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A typical requirement even for small CC is to give a priority to a waiting queue, means handle calls of the second WQ just in certain situations, for example if in the own queue there are no calls or if in the second one are too many calls.
This article describes just the iQM Agent client setup and functions regarding the 2nd WQ. The general information’s how the 2nd WQ works can be found following the reference article, see related Articles.
This feature allows an Agent to supervise calls in two waiting queues, the “own” one and a second one. For both, the “own” and the 2nd WQ, con be displayed the numbers of the caller and pick up calls (manual priority).
iQM can also handle automatic priority in function of the number of calls in both queues.
Technically we can say that one  single iQM can control in one session two waiting queues of the innovaphone PBX.

==Applies To==
==Applies To==
This information applies to:
This information applies to:

innovaphone PBX version 9
innovaphone PBX version 11

innovaphone Queuemonitor 1.50
innovaphone Queuemonitor Build 80128
innovaphone Queuemonitor client 1.50

innovaphone Queuemonitor Build 80128

<!-- Keywords: iQM,queue monitor,monitor,queue,PBX-Queue,call center,contact center,waiting queue,agent,wrap-up,wrap up,wrapup,innovaphone queue monitor,queuemonitor,queue-monitor,queue_monitor,Queue Monitor-->
<!-- Keywords: iQM,queue monitor,monitor,queue,PBX-Queue,call center,contact center,waiting queue,agent,wrap-up,wrap up,wrapup,innovaphone queue monitor,queuemonitor,queue-monitor,queue_monitor,Queue Monitor-->

==More Information==
==More Information==
The innovaphone PBX can handle calls in waiting queues in a powerful mode; even overflow groups (secondary groups) are supported. All those “native” features can be combined with the iQM features in handling two WQ.

But what is exactly the difference between this feature and an overflow or a call forward on busy or similar? What happen if more WQ are pointing on one agent or the same group of agents?
This is a typical view of an incoming call if just one WQ is in the Sytem:

To understand this you have to consider that the Waiting Queues are, like almost all objects in the PBX, basically single independent objects in the PBX. This is a great advantage and allows enormous flexibility, but got also some limitation in some special cases.  

If for example you have two waiting queues pointing to the same agent or group one WQ has no awareness of the second one. If the agent put down the receiver and becomes free it is not predictable from which Queue he will get the next call. So which of the two waiting queues will “win” and put the call to the agent is simply random. The same principle happens if there are calls in the waiting queue, but also calls from an overflow group. So there is no priority and the agent will get “some” call. Basically not a problem, in this way he will get calls in a random way, serving randomly all, nice.
A details description of the picture can be found here [[Reference9:IQM_Agent_Help_English]]

But customers often want another behavior: an agent should serve “his” WQ with priority and only in special situations get calls from an “other” WQ.

Let’s for example assume that the customer has two WQ, one for “Sales” department and one for the “Support” team. Each WQ has his own messages and also a single iQM working on his own agents. The following picture shows this standard situation:
while this is a snapshot of a established connection where the call came from the 2nd WQ.


Observe that even for the 2nd WQ there is a call indicator and shown how many calls are waiting in the 2nd WQ.

The Call directed to Sales will go to the Sales WQ which will proceed the call. The IQM Server Sales track the call and at the end of the story the Agents of the Sales queue will serve, hopefully well, the customer. Same thing for calls to the support, the two things are completely independent.
There are also 2 avatar, the first “Finance” shows the group status of the “own” WQ while the 2nd one “Support” shows the status of the 2nd WQ. In the picture both are grey because there is a wrap-up time defined and after answering the call the agent is logged out form both queues. At the end of the call no new call will be forwarded until the wrap up time is not expired.  

But if Sales Agents (one or more) should serve also calls from support (and/or vice versa), the relative iQM server must “look” also in the “other” waiting queue.
===Manual member ship===

Means the iQM server Sales has to control his WQ Sales and simultaneously control also the calls in the Support WQ. And the iQM server Support has to control his WQ Support and control the calls in the Sales WQ.
A agent can log manually in and out from his group clicking on the Avatar. The 2nd WQ normally works in an automatic mode and the membership is driven by the logic of the iQM agent client. The orange stack symbol near the avatar of the 2nd WQ shows that the 2nd WQ is working in an automatic mode. A click on the stack will switch to manual mode and the colour of the stack will be grey. Now also the membership to the 2nd WQ can be switched manually.  
Complicate? Wait the next picture, will be worst.

In the following picture we show what the customer wants in the example; the Agent 101 Sales should also serve calls from the WQ Support while the Agent 200 Support should answer calls from the Sales WQ. To do this both iQM server has to look in the proper an also in the “other” WQ:
Note: Of cause also in automatic mode the membership can be switched, but when the agent applications update the call information, the manual set is immediately overwritten.

===Automatic member ===

The membership to the 2nd WQ in automatic mode can be defined in the setup of the iQM agent.

Still complicate? We can simplify it giving you just a flat description of the principle:
Note: Each single setup option is described also this article [[Reference9:IQM_Agent_Setup]]

Agents are assigned to a WQ. This WQ is “their” WQ (from the point of view of an Agent means “my WQ”). And then there are Calls coming from the other WQ (from the point of view of an Agent form the “2nd Waiting Queue”).
If the flag “Hide 2nd WQ” is checked this client hides all data of the 2nd WQ.  

Agents serve normally their own WQ, but in special situations they can become automatically member also from the 2nd WQ.
The thresholds to switch on and of the membership of the 2d WQ are two and each can be enabled. Remind that the construct is a logic true or false, so if the condition becomes true the agent will be member, if false not.  

Exactly that is doing the iQM, he control the situation in both WQ and put Agents automatically in- and out as member of the 2nd WQ group.
In the picture example there is just checked the second option and the value is zero. The result is that independently how many call are in my WQ, if in the 2nd WQ is more than zero calls (one or more) the agent will be member. Just if there are zero calls in the 2nd WQ the agent will log out: not a real good setup, but it shows the principle. Imagine a setup with in this option one call, now the agent will be member if two calls are in the 2nd WQ and not member less than 2 are in.  As stated in the setup if just one option is checked the rule is that.  

If just the first option is checked with value zero and the second one not, the agent will be just a member if his own queue has no calls. If both options are checked both conditions must be true.

The feature “2nd WQ” must be activated in the iQM server and require a second iQM license (because the iQM is working on two WQ). So if you have a setup like in our example (using two iQM and each of them “look” in two WQ) you will need 4 iQM licenses.  
This threshold values can be modified automatically in function of the available agent in each queue. If there are many agents logged the threshold value becomes lower, if few agents are available higher. The result of the number will be always an integer number (there are no half Agents available up to now).

But it depends on you real setup, for example it could be possible that you have 2 iQM, but just one is looking into two WQ, therefore just 3 license are required.
Example: “less calls in my WQ” = 8, “Number of default agents in my WQ” = 4.  

Remember anyway that each iQM server looks if started in the PBX and “consume” one or two iQM license.  
If there are 4 agents logged there will be no change in the the “less calls” value (therefore = 8).

As know if you start up an iQM without license he will start in demo mode. If you start up an iQM and there is just one license in the PBX but configured the 2nd WQ, a warning message and triangle will be displayed on the iQM server. In demo mode no 2nd WQ will work, so if you like test the iQM or show it to the customer with the feature 2nd WQ activated you have to put proper trial licenses in the PBX.
If there are just 2 Agents logged the value of “less calls” will be switched to 16 calls (8/2=4 * 4 = 16)

If there are 6 Agents logged the value of calls will be switched to 5 calls (8/6 = 1,33 * 4 = 5,32 = 5).

If the feature 2nd WQ is activated in the iQM server features and functions of the 2nd WQ are automatically activated also in the client. The iQM client will receive information from the iQM server about the 2nd WQ; therefore in the client the feature has not to be activated.
So 4 Agent = 8 calls, 2 agent = 16 calls, 6 agent = 5 calls etc.

Please note that individual setup (automatic logging) can be set for each iQM client individually. So each Agent can have different setups regarding the 2nd WQ. Of cause also in the PBX the setup has to be done to enable an agent to log to a 2nd WQ. In this way it is possible to assign just some or one of the agent to be member of the second WQ.
In the frame “Manual/Automatic” the stack symbol can be shown or not (and therefore the manual switch is forbidden).  

In the main view of iQM server under the counter calls is displayed a small counter showing the number of calls in the 2nd WQ:
The client stores his last status and after a start-up it will be restored. If the Flag Start in automatic is checked the client will start always in automatic mode.

===Automatic member ===

In the example there are two calls waiting in the 2nd WQ.
If there are two WQ in a system the calls of both are shown in two separated Queue Windows.  

Please note that no data are stored or displayed for the 2ns WQ, just the number of calls and caller number in real-time are processed. If you customer needs also the full information about the 2ns Queue he has to run a second iQM server (like in our example).
===List of Agents===

If the 2nd WQ is enabled in the iQM server also in the iQM client the number of calls in the 2nd WQ is displayed:
If there are two WQ all cross Agents are shown and therefore the column showing the status (YES =  Agent is logged in Queue, NO = Agent is not member of the Queue) are two: the first is the “own” queue, the second the 2nd one.

If enabled double click on the status cell will change the actual status. Of cause also here the status of the 2nd WQ will toggle automatically if automatic member is active.  

In the example no calls are waiting in the 2nd WQ.

The client shows also the status of the Agent regarding his membership to the answering group of the 2nd WQ:
In the example there are 2 calls in the 2nd WQ waiting and the Agent is online, means he will receive calls from the 2nd WQ.
Please note that in the moment when an Agent becomes member of a group he will be “online” for all the calls in the 2nd WQ processed AFTER that moment. If a call is jet “assigned” to an Agent it will not be redirected. In other words: after an Agent become membership of a group he will be considerate from the next call on.
Also on the Dashboard an eventual 2nd WQ is displayed:

In the example two calls are in the 2nd WQ.
The agents must be in dynamic groups of both Queues and SOAP member. If a user is logged on the slave iQM Server he must be member of the group "'''iqmslave'''”

Please note that if no 2nd WQ is defined all those fields (in the iQM server, Agent and Dashboard views) are hided.
You have to start two independent iQM server, install them on different directories if they are working on one single PC and remember to set the path where Setup Data are stored.
As described in the basic article there will be a iQM master server and a iQM slave server: depend son you define the queue “Master” and the queue “Slave”. Remember the agents logged on the iQM queue slave will not see the time to answer; all other feature should be the same.

If agent presses the WQ button both, the “own” and the 2nd one, are displayed:
Once decided what is the first and the second iQM just enter in the setup the relative Names of the queues. Remember that if working on the same PC the Port for the client musts be different. On the Slave iQM check the flag “Slave”: this iQM will do no logging of agents.

Of course the name of the first queue in the master will be the name of the second one in the salve and vice versa.

In the example you see the caller 24 waiting on the main queue and the number 35123 waiting in the 2nd WQ.  
For more details see

If an Agent double clicks on a number in a WQ he picks the call.

This works even if his phone is jet ringing with another call (the actual call returns to the WQ and his phone is ringing with the new call).
Slaves logged on the iQM Master must just insert the data in “communication” + “my iQM Server”. The frame “iQM Maste Server” has to be blank!

Picking calls from a WQ works independently if the Agent is online (in the group) or not.
Slaves logged on the Slave iQM Server has to fill out both frames, in the frame “my iQM Server” the data of the Slave iQM Server and in the frame “iQM Master Server” the one of the master. Those clients require information from both iQM Server

Picking of calls from a WQ works also from the 2nd WQ.
The setup of a Master Slave scenario has to be done carefully: follow the instruction here otherwise unpredictable behaviours, often tagged as bug for the customer, could be the result.

The header of the WQ windows shows the following information:
Keep in mind that you have 4 types of basic setups:

- The iQM Master Server

In the example the main queue is named iQM, and the extension 24 is waiting, the threshold is set to 2 (TH: 02).
- The iQM Slave Server

The 2nd WQ is named 2WQ and the extension 34123 is waiting, the threshold is 1 (TH:01) and priority (P) is set for this queue.
- iQM Agents working on the Master iQM Server

See next chapter for more information’s about Agent thresholds.
- iQM Agents working on the Slave iQM Server

For each type a different setup is necessary.

The setup for the iQM server is quite simple; just indicate the name of the 2nd WQ and the Group name, done:
The following picture shows the setup of the iQM Master Server:


In the example the name of the 2nd WQ is “2WQ” and the name of the 2nd Group is “MySecAgents”. If those fields are blank the feature 2nd WQ is switched off.
Note that the Slave option  is not checked and in our example the name of the 1 WQ is Finance whil the name of the second WQ is WQ_01.

If a name of a WQ is defined, but not a group a warning message is displayed:
The following picture shows the setup of the iQM Slave Server:


Please note that also the setup is different for that; in further versions (before 1.50) the group name was detected automatically. If you update a previous version to the version 1.50 or higher a warning Message will appear (just one time) inviting you to check the setup. Just put in even for the first queue the group name and restart.
Note that the Slave option is checked and the name of the first and second WQ is inverted.

More information about the setup you can find tin the relative wiki article and in the online help (reference).
The following picture shows the setup of a iQM client working on the master iQM Server. For this client the first Queue is the Finance Queue and the second the WQ_01:

The setup of the client is more complicated, but even there in the online help you will find all relevant information.

The setup panel for the 2nd WQ in the iQM Agent setup shows like this:

Note that just the address and port of the iQM Master Server is filled in and no data in the right frame.

The following picture shows the setup of a iQM client working on the Slave iQM Server. For that client the first Queue is the WQ_01 while the second queue is the Finance queue:

“Priority” means that if a value is below the threshold in one queue, the value of the other queue is considered or not for logging out.

Note that the Master IP-address and port is filled in in the right frame while the left one shows the address and port of the slave iQM Server.

The setup should be like in the example, 2 calls for “my WQ” and 1 call for the “2nd.WQ”, both conditions enabled.
Last item is the setup in PBX. Just the extensions working on the Slave iQM Server has to be members of a group named “IQMSLAVE”:

Means translated: if less than 2 calls are in my WQ (one call or no calls) the Agent is online for the 2nd WQ. If more than one call is waiting in the 2nd WQ (two calls or more) the Agent also goes online for the 2nd WQ. The options are “or”, so if the first or the second condition is true the Agent is logged.

Imagine now the following situation, in my WQ is just one call (online because of this) and in the 2nd WQ are 3 calls (even online because of that). Now the calls in my WQ are rising to 3 calls. In this situation the setup becomes unclear: on the one hand the Agent should go offline because of the threshold of his WQ is reached, on the other hand the 2nd WQ has still values over the threshold and he should stay online.

Now what to do, going online or offline?

Exactly that is defined using the Priority switch, if set on the 2nd WQ (like in the example) the Agent would not go offline, if priority is selected to my WQ he would go offline. In other words: Priority defines the going offline.
==Known Problems ==

With the WQ the wrap-up time is unique for all Agents (the one of the first and the 2nd WQ); in fact the slave iQM Server has no warp up time settable. Individual wrap up anyway is possible.

Remember that also the Agent Phones has to be dynamic group member of the WQs. See relative Wiki article.
==Related Articles==
===Known Problems===

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<!-- == Related Articles == -->



Latest revision as of 18:15, 5 April 2016

This article describes just the iQM Agent client setup and functions regarding the 2nd WQ. The general information’s how the 2nd WQ works can be found following the reference article, see related Articles.

Applies To

This information applies to:

innovaphone PBX version 11

innovaphone Queuemonitor Build 80128

innovaphone Queuemonitor Build 80128

More Information

This is a typical view of an incoming call if just one WQ is in the Sytem:

En iQM 06 02.png

A details description of the picture can be found here Reference9:IQM_Agent_Help_English

while this is a snapshot of a established connection where the call came from the 2nd WQ.

En iQM 19.png

Observe that even for the 2nd WQ there is a call indicator and shown how many calls are waiting in the 2nd WQ.

There are also 2 avatar, the first “Finance” shows the group status of the “own” WQ while the 2nd one “Support” shows the status of the 2nd WQ. In the picture both are grey because there is a wrap-up time defined and after answering the call the agent is logged out form both queues. At the end of the call no new call will be forwarded until the wrap up time is not expired.

Manual member ship

A agent can log manually in and out from his group clicking on the Avatar. The 2nd WQ normally works in an automatic mode and the membership is driven by the logic of the iQM agent client. The orange stack symbol near the avatar of the 2nd WQ shows that the 2nd WQ is working in an automatic mode. A click on the stack will switch to manual mode and the colour of the stack will be grey. Now also the membership to the 2nd WQ can be switched manually.

Note: Of cause also in automatic mode the membership can be switched, but when the agent applications update the call information, the manual set is immediately overwritten.

Automatic member

The membership to the 2nd WQ in automatic mode can be defined in the setup of the iQM agent.

IQM P06.png

Note: Each single setup option is described also this article Reference9:IQM_Agent_Setup

If the flag “Hide 2nd WQ” is checked this client hides all data of the 2nd WQ.

The thresholds to switch on and of the membership of the 2d WQ are two and each can be enabled. Remind that the construct is a logic true or false, so if the condition becomes true the agent will be member, if false not.

In the picture example there is just checked the second option and the value is zero. The result is that independently how many call are in my WQ, if in the 2nd WQ is more than zero calls (one or more) the agent will be member. Just if there are zero calls in the 2nd WQ the agent will log out: not a real good setup, but it shows the principle. Imagine a setup with in this option one call, now the agent will be member if two calls are in the 2nd WQ and not member less than 2 are in. As stated in the setup if just one option is checked the rule is that.

If just the first option is checked with value zero and the second one not, the agent will be just a member if his own queue has no calls. If both options are checked both conditions must be true.

This threshold values can be modified automatically in function of the available agent in each queue. If there are many agents logged the threshold value becomes lower, if few agents are available higher. The result of the number will be always an integer number (there are no half Agents available up to now).

Example: “less calls in my WQ” = 8, “Number of default agents in my WQ” = 4.

If there are 4 agents logged there will be no change in the the “less calls” value (therefore = 8).

If there are just 2 Agents logged the value of “less calls” will be switched to 16 calls (8/2=4 * 4 = 16)

If there are 6 Agents logged the value of calls will be switched to 5 calls (8/6 = 1,33 * 4 = 5,32 = 5).

So 4 Agent = 8 calls, 2 agent = 16 calls, 6 agent = 5 calls etc.

In the frame “Manual/Automatic” the stack symbol can be shown or not (and therefore the manual switch is forbidden).

The client stores his last status and after a start-up it will be restored. If the Flag Start in automatic is checked the client will start always in automatic mode.

Automatic member

If there are two WQ in a system the calls of both are shown in two separated Queue Windows.

List of Agents

If there are two WQ all cross Agents are shown and therefore the column showing the status (YES = Agent is logged in Queue, NO = Agent is not member of the Queue) are two: the first is the “own” queue, the second the 2nd one.

If enabled double click on the status cell will change the actual status. Of cause also here the status of the 2nd WQ will toggle automatically if automatic member is active.

En iQM 17.png


The agents must be in dynamic groups of both Queues and SOAP member. If a user is logged on the slave iQM Server he must be member of the group "iqmslave

You have to start two independent iQM server, install them on different directories if they are working on one single PC and remember to set the path where Setup Data are stored. As described in the basic article there will be a iQM master server and a iQM slave server: depend son you define the queue “Master” and the queue “Slave”. Remember the agents logged on the iQM queue slave will not see the time to answer; all other feature should be the same.

Once decided what is the first and the second iQM just enter in the setup the relative Names of the queues. Remember that if working on the same PC the Port for the client musts be different. On the Slave iQM check the flag “Slave”: this iQM will do no logging of agents.

Of course the name of the first queue in the master will be the name of the second one in the salve and vice versa.

For more details see

Slaves logged on the iQM Master must just insert the data in “communication” + “my iQM Server”. The frame “iQM Maste Server” has to be blank!

Slaves logged on the Slave iQM Server has to fill out both frames, in the frame “my iQM Server” the data of the Slave iQM Server and in the frame “iQM Master Server” the one of the master. Those clients require information from both iQM Server

The setup of a Master Slave scenario has to be done carefully: follow the instruction here otherwise unpredictable behaviours, often tagged as bug for the customer, could be the result.

Keep in mind that you have 4 types of basic setups:

- The iQM Master Server

- The iQM Slave Server

- iQM Agents working on the Master iQM Server

- iQM Agents working on the Slave iQM Server

For each type a different setup is necessary.

The following picture shows the setup of the iQM Master Server:


Note that the Slave option is not checked and in our example the name of the 1 WQ is Finance whil the name of the second WQ is WQ_01.

The following picture shows the setup of the iQM Slave Server:


Note that the Slave option is checked and the name of the first and second WQ is inverted.

The following picture shows the setup of a iQM client working on the master iQM Server. For this client the first Queue is the Finance Queue and the second the WQ_01:


Note that just the address and port of the iQM Master Server is filled in and no data in the right frame.

The following picture shows the setup of a iQM client working on the Slave iQM Server. For that client the first Queue is the WQ_01 while the second queue is the Finance queue:


Note that the Master IP-address and port is filled in in the right frame while the left one shows the address and port of the slave iQM Server.

Last item is the setup in PBX. Just the extensions working on the Slave iQM Server has to be members of a group named “IQMSLAVE”:


Known Problems

With the WQ the wrap-up time is unique for all Agents (the one of the first and the 2nd WQ); in fact the slave iQM Server has no warp up time settable. Individual wrap up anyway is possible.

Related Articles
