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== Known issues of 14r1 final release ==
== Known issues of 14r1 final release ==
There are some issues in our 14r1 final release, which we plan to fix during the first service releases. These issues are minor enough, so that we did not think holding up the release was necessary.
=== Admin UI for access rights ===
The styling of the admin UI will be updated, but most important at the moment are the following things an admin should know
* New Zones can only configured as "subzones" to the zones configured by the Apps on the PBX. So if you have configured an app "connect" on the PBX subzones to this zone should be configured in the form of connect?<sub-zone>, e.g. connect?marketing
* For the new sub-zones, the name of the app is case sensitive. So if the name of the app object is connect, a zone Connect?merketing does not work.
* PBX groups can be used to assign access rights to zones. To indicate that a group is a PBX group a prefix of '?' has to be used. So if you have defined a group 'development' in the PBX you have to use the name '?development' in the access rights UI.
* To grant access to a zone to all users, just click on the + to add access rights and then click ok without filling in any information
=== Tooltips ===
Some tooltips are still missing.
=== Channels Unread count ===
* The unread count at channels is sometimes wrong. The count eventually changes to the correct one, when you open the channel.
=== Feed ===
* The header for the date is sometimes duplicated. If the feed is reloaded the display is correct.
* New liked messages show up in noted messages. If the feed is reloaded these messages disappear
=== Stream ===
* Sometime Hashtags are missing from the message, esspecially if entered at the beginning of the text and using suggestions.
* suggestions for hashtags or notifies do not work directly after enter

== Related Articles ==
== Related Articles ==

Latest revision as of 16:54, 13 February 2024

Please note the #Known issues of 14r1 final release

The App Service Messages provides the persistent storage of Chat messages as available with the premium chat and social tool, which can be used for organization internal communication. The social tool tool uses the following concepts:

Text posted by a user into a zone
Replies may be posted to a message. The original message and all replies to it or replies to other replies form a discussion
All messages are posted to a zone. Zones are used to define who has access to the messages/posts and provide some structuring for the messages. A typical use of zones is to define a zone for a department or a project.
Tags can be attached to Messages in the form of hashtags within the text. Tags can be used to define channels
A message post can be marked as liked by a user
A user maybe notified with a posted message, by adding @<user> to the text
Are used as discussion rooms for a given subject. A channel filters messages based on a zone or on tags. If no zone is defined , messages with the right tags are filtered from all zones. Multiple tags may be defined. Messages have to contain all the defined tags. If messages are posted within a channel all the tags are attached automticalls to assign the message to the channel.
Message Stream
The message stream displays the messages of the currently selected channel
The message feed displays the likes and notifys for the user
Unread Indication
A message which is not yet read is marked as unread. A message can be indicated as read by a single click on the text. The same message may appear in different channels and the feed. If marked as read in one context, it is displayed as read everywhere.
Following a user or a channel can be set. A message which from a channel/user which is followed shows up in the feed

Messages can be used by other Apps as a platform. It provides an Api to post messages and also allows the integration of a Messages window into an App.


The App Service Messages provides Apps, which can be used by App Objects of the PBX.


This App is the micro blogging user Interface


Each App within the PBX defines a zone within messages, named as the App Object. This way each App has its private zone within Messages, so that a channels maybe defined esspecially for messages from this App. The access to these zones is defined by the access to the Apps. In addition subzones to these zones may be defined. These subzones can be configured within the Messages App. For each subzone it can be defined seperatly which users or groups of users have access. The groups defined in the PBX are used for this purpose.


Tags can be attached to messages for search and filter purposes. The user can assign tags in the form of hashtags within the message text. Tags are valid accross zoness. There are mechanisms to filter messages based on tags


For a message user notifications may be set. These notifications are used to display these messages in the notifications area of the messages UI and E-Mail notifications are created for the notifications. The can add notifications within the message text with an @<user-id> notation.


User can add likes to messages. The likes are displayed in the notification area of the UI

E-Mail Notifications

An email connector can be configured within the messages app, which is used to send emails to notify a user of a new message. There are several conditions under which a notification is sent:

If a user is notified within the message with @<user> an email notification is sent as well
A message posted as reply to a message from the user results in a email notification. This happens for any posts to a discussion, the user has posted to regardless if the reply was to a message of the user directly or any other message of the discussion

Full text search

For all words in the message bodies an index is built, so that words or sequences of words may be found efficiently.

For a search for multiple words two modes are implemented. If the search entry is set in quotes, the exact sequence of the word must appear in the message for a message otherwise just all the words must be present.

Connect App UI concepts

The Connect UI consists of two major parts. On the left side there is the main navigation, which covers the search, channel selection and the feed. On the right is the stream. The stream can either show the content of a channel, or a single discussion, entered from the search or the feed.

The Stream

The middle part of the UI is the main message stream. It displays the messages from the selected channel or from a specific discussion. It is used to post messages. When messages are posted tags are assigned automatically so that the message fits to the selected channel or the message is added to the selected discussion. Unread messages are marked. A click from the user is needed to mark a message as read. A message marked as read in the context of one channel it appears as read in all matching channels.

The display of messages is organized in discussions. Initially only the first message of a discussion is displayed. By click on the respective control, the discussion is expanded, so that all messages of the discussion are displayed.

Messages within a discussion are always displayed in their chronological order.

Messages can be posted as response to other messages. When a response is posted it is always displayed at the end of the discussion, even if it was a response to an early message of the discussion. To identfy to which message the response was posted a control is provided at a displayed message to hide all messages of the discussion except the messages to which this message was a response.

Known issues of 14r1 final release

There are some issues in our 14r1 final release, which we plan to fix during the first service releases. These issues are minor enough, so that we did not think holding up the release was necessary.

Admin UI for access rights

The styling of the admin UI will be updated, but most important at the moment are the following things an admin should know

  • New Zones can only configured as "subzones" to the zones configured by the Apps on the PBX. So if you have configured an app "connect" on the PBX subzones to this zone should be configured in the form of connect?<sub-zone>, e.g. connect?marketing
  • For the new sub-zones, the name of the app is case sensitive. So if the name of the app object is connect, a zone Connect?merketing does not work.
  • PBX groups can be used to assign access rights to zones. To indicate that a group is a PBX group a prefix of '?' has to be used. So if you have defined a group 'development' in the PBX you have to use the name '?development' in the access rights UI.
  • To grant access to a zone to all users, just click on the + to add access rights and then click ok without filling in any information


Some tooltips are still missing.

Channels Unread count

  • The unread count at channels is sometimes wrong. The count eventually changes to the correct one, when you open the channel.


  • The header for the date is sometimes duplicated. If the feed is reloaded the display is correct.
  • New liked messages show up in noted messages. If the feed is reloaded these messages disappear


  • Sometime Hashtags are missing from the message, esspecially if entered at the beginning of the text and using suggestions.
  • suggestions for hashtags or notifies do not work directly after enter

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