very low.

V8 Hotfix 41 (80871)

3839 - wrong activation of non-existent spread-spectrum clock

Ticket #108014. happens for all non-ip28 (ip22/24/302/305) gateways if hardware build >= 402, causes the gateways to stall due lack of clocking

V8 Hotfix 42 (80872)

4644 - Incomplete HTTP responses from HTTP server in certain circumstances

Ticket #138895. It might have happened, that the HTTP server closed the underlying TCP connection before all data could be sent.

4801 - IP-DECT: Master trap

Ticket #143206. There is a Master trap because of an uninitialized variable within a facility call. This is fixed now.

4649 - SIP: Switch from Media-Relay to No-Media-Relay when handling INVITE with Replaces

Ticket #139046. Switch from Media-Relay to No-Media-Relay when handling INVITE with Replaces.
May result into no media after INVITE with Replaces.

V8 Hotfix 43 (81020)

4023 - SHA-2 hash algorithms

Ticket #113239. Port the hash algorithm to our platform.

4029 - Support for SHA2 certificates

Ticket #113352. * encoding and decoding
* verification
* create such certificates on boxes (except sha224)

Signature algorithms:
* sha224WithRSAEncryption { pkcs-1 14 }
* sha256WithRSAEncryption { pkcs-1 11 }
* sha384WithRSAEncryption { pkcs-1 12 }
* sha512WithRSAEncryption { pkcs-1 13 }

V8 Hotfix 44 (81021)

8618 - Fax: Wrong decoding of T.38 error recovery IFP packet

The T.38 error recovery IFP packet is wrongly decoded. It can occur if a T.38 UDP frame is lost or swapped and can result in aborted fax connections. This is fixed now.

V8- End of life