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Dieses Dokument beschäftigt sich mit der prinzipiellen Funktionsweise der Hosting-Komponenten Ala Cloudkom.  Konkrete Konfigurationsdaten finden sich dagegen in [[#Globe Installation|Abschnitt ''Globe Installation'']].
'''Since V12 and introduction of [[Course12:Advanced_-_Reverse_Proxy | Reverse Proxy functionality]] the below described method is depracted.'''

=== Gesamtübersicht ===
Für jeden Kunden wird eine dedizierte PBX (IPVA) aufgebaut.  Jeder Kunde hat genau eine solche PBX (also keine Slaves).  Weitere Dienste werden durch mandantenfähige Anwendungen bereitgestellt (''Shared Services'').  Jede dieser ''shared services'' bedient eine Anzahl von Kunden.  Im ersten Ansatz sind das für jeden der Dienste genau gleich viel (was die Verwaltung bzw. Zuordnung vereinfachen sollte).  Wie viele Kunden ein ''shared service'' bedienen ist ''for further study''.

Den Management Server gibt es je Hoster nur genau ein mal.
This document describes general recommendations for setting up a „hosted PBX“-environment.  It is based on a reference implementation done early 2013.  Everything said in this article is merely a recommendation and you may deviate from it for real-life projects.  However, it may still serve as a guideline of “what to think of”.
There are no specific configurations given throughout the article.  As such, it targets an iCE with some decent knowledge about innovaphone products as an audience.
<!-- Keywords: centrex -->
=== Overview ===
Each customer receives a dedicated PBX (best run as IPVA).  So no “dynamic PBX”s are used. Each customer has exactly one such PBX.  So no Slave- (as they do not seem to make sense) and no Standby-PBX (as this is better implemented using VMware tools such as High Availability or Fault Tolerance).  This article does explicitly not deal with mixed environments where some PBXs are hosted and some on-premise.
Further services (apart from the basic PBX) such as e.g. fax are provided by multi-tenant capable applications.  How many customers and/or users (i.e. extensions) can be served by a single such application is for further study.  However, from an administration point-of-view, it seems to be easier calculating the same application-server to number-of-customers ratio for all the applications, as it allows organizing the whole setups in clusters where a specific set of customers is associated to a specific set of application servers. 
In a real-life setup, there may or probably will be a central management server which may run software to simplify the management of the whole setup as well as provide an end customer portal.  This server, called ‘’Management Server‘‘ in the overview graph is thought to be specific to the PBX hosting provider and is thus – although it has an important impact – not discussed in this document.  


Grundsätzlich sind die Kunden-PBXen und die ''shared services'' im privaten Netz des HostersSomit sind sie von aussen  und damit auch aus dem Kundennetz nicht erreichbarZwischen Kunde und Hoster wird kein VPN aufgebautUm nun den notwendigen Zugriff des Kunden auf PBX und Dienste zu ermöglichen gibt es 2 Dienste, die auch über eine öffentlich zugängliche IP Adresse verfügen (''dual homed'').  Dies sind der ''SBC'' und die ''Media-PBX''.
Most of the hosted services, as well the customer-PBXs and the shared services, will be located in a private network run by the hosting providerThis is to make sure they cannot be easily attacked and also to save on publicly available IP addresses (which may be a scarce resource).  As a result, from a TCP/IP point-of-view, these services are not reachable from the customers own private networkAlso, to save on resources and reduce complexity, no VPN is set up between the customer and the hosting providerTo implement the required customer access to these services, there are 2 extra services which need to have an additional external IP address (“dual homed”).  These are called “Frontend” and “Media-PBX”.

Der SBC leistet zweierlei:
The Frontend provides:
* Proxy Registrierung der Endgeräte des Kunden
: Die Endgeräte registrieren sich am SBC, der wiederum eine Proxy-Registrierung zur Kunden-PBX unterhält
* NAT eingehend mit Portmaps für ausgewählte Protokolle (HTTPS/443 und LDAPS/636,714)

Die Media-PBX  
* Proxy registration of customers terminal devices (e.g. phones) located on premise to the customer PBX
* stellt dem Kunden einen öffentlich erreichbaren Übergabepunkt für zentral generierte oder verarbeitete Mediendaten zur Verfügung
: Terminals in fact register with the Frontend which in turn entertains a proxy-registration to the customer PBX for each endpoint
: Dazu gehören z.B. ''music on hold'', lokal erzeugte Ruftöne, Voicemail, Konferenzen und Faxempfang
* inbound NAT with port maps for selected protocols (such as e.g. HTTPS/443 und LDAPS/636,714)

Durch die Aufteilung bleibt die Netztopologie des Hosters unsichtbarDer Hoster benötigt insgesamt nur 2*n+1 öffentliche IP Addressen (wobei ''n'' die Anzahl an ''shared service'' Gruppen ist).  
The Media-PBX
* provides a reachable media endpoint for media data provided or consumed by services within the hosting providers private newtork
: This includes e.g. ''music on hold'', locally generated calling tones, Voicemail, multi-party conferences and fax
This architecture ensures that the hosting providers network topology is invisible to 3rd parties (including possible attackers)Furthermore, the hosting provider only needs 2*n+1 public IP Addresses (where ''n'' is the number of ''shared service'' groups).
The “dual homed” gateways must be configured to have ETH0 (default interface) connected to the ''public network'' and ETH1 connected to the ''hoster network''.

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<!-- [[Media:CloudKom-Übersicht.png|Design Overview]] -->
<!-- [[Media:CloudKom-Übersicht.png|Design Overview]] -->

==== Kennwörter ====
==== SIP Provider ====
Im gesamten Hosting System werden an den verschiedensten Stellen Kennwörter vergeben/verwendet. Um hier die Übersicht zu behalten gilt folgendes:
Each customer has its own SIP trunk, configured on the according customer IPVA. The SIP trunk must be configured without using MediaRelay. As a result, if a customer makes a call to the PSTN(SIP provider), the RTP-stream goes end-to-end - between the SIP-provider and the phone at the customer site. Since the customer phone is behind a NAT router, the SIP provider must support NAT traversal.

* Admin Kennwörter
In general a [[:Category:3rdParty SIP Provider|certified SIP-provider]] can be used, if the provider passed the interop-test for [[Howto:SIP_Interop_Test_Description#NAT_Detection.28Important.29 | NAT Traversal]], [[Howto:SIP_Interop_Test_Description#Fax_using_T.38.28Important.29 | T.38]], [[Howto:SIP_Interop_Test_Description#T.38_Transcoding_by_the_provider.28Important.29 | T.38 Transoding]], [[Howto:SIP_Interop_Test_Description#Reverse_Media_Negotiation.28Important.29 | Reverse Media Negotiation]] and doesn't require MediaRelay to be enabled.
: Die Authentifizierung der Admins erfolgt über Kerberos.  Admins können daher individuelle Kennwörter haben (im Folgenden als ''individuelles Admin Kennwort'' bezeichnet)
: alle Boxen haben als Fallback ein supergeheimes "local admin" Kennwort, dass man in der Regel aber nicht benutzt (im Folgenden als ''systemweites Admin Kennwort'' bezeichnet)
* PBX Kennwörter
: Die PBX Kennwörter müssen auf allen PBXen im gesamten Verbund gleich sein (und müssen niemals irgendwo eingegeben werden nach der Grundkonfiguration) (im Folgenden als ''PBX Kennwort'' bezeichnet)
* Objektkennwörter. Hier gibt es zwei Arten:
** Kennwörter, die dem Kunden bekannt gemacht werden. Das sind z.b. Registrierungskennwörter für Endgeräte (im Folgenden als ''Kunden-Registrier-Kennwort'' bezeichnet) und Initialkennwörter für myPBX (also Userkennwörter, im Folgenden als ''Kunden-Login-Kennwort'' bezeichnet). Für jeden Kunden wird ein eigenes ''Kunden-Registrier-Kennwort'' festgelegt, dass in der Regel nie geändert wird. Ebenso wird ein anderes ''Kunden-Login-Kennwort'' generiert, das für alle User Objekte als Initialwert verwendet wird, von den Nutzern aber verändert werden kann
** Kennwörter, die dem Kunden nicht bekannt gemacht werdenFür z.B. interne Objektregistrierungen (z.B. ein lokales GWxx an ein PBX-Objekt) wird immer das ''PBX Kennwort'' verwendet
* Kerberos Kennwort
: Hier wird das ''PBX Kennwort'' verwendet (es macht wenig Sinn, da etwas anderes als das PBX Kennwort zu verwenden)

Die Linux AP hat keine Kerberos Unterstützung.  Es werden hier also eigene Kennwörter benötigt.  Dabei wird unterschieden, ob es sich um Kennwörter handelt, die im normalen Betrieb benötigt werden oder nicht
The SIP trunk to the SIP Provider must use Registration, we don't support SIP Trunk without Registration in this scenario.
* Linux Admin Kennwort
: das ist das Kennwort, dass im normalen Betrieb verwendet wird (im folgenden ''Linux Admin Kennwort'' genannt).  Findet Verwendung als ''web server credentials'', ''webdav access credentials'', ''application access credentials'', 'innovaphone Reporting access credentials'', ''innovaphone Fax access credentials'' etc.
* Linux System Kennwort
: das ist das Kennwort, dass im normalen Betrieb ''nicht'' verwendet wird.  Hier wird das ''PBX Kennwort'' verwendet.  Findet Verwendung als ''root credentials''
: Die Datenbank Kennwörter bleiben wie sie im Standard jeweils sind (z.b. ''postgresql admin password'', da man auf den DB Server eh nur von kommt

==== Passwords ====
Throughout the system, a number of passwords are used in various places.  It is critical to use as less passwords as possible to make day-to-day administration easy and as much passwords as necessary to keep things secure.  So here is an overview:
* Admin passwords
: Admin user authentication is based on Keberos.  Each admin thus can and should have individual accounts and passwords (referred to as ''individual admin password'')
: all devices shall have a "local admin" passsword which should be kept secret and not be known by normal administrators and should normally never be used.  This is referred to as ''system-wide admin password''
* PBX passwords
: PBX passwords needs to be the same in all oft the hosting providers PBXs (and do not need to be typed-in anywhere except during a PBXs initial configuration) .  The are referred to as ''PBX password''
* Object password. There are 2 kinds:
** Passwords, which need to be known to the customer.  Registration passwords for terminal devices would be an example. Those are referred to as ''customer registration password''). Another example are initial passwords for myPBX (that is, user passwords).  They are referred to as ''customer login password''.  For each customer (not for each line), a distinct ''customer registration password'' is defined, which normally never changes. Furthermore, another ''customer login password'' is generated, which is used initially for all user objects but will be changed by the end users.
** Password which are not disclosed to the customer.  These are used for internal registrations, e.g. a local interface or gateway registering at the customer PBX.  For this, the '' pbx password'' will always be used
* Kerberos DB password
: The ''PBX password'' shall be used for encryption of the Kerberos database (as it does make no sense to use a different password here)
Unfortunately, the Linux AP has no support for Kerberos so separate admin password are required.  We distinguish passwords used during daily administration and those which are not.
* Linux Admin password
:this is the password used in day-to-day administration, referred to as ''Linux Admin password''.  It is used as ''web server credentials'', ''webdav access credentials'', ''application access credentials'', 'innovaphone Reporting access credentials'', ''innovaphone Fax access credentials'' etc.
* Linux System password
: the password that is used as ''root credentials''. For this, the ''PBX password'' shall be used
: The database passwords (e.g. ''postgresql admin password'') can be left as by default, as the DB server is accessible from only anyway
==== Customer-ID ====
Each customer should have a unqiue ''customer id''.  It should be “safe” (that is, no umlaut, no spaces, no obscure special characters).  Something like e.g.  <code>Kuenkel0001</code> will do.
==== NTP ====
==== NTP ====
Alle Geräte benötigen eine korrekte Zeit (alleine schon wegen Kerberos)Es muss also überall ein korrekter SNTP Server (und am besten auch ein zweiter) eingetragen sein.
All devices require correct time settingThey all must have be a working NTP time source configured (and probably also a working alternate).

Die ''dual-homed'' Geräte verwenden zwei als zuverlässig bekannte externe (beim Hoster oder im Internet) NTP ServerAlle anderen Geräte verwenden "ihren" SBC als NTP Server (ein Backup NTP ist hier nicht nötig, da diese Geräte bei Ausfall des SBC eh nicht nutzbar sind).
The ''dual-homed'' devices (see above) shall use 2 reliable time sources (either run by the hosting provider or from the internet).  All other devices shall use "their" own Frontend as NTP Server (a backup time source is not strictly required here as these devices are anyway unusable for customers when the Frontend is down).

=== Zertifikate ===
=== Certificates  ===
Der gesamte HTTP und LDAP Verkehr zum Kunden hin ist verschlüsselt. Dies betrifft einen eventuellen Admin Zugang zur Kunden-PBX (durch den Reseller z.B.) und den Reporting und myPBX Zugang des Endkunden.  Um hier die Benutzung durch den Endnutzer zu ermöglichen, werden auf den Geräten in jeder Hinsicht "passende" Zertifikate benötigt (also Hostname und Authority Trust)Die eingebauten Zertifikate können nicht verwendet werden, da sie zum einen nur auf den NetBIOS Namen ausgestellt sind (z.b. IPVA-a8-5a-38) und zum anderen im Falle der IPVA self-signed, also nicht von einem gemeinsamen Stammzertifikat abgeleitet sind.
The entire HTTP and LDAP traffic from and to the customers network is encrypted. This affects for example a customers access to the PBX (e.g. if the customer is granted (limited) access to the PBX config or for myPBX), as well as access to the reporting service.   

Dazu wird je Hoster ein signierfähiges Zertifikat benötigt (''RootCA'') von dem die jeweiligen ''Device-Certificates'' abgeleitet werdenAls RootCA wird eine dedizierte IPVA verwendet, auf der eine RootCA generiert wurde (''General/Certificates/RootCA'').  Die Geräte-Zertifikate werden immer auf dieser IPVA generiert und dann von der CF Karte (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/CA/certs/</code>) auf die Geräte exportiert.
To facilitate access to these devices without any warnings issued by the clients (e.g. browser security alerts) all devices require suitable certificates (that is, the host name and IP address must be noted in the certificate and they must be derived from a single signing authority so that end-users only need to import a single root certificate in order to accept all of these device certificates. 
The devices built-in certifcates cannot be used as they only refer to the devices NetBIOS name (e.g. IPVA-a8-5a-38) which will not be used to access the devices.  Also, in the case of IPVA, the default certificate is self-signed as opposed to being derived from the aforementioned uniform root certificate.
To derive device-certificates which all inherit from the same root certificate, a so-called ''RootCA'' is needed.
There are multiple ways to implement thisAlthough there are better schemes available, one way to do it that requires no 3rd party gear is to generate a RootCA (in  ''General/Certificates/RootCA'') on a dedicated IPVAThis RootCA then can be used to generate all of the other certificates.  They are stored in the IPVA’s virtual CF card (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/CA/certs/</code>) and can be exported to the other devices from there.

==== RootCA ====
==== RootCA ====
Als RootCA wird eine zentrale IPVA verwendet, die auch das zentrale Kerberos realisiertDie Erzeugung der Device-Certificates auf der RootCA hat mit aktueller Firmware den Seiteneffekt, dass das Gerätezertifkat des generierenden Gerätes überschrieben wirdDas ist zwtr unschön aber auch nicht tragisch und beeinflusst die Funktion des Kerberos Servers nicht.
For the RootCA, we use the IPVA that also implements the central Kerberos server.  Unfortunately, with the current firmware each generated device certificate will also replace the IPVA’s own device certificateThis is of course somewhat unfortunate, however, it is not really an issue as no end-customer will ever access the Kerberos IPVA anywayThe Kerberos server itself does not rely on the device certificate.  

In der RootCA-VM generiert man zunächst eine eben solche (''general/kerberos'').  Sie wird mit folgenden Daten angelegt:
You first generate a RootCA on the RootCA-IPVA ('General/Kerberos'').  The following data must be used:

C=Germany, O=''hoster'', CN=''hoster'' Device Certification Authority, Key-length 4096, Lebensdauer 20 Jahre
C=''your-country (e.g. Germany) '', O=''hoster'', CN=''hoster'' Device Certification Authority, Key-length 4096, lifetime 20 years

Dieses neue RootCA zertifikat trusted man dann auf der Box selber.
This new RootCA (which is now the IPVA’s device certificate) needs to be trusted on the IPVA (''General/Admin'').

==== Device Certificates ====
==== Device Certificates ====
Individuelle Gerätezertifikate erzeugt man dann mit dieser RootCA wie folgt:
To create individual device certificates, use the RootCA created and use the following data:  
Key 4096, Common Name=''devices NetBIOS Name, Organization=''hoster'', Country=''your-country (e.g. Germany) '', DNS Name 1=''devices external IP address'', DNS Name 2=''devices internal IP address'', IP Address 1=''devices external IP address '', IP Address 2=''devices internal IP address ''
For devices with an internal IP address only, it is important to specify the IP address of the NAT router used to access the device as external IP address (e.g. for a customer PBX, this will be the Frontend used). You specify the IP address only, not the port map. 
If you intend to assign real DNS names to your devices, you may of course specify these as ''DNS Name 3'' too.

Key 4096, Common Name=''NetBIOS Name des Geräts'', Organization=''hoster'', Country=Germany, DNS Name 1=''externe IP des Gerätes'', DNS Name 2=''interne IP des Gerätes'', IP Address 1=''externe IP des Gerätes'', IP Address 2=''interne IP des Gerätes''
In order to be able to export the new certificate to the target device, you need to make sure you tick the ''Backup on CF'' check-mark, so it is saved on the CF as ''serialno''<code>.pem</code>.  To transfer the new certificate to the target device, take note of the serial number and download the respective certificate file from <code>/DRIVE/CF0/CA/certs/</code>''serialno''<code>.pem</code>.  This file can then be uploaded to the target device (''General / Certificates / Device certificate / Upload'').

Hat das Gerät nur eine interne IP Adresse, muss man unbedingt als externe IP Adresse die IP Adresse des Gerätes angeben, über den der NAT Zugriff erfolgt (also z.B. bei einer Kunden-IPVA den zugehörigen SBC). Man gibt nur die IP Adresse, nicht das Port Mapping an.
===== Device Certificates & DNS =====
If external access(customer using myPBX) should use DNS names, certificates issued for the DNS-name of the frontend must be used. In this case, the certificate doesn't need an ''Alternate Name'' for the public IP-address of the frontend (but it doesn't hurt either).

Wenn man für die Geräte auch noch DNS Namen vergibt, kann man natürlich auch diesen als ''DNS Name 3'' mit angeben.  
The [ FQDN] used in the myPBX-config (PBX/Config/myPBX) must point to the public IP of the frontend. For myPBX, the frontend will forward incoming HTTPS-requests to the customer IPVA or the reporting server, depending on the port the clients sends its request to and the ''Port specific forwardings'' configured at the frontend. The customer IPVA and the reporting server must have a certificate issued for the FQDN of the frontend. As a result, all IPVAs and Linux-APs in a frontend cluster must use the same certificate - the one issued for the frontend.

Man ''muss'' das Häkchen ''Backup on CF'' setzen, da das die einzige Möglichkeit ist, ein Zertifikatsdatei mit dem private Key zu bekommen.  
If there is a wildcard certificate for the hoster domain, it can be used for all devices in the frontend cluster.

Das Erzeugen des Zertifikates bewirkt zum einen, dass es auf der CF-Karte als ''serialno''<code>.pem</code> abgespeichert wird und zum anderen das aktuelle ''Device Certificate'' der VM die als RootCA verwendet wird ersetzt.  Letzteres ist nur verblüffend, aber nicht weiter schlimm. Beim Zugriff auf diese VM per HTTPS wird in der Folge de Browser immer wieder darüber klagen, dass das zertifikat nicht für diesen Host ausgestellt wurde. Da auf dieses Gerät aber niemals ein Kunde zugreifen wird, kann man das ertragen. Um das Zertifikat aber auf das Zielgerät zu bekommen, muss man es sich zunächst von der CF Karte herunterladenMan schaut also, was für eine Seriennummer gerade erzeugt wurde und lädt dann die Datei <code>/DRIVE/CF0/CA/certs/</code>''serialno''<code>.pem</code> von der CF-Karter herunter (und speichert es sich zweckmäßig als ''NetBIOS Name des Geräts''<code>.pem</code>Von dort kann man es dann als neues ''Device Certificate'' auf das Zielgerät laden (''General / Certificates / Device certificate / Upload'').
If you want to use HTTPS also for internal HTTP connections (this would be only administration of IPVAs by using their internal IPs), you must have as additional ''Alternate Name'' the internal IP address of the IPVA/LinuxAP or live with a warning message displayed in the browser. In case that you cannot live with the warning message, each IPVA/LinuxAP must have its own certificate (since the private IP has to be different in each certificate). The resulting certificate would be still issued for the FQDN of the frontend but would have as ''Alternate Name'' the internal IP address of the IPVA/LinuxAP.
==== Browser Installation of the Root Certificate ====
To get rid of the browser security alerts when accessing devices with e.g. HTTPS, the public key of the root certificate must be trusted by the browserFor this, it needs to be exported in to a file (you can best do this from the RootCA’s trust list in ''General/Certificates/Download/PEM'' into <code>certificate.crt</code>). 
It must then be imported to the browser.   This needs to be done once by both administrators and customers.   

==== Installation der Zertifikate im Client ====
* Das Stammzertifikat (nicht das individuelle Gerätezertifikat) im PEM Format runterladen
* ''Extras / Einstellungen / Erweitert / Zertifikate anzeigen / Zertifizierungsstellen / Importieren''  
* ''Extras / Einstellungen / Erweitert / Zertifikate anzeigen / Zertifizierungsstellen / Importieren''  
* die .crt Datei importieren
* import the .crt file
* ''Dieser CA vertrauen, um Websites zu identifizieren''
* tick ''Dieser CA vertrauen, um Websites zu identifizieren''

'''Internet Explorer'''
'''Internet Explorer'''
* ''Extras / Internetoptionen / Inhalte / Zertifikate / Beabsichtigter Zweck Clientauthentifizierung / Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen / Importieren''
* ''Extras / Internetoptionen / Inhalte / Zertifikate / Beabsichtigter Zweck Clientauthentifizierung / Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen / Importieren''
* die .crt Datei importieren
* import the .crt file

=== Kerberos ===
=== Kerberos ===
Die Authentifikation aller Admins auf Geräten, die sich innerhalb der Hoster-Infrastruktur befinden (also nicht die Endgeräte der Kunden) erfolgt über Kerberos.  Daher muss jedes dieser Geräte eingebucht sein in die RealmAls Realm soll die DNS-Domain des Hosters (z.b. <code>hoster.tld</code>) verwendet werden. Dadurch wird es möglich, die Kerberos Server über den DNS zu finden.
Kerberos is used to implement authentication for all devicesThis includes both devices in the PBX hosting provider’s infrastructure and the CPEFor this to work, all devices must subscribe to the Kerberos realm.  The PBX hosting provider’s DNS domain (e.g. ‘’hoster’’<code>.tld</code>) should be used as Kerberos domain name.   This way, Kerberos can be found using DNS SRV records.  

Die zentrale IPVA die auch die RootCA realisiert stellt ebenso die zentrale Kerberos Instanz zur Verfügung.   
The IPVA used as RootCA can be used as master kerberos service too. A stand-alone Kerberos server (that is, the one that is implemented in the ''Gateway'' level) is being used.  The (probably limited) number of admin accounts is maintained manually.   

Es wird ein eigenständiger Kerberos Server (also der im ''Gateway'' Level verwendet).  Die (mutmaßlich überschaubaren) Admins werden dort von Hand eingetragen.   
In fact, if the PBX hosting provider uses an active directory service to manage employee accounts, an AD-replicated PBX run on the central Kerberos IPVA is also a viable option.   

Eine Doppelung des Servers ist über den üblichen Mechanismus möglich (Replikation auf einen zweiten).  Ob das allerdings so besonders sinnig ist bleibt dahin gestellt, da die Ausfallsicherheit an sich durch den Hoster (auf VMWare Level) gewährleistet werden sollte.  Fällt der Kerberos Server aus gibt es eine gewisse Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Backup-Server (der ja auf der gleichen Infrastruktur laufen dürfte) auch ausfällt.  
Either way, a standby Kerberos server should be setup as a separate IPVA and can be replicated from the master kerberos as usual.

Trust Relationships sind nicht erforderlichWerden doch welche gewünscht (z.B. zur Unterstützung weitere Realms) so wird als ''shared secret'' für die Vertrauensstellung das ''systemweite Admin Kennwort'' verwendet.
Unless an active directory is used, no trust relationships are requiredIf so, the ''system-wide admin password'' should be used as shared secret.

Die Clients (also die Geräte, deren Zugriff per Kerberos abgesichert wird) finden Ihre Kerberos Server per DNS.  Dazu müssen im autoritativen DNS der Hoster Domain (die auch als Keberos Realm Name fungiert, s.o.) Einträge erstellt werden:
The devices which rely on kerberos for authentication (that is, all devices!) locate the Kerberos servers using DNS SRV recordsDevices within the hosting provider’s private network use the internal IP address for this; external (e.g. CPE) devices use their respective Frontend.  For this to work, each Frontend needs some UDP NAT maps as follows:

# hoster.tld is the hosters domain used as kerberos realm name
Protocol Port Address Int. Port
A kerberos1.hoster.tld x.x.x.x
UDP 7465 kerbhost-dup 464 delete
A kerberos2.hoster.tld y.y.y.y
UDP 7464 kerbhost 464 delete
UDP 7089 kerbhost-dup 88 delete
UDP 7088 kerbhost 88 delete

SRV _kerberos._udp.hoster.tld
Instead of relying on the PBX hosting provider’s DNS server, the SRV records can be set in the devices during staging. This way, each device can be configured to use its associated Frontend only:
    priority      = 0
    weight        = 0
    port          = 88
    svr hostname  = kerberos1.hoster.tld

SRV _kerberos._udp.hoster.tld
    priority      = 10
config change DNS0 /a-name kerberos1i.#(h-domain)
    weight         = 0
/a-addr #(h-kerberos1ip) /a-name kerberos2i.#(h-domain)
    port           = 88
/a-addr #(h-kerberos2ip) /a-name sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain)
    svr hostname  = kerberos2.hoster.tld
/a-addr #(h-sbcextip)
/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target kerberos1i.#(h-domain) /srv-port 88 /srv-prio 0 /srv-weight 0
/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target kerberos2i.#(h-domain) /srv-port 88 /srv-prio 5 /srv-weight 0
/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) /srv-port 7088 /srv-prio 10 /srv-weight 0
/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) /srv-port 7089 /srv-prio 12 /srv-weight 0  
/srv-name _kpasswd._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target kerberos1i.#(h-domain) /srv-port 464 /srv-prio 0 /srv-weight 0
/srv-name _kpasswd._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) /srv-port 7464 /srv-prio 10 /srv-weight 0

=== Lizenzen ===
With this setup, all devices will prefer the internal IP addressesExternal (e.g. CPE) devices will of course not be able to reach these internal addresses, but they will succeed with one of the Frontends.  Thus CPE devices will use any of the available Frontends, not necessarily their own.  This will work as all Frontends ultimately NAT to the same Kerberos server.  
Der Hoster hat ein Interesse daran, eine zentrale Lizenzverwaltung zu machenEs braucht also eine zentrale Lizenzserver Instanz für die gesamte Hoster-Infrastruktur.  

Dazu werden die beiden zentralen Kerberos Server verwendet.   Alle Lizenzen des Hosters werden hier installiert.   Darauf laufen eine PBX nebst Standby die einzig den Zweck haben, Lizenzen an die SBCs und Medias zu vergeben  (die als ''License only'' Slaves daran registriert sind).
Note: The ''_kpasswd._udp'' SRV entry should point only to the primary Kerberos Server (i.e. either external NAT-map or internal IP-address), since the ''_kpasswd._udp'' is used to join devices to the Kerberos-Realm. It is only possible to join a realm on the master-Kerberos server, not on the standby. As a result, if the Master-Kerberos server is down, it is not possible to join/unjoin device to the Kerberos-Realm.  

Die Kunden-PBXen wiederum sind als ''License only'' Slaves an ihren jeweiligen Media-PBXen registriert.
==== Kerberos User ====
In addition to the accounts for the administrators, there must be a service account <code>paccess</code> used for programmatic access to the devices.  This will for example be used by the Metadir server to access the Frontend (and can also be used by a hosting provider specific administration software).  In addition to that, this account is to be configured under ''Services/HTTP/Client'' for URLs <code>https://</code> and <code>http://</code> on the Frontend, Media-PBX and customer PBXs.  This allows all these device to access all other devices using HTTP/S.

Die Lizenzmaster PBXen haben als ''System Name'' die Domäne des Hoster (z.b. <code></code>) und als ''PBX Name'' <code>.</code>.
The credential for this account need to be kept securely, as they allow admin access to all devices in the infrastructure!

=== SBC ===
To facilitate automatic join into the kerberos domain during staging, there needs to be an additional special account with ''Join Realm'' rights only: :  <code>joiner, joiner</code>This account is not particularly relevant from a security point of view, as aside from adding or removing devices from a realm nothing relevant can be done on behalf of it.
* nimmt externe Registrierungen der Kunden-Endgeräte entgegen
* stellt die zentrale CF-Karten-Instanz für nicht-sensitive Daten (speziell Firmware für den Firmware Update) zur Verfügung
* leisten auch das HTTP (und LDAP) inbound NAT um den Zugriff auf die IPVAs im privaten Netz zu ermöglichenJede IPVA nutzt "ihren" SBC eben auch als NAT Server

Ein SBC versorgt mehrere Kunden (aktuelle Arbeitshypothese: 200).  Die SBCs werden einfach durchnummeriert (<code>sbc1</code>, <code>sbc2</code> usw.).
=== Licenses ===
It is in the PBX hosting provider’s best interest to implement a centralized license management.  A central licensing server instance is needed thus.  This can be run on the master and standby Kerberos server.  All licenses purchased by the PBX hosting provider are installed here.  The license server runs a PBX.  The only task for this PBX is to host the licenses and distribute them to the Frontend and Media PBXs, which are registered as ''License only'' slaves and will further distribute the licenses to the customer PBXs (which are in turn registered as ''License only'' slaves to their respective Media-PBX).
See [[Howto:License_Master]]
If you choose to use a PBX based Kerberos server (see above), this same PBXs can be used.
The license server PBXs will have the PBX hosting provider’s domain name as ''System Name'' (e.g. <code>hoster.tld</code>) and <code>.</code> as ''PBX Name''.
=== Frontend ===
The Frontend
* accepts external registrations from customer CPE
* provides a central (virtual) CF-card storage for non-sensitive data (e.g. firmware files)
* supports mutliple customer PBXs.  The exact number is yet ffs., however, we estimate  no more than 135 currentlyFrontends will simply be numbered (<code>sb1</code>, <code>sb2</code> etc.)
* The Frontend being a “dual homed” gateway, must have ETH0 (default interface) connected to the ''public network'' and ETH1 connected to the ''hoster network'', this was the tested setup during our tests so it's the recommended configuration.
==== NAT ====
* The Frontend will provide inbound NAT mappings for HTTPS and LDAPS.  This allows for controlled access to the IPVAs within the PBX hosting provider’s private network from external.  Each customer PBX uses its associated Frontend for NAT, that is, each Frontend provides NAT for all customers that have it associated as Frontend.  The number of customers per Frontend is limited by the number of NAT maps that can be created, which in turn depends on the length of the resulting config file line.  Currently, there is a limit of approximately 290 maps per Frontend.  2 distinctive maps are needed per customer
* Additionally,  some maps shared by all customers (e.g. for services like Metadir, FaxServer, Reporting) are required.  About 20 maps should be reserved for this
* So we end up with the aforementioned number of 135 customers per Frontend
* It is recommended to use a kind of syntax that allows the admin to deduce from the external port number the service type and the associated private IP. For example use 4-digit external ports, the first digit represents the service type(e.g.8 for HTTPS to the PBX, 9 for LDAPS to the PBX), the following 3 digits the associated IP-address(e.g. 007 for internal IP In our example the external port 9007 would be mapped to the internal IP port 636.
* since the Frontend is also used as NAT-router for UDP-messages(i.e. SIP signalling from the customer PBX to the SIP provider), an ''UDP-NAT port-range''(IP4/General/Settings) must be configured. The size of the port-range should be at least as large as the number of customer PBXs served by the Frontend, each SIP Trunk requires one (external, public) port in the defined range. By default the UDP-NAT port-range is ''0'', so no UDP NAT is possible. You must use a port range that does not conflict with other used ports on the Frontend (e.g. UDP-RTP Port-Range  by default 16384 / 32767).

==== PBX ====
==== PBX ====
* ''System Name'' ist der Domänenname des Hosters (z.b. <code></code>)
* ''System Name'' is the PBX hosting provider’s domain name (e.g. <code>hoster.tld</code>)
* ''PBX Name'' ist <code>sbc</code>''n''
* ''PBX Name'' is <code>sb</code>''n''
* ist als ''Slave PBX'' an der zentralen Lizenz-PBX (mit deren Standby) registriert (als ''License Only'')
* ''Prefix for Intl/Ntl/Subscriber'' depending on Customers national numbering plan (e.g. for Germany and Trunk Prefix 0: <code>000, 00, 0</code>)
* erhält daher die Lizenzen vom zentralen Kerberos/CA/Lizenzserver
* registers  as  ''Slave PBX'' with the central license server PBX (''License Only'')
* receives required licenses from the central license server thus
===== Customer related Configuration =====
* One ''Session Border'' object  for each (potential) terminal registration to a customer PBX
* ''Long Name'' as well as ''Registration to internal PBX/Name'' set tot he ''CPE-ID'' (see below)
* ''Password'' set to the  ''customer registration password''
* ''Registration from external/Name'' set to the CPE’s hardware-ID (NetBIOS name) ''PBX Password'' ticked
See also [[#Configuration of customer related objects in the customer’s PBX and Frontend]]
=====Alternate RAS port=====
End-customer phones register to the PBX using H.323.  Some CPE Routers (such as Linksys) are known to mess around with H.323 packets (namely RAS) may inhibit registration. To avoid this problem, the phones and Frontend should be configured to use an alternate port for RAS signalling. At the phone the RAS - port must be changed using the command <code>config add H323 /ras-port xxxx</code> , the Frontend must be configured to listen for RAS packets also on an alternate port using the command <code> config add H323 /ras-port-alt xxxx</code>.
The alternate RAS port configuration should be distributed to the phones in the staging section of the initial update-server configuration.
In few cases, the NAT router will still detect RAS-messages sent via an alternate RAS port. The NAT router will therefore do its faulty H323-NAT-entries in the RAS messages. As a result, phones behind the NAT-router will not be able to register at the Frontend.
Assuming that you configured the usage of an alternate RAS port and double-checked that the entered password (at the phone and Frontend) is correct/matching, you can enable the logging of H323-Registrations(Maintenance/Diagnostics/Logging) and look for a ''REGISTER-REJ'' message having the additional information ''Reason=Authentication failed''
REGISTER-REJ(,H323=IP200A-10-10-b4,Reason=Authentication failed
Since the password is correct, the Reason=Authentication failed indicates that the NAT router is still doing H323-NAT. To solve this problem, H323-NAT must be turned off on the NAT-router located at the customer site.
==== Security ====
Keep in mind that the frontend is exposed to any attack from the wild, deep space in internet.  As such, you should take utmost care of any security related settings (you may want to review the ''security'' lesson in your latest advanced training).  In particular, as you will never want to allow registrations w/o password on a frontend, make sure to set ''No of Regs w/o Pwd.'' to <code>0</code> (zero) in any frontend PBX configuration.
=== Media-PBX  ===
==== Services ====
* The media-PBX needs to have http access to the customer PBXs in order to play e.g. announcements or voice-mails.  This is why the HTTP client credentials for URLs <code>http://</code> and <code>https://</code> via  <code>paccess@hoster.tld</code> have to be set as explained above.
* The media-PBX, must be configured to have ETH0 (default interface) connected to the ''public network'' and ETH1 connected to the ''hoster network'', this was the tested setup during our tests so it's the recommended configuration.

===== Kundenkonfiguration =====
==== PBX ====
* Für jede Registrierung eines Endgerät eines Kunden ein ''Session Border'' Objekt (SBC)
* One PBX-type object per customer.  Both ''Name'' and ''Long Name'' set to the ''customer id'', “Number”  set to <code>#</code>+''uniq number out of customer id''.
* als ''Long Name'' und ''Registration to internal PBX/Name'' verwendet man die Endgeräte-ID
* One Gateway-type object  <code>HTTP-EXT</code> with no number.  This takes registrations  from customer PBXs to for media data
* als ''Password'' das ''Kunden-Registrier-Kennwort''
* User-type object <code>MOH</code> with number <code>###10</code>. This is to register the MoH source
* als ''Registration from external/Name'' die Hardware-ID des Endgerätes sowie ''PBX Password''
* User-type object <code>TONE</code> with  number <code>###11</code>. This is to register the <code>TONE</code> interface. Make sure that you cut off the <code>###11</code> in the route to the TONE interface.
Siehe auch [[#Konfiguration der Kunden-Objekte in der Kunde-PBX und im SBC]]
* User-type object <code>HTTP-OUT</code> with  number <code>###12</code>. This is to register the media-PBX’s local <code>HTTP</code> interface to offload media data such as WQ announcements and voicemail

=== Medienserver ===
=== Customer PBX ===
Each customer has a unique ''customer-id'' which is used to derive various names and identifiers (see above).  It is derived from (part of) the customer’s name and a sequential number.  Something like e.g. <code>Kuenkel00001</code>. 

:* Lizenzmaster für alle Kunden PBXen. Port9 und IPVA9 Lizenzen
The customer PBX is located within the private part of the PBX hosting provider’s network. Because of this, it cannot send media data to the CPE (which is the end customer’s private network).   Media has to be sent via the associated Media-PBX thus, as this is ''dual-homed''.
:* PBX Objekt für jeden Kunden (Long Name, Name: Name des Kunden, Nummer 90+<Port im NAT Mapping>)
:* Gateway Objekte mit Name <Kunden Name>-media. Daran können sich die Kunden PBXen registrieren für Media Daten
:* Objekt MOH mit Nummer ###10. Dort kann sich die MOH Quelle registrieren
:* Objekt TONE mit Nummer ###11. Dort kann sich eine Tone interface registrieren
:* Objekt HTTP-OUT mit Nummer ###12. To offload the announcements of WQ and VM object.

:* the associated Frontend is used as ''Time Server''
:* ''Unknown Registrations'' is turned on with ''With PBX Pwd only''.  This is to enable ZCD (Zero Configuration Deployment) for CPE
:* ''System Name'' set to the customers email domain (even if it is <code></code> or <code></code> as it does not need to be unique. Therefore it's necessary to set the customer PBX’ ''Master GK-ID'' property to the value of the media-PBX’ ''System Name'' property.
:* ''PBX Name'' set to the ''customer ID''

=== Kunden PBX ===
==== Handling of calls to MOH, TONE or HTTP-interface ====
Jede Kunden-PBX bekommt eine eigene ID logische ''Kunden-ID'', die zur Benennung von Objekten herangezogen wird. Sie besteht aus einem Namenskürzel (irgendwie aus dem Kundennamen) sowie einer fortlaufenden Nummer. Die fortlaufende Nummer ist die Kundennummer bei Cloudkom. So ein Name könnte also wie <code>Künkel00001</code> aussehen.
As explained in the previous section, the customer PBX cannot send media data to the CPE but must use the respective resources on the associated Media-PBX. Calls to the Media-PBX are routed using GW-interfaces (i.e. Relay) on the customer PBX. Therefore the first step is to register a GW-interface (e.g. <code>GW1</code>) to the <code>HTTP-EXT</code> on the Media-PBX.
* Go to PBX/Config/General an enter as "External Music On Hold" the name of a non-exisiting object (e.g.<code>_customer_moh_</code>)
* Go to Gateway/GK an register a GW-interface (e.g. <code>GW2</code>) to this non-exisiting object (e.g.<code>_customer_moh_</code>). The registration will be accepted, in the PBX you will see a PBX-object called <code>_MOH_</code>
* Assuming that you followed the examples before, <code>GW1</code> would be the GW-interface registered at the Media-PBX. In the routing table (Gateway/Routes) configure a route from <code>GW2</code> to <code>GW1</code> and prepend the number used for the MOH-object on the Media-PBX(e.g. <code>###10</code>). The Route in our example would be <code>GW2 -> ###10 GW1</code>
* If you want to play a custom MOH, additionally enter the MOH-URL in the "Music On Hold URL" field(PBX/Config/General). The URL will be retrieved by the Media-PBX, as a result it must be retrievable by the Media-PBX (e.g. in the URL will be the local-host address of the Media-PBX)

Die Kunden-PBX steht im privaten Hoster Netz. Sie kann daher keine Medien zum Endkunden spielen. Dazu wird die ihr zugeordnete Media-n PBX verwendet, die ''dual-homed'' ist.
* to use the TONE interface of the Media-PBX, route calls to the GW-interface registered at the Media-PBX and prepend the number used for the TONE-object on the Media-PBX(e.g. <code>###11</code>).
* since the Media-PBX has only one TONE interface, it will generate the same TONE for all customer-PBX using it. If a customer-PBX needs a different TONE-interface, you have to create am additional Media-PBX.

:* SBC als Time Server (Zeit notwendig für Kerberos), denn wenn der weg ist, dann geht ex nix mehr mit dieser Kunden-PBX
* the HTTP - interface is needed when an HTTP-URL is retrieved an played as an announcement. The "Extern Name/No" field at the respective PBX-objects (e.g. WaitingQueue) is used to offload the playing of the announcement to the Media-PBX.
* at the customer PBX create a Gateway-type object <code>HTTP-IN</code> with no number.  This takes registrations from a a GW-interface (e.g. <code>GW3</code>) at the customer PBXs
* when configuring an announcement URL (e.g. at a WaitingQueue), enter as "Extern Name/No" <code>HTTP-IN</code>. The URL will be retrieved by the Media-PBX, as a result it must be retrievable by the Media-PBX (e.g. in the URL will be the local-host address of the Media-PBX)
* In the routing table (Gateway/Routes) configure a route from <code>GW3</code> to <code>GW1</code> and prepend the number used for the MOH-object on the Media-PBX(e.g. <code>###12</code>). The Route in our example would be <code>GW3 -> ###12 GW1</code>

==== Konfiguration der Kunden-Objekte in der Kunden-PBX und im SBC ====
==== Waiting Queue ====  
Auf der Kundenseite sollte zur Konfiguration der Endgeräteregistrierung keine Geräteindividuelle Einstellung nötig sein. Daher wird hier als Registrierungsname der NetBIOS Name (z.B. <code>IP232-01-02-03</code>) verwendet. Damit ist dies auch  der korrekte Wert für ''Registration from external'' im dazugehörigen SBC Objekt.
The WaitingQueue does not only play announcements via the offloaded HTTP-interface but has also handles incoming DTMF tones according to its DTMF-Maps. Since innovaphone devices will by default send DTMF tones as RTP-events(RFC 2833), the DTMF information will be sent to the HTTP - interface running on the Media-PBX.  
If the Announcement URL ends with the parameter '''uui-dtmf=on''' and the [[Reference10:PBX/Objects/Waiting_Queue#Support_for_RTP-DTMF | Support for RTP-DTMF]] option is activated at the WaitingQueue, the remote HTTP - interface will send the received DTMF tones as H323 messages to the WaitingQueue-object. By this the WaitingQueue can interpret the DTMF tones according to its DTMf-Maps.

Als Registrierungskennwort vom Endgerät und damit als Wert für wird ''Password'' im SBC Objekt wird das ''Kunden-Registrier-Kennwort'' für den Kunden verwendet.
An example for such an announcement URL is:$coder?coder=g711a,g729&uui-dtmf=on

Als ''Long Name'' sowie ''Name'' für ''Registration to internal PBX'' im SBC Objekt (und damit als Registriername in der Kunden-PBX) wird eine Kombination aus ''Kunden-ID'' und einer fortlaufenden ''Endgeräte-ID'' des Kunden benutzt (z.B. <code>Künkel00001-001</code>). Der fortlaufende Teil der ''Endgeräte-ID'' beginnt für jeden Kunden bei 0.  Dies dient dazu, beim Tracen/Debuggen/Konfigurieren eine bessere Übersicht zu haben.  Zusätzlich kann man dann auf dem SBC schön nach der Kunden-ID filtern. Ansonsten könnten man genauso gut den NetBIOS Namen verwenden.  Der lässt aber außer auf der Kunden-PBX keine Rückschlüsse auf den Kunden zu.
==== Global Objects in the Customer-PBX ====
===== <code>default</code> Template=====
* ''Config Template''-type object with ''Name'' <code>default</code>
* ''Hide from LDAP'' und ''Critical''
* ''Store Phone Config''
* all check-marks ticked in the ''License'' tab
* the  ''Access'' column needs an entry for <code>@</code>''customer.tld'' (this is the ''System Name'' from the PBX configuration) with all check-marks ticked
* within the ''Config'' column, there is only a setting for LDAP Config (''Directories'') as follows:

Als Kennwort zur Registrierung vom SBC zur Kunden-PBX wird das globale ''PBX Kennwort'' verwendet, also die ''PBX Kennwort'' Häkchen im SBC-Objekt bei ''Registration to internal PBX'' und am entsprechenden ''Device'' im User Objekt auf der Kunden-PBX.
<code xml>
  <loc cc='country-code' ac='area-code' ntp='0' itp='00' pbx='subscriber-number'/>
  <ldap id='2'  
    tls='1' port='ldap-port-map-to-pbx-on-sb, e.g. 9004'/>
  <ldap id='3'
    enable='1' tls='1' mode='basic'  
    addr='sb-ip-address' port='ldap-port-map-to-metadir-on-sb, e.g. 9007'
    dn='PBX Name' pw='??' base='dc=PBX Name'  
    attr='sn,givenName,company' phone='telephoneNumber:D,mobile:M,:@'/>

=== Update Server ===
'''pw for ldap id 3 is critical: this allows everyone access to the customer directory data via LDAP.  If this is not acceptable, the password needs to be removed from the template and configured manually by the end customer'''

==== Configuration of customer related objects in the customer’s PBX and Frontend ====
* Staging (z.b. aufspielen geeigneter Trust Lists)
From an administrative point of view, no configuration specific to the individual device should be necessary for registration of a CPE.  The default NetBIOS name (e.g. <code>IP232-01-02-03</code>) is used as registration name thus.  This must be used as ''Registration from external'' in the corresponding SessionBorder object thus (for each potential CPE, there must be one SessionBorder object on the associated Frontend, see above).
* Update der Firmware auf den Kundengeräten und der Kunden-PBX
The registration password used by the CPE and thus the ''Password'' in the SessionBorder object must be set to the ''customer registration password'' (which is specific to this customer, not to the CPE).
* Sicherung der Configs von allen Kundengeräten und der Kunden-PBX
The ''Long Name'' as well as the  ''Name'' for ''Registration to internal PBX'' in the SessionBorder object (hence the registration name for the CPE set in the customer PBX’s user-type object) is a combination of the ''customer ID'' and a sequential ''customer CPE ID'', e.g. . <code>Kuenkel00001-001</code>.  The ''customer CPE ID'' starts with 0 for each customer.  This allows for more meaningful data when viewing traces from e.g. the Frontend.  Moreover, this scheme allows for nice filtering the object view on the PBX by customer name. 
The password to register the SessionBorder objects from the Frontend to the customer PBX is always the globally used ''PBX password''.  Hence the ''PBX Password'' check-mark must be ticked in the ''Registration to internal PBX'' area of the SessionBorder object on the Frontend  and the ''PBX Pwd'' check-mark in the ''Devices'' area of the user object in the customer PBX.  Initially though, no ''Devices'' shall be present in the user object, as this allows ZCD for the CPE.
[[Image:SB_registration.png|center|thumb|600px|Click for larger image: SB-registration]]

Die Sicherung findet auf die CF der Kunden-PBX statt.  Das macht Sinn, da es hier nicht um Desaster Recovery geht (die wird vom Hoster gewährleistet), sondern um das Recovery nach Fehlkonfigurationen.  Es gibt ein optionales kundenspezifisches Update Script (''local.txt''), das befindet sich ebenso auf der Kunden-CF. Es gibt kein gerätespezifisches Update-Script.
=== Update Server ===

Struktur auf der Kunden-PBX
* Staging (e.g. installation of suitable trust list for HTTPS)
* Firmware update
* Backup of configuration data for CPE and customer PBX
Backup of CPE data is done to the virtual CF card of the customer PBX.  Backup of customer PBX data is done to its Frontend.
There is no device or device-type specific update script. 
Structure on the customer PBX

Damit die Backups geschrieben werden können, muss das Backup Verzeichnis (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update/backup/</code>) auf der Kunden-PBX unter ''Services/HTTP/Public compact flash access'' zum Schreiben (und nur zum Schreiben) frei gegeben werden.  Damit das optionale kundenspezifisches Update Script gelesen werden kann, muss das update Verzeichnis (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update</code>) (ohne Unterverzeichnisse!) lesbar sein.
The backup folder on the customer PBX (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update/backup/</code>) must be set writable but not readable under ''Services/HTTP/Public compact flash access'' so that CPEs can write their backup.  

Die Firmware liegt auf einem zentralen Verzeichnis des jeweiligen SBCDamit muss man zwar die Firmware auf jedem SBC vorhalten, dafür wird die dadurch erzeugte Last verteilt.
Firmware files are stored on a folder of the associated FrontendAlthough this implies that they need to be duplicated to all Frontends, it simplifies the configuration and distributes load.

Soll die Firmware aller Kunden eines SBCs aktualisiert werden, dann muss das <code>update.txt</code> des SBC angepasst werden. Ebenso wenn generelle Config Eigenschaften geändert werden sollen.
The generic update scripts are stored in (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update</code>) on the Frontend.  <code>staging.txt</code> is the CPE staging code, <code>update.txt</code> the regular update script.  Both scripts make extensive use of [[Reference10:Concept_Update_Server#Setvar_command| update variables]].
Staging proceeds in 3 steps:
* CPE is configured to use the generic hosting staging interface ( as ''Update-URL''
: This is a publicly available web service, (this service is currently experimental!) relates a requesting device to the hosting provider and customer pbx based on the serial number.  If the device can be identified, the update server URL is rewritten to the PBX hosting provider’s appropriate Frontend (based on data that is defined in my.innovaphone). For more information, see [[Reference10:Concept Provisioning].
* CPE executes the Frontend-wide staging script (<code>staging.txt</code>). This performs some init-only tasks
* CPE executes the Frontend-wide update script (<code>update.txt</code>). This performs  day-to-day tasks (such as backup)

Das Staging erfolgt in 3 Stufen:
File structure on Frontend
* das Endgerät erhält die generelle Hoster Staging Schnittstelle als ''Update-URL''
: das wird in der Regel ein Web Dienst sein, der anhand der Seriennummer des Gerätes (oder anderen Standardargument des Update-Scriptes) den Kunden und weitere Daten ermittelt und als <code>setvar</code> Variablen setzt (Beispiel in <code>primer-Kuenkel00001.php</code>)
* das Endgerät wird auf das SBC-weite staging script (<code>staging.txt</code>) umgeleitet, wo generelle einmalige Einstellungen gemacht werden können
* das Endgerät wird auf das SBC-weite update script (<code>update.txt</code>) umgeleitet, wo Einstellungen gemacht werden können, die im laufenden Betrieb geändert werden könnten
Struktur auf dem SBC
       staging.txt          - staging script
      update.txt            - regular update script
      global.txt            - overrides for global settings
      local.txt            - overrides for Frontend-local settings
      set-customerid.txt   - overrides für customer specific settings
       staging/              - special staging scripts
        global.txt            - overrides for global settings
        local.txt            - overrides for Frontend-local settings
        set-customerid.txt    - overrides für customer specific settings
        dev-IPxxx.txt        - device type specific settings
        cfg-phone.txt         - device class specific settings
        cfg-gateway.txt       - ditto
       firm/                 - firmware
Line 219: Line 356:

Damit die Firmware gelesen werden kann, muss das Firmware Verzeichnis (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/</code>) auf dem SBC unter ''Services/HTTP/Public compact flash access'' zum Lesen (und nur zum Lesen) frei gegeben werdenDamit die Update Scripte gelesen werden können, muss das update Verzeichnis (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update</code>) lesbar seinEs kann also für beides <code>/DRIVE/CF0/update/</code> zum Lesen freigegeben werden.
In order to be accessible during firmware updates, the drive (<code>/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/</code>) must have read (and only read) access on the Frontend under ''Services/HTTP/Public compact flash access''.  In order to be accessible from the devices, drive <code>/DRIVE/CF0/update</code>) needs to be readable (and only readable)Both can be achieved with a single <code>/DRIVE/CF0/update/</code> entry.
Assigning the initial update URL (<code> </code>) to CPE is for further study.    It can be done as usual (DHCP), but this requires co-operation by the end-customer which may be a problem.  Of course it can also be pre-configured by the hosting provider. In the latter case, the URL must be configured to the device after any long reset (factory settings).
===== Update Script Security  =====
Update scripts may include registration password (although encrypted) to facilitate automatic registration with almost no user intervention (cf.  set-''customerid''.txt above).  By definition, staging scripts are readable by everyone (as they are used to configure otherwise unconfigured devices, so no kwowledge of credentials can be assumed). There is no easy way around this.  One option would be to define a password for the web site hosting the scripts.  This would then imply that the password needs to be configured to the CPE, which is undesirable from an administrative point-of-view.    Moreover, with innovaphone gear (that is, when a web server internal to an innovaphone device is used), the only way to secure the scripts with a password would imply to use an admin account and password – clearly unacceptable from a security point-of-view.  

To secure the update scripts, a mechanism based on innivaphone's device certificates must be employed.  See [[Reference10:Concept Provisioning]] for more details.

Die Zuweisung der initialen Update URL kann nicht über die normalen Mechanismen (DHCP) erfolgen (da man den DHCP Server des Kunden nicht beeinflussen kann).  Die langfristige Idee ist, dass man in der inno Logisitik weiß, welches Telefon zu welchem Hoster geht. Geräte, die überhaupt zu einem Hoster-Kunden gehen bekommen eine spezielle ''manufacturer-id'' die wiederum eine spezielle update URL in der config hat:  <code></code>.  Dahinter steckt eine Anwendung, die aus der Seriennummer ermittelt, zu welchem Hoster das geht und ersetzt die URL durch ein <code></code> (oder was immer für den Hoster bekannt gegeben wurde).  Bei dem Hoster wiederum kann entweder ein statisches Staging Script dahinter stehen (unlikely) oder eine Hosterspezifische Anwendung, die das Staging für den Kunden (den dann die Anwendung vom Kunden wissen muss) macht.
==== Deployment ====
===== Initial =====
Create once-only services
* Kerberos and Kerberos Backup
* Create a new account for the PBX hosting provider in my.innovaphone (if the generic staging is to be used, see above)

Bis dahin muss allerdings jemand (Hoster oder Kunde) die passende URL nach einem langem Reset ins Kundengerät eingeben.
===== Shared Services =====
Create services shared by a set of customers:
* Frontend
* Media-PBX
* Metadir
* Reporting LinuxAP
* Fax Linux-AP
* copy update/staging scripts (global.txt, cfg-*.txt, dev-*.txt)  tot he Frontend drives (those are identical on all Frontends)
* create appropriate local.txt on Frontend

==== Update Skripte ====
===== New Customer =====
* create IPVA with customer PBX
* create appropriate <code>set-</code>''customer-ID''<code>.txt</code> on Frontend
# primer.php script
* create appropriate user objects on customer PBX as well as corresponding SessionBorder objects on Frontend
# executed when the device is initialized after a long reset, installs customer specific vars into device, then switches to staging
* create project for customer in my.innovaphone, set ''URL'' to the PBX hosting provider’s <code>staging.txt</code> on the appropriate Frontend (e.g. and the encoded public key of the hosting providers RootCA as  ''Trust'' (as taken from a config file)

# if this update script is used, the device shall be treated as virging, no matter what
===== CPE =====
mod cmd UP1 reinit
* Add device tot the customer project in my.innovaphone
* factory reset (optional, of course)
* set <code></code> as ''Command File URL'' in ''Services/Update''
* wait for or force poll
* CPE registers with the Frontend and customer PBX as <code>_UNKNOWN_</code>

# make sure DHCP is not used any more to determine the update URL
=== On-Site (Customer) Support / Debugging ===
config add UP1 /no-dhcp
==== Alarms and Events ====
* Alarms, events should be saved centrally on the Frontend, this way the admin has a full picture of all events and syslog in a Frontend-cluster. The CPE devices are configured by the staging script to send their events/alarms via HTTPS to the Frontend server.
** incoming Alarms/Events should be authenticated by the Frontend server, the CPEs must be configured (during staging) with the appropriate HTTP-client credentials. The account used for the HTTP-login must be configured with ''Viewer'' rights on the Kerberos - server.
** the received Alarms/Events can be further forwarded by the Frontend server to a Syslog-server. The received events can be then written in a database/text-file and used for further evaluation.
** the local event and alarm list is always kept in local Flash memory. The number of entries to keep can be configured in the Services/Logging tab. Since your Frontend-Server should not generate a large amount of events/alarms, you can use the default values(last 50 local events are stored in Flash memory).
==== Syslog ====
* the CPEs should not create logs, all relevant information(i.e. state of user-registrations) is retrieved from the Event/Alarm-list
* IPVAs(e.g. customer PBX) should generate logs and store them locally on their CF-card
** the recommended Syslog settings are ''PBX calls'' and ''Gateway calls''
** depending on the amount of generated logs (i.e. the size of your Customer PBX), the [[Reference9:Services/Logging | Max File Size]] should be set accordingly. You should capture at least 4 days of log information(e.g. allowing to inspect log information created before a weekend)
* if its required that CPE devices generate logs, it will be necessary to store the log-information on a central server(e.g. Frontend server). However incoming Logs cannot be authenticated by the Frontend server, since this function is not implemented in the innovaphone LOG-server. If incoming Logs should be authenticated, a Linux-AP should be used as central Log-server (the Linux-AP offers the possibility to authenticate incoming logs)
==== Config backup ====
* Phone configuration is backed up to the customer PBX CF, using the Update Server mechanism.
* the configuration of devices in the Hoster-network( e.g. Media-PBX, etc.) are saved on the CF-card of the Frontend-server

# set the site vars
====Accessing the web-interfaces of devices====
mod cmd UP1 setvar CUSTOMER Kuenkel00001
* All devices (including CPE) have joined the Kerberos domain. As a result, all administrators are able to log in (provided they have access to the customers network, TeamViewer is an option)
mod cmd UP1 setvar PBXIP
mod cmd UP1 setvar PBXEXTIP
mod cmd UP1 setvar SBCTIP
mod cmd UP1 setvar SBCEXTIP
mod cmd UP1 setvar MEDIAIP
mod cmd UP1 setvar MEDIAEXTIP

# set the new URL
=== Reporting (Multiple PBX) ===
config add UP1 /url https://#(SBCEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/staging.txt
# and force next update soon
config add UP1 /poll 1

# make sure everything is activated
config write
config activate
The LinuxAP VM for reporting needs to have quite a large CF to be able to store all CDR data for a reasonable time period.

* VMWare disk size should be 50GB initially. This is based on a rough estimate of 200 customers and a time frame of 1 year
: rough estimate.  Time will tell
# staging script
# executed when the device has already set the customer specific vars

# if this update script is used, the device shall be treated as virgin, no matter what
mod cmd UP1 reinit

# set the new URL
config add UP1 /url https://#(SBCEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/update.txt
# and force next update soon
config add UP1 /poll 1

# put cloudkom root certificate into trust list
==== Naming Conventions ====
vars create X509/TRUSTED/00000 pb 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

# put innovaphone root certificate into trust list
To grant access for customers (and reseller) to the Reporting login page (https://Reporting-IP-Adress/apps/innovaphone-reporting/user/login.php), it's nessesary to create a cdr filter called "base filter" and a user login which is bound to this base filter.
vars create X509/TRUSTED/00001 pb 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
These logins and filters can only be edited and created by the hoster (i.e. cloudkom).
Since the customer can't change his credentials we use the "customer ID" and the "customer registration password" for further steps.

# put hoster root certificate into trust list
As we mentioned in chapter [[#Customer_PBX|Customer PBX]] each customer needs a uniqe PBX name, but different customers may share the same "System Name".
vars create X509/TRUSTED/00002 pb ...
For this reason it's nessasary to set the Grouping-ID in the Reporting application to ''PBX Name'' (as set in ''Config/PBX'').
Never change this setup because filters are depending on the Grouping ID!

# activate
'''Filter parameters for customers:'''
config write
config activate

# load initial boot code/firmware
* Base Filter: <leave it empty>
mod cmd UP0 boot https://#(SBCEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/100706/ rebootn 100706
* Filter Name: ''customer ID'' (which is the ''PBX Name'',  i.e <code>Kuenkel00001</code>)
mod cmd UP0 prot https://#(SBCEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/100706/ resetn 100706
* PBX Name: ''customer ID'' (which is the ''PBX Name'',  i.e <code>Kuenkel00001</code>)

# reset to stay in virgin mode (must be last)
'''User configuration for customers:'''
# enf of script

* Name:  <customer ID>
* Password: ''customer registration password''
# PBX local update file
* Base Filter(s): ''customer filter name''

# just in case we came from staging, reset poll to a lower frequency
For reasons of billing (or whatever) it could be fine for resellers to have a filter for all of -his- sold PBXs
# no need to write config! (save on flash wriote cycles)
config add UP1 /poll 60
config activate

# save config to customer PBX, this goes through SBC NAT
'''Possible filter parameters for reseller:'''
# save every 8 hours, 7 days
(in fact, the reseller id is a customer id, because the only difference is the filter content)
mod cmd UP0 scfg https://#(PBXEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/backup/backup-#h-#d-#b21.txt no-op TRI-DAILY /force 8

# make sure any changes are really activated
* Base Filter: <leave it empty>
* Filter Name: ''reseller ID'' (i.e. innovaphone00001)
* PBX Name: ''customer ID'' +
* PBX Name: ''customer ID'' +
* PBX Name: ''customer ID'' ...

# remainder of script is done on night only
'''User configuration for reseller:'''
# mod cmd UP1 times /allow 2,3,4 /initial 1
* Name:  ''reseller ID''
* Password: ''reseller registration password''
* Base Filter(s): ''reseller filter name''

# try read local override
====Configuration Reporting ====
mod cmd UP0 cfg https://#(PBXEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/local.txt
* Grouping ID: PBX-Name
* Create filter and user logins for the customer
* Report Mails?

# define customer firmware to be loaded from SBC
====Configuration Customer-PBX ====
mod cmd UP0 boot https://#(SBCEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/#(FIRMWARE)/ irebootn 100706
===== Gateway / CDR0 =====
mod cmd UP0 prot https://#(SBCEXTIP)/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/#(FIRMWARE)/ iresetn 100706
* ''Type'' <code>Remote-AP-S</code>
* ''Address'' ''Reporting Linux-AP IP address''
* ''Port'' <code>443</code>
===== PBX / myPBX / Call List Service =====
* ''Type'' <code>Remote-AP</code>
* ''Host'' ''Frontend-IP-addr:HTTPS-Portmap-on-Frontend-to-Reporting-App''
* ''User'' <code>innovaphone-reporting</code> ?????
* ''pass'' <code>reporting</code>

# SBC-wide configurations
In contrast to the CDR0 interface, the Call-List-Service doesn't offer the possibility to choose the ''Type'' <code>Remote-AP-S</code>. The myPBX client decides which protocol to use (HTTP or HTTPS) depending on the URL (http or https)used to connect to the PBX. So if myPBX uses HTTPS to connect to the PBX, it will use also HTTPS to connect to the Reporting-App.
mod cmd UP1 check iresetn gcfg-2013-03-04
# sbc-wide config change cmds go here
mod cmd UP1 setvar GCFG sbc-wide-cfg-sample
# end of sbc-wide config change cmds

config activate
===== Services/HTTP/Client =====
# do NOT reset here! this is done as part of the check cmd above
* enter Authenticated URL & webserver credentials of Linux-AP. It is important that the port used is in the URL.
E.g. for the Authenticated URL:

=== Fax Server ===
The [[Reference10:Concept Faxserver |innovaphone Fax Server]] can be used in a hosting scenario. 
# PBX local override for config, usually not used
# no UP0/UP1 cmds can go here, no update server vars are available!
# do not reset within this script, is done in caller

config add ...
The fax server will provide T.38 based fax support for customers. That is, it will be able to send G3 fax to and receive G3 fax from T.38 compliant remote parties.  It will not be able to support remote parties which provide G.711 (a.k.a. ''transparent mode (T30/G.711) fallback'' or ''software fax'') based fax only. If G711 fall-back is needed, please contact to discuss possible solutions.
config activate

==== Staging Tasks ====
==== Overview ====
* Zertifikat in die Trustlist
* Zentralisierung von Logs, Alarm&Events (auf die Kunden-PBX)

=== Support / debugging von Kundenproblemen ===
* Alarms & Events Zentralisierung
** wie, was kann man daraus erkennen
* syslog
** wie, wo, was sichern
* wer macht support
* zusammenarbeit mit toplink bei SIP-Trunk Probleme
* mantis <mantis-issue id=95379/>
=== Reporting (Multiple PBX) ===

VM sollte von Anfang an eine Plattengröße von 50GB haben!
A LinuxAP VMware disk size of 50GB should be sufficient. Configure the size of the virtual drive before starting the Linux installation for the first time.

V10 Linux Image und Reporting Files von der linux-10 (also der neuen ) Version werden benötigt, nur die enthalten die Mandantenfähigkeit. Gebraucht wird die Linux-AP und das Reporting.  Eine solche Linux-AP kann mehrere (viele) Kunde bezüglich der Ruflisten und des Reportings bedienen.
Since the FAX-Interface must be reachable from the public network, it must be offloaded from the Customer VM to the Media Gateway. The SOAP connection from the Faxserver application will be still directed to the Customer VM/PBX.

[[Image:Routing_fax.png ]]

====Konfiguration PBX ====
* CDR0: Remote-AP-S,, 443
* Call List Service myPBX: Remote-AP-S,, user:innovaphone-reporting, pass: reporting

====Konfiguration Reporting ====
On the customer VM we have to configure a Gateway Object and routes to and from GWxx which is registered on the Media Relay instance. We reuse HTTP-EXT registration at this point to send Fax calls to Media.
* PBX-Name
====Customer PBX Settings for Faxserver====
* Filter für PBX VM9 und VM10 erstellt
** Gateway Object Name= <code>Fax</code>, Number= <code>some prefix number used for Fax extensions</code>, Option "Prefix" activated
* User angelegt die diesen Filter verwenden
** add the Gateway Object to the SOAP/TAPI group, in order it is visible for SOAP applications connecting to this PBX
* [ Reportin Login Page]
** Prepare User Objects for Fax usage:
* Mit user/passwd:ckl_report/callme38 anmelden, dann sieht man nur calls aus PBX VM10
*** Fax License must be assigned
* Mit user/passwd:inno_report/callme38 anmelden, dann nur calls aus PBX VM9 sichtbar
*** E-Mail must be configured and must match the sender address

=== Fax Server ===
====Customer Gateway Settings for Faxserver====
** Fax GWxx, Register as Gateway,, Name= <code>Fax</code>
** Route GWxx (Fax) --> ###13 GWyy (HTTP-EXT)
** Route GWyy (HTTP-EXT) --> GWxx (Fax)

VM sollte von Anfang an eine Plattengröße von 50MB haben!
For multiple customer PBXes we define a single Gateway with FAX Interface:

Da das FAX-Interface im Öffentlichen Netz stehen muss, um T.38 Pakete empfangen zu können, wird dieses von der CustomerPBX auf Media1 Gateway ausgelagert. Die SOAP-Verbindung wird trotzdem auf die CustomerPBX aufgebaut.
====Media PBX====
** Gateway Object Name= <code>fax</code>, Number= <code>###13</code>

[[Image:Routing_fax.png ]]
====Media Gateway====
** Interface FAX, Internal Registration,, Name= <code>fax</code>, Coder G711,20 , "Enable T.38"
** HTTP-Client must be configured to use [[Howto:Hosting#Kerberos_User|credentials for programmatic access]] to be able to read and write to WebDAV Server on LinuxAP with Faxserver application.

==== Mail to Fax Gateway ====
====Faxserver Instance====
Für Kunden, auf deren POP3 Server aus Cloudkom Netz nicht zugegriffen werden kann, wird ein SMTP Server auf Basis von IP-AP aufgestellt. Dort können die Kunden dann per E-Mail die Faxe anliefern. (<mantis-issue id=89710/>)

Use Case "Fax verschicken":
For each Customer VM an own Faxserver instance on the LinuxAP must be configured (one LinuxAP, multiple Faxserver instances for every Customer).
*Kunde schickt aus dem E-Mail Programm ein Mail mit PDF-Anhang an z.B. <code></code>
*Rufnummer für Zielfax muss im User Part der To: Mailadresse stehen (im Beispiel ist es +497031730099)
*Das passende Postfach für Fax Server des jeweiligen Kunden wird anhand der From: Mailadresse bestimmt.

Damit die From: Adresse nicht gefaked werden kann, werden nur authentifizierte SMTP-Verbindungen zugelassen. Der Kunde muss dazu bei sich im Exchange einen "SMTP Send Connector" für die Domäne einrichten ([]) mit Basic Auth over TLS.
** SOAP connection must be configured to point at the PBX running on the Customer VM
** E-Mail Account configuration is important to be able to deliver E-Mails to the Faxserver via SMTP
*** The E-Mail account, configured at the Faxserver instance, will be used at teh Customers Mailserver to authenticate against the Mailserver on Faxserver

Als SMTP-Server kann man ein Postfix mit Postgresql Erweiterung nehmen, damit man die Kunden Daten (Domains, Postfächer, Logins) direkt aus der Fax Server Datenbank lesen kann.

Als POP3-Server (damit Fax Server die Mails lesen kann) wird dann Dovecot eingesetzt.

=== Directories ===
There are 2 services provided to customers:
# the PBX directory
# an optional company-wide directory (external LDAP)
==== PBX Directory (extensions) ====
* one NAT port map is to be created per customer on the Frontend for port LDAPS (TCP source port xxx to target Port 636)
:This port can be used in the phone’s  ''Port''  field in the ''PBX'' area in ''Phone/User/Directories/PBX''.  The PBX LDAP server’s IP address is implied from the registration data.  This way, the  CPE will in fact access the customer PBX’s LDAP server as opposed to the Frontend’s one
* LDAPS can be used safely, as the CPE’s LDAP client does not verify the certificate anyway (although it would be trusted as it is derived from the PBX hosting provider’s RootCA)

Beschreibung der Implementierung: [ E-Mail_Fax_Server_Gateway_(Project_Cloudkom)].
====External Directory ====
=====Estos Metadir=====
*there is one Metadir server per Frontend which serves all customers associated with this Frontend.  Hence there is one inbound NAT port map that maps one port to the Metadir server’s LDAPS port.  This map is used from all customers.  Customer specific directories are implemented as logical views in the Metadir LDAP server, not as separate servers
*there is thus one distinct LDAP node (dc=''customer-ID'') per customer
* there is also one distinct replicator for each customer (which is used to import the customers directory data in to the Metadir)
*** The customer would provide its contact database as „comma separated CSV (Windows)“ file (e.g. as exported from Outlook)
*** The file must have the columns ''"Surname","Firstname","Company","Busines Phone ","Mobile Phone"''
*** All numbers must be in E164 format, e.g. +49703173009123
*** File name is <code>contacts.csv</code>
*** The file is uploaded to the Frontend’s CF-file system
*** Each customer has its own directory (<code></code>''customer-ID'') on the Frontend.  This is the place <code>contacts.csv</code> has to be uploaded to. For this to work, the path must be set to write-only on the Frontend!
*** Customers can use e.g. [ curl].  Syntax: <code>curl --verbose -k -T contacts.csv</code>. Note that standard WebDAV clients will probably not work due to the fact that this directory is write-only.

=== Adressbücher ===
Structure on Frontend
====Directories - PBX====
* pro Kunde wird im SBC ein NAT-Port-Map für LDAP zur entsprechenden Kunden-IPVA konfiguriert. Das Telefon hat die Möglichkeit ein Port in der PBX-Directories anzugeben und benutzt daudrch den LDAP-Server der PBX(und nicht den des SBC).
* Es wird LDAPS verwenden, das Zertifikat der Kunden-IPVA muss jedoch nicht extra in der Trustlist des Telefons aufgenommen werden. Das Telefon überprüft nicht ob das SSL - Zertifikat gültig ist(cn, Ablaufdatum, etc) sondern verwendet einfach das erhaltene Zertifikat nur zur Verschlüsselung.
    directory/                  - write-only w/o authentication
====Directories - External LDAP Server====
*pro Kunde gibt es einen LDAP-Knoten (dc=kundennr.), ein Replikator. Es wird LDAPS verwendet.
*** Kunde exportiert seine Outlook - Kontakte in eine CSV Datei (Kommagetrennte Werte(Windows)). Die CSV Datei sollte nur folgende Spalten/Felder enthalten: ''"Nachname","Vorname","Firma","Telefon geschäftlich","Mobiltelefon"''. Die Telefonnummern sollten im E164 Format vorliegen, also +49703173009123. Als Dateiname immer ''Kontakte.csv'' verwenden, damit Replikator immer relativ einheitlich konfiguriert werden kann.
* Metadir has a duplicate of the Frontend’s directory structure
*** die CSV Datei wird via https und webdav - client (z.B. BitKinex) auf der CF-Karte der Kunden PBX kopiert. Hier sollte man den Unterordner "Ext-Dir" verwenden (falls nicht vorhanden anlegen)
*** der Estos Metadir Server greift via http/webdav auf die CF-Karten aller Kunden-IPVAs zu und importiert die CSV Dateien
      script.bat                - script that retrieves customer directory data <code>contacts.csv</code>  from the Frontend, called by replicator
***Authentifizierung für den Zugriff auf LDAP-Knoten erfolgt per Username/Passwort, keine Einschränkung auf IP-Netze.
      contacts.csv              - sample
*** als Profil wird immer das "Default" Profil verwendet. Man braucht durch unsere "Dialing Location" am Telefon keine Kundenspezifischen Profile.
*** als Vorlage ist im Metadir Server ist ein Template eingerichtet "dc=template"
        contacts.csv          - customer data
* kurze Anleitung zum exportieren von Kontakten in Outlook 2010:
** man kann nur eigen Kontakte exportieren. Hat man nur eine globale Kontaktliste, muss man diese Kontakte erstmals in die eigene Kontakte kopieren. (IP Kontakte -> Rechtsklick -> kopieren -> eigene Kontakte auswählen)
* Metadir’s per-customer replicator imports the local contacts.csv when run. Before doing so, it calls script.bat which retrieves the appropriate contacts.csv from the FrontEnd (this behaviour needs to be configured in Metadir, ''Database Wizard'', '' Zusätzliche Anwendungen(additional applications)'').
** in Outlook Datei -> Öffnen -> Importieren -> In Datei exportieren -> Kommagetrennte Werte(Windows) -> Kontakte/IP Kontakte auswählen -> "Benutzerdefinierte Felder zuordnen" -> Nachname, Vorname, Firma, Telefon geschäftlich, Mobiltelefon auswählen -> Fertigstellen
: script.bat copies the then-current customer’s contact.csv from the Frontend using curl (curl - syntax: <code>curl --verbose -k -u user:password -o c:\directory\%1\contacts.csv</code>
:  user:password in script.bat are administrator credentials valid on the Frontend (as contact.csv files are read-only, see above)
* Each replicator will be run every 3 hours
: The replicator can also be triggered from the cmd-line (calling e.g. <code>TextReplicator.exe </code> as found in the Metadir installation directory. Start a replicator from the GUI and have a look at lastreplicator.bat in the install directory).  This may be useful if the PBX hosting provider has implemented a user portal to upload the contact data.
* The replicator is created using the ''Replicator-Wizard'' and associates the .csv columns to the respective LDAP attributes/DB field names. A combination of all attributes is used as primary key
: [[Media:Cloudkom-Metadir-Replikator.png | Replicator Overview]]
** LDAP node access authentication is based on distinct, per-customer users, username (=''customer ID''), password(=''customer registration password''). No IP address restriction is used.
** profile is ''Default'' always, no customer specific profile is required (this is handled using the phone’s ''Dialing Location'')
** [[Media:metadir-LDAP-Knoten-config.png | Settings]] can be seen  in the screenshot
Here is how to export contact data from Outlook 2010:
** as far as we know it is only possible to export your own contact list. In case that all users use a global contact list, this list has to be copied first into your own contact entry list.(select [Global List](e.g. IP Kontakte) -> right click  -> copy -> choose own contacts)
** From  Outlook ''File -> Open -> Import -> Export to file -> comma separated values (Windows) -> (select contact folder) -> "Map custom fields"(german: Benutzerdefinierte Felder zuordnen) -> choose "Surname","Firstname","Company","Busines Phone","Mobile Phone"-> Finish''
** Selfsigned Zertifikat auf den Metadir Server installiert. Da LDAP-Client auf dem Telefon das Zertifikat nicht überprüft, sollte es hier keine Probleme geben.
** Just any certificate will do on the Metadir, as the LDAP client does not validate the certificate
** Metadir Server verwendet port 714 für LDAPS, SBC1 hat dafür ein NAT-Map für Port 9007
** Metadir uses port 714 for LDAPS, Frontend needs an appropriate NAT Map
* die Directories Einstellungen sollten per config - template verteilt werden, auf der VM10 gibt es dazu als Beispiel das config-template "default"

* hier gibt es das Problem dass normalerweise die PBX die LDAP - Anfrage des myPBX - Clients macht, dazu verwendet man normalerweise die am User gespeicherte phone-config. Da die PBX im internen Globe Netz ist, kann es mit der darin enthaltenen public-IP(externe IP des NAT Routers) nicht anfangen. durch ein Hack von Matthias kann man im PBX0 modul fest konfigurieren welcher LDAP Server genutzt werden soll.
* directory settings should be set in a PBX ''Config template''-type object in the customer PBX and applied to all user objects there
<code>config add PBX0 /ldap-default-addr /ldap-default-port 714</code>
: [[Media: Cloudkom-Metadir-Ldapclient.png | Phone/User/Directories/External LDAP Server Settings]]
: ''Dialing Location'' settings need to be done according to the customers trunk line settings
* external directory lookups for myPBX are done by the PBX rather than by the myPBX client itself. The directory configuration is taken from the users phone configuration (as stored in the PBX). This of course presents a problem as the phone configuration will use the external Frontend NAT map data for the Metadir, whereas the PBX itself – sitting in the PBX hosting providers private network – needs to use Metadirs private address. There is a special configuration parameter for the PBX which sets the LDAP configuration used for any directory lookup performed for myPBX:
: <code>config add PBX0 /ldap-default-addr local-ip-addr-of-metadir /ldap-default-port 714</code> (714 is Metadirs LDAPS port)

=== Voicemail ===
=== Voicemail ===
Konfiguration Kunden PBX
Voicemail is run on the customers PBX as usual.  However, as discussed before, the Webmedia (a.k.a <code>HTTP</code>) interface on the media PBX must be used.  VM xml script and recorded voice mail files are stored on the customer PBX’s CF card as usual though.  The trick is to have a registration to the customer PBX’s voice mail object.  If this is present, voice mail will use this registrations to terminate media data rather than the local Webmedia (which is the default).
* voicemail-object:
** Hardware-ID = vmrelay
The registration on the local VM object needs to connect calls to the remote HTTP interface on the media PBX.  This is implemented using a GWx interface in the customer PBX’s gateway level which registers to the VM object.  There is a route from this GWx to the GWy which in turn registers with the media PBXs <code>HTTP-EXT</code> object (there are no calls to the VM object ever).
** Script-URL (auf lokaler CF Card vm installiert) = https://10.30.x.x/DRIVE/CF0/vm-de/vm.xml?$_divconn=false
==== PBX ====
* voicemail-object
** Hardware-ID = <code>vmrelay</code>
** Script-URL (installed on local CF Card as usual) = <code>https://customer-PBX-IP-address (not!)/DRIVE/CF0/vm-de/vm.xml?$_divconn=false</code> (this URL will be evaluated on the media PBX, this is why will not work!)
** suitable extension depending on customers numbering plan
==== Gateway ====
** vmrelay GWxx, Register as Gateway,, Name= <code>vmrelay</code>
** Route GWxx (vmrelay) --> ###12 GWyy (HTTP-EXT)

* Gateway-config
==== MWI ====
Simpkly works as is.

** Media GW1, Register as Gateway,, Name= innovaphone-media
==== Mail MWI ====
** HTTP-INT GW3, Register as Gateway,, Name= HTTP-INT
Mails are sent through the PBX hosting provider’s own mail server. This may require authenticated SMTP. This needs to be configured in each <code>email.xml</code> in the customer PBX’s voice mail installation:
** HTTP-EXT GW4, Register as Gateway, (Media1), Name= HTTP-EXT
** vmrelay GW5, Register as Gateway,, Name= vmrelay

* Routes
* message sender
** GW3 HTTP-INT --> ###12 GW4 HTTP-EXT
* Subject of MWI mail
** GW5 vmrelay --> ###12 GW4 HTTP-EXT
* mail server
* credentials

* https Zertifikate trusten auf Media1.
Apart from the mail subject (which is language dependant), this is identical for all customers, so it can be done once and copied then.
User Email addresses must currently be set in each user object’s ''URL'' attribute (or in a separate file in the user directory).

=== Operator ===
=== Operator ===
[[Benutzer:Tle|Thomas Leone]] 16:50, 8. Jan. 2013 (CET) Datensicherungskonzept überlegen.

Ausser uns auf globe zu verlassen, dass IPVAs wieder hergestellt werden können, sollten configs extra gesichert werden.
to be updated
innovaphone Operator v10 can be installed in local client location and connects directly to client IPVA using HTTP-SOAP connection using the same Port used for HTTP management defined on the FrontEnd.
All SOAP communication goes through this HTTP connection so all features will be available and working properly. The LDAP configuration of the Operator v10 is similar to the one performed in the IP Phones.
=== iQM ===
to be updated
=== Mobility ===
Mobility needs access to DTMF tones and thus to the RTP media stream.  As the customer-PBX has no public IP address, again, the media for all mobility calls must be routed through the media-PBX linked to the customer PBX.
In the media-PBX, we need a ''media-relay-loop'' gateway-type object (no ''Prefix'' check-mark ticked) with a gateway GWx interface registered to it.  On the media's gateway level, there is a route that routes calls to this interface directly back to that interface.  This GWx interface used must have the ''Media-Relay'' check-mark ticked.  Calls to the media-PBX's ''media-relay-loop'' object are thus echoed straight back to the PBX.  However, the media-stream will be terminated on the media, so that it is available from the media's public IP address. 
On the customer-PBX, a gateway-type object is created that sends calls to the media's ''media-relay-loop''.
For incoming mobility calls to work, they must be recognized within the gateway level (that is, the mobility object's extension must be known) and routed through the aforementioned media-loop before it ends up in the client-PBX's mobility object.
For outgoing calls, the fork destination must be set such that the outgoing mobility calls are first sent through the media's ''media-relay-loop'' before they end up in the client PBX's trunk.
=== DECT ===
to be updated
=== Backup ===
''Disaster recovery'' backup ist o be done by the operator of the VMware infrastructure.  

1. Wie am 17.12. besprochen, Datensicherung der PBXn lokal. PBX Admins können dann configs selbst einspielen. --> IPVA kaputt (warum auch immer), ist die Sicherung weg.
User data (PBX config, CPE configuration) is backed up by the update server as outlined above.  

2. Configs der Kunden-PBXn auf Michael Khayats Windows Server (zusätzlich) sichern. Server ist im auch im privaten Netz. Configs könnten auch von Michael K. wieder upgeloadet werden.

3. Eine IPVA als Reserve. Kann von uns schnell gestartet und konfiguriert werden. Globe wird dann noch nicht benötigt.
=== UI/Portal ===
Innovaphone does not supply a dedicated UI for hosting scenarios (neither for the PBX hosting provider nor for the end customer).   It is envisaged that hosting providers will craft their own tool for this, as this is highly related to the provider’s business model.

[[Benutzer:Tle|Thomas Leone]] 11:38, 23. Jan. 2013 (CET) Desaster Recovery von Globe
===Special scenarios===
* Customer-setups where the phones are in separated private networks, e.g. home-office without VPN to LAN of main-office. In this case the phones in different private networks can not send RTP-packets to each other. To overcome this problem, the media-relay option at the SessionBorder object must be enabled for those SessionBorder objects that have registration from "foreign" networks. If the Frontend is used as RTP-endpoint(i.e. by activating the media-relay option), the UDP-RTP port-range(by default 16384 / 32767) must be configured. In case that mediarelay is used, video calls (e.g. using myPBX) will not work since mediarelay is done only for the audio stream.

1. Jede VM wird 2 Wochen Montag -Freitag + 1 x Monatlich gesichert. Es gibt also von jeder VM 11 separate Generationen die auf Wunsch wiederhergestellt werden können.
* Customers-setups with Master-Slave PBXs are not supported. The problem here is that the Master & Slave PBX are within the hosting provider’s private network and some PBX mechanism (e.g Registration-Redirection, Soap) would return IP-addresses with IP-addresses from the provider’s private network to device at the customer site. (e.g. a phone registering at a PBX might get an indication to register at another PBX - however the IP-address in this Redirection is in the hosting provider’s private network, therefore unknown to the phone).

2. Die Aussage, dass unsere IPVA nicht VSphere konform sind ist obsolet (kam vorschnell aus der Technik da unsere VM nicht bei VSphere aufgelistet sind).
= Related Articles =
* [[Howto:A rough estimate of IPVA Performance]]
* [[Reference10:Concept Provisioning]]

3. Recovery wurde mit VM8 (IPVA) und VM12 (LAP) erfolgreich getestet.
<!-- Keywords: SBC session border -->

Latest revision as of 09:01, 10 July 2017

Since V12 and introduction of Reverse Proxy functionality the below described method is depracted.

This document describes general recommendations for setting up a „hosted PBX“-environment. It is based on a reference implementation done early 2013. Everything said in this article is merely a recommendation and you may deviate from it for real-life projects. However, it may still serve as a guideline of “what to think of”.

There are no specific configurations given throughout the article. As such, it targets an iCE with some decent knowledge about innovaphone products as an audience.


Each customer receives a dedicated PBX (best run as IPVA). So no “dynamic PBX”s are used. Each customer has exactly one such PBX. So no Slave- (as they do not seem to make sense) and no Standby-PBX (as this is better implemented using VMware tools such as High Availability or Fault Tolerance). This article does explicitly not deal with mixed environments where some PBXs are hosted and some on-premise.

Further services (apart from the basic PBX) such as e.g. fax are provided by multi-tenant capable applications. How many customers and/or users (i.e. extensions) can be served by a single such application is for further study. However, from an administration point-of-view, it seems to be easier calculating the same application-server to number-of-customers ratio for all the applications, as it allows organizing the whole setups in clusters where a specific set of customers is associated to a specific set of application servers.

In a real-life setup, there may or probably will be a central management server which may run software to simplify the management of the whole setup as well as provide an end customer portal. This server, called ‘’Management Server‘‘ in the overview graph is thought to be specific to the PBX hosting provider and is thus – although it has an important impact – not discussed in this document.


Most of the hosted services, as well the customer-PBXs and the shared services, will be located in a private network run by the hosting provider. This is to make sure they cannot be easily attacked and also to save on publicly available IP addresses (which may be a scarce resource). As a result, from a TCP/IP point-of-view, these services are not reachable from the customers own private network. Also, to save on resources and reduce complexity, no VPN is set up between the customer and the hosting provider. To implement the required customer access to these services, there are 2 extra services which need to have an additional external IP address (“dual homed”). These are called “Frontend” and “Media-PBX”.

The Frontend provides:

  • Proxy registration of customers terminal devices (e.g. phones) located on premise to the customer PBX
Terminals in fact register with the Frontend which in turn entertains a proxy-registration to the customer PBX for each endpoint
  • inbound NAT with port maps for selected protocols (such as e.g. HTTPS/443 und LDAPS/636,714)

The Media-PBX

  • provides a reachable media endpoint for media data provided or consumed by services within the hosting providers private newtork
This includes e.g. music on hold, locally generated calling tones, Voicemail, multi-party conferences and fax

This architecture ensures that the hosting providers network topology is invisible to 3rd parties (including possible attackers). Furthermore, the hosting provider only needs 2*n+1 public IP Addresses (where n is the number of shared service groups). The “dual homed” gateways must be configured to have ETH0 (default interface) connected to the public network and ETH1 connected to the hoster network.


SIP Provider

Each customer has its own SIP trunk, configured on the according customer IPVA. The SIP trunk must be configured without using MediaRelay. As a result, if a customer makes a call to the PSTN(SIP provider), the RTP-stream goes end-to-end - between the SIP-provider and the phone at the customer site. Since the customer phone is behind a NAT router, the SIP provider must support NAT traversal.

In general a certified SIP-provider can be used, if the provider passed the interop-test for NAT Traversal, T.38, T.38 Transoding, Reverse Media Negotiation and doesn't require MediaRelay to be enabled.

The SIP trunk to the SIP Provider must use Registration, we don't support SIP Trunk without Registration in this scenario.


Throughout the system, a number of passwords are used in various places. It is critical to use as less passwords as possible to make day-to-day administration easy and as much passwords as necessary to keep things secure. So here is an overview:

  • Admin passwords
Admin user authentication is based on Keberos. Each admin thus can and should have individual accounts and passwords (referred to as individual admin password)
all devices shall have a "local admin" passsword which should be kept secret and not be known by normal administrators and should normally never be used. This is referred to as system-wide admin password
  • PBX passwords
PBX passwords needs to be the same in all oft the hosting providers PBXs (and do not need to be typed-in anywhere except during a PBXs initial configuration) . The are referred to as PBX password
  • Object password. There are 2 kinds:
    • Passwords, which need to be known to the customer. Registration passwords for terminal devices would be an example. Those are referred to as customer registration password). Another example are initial passwords for myPBX (that is, user passwords). They are referred to as customer login password. For each customer (not for each line), a distinct customer registration password is defined, which normally never changes. Furthermore, another customer login password is generated, which is used initially for all user objects but will be changed by the end users.
    • Password which are not disclosed to the customer. These are used for internal registrations, e.g. a local interface or gateway registering at the customer PBX. For this, the pbx password will always be used
  • Kerberos DB password
The PBX password shall be used for encryption of the Kerberos database (as it does make no sense to use a different password here)

Unfortunately, the Linux AP has no support for Kerberos so separate admin password are required. We distinguish passwords used during daily administration and those which are not.

  • Linux Admin password
this is the password used in day-to-day administration, referred to as Linux Admin password. It is used as web server credentials, webdav access credentials, application access credentials, 'innovaphone Reporting access credentials, innovaphone Fax access credentials etc.
  • Linux System password
the password that is used as root credentials. For this, the PBX password shall be used
The database passwords (e.g. postgresql admin password) can be left as by default, as the DB server is accessible from only anyway


Each customer should have a unqiue customer id. It should be “safe” (that is, no umlaut, no spaces, no obscure special characters). Something like e.g. Kuenkel0001 will do.


All devices require correct time setting. They all must have be a working NTP time source configured (and probably also a working alternate).

The dual-homed devices (see above) shall use 2 reliable time sources (either run by the hosting provider or from the internet). All other devices shall use "their" own Frontend as NTP Server (a backup time source is not strictly required here as these devices are anyway unusable for customers when the Frontend is down).


The entire HTTP and LDAP traffic from and to the customers network is encrypted. This affects for example a customers access to the PBX (e.g. if the customer is granted (limited) access to the PBX config or for myPBX), as well as access to the reporting service.

To facilitate access to these devices without any warnings issued by the clients (e.g. browser security alerts) all devices require suitable certificates (that is, the host name and IP address must be noted in the certificate and they must be derived from a single signing authority so that end-users only need to import a single root certificate in order to accept all of these device certificates.

The devices built-in certifcates cannot be used as they only refer to the devices NetBIOS name (e.g. IPVA-a8-5a-38) which will not be used to access the devices. Also, in the case of IPVA, the default certificate is self-signed as opposed to being derived from the aforementioned uniform root certificate.

To derive device-certificates which all inherit from the same root certificate, a so-called RootCA is needed.

There are multiple ways to implement this. Although there are better schemes available, one way to do it that requires no 3rd party gear is to generate a RootCA (in General/Certificates/RootCA) on a dedicated IPVA. This RootCA then can be used to generate all of the other certificates. They are stored in the IPVA’s virtual CF card (/DRIVE/CF0/CA/certs/) and can be exported to the other devices from there.


For the RootCA, we use the IPVA that also implements the central Kerberos server. Unfortunately, with the current firmware each generated device certificate will also replace the IPVA’s own device certificate. This is of course somewhat unfortunate, however, it is not really an issue as no end-customer will ever access the Kerberos IPVA anyway. The Kerberos server itself does not rely on the device certificate.

You first generate a RootCA on the RootCA-IPVA ('General/Kerberos). The following data must be used:

C=your-country (e.g. Germany) , O=hoster, CN=hoster Device Certification Authority, Key-length 4096, lifetime 20 years

This new RootCA (which is now the IPVA’s device certificate) needs to be trusted on the IPVA (General/Admin).

Device Certificates

To create individual device certificates, use the RootCA created and use the following data:

Key 4096, Common Name=devices NetBIOS Name, Organization=hoster, Country=your-country (e.g. Germany) , DNS Name 1=devices external IP address, DNS Name 2=devices internal IP address, IP Address 1=devices external IP address , IP Address 2=devices internal IP address

For devices with an internal IP address only, it is important to specify the IP address of the NAT router used to access the device as external IP address (e.g. for a customer PBX, this will be the Frontend used). You specify the IP address only, not the port map.

If you intend to assign real DNS names to your devices, you may of course specify these as DNS Name 3 too.

In order to be able to export the new certificate to the target device, you need to make sure you tick the Backup on CF check-mark, so it is saved on the CF as serialno.pem. To transfer the new certificate to the target device, take note of the serial number and download the respective certificate file from /DRIVE/CF0/CA/certs/serialno.pem. This file can then be uploaded to the target device (General / Certificates / Device certificate / Upload).

Device Certificates & DNS

If external access(customer using myPBX) should use DNS names, certificates issued for the DNS-name of the frontend must be used. In this case, the certificate doesn't need an Alternate Name for the public IP-address of the frontend (but it doesn't hurt either).

The FQDN used in the myPBX-config (PBX/Config/myPBX) must point to the public IP of the frontend. For myPBX, the frontend will forward incoming HTTPS-requests to the customer IPVA or the reporting server, depending on the port the clients sends its request to and the Port specific forwardings configured at the frontend. The customer IPVA and the reporting server must have a certificate issued for the FQDN of the frontend. As a result, all IPVAs and Linux-APs in a frontend cluster must use the same certificate - the one issued for the frontend.

If there is a wildcard certificate for the hoster domain, it can be used for all devices in the frontend cluster.

If you want to use HTTPS also for internal HTTP connections (this would be only administration of IPVAs by using their internal IPs), you must have as additional Alternate Name the internal IP address of the IPVA/LinuxAP or live with a warning message displayed in the browser. In case that you cannot live with the warning message, each IPVA/LinuxAP must have its own certificate (since the private IP has to be different in each certificate). The resulting certificate would be still issued for the FQDN of the frontend but would have as Alternate Name the internal IP address of the IPVA/LinuxAP.

Browser Installation of the Root Certificate

To get rid of the browser security alerts when accessing devices with e.g. HTTPS, the public key of the root certificate must be trusted by the browser. For this, it needs to be exported in to a file (you can best do this from the RootCA’s trust list in General/Certificates/Download/PEM into certificate.crt).

It must then be imported to the browser. This needs to be done once by both administrators and customers.


  • Extras / Einstellungen / Erweitert / Zertifikate anzeigen / Zertifizierungsstellen / Importieren
  • import the .crt file
  • tick Dieser CA vertrauen, um Websites zu identifizieren

Internet Explorer

  • Extras / Internetoptionen / Inhalte / Zertifikate / Beabsichtigter Zweck Clientauthentifizierung / Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen / Importieren
  • import the .crt file


Kerberos is used to implement authentication for all devices. This includes both devices in the PBX hosting provider’s infrastructure and the CPE. For this to work, all devices must subscribe to the Kerberos realm. The PBX hosting provider’s DNS domain (e.g. ‘’hoster’’.tld) should be used as Kerberos domain name. This way, Kerberos can be found using DNS SRV records.

The IPVA used as RootCA can be used as master kerberos service too. A stand-alone Kerberos server (that is, the one that is implemented in the Gateway level) is being used. The (probably limited) number of admin accounts is maintained manually.

In fact, if the PBX hosting provider uses an active directory service to manage employee accounts, an AD-replicated PBX run on the central Kerberos IPVA is also a viable option.

Either way, a standby Kerberos server should be setup as a separate IPVA and can be replicated from the master kerberos as usual.

Unless an active directory is used, no trust relationships are required. If so, the system-wide admin password should be used as shared secret.

The devices which rely on kerberos for authentication (that is, all devices!) locate the Kerberos servers using DNS SRV records. Devices within the hosting provider’s private network use the internal IP address for this; external (e.g. CPE) devices use their respective Frontend. For this to work, each Frontend needs some UDP NAT maps as follows:

Protocol	Port	Address	Int. Port
UDP	7465	kerbhost-dup	464	delete
UDP	7464	kerbhost	464	delete
UDP	7089	kerbhost-dup	88	delete
UDP	7088	kerbhost	88	delete 

Instead of relying on the PBX hosting provider’s DNS server, the SRV records can be set in the devices during staging. This way, each device can be configured to use its associated Frontend only:

config change DNS0 /a-name kerberos1i.#(h-domain) 
	/a-addr #(h-kerberos1ip) /a-name kerberos2i.#(h-domain) 
	/a-addr #(h-kerberos2ip) /a-name sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) 
	/a-addr #(h-sbcextip) 
	/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target kerberos1i.#(h-domain) /srv-port 88 /srv-prio 0 /srv-weight 0 
	/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target kerberos2i.#(h-domain) /srv-port 88 /srv-prio 5 /srv-weight 0 
	/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) /srv-port 7088 /srv-prio 10 /srv-weight 0 
	/srv-name _kerberos._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) /srv-port 7089 /srv-prio 12 /srv-weight 0 
	/srv-name _kpasswd._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target kerberos1i.#(h-domain) /srv-port 464 /srv-prio 0 /srv-weight 0 
	/srv-name _kpasswd._udp.#(h-domain) /srv-target sbc#(h-sbcindex).#(h-domain) /srv-port 7464 /srv-prio 10 /srv-weight 0 

With this setup, all devices will prefer the internal IP addresses. External (e.g. CPE) devices will of course not be able to reach these internal addresses, but they will succeed with one of the Frontends. Thus CPE devices will use any of the available Frontends, not necessarily their own. This will work as all Frontends ultimately NAT to the same Kerberos server.

Note: The _kpasswd._udp SRV entry should point only to the primary Kerberos Server (i.e. either external NAT-map or internal IP-address), since the _kpasswd._udp is used to join devices to the Kerberos-Realm. It is only possible to join a realm on the master-Kerberos server, not on the standby. As a result, if the Master-Kerberos server is down, it is not possible to join/unjoin device to the Kerberos-Realm.

Kerberos User

In addition to the accounts for the administrators, there must be a service account paccess used for programmatic access to the devices. This will for example be used by the Metadir server to access the Frontend (and can also be used by a hosting provider specific administration software). In addition to that, this account is to be configured under Services/HTTP/Client for URLs https:// and http:// on the Frontend, Media-PBX and customer PBXs. This allows all these device to access all other devices using HTTP/S.

The credential for this account need to be kept securely, as they allow admin access to all devices in the infrastructure!

To facilitate automatic join into the kerberos domain during staging, there needs to be an additional special account with Join Realm rights only: : joiner, joiner. This account is not particularly relevant from a security point of view, as aside from adding or removing devices from a realm nothing relevant can be done on behalf of it.


It is in the PBX hosting provider’s best interest to implement a centralized license management. A central licensing server instance is needed thus. This can be run on the master and standby Kerberos server. All licenses purchased by the PBX hosting provider are installed here. The license server runs a PBX. The only task for this PBX is to host the licenses and distribute them to the Frontend and Media PBXs, which are registered as License only slaves and will further distribute the licenses to the customer PBXs (which are in turn registered as License only slaves to their respective Media-PBX).

See Howto:License_Master

If you choose to use a PBX based Kerberos server (see above), this same PBXs can be used.

The license server PBXs will have the PBX hosting provider’s domain name as System Name (e.g. hoster.tld) and . as PBX Name.


The Frontend

  • accepts external registrations from customer CPE
  • provides a central (virtual) CF-card storage for non-sensitive data (e.g. firmware files)
  • supports mutliple customer PBXs. The exact number is yet ffs., however, we estimate no more than 135 currently. Frontends will simply be numbered (sb1, sb2 etc.)
  • The Frontend being a “dual homed” gateway, must have ETH0 (default interface) connected to the public network and ETH1 connected to the hoster network, this was the tested setup during our tests so it's the recommended configuration.


  • The Frontend will provide inbound NAT mappings for HTTPS and LDAPS. This allows for controlled access to the IPVAs within the PBX hosting provider’s private network from external. Each customer PBX uses its associated Frontend for NAT, that is, each Frontend provides NAT for all customers that have it associated as Frontend. The number of customers per Frontend is limited by the number of NAT maps that can be created, which in turn depends on the length of the resulting config file line. Currently, there is a limit of approximately 290 maps per Frontend. 2 distinctive maps are needed per customer
  • Additionally, some maps shared by all customers (e.g. for services like Metadir, FaxServer, Reporting) are required. About 20 maps should be reserved for this
  • So we end up with the aforementioned number of 135 customers per Frontend
  • It is recommended to use a kind of syntax that allows the admin to deduce from the external port number the service type and the associated private IP. For example use 4-digit external ports, the first digit represents the service type(e.g.8 for HTTPS to the PBX, 9 for LDAPS to the PBX), the following 3 digits the associated IP-address(e.g. 007 for internal IP In our example the external port 9007 would be mapped to the internal IP port 636.
  • since the Frontend is also used as NAT-router for UDP-messages(i.e. SIP signalling from the customer PBX to the SIP provider), an UDP-NAT port-range(IP4/General/Settings) must be configured. The size of the port-range should be at least as large as the number of customer PBXs served by the Frontend, each SIP Trunk requires one (external, public) port in the defined range. By default the UDP-NAT port-range is 0, so no UDP NAT is possible. You must use a port range that does not conflict with other used ports on the Frontend (e.g. UDP-RTP Port-Range by default 16384 / 32767).


  • System Name is the PBX hosting provider’s domain name (e.g. hoster.tld)
  • PBX Name is sbn
  • Prefix for Intl/Ntl/Subscriber depending on Customers national numbering plan (e.g. for Germany and Trunk Prefix 0: 000, 00, 0)
  • registers as Slave PBX with the central license server PBX (License Only)
  • receives required licenses from the central license server thus
Customer related Configuration
  • One Session Border object for each (potential) terminal registration to a customer PBX
  • Long Name as well as Registration to internal PBX/Name set tot he CPE-ID (see below)
  • Password set to the customer registration password
  • Registration from external/Name set to the CPE’s hardware-ID (NetBIOS name) PBX Password ticked

See also #Configuration of customer related objects in the customer’s PBX and Frontend

Alternate RAS port

End-customer phones register to the PBX using H.323. Some CPE Routers (such as Linksys) are known to mess around with H.323 packets (namely RAS) may inhibit registration. To avoid this problem, the phones and Frontend should be configured to use an alternate port for RAS signalling. At the phone the RAS - port must be changed using the command config add H323 /ras-port xxxx , the Frontend must be configured to listen for RAS packets also on an alternate port using the command config add H323 /ras-port-alt xxxx. The alternate RAS port configuration should be distributed to the phones in the staging section of the initial update-server configuration.

In few cases, the NAT router will still detect RAS-messages sent via an alternate RAS port. The NAT router will therefore do its faulty H323-NAT-entries in the RAS messages. As a result, phones behind the NAT-router will not be able to register at the Frontend. Assuming that you configured the usage of an alternate RAS port and double-checked that the entered password (at the phone and Frontend) is correct/matching, you can enable the logging of H323-Registrations(Maintenance/Diagnostics/Logging) and look for a REGISTER-REJ message having the additional information Reason=Authentication failed

REGISTER-REJ(,H323=IP200A-10-10-b4,Reason=Authentication failed

Since the password is correct, the Reason=Authentication failed indicates that the NAT router is still doing H323-NAT. To solve this problem, H323-NAT must be turned off on the NAT-router located at the customer site.


Keep in mind that the frontend is exposed to any attack from the wild, deep space in internet. As such, you should take utmost care of any security related settings (you may want to review the security lesson in your latest advanced training). In particular, as you will never want to allow registrations w/o password on a frontend, make sure to set No of Regs w/o Pwd. to 0 (zero) in any frontend PBX configuration.



  • The media-PBX needs to have http access to the customer PBXs in order to play e.g. announcements or voice-mails. This is why the HTTP client credentials for URLs http:// and https:// via paccess@hoster.tld have to be set as explained above.
  • The media-PBX, must be configured to have ETH0 (default interface) connected to the public network and ETH1 connected to the hoster network, this was the tested setup during our tests so it's the recommended configuration.


  • One PBX-type object per customer. Both Name and Long Name set to the customer id, “Number” set to #+uniq number out of customer id.
  • One Gateway-type object HTTP-EXT with no number. This takes registrations from customer PBXs to for media data
  • User-type object MOH with number ###10. This is to register the MoH source
  • User-type object TONE with number ###11. This is to register the TONE interface. Make sure that you cut off the ###11 in the route to the TONE interface.
  • User-type object HTTP-OUT with number ###12. This is to register the media-PBX’s local HTTP interface to offload media data such as WQ announcements and voicemail

Customer PBX

Each customer has a unique customer-id which is used to derive various names and identifiers (see above). It is derived from (part of) the customer’s name and a sequential number. Something like e.g. Kuenkel00001.

The customer PBX is located within the private part of the PBX hosting provider’s network. Because of this, it cannot send media data to the CPE (which is the end customer’s private network). Media has to be sent via the associated Media-PBX thus, as this is dual-homed.

  • the associated Frontend is used as Time Server
  • Unknown Registrations is turned on with With PBX Pwd only. This is to enable ZCD (Zero Configuration Deployment) for CPE
  • System Name set to the customers email domain (even if it is or as it does not need to be unique. Therefore it's necessary to set the customer PBX’ Master GK-ID property to the value of the media-PBX’ System Name property.
  • PBX Name set to the customer ID

Handling of calls to MOH, TONE or HTTP-interface

As explained in the previous section, the customer PBX cannot send media data to the CPE but must use the respective resources on the associated Media-PBX. Calls to the Media-PBX are routed using GW-interfaces (i.e. Relay) on the customer PBX. Therefore the first step is to register a GW-interface (e.g. GW1) to the HTTP-EXT on the Media-PBX.

  • Go to PBX/Config/General an enter as "External Music On Hold" the name of a non-exisiting object (e.g._customer_moh_)
  • Go to Gateway/GK an register a GW-interface (e.g. GW2) to this non-exisiting object (e.g._customer_moh_). The registration will be accepted, in the PBX you will see a PBX-object called _MOH_
  • Assuming that you followed the examples before, GW1 would be the GW-interface registered at the Media-PBX. In the routing table (Gateway/Routes) configure a route from GW2 to GW1 and prepend the number used for the MOH-object on the Media-PBX(e.g. ###10). The Route in our example would be GW2 -> ###10 GW1
  • If you want to play a custom MOH, additionally enter the MOH-URL in the "Music On Hold URL" field(PBX/Config/General). The URL will be retrieved by the Media-PBX, as a result it must be retrievable by the Media-PBX (e.g. in the URL will be the local-host address of the Media-PBX)
  • to use the TONE interface of the Media-PBX, route calls to the GW-interface registered at the Media-PBX and prepend the number used for the TONE-object on the Media-PBX(e.g. ###11).
  • since the Media-PBX has only one TONE interface, it will generate the same TONE for all customer-PBX using it. If a customer-PBX needs a different TONE-interface, you have to create am additional Media-PBX.
  • the HTTP - interface is needed when an HTTP-URL is retrieved an played as an announcement. The "Extern Name/No" field at the respective PBX-objects (e.g. WaitingQueue) is used to offload the playing of the announcement to the Media-PBX.
  • at the customer PBX create a Gateway-type object HTTP-IN with no number. This takes registrations from a a GW-interface (e.g. GW3) at the customer PBXs
  • when configuring an announcement URL (e.g. at a WaitingQueue), enter as "Extern Name/No" HTTP-IN. The URL will be retrieved by the Media-PBX, as a result it must be retrievable by the Media-PBX (e.g. in the URL will be the local-host address of the Media-PBX)
  • In the routing table (Gateway/Routes) configure a route from GW3 to GW1 and prepend the number used for the MOH-object on the Media-PBX(e.g. ###12). The Route in our example would be GW3 -> ###12 GW1

Waiting Queue

The WaitingQueue does not only play announcements via the offloaded HTTP-interface but has also handles incoming DTMF tones according to its DTMF-Maps. Since innovaphone devices will by default send DTMF tones as RTP-events(RFC 2833), the DTMF information will be sent to the HTTP - interface running on the Media-PBX. If the Announcement URL ends with the parameter uui-dtmf=on and the Support for RTP-DTMF option is activated at the WaitingQueue, the remote HTTP - interface will send the received DTMF tones as H323 messages to the WaitingQueue-object. By this the WaitingQueue can interpret the DTMF tones according to its DTMf-Maps.

An example for such an announcement URL is:$coder?coder=g711a,g729&uui-dtmf=on

Global Objects in the Customer-PBX

default Template
  • Config Template-type object with Name default
  • Hide from LDAP und Critical
  • Store Phone Config
  • all check-marks ticked in the License tab
  • the Access column needs an entry for @customer.tld (this is the System Name from the PBX configuration) with all check-marks ticked
  • within the Config column, there is only a setting for LDAP Config (Directories) as follows:


 <loc cc='country-code' ac='area-code' ntp='0' itp='00' pbx='subscriber-number'/>
 <ldap id='2' 
   tls='1' port='ldap-port-map-to-pbx-on-sb, e.g. 9004'/>
 <ldap id='3' 
   enable='1' tls='1' mode='basic' 
   addr='sb-ip-address' port='ldap-port-map-to-metadir-on-sb, e.g. 9007' 
   dn='PBX Name' pw='??' base='dc=PBX Name' 
   attr='sn,givenName,company' phone='telephoneNumber:D,mobile:M,:@'/>


pw for ldap id 3 is critical: this allows everyone access to the customer directory data via LDAP. If this is not acceptable, the password needs to be removed from the template and configured manually by the end customer

Configuration of customer related objects in the customer’s PBX and Frontend

From an administrative point of view, no configuration specific to the individual device should be necessary for registration of a CPE. The default NetBIOS name (e.g. IP232-01-02-03) is used as registration name thus. This must be used as Registration from external in the corresponding SessionBorder object thus (for each potential CPE, there must be one SessionBorder object on the associated Frontend, see above). The registration password used by the CPE and thus the Password in the SessionBorder object must be set to the customer registration password (which is specific to this customer, not to the CPE). The Long Name as well as the Name for Registration to internal PBX in the SessionBorder object (hence the registration name for the CPE set in the customer PBX’s user-type object) is a combination of the customer ID and a sequential customer CPE ID, e.g. . Kuenkel00001-001. The customer CPE ID starts with 0 for each customer. This allows for more meaningful data when viewing traces from e.g. the Frontend. Moreover, this scheme allows for nice filtering the object view on the PBX by customer name. The password to register the SessionBorder objects from the Frontend to the customer PBX is always the globally used PBX password. Hence the PBX Password check-mark must be ticked in the Registration to internal PBX area of the SessionBorder object on the Frontend and the PBX Pwd check-mark in the Devices area of the user object in the customer PBX. Initially though, no Devices shall be present in the user object, as this allows ZCD for the CPE.

Click for larger image: SB-registration

Update Server


  • Staging (e.g. installation of suitable trust list for HTTPS)
  • Firmware update
  • Backup of configuration data for CPE and customer PBX

Backup of CPE data is done to the virtual CF card of the customer PBX. Backup of customer PBX data is done to its Frontend. There is no device or device-type specific update script. Structure on the customer PBX


The backup folder on the customer PBX (/DRIVE/CF0/update/backup/) must be set writable but not readable under Services/HTTP/Public compact flash access so that CPEs can write their backup.

Firmware files are stored on a folder of the associated Frontend. Although this implies that they need to be duplicated to all Frontends, it simplifies the configuration and distributes load.

The generic update scripts are stored in (/DRIVE/CF0/update) on the Frontend. staging.txt is the CPE staging code, update.txt the regular update script. Both scripts make extensive use of update variables.

Staging proceeds in 3 steps:

This is a publicly available web service, (this service is currently experimental!) relates a requesting device to the hosting provider and customer pbx based on the serial number. If the device can be identified, the update server URL is rewritten to the PBX hosting provider’s appropriate Frontend (based on data that is defined in my.innovaphone). For more information, see [[Reference10:Concept Provisioning].
  • CPE executes the Frontend-wide staging script (staging.txt). This performs some init-only tasks
  • CPE executes the Frontend-wide update script (update.txt). This performs day-to-day tasks (such as backup)

File structure on Frontend

      staging.txt           - staging script
      update.txt            - regular update script 
      global.txt            - overrides for global settings
      local.txt             - overrides for Frontend-local settings 
      set-customerid.txt    - overrides für customer specific settings
      staging/              - special staging scripts 
        global.txt            - overrides for global settings
        local.txt             - overrides for Frontend-local settings
        set-customerid.txt    - overrides für customer specific settings
        dev-IPxxx.txt         - device type specific settings 
        cfg-phone.txt         - device class specific settings 
        cfg-gateway.txt       - ditto
      firm/                 - firmware

In order to be accessible during firmware updates, the drive (/DRIVE/CF0/update/firm/) must have read (and only read) access on the Frontend under Services/HTTP/Public compact flash access. In order to be accessible from the devices, drive /DRIVE/CF0/update) needs to be readable (and only readable). Both can be achieved with a single /DRIVE/CF0/update/ entry.

Assigning the initial update URL ( ) to CPE is for further study. It can be done as usual (DHCP), but this requires co-operation by the end-customer which may be a problem. Of course it can also be pre-configured by the hosting provider. In the latter case, the URL must be configured to the device after any long reset (factory settings).

Update Script Security

Update scripts may include registration password (although encrypted) to facilitate automatic registration with almost no user intervention (cf. set-customerid.txt above). By definition, staging scripts are readable by everyone (as they are used to configure otherwise unconfigured devices, so no kwowledge of credentials can be assumed). There is no easy way around this. One option would be to define a password for the web site hosting the scripts. This would then imply that the password needs to be configured to the CPE, which is undesirable from an administrative point-of-view. Moreover, with innovaphone gear (that is, when a web server internal to an innovaphone device is used), the only way to secure the scripts with a password would imply to use an admin account and password – clearly unacceptable from a security point-of-view.

To secure the update scripts, a mechanism based on innivaphone's device certificates must be employed. See Reference10:Concept Provisioning for more details.



Create once-only services

  • Kerberos and Kerberos Backup
  • Create a new account for the PBX hosting provider in my.innovaphone (if the generic staging is to be used, see above)
Shared Services

Create services shared by a set of customers:

  • Frontend
  • Media-PBX
  • Metadir
  • Reporting LinuxAP
  • Fax Linux-AP
  • copy update/staging scripts (global.txt, cfg-*.txt, dev-*.txt) tot he Frontend drives (those are identical on all Frontends)
  • create appropriate local.txt on Frontend
New Customer
  • create IPVA with customer PBX
  • create appropriate set-customer-ID.txt on Frontend
  • create appropriate user objects on customer PBX as well as corresponding SessionBorder objects on Frontend
  • create project for customer in my.innovaphone, set URL to the PBX hosting provider’s staging.txt on the appropriate Frontend (e.g. and the encoded public key of the hosting providers RootCA as Trust (as taken from a config file)
  • Add device tot the customer project in my.innovaphone
  • factory reset (optional, of course)
  • set as Command File URL in Services/Update
  • wait for or force poll
  • CPE registers with the Frontend and customer PBX as _UNKNOWN_

On-Site (Customer) Support / Debugging

Alarms and Events

  • Alarms, events should be saved centrally on the Frontend, this way the admin has a full picture of all events and syslog in a Frontend-cluster. The CPE devices are configured by the staging script to send their events/alarms via HTTPS to the Frontend server.
    • incoming Alarms/Events should be authenticated by the Frontend server, the CPEs must be configured (during staging) with the appropriate HTTP-client credentials. The account used for the HTTP-login must be configured with Viewer rights on the Kerberos - server.
    • the received Alarms/Events can be further forwarded by the Frontend server to a Syslog-server. The received events can be then written in a database/text-file and used for further evaluation.
    • the local event and alarm list is always kept in local Flash memory. The number of entries to keep can be configured in the Services/Logging tab. Since your Frontend-Server should not generate a large amount of events/alarms, you can use the default values(last 50 local events are stored in Flash memory).


  • the CPEs should not create logs, all relevant information(i.e. state of user-registrations) is retrieved from the Event/Alarm-list
  • IPVAs(e.g. customer PBX) should generate logs and store them locally on their CF-card
    • the recommended Syslog settings are PBX calls and Gateway calls
    • depending on the amount of generated logs (i.e. the size of your Customer PBX), the Max File Size should be set accordingly. You should capture at least 4 days of log information(e.g. allowing to inspect log information created before a weekend)
  • if its required that CPE devices generate logs, it will be necessary to store the log-information on a central server(e.g. Frontend server). However incoming Logs cannot be authenticated by the Frontend server, since this function is not implemented in the innovaphone LOG-server. If incoming Logs should be authenticated, a Linux-AP should be used as central Log-server (the Linux-AP offers the possibility to authenticate incoming logs)

Config backup

  • Phone configuration is backed up to the customer PBX CF, using the Update Server mechanism.
  • the configuration of devices in the Hoster-network( e.g. Media-PBX, etc.) are saved on the CF-card of the Frontend-server

Accessing the web-interfaces of devices

  • All devices (including CPE) have joined the Kerberos domain. As a result, all administrators are able to log in (provided they have access to the customers network, TeamViewer is an option)

Reporting (Multiple PBX)


The LinuxAP VM for reporting needs to have quite a large CF to be able to store all CDR data for a reasonable time period.

  • VMWare disk size should be 50GB initially. This is based on a rough estimate of 200 customers and a time frame of 1 year
rough estimate. Time will tell
  • RAM 1GB

Naming Conventions

To grant access for customers (and reseller) to the Reporting login page (https://Reporting-IP-Adress/apps/innovaphone-reporting/user/login.php), it's nessesary to create a cdr filter called "base filter" and a user login which is bound to this base filter. These logins and filters can only be edited and created by the hoster (i.e. cloudkom). Since the customer can't change his credentials we use the "customer ID" and the "customer registration password" for further steps.

As we mentioned in chapter Customer PBX each customer needs a uniqe PBX name, but different customers may share the same "System Name". For this reason it's nessasary to set the Grouping-ID in the Reporting application to PBX Name (as set in Config/PBX). Never change this setup because filters are depending on the Grouping ID!

Filter parameters for customers:

  • Base Filter: <leave it empty>
  • Filter Name: customer ID (which is the PBX Name, i.e Kuenkel00001)
  • PBX Name: customer ID (which is the PBX Name, i.e Kuenkel00001)

User configuration for customers:

  • Name: <customer ID>
  • Password: customer registration password
  • Base Filter(s): customer filter name

For reasons of billing (or whatever) it could be fine for resellers to have a filter for all of -his- sold PBXs

Possible filter parameters for reseller: (in fact, the reseller id is a customer id, because the only difference is the filter content)

  • Base Filter: <leave it empty>
  • Filter Name: reseller ID (i.e. innovaphone00001)
  • PBX Name: customer ID +
  • PBX Name: customer ID +
  • PBX Name: customer ID ...

User configuration for reseller:

  • Name: reseller ID
  • Password: reseller registration password
  • Base Filter(s): reseller filter name

Configuration Reporting

  • Grouping ID: PBX-Name
  • Create filter and user logins for the customer
  • LDAP?
  • Report Mails?

Configuration Customer-PBX

Gateway / CDR0
  • Type Remote-AP-S
  • Address Reporting Linux-AP IP address
  • Port 443
PBX / myPBX / Call List Service
  • Type Remote-AP
  • Host Frontend-IP-addr:HTTPS-Portmap-on-Frontend-to-Reporting-App
  • User innovaphone-reporting ?????
  • pass reporting

In contrast to the CDR0 interface, the Call-List-Service doesn't offer the possibility to choose the Type Remote-AP-S. The myPBX client decides which protocol to use (HTTP or HTTPS) depending on the URL (http or https)used to connect to the PBX. So if myPBX uses HTTPS to connect to the PBX, it will use also HTTPS to connect to the Reporting-App.

  • enter Authenticated URL & webserver credentials of Linux-AP. It is important that the port used is in the URL.
E.g. for the Authenticated URL:

Fax Server

The innovaphone Fax Server can be used in a hosting scenario.

The fax server will provide T.38 based fax support for customers. That is, it will be able to send G3 fax to and receive G3 fax from T.38 compliant remote parties. It will not be able to support remote parties which provide G.711 (a.k.a. transparent mode (T30/G.711) fallback or software fax) based fax only. If G711 fall-back is needed, please contact to discuss possible solutions.



A LinuxAP VMware disk size of 50GB should be sufficient. Configure the size of the virtual drive before starting the Linux installation for the first time.

Since the FAX-Interface must be reachable from the public network, it must be offloaded from the Customer VM to the Media Gateway. The SOAP connection from the Faxserver application will be still directed to the Customer VM/PBX.

Routing fax.png

On the customer VM we have to configure a Gateway Object and routes to and from GWxx which is registered on the Media Relay instance. We reuse HTTP-EXT registration at this point to send Fax calls to Media.

Customer PBX Settings for Faxserver

    • Gateway Object Name= Fax, Number= some prefix number used for Fax extensions, Option "Prefix" activated
    • add the Gateway Object to the SOAP/TAPI group, in order it is visible for SOAP applications connecting to this PBX
    • Prepare User Objects for Fax usage:
      • Fax License must be assigned
      • E-Mail must be configured and must match the sender address

Customer Gateway Settings for Faxserver

    • Fax GWxx, Register as Gateway,, Name= Fax
    • Route GWxx (Fax) --> ###13 GWyy (HTTP-EXT)
    • Route GWyy (HTTP-EXT) --> GWxx (Fax)

For multiple customer PBXes we define a single Gateway with FAX Interface:

Media PBX

    • Gateway Object Name= fax, Number= ###13

Media Gateway

    • Interface FAX, Internal Registration,, Name= fax, Coder G711,20 , "Enable T.38"
    • HTTP-Client must be configured to use credentials for programmatic access to be able to read and write to WebDAV Server on LinuxAP with Faxserver application.

Faxserver Instance

For each Customer VM an own Faxserver instance on the LinuxAP must be configured (one LinuxAP, multiple Faxserver instances for every Customer).

    • SOAP connection must be configured to point at the PBX running on the Customer VM
    • E-Mail Account configuration is important to be able to deliver E-Mails to the Faxserver via SMTP
      • The E-Mail account, configured at the Faxserver instance, will be used at teh Customers Mailserver to authenticate against the Mailserver on Faxserver


There are 2 services provided to customers:

  1. the PBX directory
  2. an optional company-wide directory (external LDAP)

PBX Directory (extensions)

  • one NAT port map is to be created per customer on the Frontend for port LDAPS (TCP source port xxx to target Port 636)
This port can be used in the phone’s Port field in the PBX area in Phone/User/Directories/PBX. The PBX LDAP server’s IP address is implied from the registration data. This way, the CPE will in fact access the customer PBX’s LDAP server as opposed to the Frontend’s one
  • LDAPS can be used safely, as the CPE’s LDAP client does not verify the certificate anyway (although it would be trusted as it is derived from the PBX hosting provider’s RootCA)

External Directory

Estos Metadir
  • there is one Metadir server per Frontend which serves all customers associated with this Frontend. Hence there is one inbound NAT port map that maps one port to the Metadir server’s LDAPS port. This map is used from all customers. Customer specific directories are implemented as logical views in the Metadir LDAP server, not as separate servers
  • there is thus one distinct LDAP node (dc=customer-ID) per customer
  • there is also one distinct replicator for each customer (which is used to import the customers directory data in to the Metadir)
    • Replicator
      • The customer would provide its contact database as „comma separated CSV (Windows)“ file (e.g. as exported from Outlook)
      • The file must have the columns "Surname","Firstname","Company","Busines Phone ","Mobile Phone"
      • All numbers must be in E164 format, e.g. +49703173009123
      • File name is contacts.csv
      • The file is uploaded to the Frontend’s CF-file system
      • Each customer has its own directory ( on the Frontend. This is the place contacts.csv has to be uploaded to. For this to work, the path must be set to write-only on the Frontend!
      • Customers can use e.g. curl. Syntax: curl --verbose -k -T contacts.csv. Note that standard WebDAV clients will probably not work due to the fact that this directory is write-only.

Structure on Frontend

    directory/                  - write-only w/o authentication
  • Metadir has a duplicate of the Frontend’s directory structure
      script.bat                - script that retrieves customer directory data <code>contacts.csv</code>  from the Frontend, called by replicator
      contacts.csv              - sample 
        contacts.csv           - customer data
  • Metadir’s per-customer replicator imports the local contacts.csv when run. Before doing so, it calls script.bat which retrieves the appropriate contacts.csv from the FrontEnd (this behaviour needs to be configured in Metadir, Database Wizard, Zusätzliche Anwendungen(additional applications)).
script.bat copies the then-current customer’s contact.csv from the Frontend using curl (curl - syntax: curl --verbose -k -u user:password -o c:\directory\%1\contacts.csv
user:password in script.bat are administrator credentials valid on the Frontend (as contact.csv files are read-only, see above)
  • Each replicator will be run every 3 hours
The replicator can also be triggered from the cmd-line (calling e.g. TextReplicator.exe as found in the Metadir installation directory. Start a replicator from the GUI and have a look at lastreplicator.bat in the install directory). This may be useful if the PBX hosting provider has implemented a user portal to upload the contact data.
  • The replicator is created using the Replicator-Wizard and associates the .csv columns to the respective LDAP attributes/DB field names. A combination of all attributes is used as primary key
Replicator Overview
  • LDAP-nodes:
    • LDAP node access authentication is based on distinct, per-customer users, username (=customer ID), password(=customer registration password). No IP address restriction is used.
    • profile is Default always, no customer specific profile is required (this is handled using the phone’s Dialing Location)
    • Settings can be seen in the screenshot

Here is how to export contact data from Outlook 2010:

    • as far as we know it is only possible to export your own contact list. In case that all users use a global contact list, this list has to be copied first into your own contact entry list.(select [Global List](e.g. IP Kontakte) -> right click -> copy -> choose own contacts)
    • From Outlook File -> Open -> Import -> Export to file -> comma separated values (Windows) -> (select contact folder) -> "Map custom fields"(german: Benutzerdefinierte Felder zuordnen) -> choose "Surname","Firstname","Company","Busines Phone","Mobile Phone"-> Finish
    • Just any certificate will do on the Metadir, as the LDAP client does not validate the certificate
    • Metadir uses port 714 for LDAPS, Frontend needs an appropriate NAT Map
  • directory settings should be set in a PBX Config template-type object in the customer PBX and applied to all user objects there
Phone/User/Directories/External LDAP Server Settings
Dialing Location settings need to be done according to the customers trunk line settings
  • external directory lookups for myPBX are done by the PBX rather than by the myPBX client itself. The directory configuration is taken from the users phone configuration (as stored in the PBX). This of course presents a problem as the phone configuration will use the external Frontend NAT map data for the Metadir, whereas the PBX itself – sitting in the PBX hosting providers private network – needs to use Metadirs private address. There is a special configuration parameter for the PBX which sets the LDAP configuration used for any directory lookup performed for myPBX:
config add PBX0 /ldap-default-addr local-ip-addr-of-metadir /ldap-default-port 714 (714 is Metadirs LDAPS port)


Voicemail is run on the customers PBX as usual. However, as discussed before, the Webmedia (a.k.a HTTP) interface on the media PBX must be used. VM xml script and recorded voice mail files are stored on the customer PBX’s CF card as usual though. The trick is to have a registration to the customer PBX’s voice mail object. If this is present, voice mail will use this registrations to terminate media data rather than the local Webmedia (which is the default).

The registration on the local VM object needs to connect calls to the remote HTTP interface on the media PBX. This is implemented using a GWx interface in the customer PBX’s gateway level which registers to the VM object. There is a route from this GWx to the GWy which in turn registers with the media PBXs HTTP-EXT object (there are no calls to the VM object ever).


  • voicemail-object
    • Hardware-ID = vmrelay
    • Script-URL (installed on local CF Card as usual) = https://customer-PBX-IP-address (not!)/DRIVE/CF0/vm-de/vm.xml?$_divconn=false (this URL will be evaluated on the media PBX, this is why will not work!)
    • suitable extension depending on customers numbering plan


    • vmrelay GWxx, Register as Gateway,, Name= vmrelay
    • Route GWxx (vmrelay) --> ###12 GWyy (HTTP-EXT)


Simpkly works as is.

Mail MWI

Mails are sent through the PBX hosting provider’s own mail server. This may require authenticated SMTP. This needs to be configured in each email.xml in the customer PBX’s voice mail installation:

  • message sender
  • Subject of MWI mail
  • mail server
  • credentials

Apart from the mail subject (which is language dependant), this is identical for all customers, so it can be done once and copied then.

User Email addresses must currently be set in each user object’s URL attribute (or in a separate file in the user directory).


to be updated 

innovaphone Operator v10 can be installed in local client location and connects directly to client IPVA using HTTP-SOAP connection using the same Port used for HTTP management defined on the FrontEnd.

All SOAP communication goes through this HTTP connection so all features will be available and working properly. The LDAP configuration of the Operator v10 is similar to the one performed in the IP Phones.


to be updated


Mobility needs access to DTMF tones and thus to the RTP media stream. As the customer-PBX has no public IP address, again, the media for all mobility calls must be routed through the media-PBX linked to the customer PBX.

In the media-PBX, we need a media-relay-loop gateway-type object (no Prefix check-mark ticked) with a gateway GWx interface registered to it. On the media's gateway level, there is a route that routes calls to this interface directly back to that interface. This GWx interface used must have the Media-Relay check-mark ticked. Calls to the media-PBX's media-relay-loop object are thus echoed straight back to the PBX. However, the media-stream will be terminated on the media, so that it is available from the media's public IP address.

On the customer-PBX, a gateway-type object is created that sends calls to the media's media-relay-loop.

For incoming mobility calls to work, they must be recognized within the gateway level (that is, the mobility object's extension must be known) and routed through the aforementioned media-loop before it ends up in the client-PBX's mobility object.

For outgoing calls, the fork destination must be set such that the outgoing mobility calls are first sent through the media's media-relay-loop before they end up in the client PBX's trunk.


to be updated


Disaster recovery backup ist o be done by the operator of the VMware infrastructure.

User data (PBX config, CPE configuration) is backed up by the update server as outlined above.


Innovaphone does not supply a dedicated UI for hosting scenarios (neither for the PBX hosting provider nor for the end customer). It is envisaged that hosting providers will craft their own tool for this, as this is highly related to the provider’s business model.

Special scenarios

  • Customer-setups where the phones are in separated private networks, e.g. home-office without VPN to LAN of main-office. In this case the phones in different private networks can not send RTP-packets to each other. To overcome this problem, the media-relay option at the SessionBorder object must be enabled for those SessionBorder objects that have registration from "foreign" networks. If the Frontend is used as RTP-endpoint(i.e. by activating the media-relay option), the UDP-RTP port-range(by default 16384 / 32767) must be configured. In case that mediarelay is used, video calls (e.g. using myPBX) will not work since mediarelay is done only for the audio stream.


  • Customers-setups with Master-Slave PBXs are not supported. The problem here is that the Master & Slave PBX are within the hosting provider’s private network and some PBX mechanism (e.g Registration-Redirection, Soap) would return IP-addresses with IP-addresses from the provider’s private network to device at the customer site. (e.g. a phone registering at a PBX might get an indication to register at another PBX - however the IP-address in this Redirection is in the hosting provider’s private network, therefore unknown to the phone).

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