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= V10 Beta 1 =
Changes included in Version 10 beta1
[ Definition]
== New Features ==
=== Phone: Pickup function in SIP mode ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 76053]
Pickup is now implemented for SIP configured phones<br/><!--<br/>phonesig_if.h<br/>phonesig.cpp<br/>app_fkey.cpp<br/>app_ctl.cpp<br/>-->
=== SIP/H.323: Don't complete media negotiation if no media can be sent ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 78316]
For incoming calls to a phone media negotiation was already completed during ringing, so that when going off hook the media channel was already established. This causes interop problems, because there are endpoints which asssume there is inband info (e.g. ringback) if media negotiation is complete so local tones (e.g. ringback) were turned off.<br/><br/>In the past with slowstart this premature media negotiation was usefull to avoid delayed media after off-hook. With SIP or H.323 faststart there is no use anymore.
=== SIP: Support for calls with unknown codec ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 78756]
Support for offers and answers without any known codec.<br/>SDP is tunneled between SIP endpoints.
=== TCP: Allow manual disconnect of sockets for debug purposes ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 79642]
mod cmd IP0 tcp-shutdown <ifnum> <local.addr>:<local-port> <remote-addr>:<remote-port><br/><!--<br/>tcp4.cpp<br/>tcp4.h<br/>ipproc.cpp<br/>ip4_user.h<br/>-->
=== IP241,IP222,IP232: Adjust display light in dim mode ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 83036]
New option "LCD light (idle state)" in menu 'Phone setup'.<br/>Sets the display brightness in idle state.<br/><br/><!--<br/>phone_orchid/box/forms/lcd_lib/forms_color.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/box/forms/lcd_lib/forms_color.h<br/>phone_orchid/box/forms/lcd_lib/forms_color_mod.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/box/orchid/orchid_lcd.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/box/orchid/orchid_lcd.h<br/>phone_orchid/common/interface/forms.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/common/interface/forms.h<br/>phone_orchid/common/interface/lcd_color.h<br/>phone_orchid/common/phone/phone-strings-latin1.h<br/>phone_orchid/common/phone/phone-strings-utf8.h<br/>phone_orchid/common/phone/phone-text-tables.h<br/>phone_orchid/phone/app/app_form.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/phone/app/app_gui.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/phone/app/app_gui.h<br/>phone_orchid/phone/phone_user_if.h<br/>phone_orchid/phone/user/phone_user.cpp<br/>phone_orchid/phone/user/phone_user.h<br/>phone_orchid/platform/config.h<br/>phone_inca/box/forms/lcd/forms_gen.cpp<br/>phone_inca/box/forms/lcd/forms_impl.cpp<br/>phone_inca/box/forms/lcd/forms_impl.h<br/>phone_inca/box/forms/lcd/forms_lcd.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Allow changing of object type on user interface ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84506]
Up to now an object had to be deleted and created again with the new type.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx_admin.cpp<br/>pbx_edit_object.xsl<br/>pbx_objs_right,xsl<br/>pbx_edit_broadcast.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_bool.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_bc_conf.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_config.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_dect.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_dirsearch.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_qdial.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_dtmd-ctrl.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_executive.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_gw.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_icp.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_lync.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_loc.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_node.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_user.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_map.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_multicast.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_mobility.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_mwi.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_trunk.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_uc.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_vm.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_waiting.xsl<br/>--><br/>
=== PBX: Outgoing registrations ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84566]
So objects can not only accept incoming registrations but also initiate outgoing registration. Useful in hosting ebvironment<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx_admin.cpp<br/>pbx_edit_object.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_gw.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_trunk.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX Trunk: Mapping for public network numbers ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84607]
For Voip providers registered directly from/to trunk object (no Gateway routing)<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx_trunk.cpp<br/>pbx_trunk.h<br/>pbx_edit_trunk.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX: new licenses in v10, new Tab on user configuration for licenses ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 85088]
New Licenses:<br/>VoicemailUser<br/>myPBX<br/>Video<br/>Lync<br/><!--<br/>pbx_admin.cpp<br/>pbx_edit_object.xsl<br/>pbx_objs_left.xsl<br/>pbx_objs_right.xsl<br/>pbx_edit_executive.xsl<br/>pbx_lync.h<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx_edit_user.xsl<br/>pbx_api.h<br/>pbx_xml.cpp<br/>pbx_cml.h<br/>pbx10_00.wsdl<br/>-->
=== PBX Mobility: Take precaution against hanging calls because of misbehaving mobile phone or client ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86813]
Use a 20s timer to terminate any call to the mobility object if no internal call is initiated<br/><!--<br/>pbx_mobility.cpp<br/>pbx_mobility.h<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Presence depending on user activity ===
|<font><font color="red">Assigned</font></font>
|[ 86941]
Detect user activity (keyboard, mouse) and set the IM presence depending on the current state.<br/><br/>New MSI parameter: AUTOPRESENCE=[true|false]<br/><br/><!--<br/>mypbx10.js<br/><br/>UserActivityMonitor.cs<br/>Native.cs<br/>Config.cs<br/>Config.Designer.cs<br/>Configuration.cs<br/>ctiwin.cs<br/>Installer.cs<br/>setup.vdproj<br/>--><br/>
=== myPBX: Display online status of favourites ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86943]
Idee: Nur Umriss anzeigen, wenn der im-status closed ist.
=== myPBX: Bubble notifications for incoming chats ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86960]
Damit man weiß, dass man in myPBX schauen sollte.
=== PBX: Broadcast outgoing instant messages to alerting endpoints ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87047]
Needed for messages that are sent before CONNECT.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Send and receive instant messages in alerting state ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87098]
Do not queue messages any more but send/receive them even in alerting state.<br/>In the web application this changes the logic when a user has entered the chat.<br/><!--<br/>pbx_client.h<br/>pbx_client.cpp<br/>mypbx10.js<br/>mypbx10_im.js<br/><br/>unit-tests/client/iteration07/240-singlecall-early-message<br/>unit-tests/client/iteration07/340-multicall-subject-retransmit1<br/>unit-tests/client/iteration07/341-multicall-subject-retransmit2<br/>unit-tests/client/iteration08/260-livemeeting-add-call-retransmit-link<br/>unit-tests/client/iteration08/360-webex-add-call-retransmit-link<br/>unit-tests/client/iteration08/460-static-add-call-retransmit-link<br/>unit-tests/client/iteration13/300-add-call-retransmit-audioconf<br/>-->
=== PBX Trunk: New destination for rejected calls ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87151]
Calls which are rejected (busy after alert), can be redirected to a configurable destination.<br/><!--<br/>pbx_trunk.cpp<br/>pbx_trunk.h<br/>pbx_edit_trunk.xsl<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Hover effect for buttons ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87172]
Orange border with glow
=== myPBX: Coloured buttons for accepting and rejecting calls ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87308]
Added green button showing a handset for accepting in coming calls.<br/><!--<br/>pbx/client/httpfiles10/mypbx10_call_action_clear.png<br/>pbx/client/httpfiles10/mypbx10_call_action_connect.png<br/>pbx/client/httpfiles10/mypbx10.js<br/>pbx/client/pbx_client_localisation.cpp<br/>pbx/pbx.mak<br/>-->
=== PBX: Session Border Object ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87376]
PBX object for session border functionality
=== myPBX: Bring child windows to front when clicking tray icon ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87444]
To be implemented in version 10.<br/><!--<br/>mypbx10.js<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Application sharing ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87553]
To be implemented in version 10<br/>
=== myPBX: Show participants in chat conference ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87561]
Transmit list of participants in chat message and display the list in the chat window.<br/><!--<br/>Files:<br/>pbx_client.cpp<br/>pbx_client.h<br/>mypbx10.js<br/>Tests:<br/>unit-tests/pbx/client/iteration7<br/>unit-tests/pbx/client/iteration8<br/>unit-tests/pbx/client/iteration13<br/>-->
=== H.323: Better error handling in case of incompatible SRTP parameters ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87624]
Was needed for DECT OEM.<br/><!--<br/>h323ch.cpp<br/>-->
=== TCP: Minor security issue, start sequence number more random ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87643]
Initial value was random, but it was then incremented by a fixed value<br/><!--<br/>tcp.cpp<br/>tcp.h<br/>tcp4.cpp<br/>tcp4.h<br/>xml.cpp<br/>xml.h<br/>test_os.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: No CDR was generated for enblock call, which was rejected because of filter config ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87869]
A CDR with cause 52 (outgoing call barred) is generated<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx_api.h<br/>-->
=== PBX: Allow configuration of default presence/dialog-info visibility for group members ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88352]
Active group members got full presence/dialog-info because this matched the visibility be group-indications. However this is not desired always, so it can now be configured to restrict this.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx_general.xsl<br/>config_options.cpp<br/>config_options.h<br/>-->
=== PBX: New option for RTP Proxy - proxy only if different registration address ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 88439]
To avaoid RTP Proxy for two endpoints located within same private network behind NAT<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx_general.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX: Gateway Object account should get limited admin rights by default ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 88491]
A device registered to a gateway object is trusted anyway, so giving this account the right to modify CFs or Groups doesn't change a lot and it simplifies Fax Server configuration<br/><!--<br/>pbx_gw.cpp<br/>-->
=== Gateway: Make interop flag "Ack incoming call" configurable on UI ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88499]
This was a hidden interop flag, but was now needed multiple times, so it is more efficient to have it configurable on the UI<br/><!--<br/>gk.cpp<br/>gk.h<br/>relay_edit_phys.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX-SOAP: Present normalized number of peer also ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 88521]
The SOAP API presents the adjusted number of the peer (called/calling), which is the shortest possible number which can be dialed to call this. It is the same number as displayed on the phone. Sometimes an application needs to know the normalized number of the peer, which is the number in the context of the root node. This number is sent as additional number with the identifier "norm"<br/><!--<br/>pbx_xml.cpp<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== IP-DECT: Support of Mitel Hotdesking ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 88918]
Support of Mitel hotdesking for an OEM IP1202 added.<br/><br/><!--<br/>Changed files:<br/>dectusers_if.h<br/>dectmaster_if.h<br/>dectusers.h<br/>dectusers.cpp<br/>dectmaster.h<br/>dectmaster.cpp<br/>dectfty.h<br/>dectfty.cpp<br/>dectradio_call.h<br/>dectradio_call.cpp<br/>-->
=== IPVA: Clock detection for Maintenance/Diagnostics/Counters/CPU-R ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89048]
Was hard-bounded to 1000Mips, now derived from detected cpu clock
=== myPBX launcher: Detect and log computer state changes and JavaScript errors ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89131]
The following events are detected and logged:<br/>- JavaScript errors in the browser control<br/>- Power state changes (hibernate, wake up from hibernation)<br/>- Network availability changes<br/>- Network address changes<br/><!--<br/>ctiwin.cs<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Redirect to different PBX ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89232]
To be implemented in v10<br/><br/><!--<br/>mypbx10.js<br/>ctiwin.js<br/>-->
=== PBX: Support for participants list in conference chats ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89247]
Support for participants list in conference chats (bc conf object) is added.<br/><br/><!--<br/>Changed files:<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx_bc_conf.h<br/>pbx_bc_conf.cpp<br/>-->
=== HTTP: Traces removed in http client module ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89272]
Traces of the http client module are only shown now if the trace flag is set.<br/><br/><!--<br/>Changed file:<br/>httpclient_i.cpp<br/>--><br/>
=== Gateway: CONF interface option 'disconnect control' ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89320]
There is a new option for the CONF interface available now: disconnect control (*81). If a conference call with enabled disconnect control option is disconnected, all other calls in the same conference room are automatically also disconnected.<br/><br/><!--<br/>Changed files:<br/>conference_sig.h<br/>conference_sig.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Support for pickup accross PBXs for myPBX ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89402]
Not the implementation in myPBX yet, just the support for it in pbx_api<br/><!--<br/>pbx_api.h<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>fty.h<br/>test_voip.cpp<br/>test_signal.cpp<br/>test_pbx_api_user.h<br/>test_pbx_api_user.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Show conference object online state ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89440]
The PBX broadcast conference object supports the online state in myPBX dependent on its configuration and its group members' online state now.<br/><br/><!--<br/>Changed files:<br/>pbx_bc_conf.h<br/>pbx_bc_conf.cpp<br/>-->
=== Encoding of conference video stream ===
|<font><font color="red">Assigned</font></font>
|[ 89455]
If a participant starts a 3rd party conference while it is already receiving a video conference stream, it has to adapt this video stream to fit the encoder size. <br/>Example: the conference stream has a resolution of 640x240 and the encoder accepts 320x240 for this stream. <br/>There are many approaches for this problem but right now we just convert 640x240 to 320x120 without image processing, we just discard half of the lines.<br/><br/><!--<br/>videoWriter.cpp<br/>formatConversion.cpp<br/>formatConversion.h<br/>-->
=== Other new Features ===
|valign=top nowrap=true|[ 88366]
|valign=top nowrap=true|teh
|IP-DECT: Cipher key cache in DECT system
== Bug Fixes ==
=== ip22/24/28/302/305/6010/3010/1060: Fax failed if tones are sent during the fax call ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 76342]
In some cases the Fax messages were missing due to tones send during the fxx call
=== IP240: In TFTP mode the message LED is not blinking ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 76490]
LED blink code was missing<br/><!--<br/>platform_inca.c<br/>flash.c (some debugs removed to stay within memory limits)<br/>-->
=== H.323: Video address was wrong after renegotiation ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 80448]
Fix relevant only for v10 video endpoints<br/><!--<br/>channel.cpp<br/>channel.h<br/>-->
=== PBX: More consistent use of conferenceId after transfer ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 80660]
The conference ID is used (SOAP/TAPU, CDRs) to associate different call legs to the same call. After a transfer two calls, which have been seperate are connected, so one of the call legs has to change its conference ID, so that the resulting call has a single conference ID again.<br/><br/>There was a complicated logic implemented in the PBX to decide which conference ID should be used, this is now changed to a simple logic: The conference ID of the call on which the transfer is performed, is used.<br/><br/>Example:<br/><br/>A calls B, B does a consuktation to C, and B transfers A to C - This means the transfer is performed on call leg A, so the conference ID of the original call A-B is used for A-C<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== IP1060 Wizard does not work correctly for Gateway Routes ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 82869]
Does not handle missing PBX<br/><!--<br/>ip6010.cpp<br/>_ip1060_config_waizard.txt<br/>setup_pri_media_gateway.xsl<br/>setup.mak<br/>setup.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Accidential fallback to slowstart if faststart response received in PROGRESS ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84601]
Only happened in some H.323/SIP interop scenarios<br/><!--<br/>h323sig.cpp<br/>-->
=== NAT: Don't forward DNS requests from public network ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84842]
As kind of denial of service attack, bursts of incoming DNS requests were seen. The nat process was forwarding these requests to the public DNS. This is a useful function for DNS requests from the private network, but not for requests from the public network.<br/><br/>These DNS requests are now discarded<br/><!--<br/>socket.h<br/>udp4.cpp<br/>udp.cpp<br/>nat.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Media Negotiation did not work for call with reverse media and media response in CALL-PROC ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84848]
Caused SIP interop problems with CUCM<br/><!--<br/>h323sig.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX Broadcast: Call to group members was not cleared when CFNR was executed ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84857]
This was a collateral damage from<br/>fix: #79549: PBX Waiting/Broadcast: Incomplete CDRs if CFNR configured on object<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Filters should only be applied to calls with media channels ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 84892]
A join group operation could be prohibited with filters. This was unexpected.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Interop Problem with CUCM SIP for Transfer ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 85120]
For the transfer the CUCM first sets the call on hold and then requests a new media proposal from this call, which we cannot deliver. The request is just ignored, there should be an answer.<br/><!--<br/>h323ch.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Slave with non-ASCII PBX name did not register at master ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 85235]
Error in utf-8 to unicode convertion in this case<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Potential trap on registration of a slave PBX, with Master GK-ID configuration changes ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 85477]
The trap happened if on the Slave a Master GK-ID was configured, then the slave registered, and afterwards the Master GK-ID was removed again and the slave registered again and then was restarted once more.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX-Exec: Call at secretary for executive had wrong destination name/number ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 85535]
Call should be displayed as call to the scretary, diverted by the executive<br/><!--<br/>pbxb_exec.cpp<br/>-->
=== Media: RTP did not work on switch from slowstart T.38 to EFC G.711 ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 85548]
T.38 retransmission packets were sent, which caused problems with the RTP<br/><!--<br/>media.cpp<br/>-->
=== Gateway: #11 could not be dialed on analog interfaces with feature codes enabled ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86819]
This is a featiure code used on DECT systems and it was not disabled on analog interfaces<br/><!--<br/>relayfty.cpp<br/>dtmffty.cpp<br/>-->
=== Gateway: Potential trap when recording is configured and a transfer happens ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86837]
The problem is with a transfer, which is executed in the Gateway, not the PBX<br/><!--<br/>relay.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: XML Export/Import did not work, if DTMF Feature objects present ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86870]
The automatically generated user objects caused a problem. This could result in a config that caused the PBX to restart in a loop. The export/import was fixed and the PBX does not restart because of the corrupt config any more.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx_api.h<br/>pbx_admin.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Trap if a Hold was attempted for a call without media ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86874]
Could be caused by a misbehaving application or voip device<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Name beginning with '*' caused problems with SOAP applications ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86882]
A search for such a name was treated as wildcard search for all users. The name '*' is now a reserved name, which cannot be used for an object.<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== Remote Video: No video on second call ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86934]
The number of possible channels has to be increased to 4.
=== myPBX: Sometimes wrong presence is displayed in header ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86949]
Old CSS classed have to be removed from element when disposing presence_input control.
=== PBX Waiting: CFNR with number filter did not work ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86959]
The CFNR was not executed
=== PBX Conference: Calling Party was missing in the CDRs for calls to conference members ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 86977]
Only the conference object itself was present as forwarding party<br/><!--<br/>pbx_bc_conf.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Replication from a dyn PBX was not possible ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87065]
Configuration of dyn PBX id now possible for replication<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>pbx_general.xml<br/>-->
=== TLS: Ignore incoming HelloRequest messages ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87091]
When receiving a HelloRequest the TLS client dopped the connection and sent an "Unexpected message" alert.<br/><br/>Now the HelloRequest is ignored and an "No renegotiation" warning is sent.<br/><br/><!--<br/>tls.cpp<br/>unit-tests/tls/basic/520-data-hellorequest.xml<br/>-->
=== PBX: Call, which was rejected with busy, because of CF loop, could not be forwarded by Trunk Busy destination ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87150]
Such a call was always disconnected<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== IP0010 IP1060 IP3010 IP6010 IP810 IP22 IP24 IP28 IP302 IP305: DSP Update to Version 680.05 ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87179]
The jitter buffer performance has been improved.<br/>The fax/modem bypass performance has been improved.<br/>IP28 firmware size was reduced ( unused code is not linked ).<br/>IP28 G279 didnt work with more than 4 channels.<br/><br/><!-- <br/>DSP code details at \\\\innovaphone.sifi\\dfs\\Dokumente\\Hardware\\G7xx\\Audiocodes\\firmware\\firmware_ac49x\\680.05<br/><br/>ac49x_680/*  ac_494e.cpp ip24.mak ip6010.mak -->
=== IP222 IP232 IP241: Disable PC port didnt work ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87250]
<!-- orchid_drv.cpp -->
=== HTTP: Chunked transfer fails if the chunk header is not in a single packet ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87292]
<!-- http.cpp -->
=== myPBX: Wrong call duration was displayed in history ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87490]
Display connected duration, not total call duration.
=== myPBX: Bigger buttons for call control ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87493]
So that the buttons have the same height as the text.
=== PBX: Blind transfer to WQ by IP-DECT caused hanging calls ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87542]
The call-leg to the transfering phone was not cleared by the PBX, so if the phone did not clear this call, it was hanging for ever. Other phones clear such a call after a timeout, but this is only a workaround, the call must be cleared by the PBX<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Problem sending real big signaling messages ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87543]
Happened with a configuration with more the 60 Join Group function keys on the phone. The message was not sent and the operation failed.<br/><!--<br/>h323sig.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX-SOAP: UserCall on WQ did not take "Send Number" into account and call was not marked as internal ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87559]
Calls should be send with "Send Number" as source if configured<br/><!--<br/>pbx_xml.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: CFB configured at PBX object did not patch number correctly ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87581]
In case the called endpoint was in different node then PBX object, the number did not contain all the needed prefixes<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Called number was missing in CDRs for calls to busy endpoint ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87620]
In case there was no other event then rel-to/from and the call was dialed with overlap sending<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Media Negotiation did not work for Hold/Retrieve after a DECT conference ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87635]
No media after retrieve<br/><!--<br/>h323ch.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX Waiting: Missing ringback on call forward after announcement ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87674]
This was a collateral damage of<br/><br/>fix: #81370: PBX Waiting: Call state shows "Disconnecting" after switch from announcement 1 to announcement 2<br/><!--<br/>pbx_wait.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX Waiting: DTMF overlap dialing or blind transfer to same Waiting object was rejected with busy ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87681]
Even if this was caused by a CFB or CFU on the dialed destination<br/><!--<br/>pbx_wait.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Q.931 User Info could not be sent in incoming call proceeding state ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87740]
This is used by the Fax interface<br/><!--<br/>h323_tbl.tbl<br/>-->
=== PBX: CFNR to same node but different PBX failed on Slave ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87772]
The PBX routing did not work correctly in this case<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Potential NULL pointer access if outgoing registrations are used ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87773]
Collateral Damage of Session Border object implementaation<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX: Administration of object replicated from AD could result in objects without Node/PBX ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 87838]
If the Node/PBX was replicated from AD and the user input contained an error, then after apply and corrected error and another Apply/Save the Node/PBX was missing<br/><!--<br/>pbx_admin.cpp<br/>pbx_edit_object.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX Trunk: If a call was forked to a trunk with no-name option, name was removed from the original call as well ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87843]
A global flag was set on the incoming call, which was wrong.<br/><!--<br/>pbx_trunk.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX Trunk: Diverting as Calling Feature should replace the name as well ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87913]
With this feature the Trunk object uses a Diverting Number as calling party number. But not only the number, but also the Name and Name Id should be replaced<br/><!--<br/>pbx_trunk.cpp<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== IP110 IP150 IP210 IP230 IP240: Firmware support for 8Mbyte FLASH ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 87921]
New Bootcode enables 8Mbyte flash. <br/>If the firmware wants to use the large flash the memory mapping needs a change.<br/><br/><!-- <br/>phone_inca.cpp<br/>config.h<br/> <br/>-->
=== PBX-SOAP: UserCall with 'cn' as destination to a user in different node did not work ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88008]
The call is done using the number, but the number needs to be adjusted according to the nodes<br/><!--<br/>pbx_xml.cpp<br/>-->
=== OS: Quota mechanism did not work for CPU time consumed by timer handling ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88034]
This could result in a MAX_BUSY_TICK restart if many timer expired at the same time<br/><!--<br/>os.cpp<br/>command.cpp (for test only)<br/>command.h (for test only)<br/>-->
=== HTTP: Chunked transfer sporadic fails with webdav ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88078]
<!-- http.cpp -->
=== IP6000 IP2000: Webinterface for ETH1 Link setting didnt work ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88137]
..<br/><!-- interfaces.xml -->
=== PBX: Better handling of Hold from both ends of the call ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 88261]
Avoid playing music on hold to other music on hold<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>-->
=== PBX Boolean: Unpredictable behaviour if more the 16 times are entered ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88263]
There was a limit of 16 times, which was not checked everywhere. The limit is now 32 and checked, so that no more of 32 times can be entered.<br/><!--<br/>pbx_bool.cpp<br/>pbx_bool.h<br/>-->
=== IP222 IP232 IP241: Restart on Jitter buffer overrun ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88312]
..<br/><!-- ac494e.cpp -->
=== H.323: Problem with Media Re-Negotiation on a DECT handover call ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88379]
The DECT handover call works a little special concerning media renegotiation in a way that local preferences are never honored (the real media negotiation takes place between the original radio and the remote endpoint, the handover radio is just told the result. This special mode did not work correctly<br/><!--<br/>h323ch.cpp<br/>dectradio_ho_out.cpp<br/>dectradio_ho_out.h<br/>-->
=== PBX Waiting: User Information Message from announcement interface accidentally forwarded to caller ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88426]
The announcement interface uses User Information signaling messages to send status information for example at the end of the announcement. This was forwarded to the caller by accident. Usually this does not do any harm, but on some ISDN networks it could result in clearing of the call because of unexpected message.<br/><!--<br/>pbx_wait.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: Potential Max-Busy-Ticks restart ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88441]
The H.323 state machine could enter a endless loop<br/><!--<br/>h323sig.cpp<br/>-->
=== DTMF Features: Allow lokal functions if registration to PBX is not available ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 88471]
Local settings like call-waiting on/off should be possible even if currently no registration to the PBX is avaiable<br/><!--<br/>dtmffty.cpp<br/>relay.cpp<br/>relay_api.h<br/>-->
=== PBX: Call Completion monitoring call should be terminated only after the CC ringout call is alerting ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88489]
This is needed for QSIG interoperability<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>-->
=== Viewer was able to download config with standard password ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88503]
This was a security hole<br/><!--<br/>cfg-standard.txt<br/>-->
=== PBX Conference: No Media in case media offer only received with alert/connect from called member ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88590]
This could happen if a broadcast object was called by a conference<br/><!--<br/>pbx_bc_conf.cpp<br/>-->
=== PBX Session Border: Registration with PBX admin password did not work ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88591]
Only user password worked for the internal registration<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== IP222 IP232 IP241: Adjust equalizer above 6.3Khz for lower noise level ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88658]
to reduce noise with G722 codec<br/><br/><!-- ac_codec3.cpp platform/filter --><br/>
=== TLS: Do not ignore early SOCKET_RECV ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88668]
Allow SOCKET_RECV from application between SOCKET_CONNECT and SOCKET_CONNECT_COMPLETE. This event flow is used by the HTTP client.<br/><!--<br/>tls.cpp<br/>unit-tests/tls/basic/102-handshake-client-normal-early-recv<br/>--><br/>
=== Kerberos: Admin UI trap when having too many Kerberos hosts ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88698]
The problem occured if many Kerberos hosts (~1000) were registered on the server. In this case the box trapped due to an XML encoding problem when opening the page General/Kerberos or PBX/Config/Security.<br/><!--<br/>kerberos_db.cpp<br/>kerberos_ldap.cpp<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Allow selecting text ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88746]
Prevent selecting text only if the scollbar is used.<br/><!--<br/>mypbx10.css<br/>mypbx10_scrollbar.js<br/>-->
=== myPBX: Use tabs for switching between favourites and history ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 88772]
Use tab metaphor for switching instead of radio buttons.<br/><!--<br/>mypbx10.css<br/>-->
=== IP22 IP24 IP28 IP305: Sometimes the DSP stops after sending CLIP ===
|<font><font color="red">Assigned</font></font>
|[ 89130]
..<br/><!-- ac_494e.cpp -->
=== PBX: Configuration UI broken for checkmarks on PBX/Config/General and PBX/Config/myPBX ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89140]
The checkmarks on these two pages where all cleared when the other page was edited.<br/>Collateral damage of<br/><br/>fix: #88352: PBX: Allow configuration of default presence/dialog-info visibility for group members<br/><!--<br/>config_options.cpp<br/>pbx_general.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX: URI dialing, should not be case sensitive and numbers should be possible ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89326]
needed for federation<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>-->
=== H.323: RTP-DTMF did not work on exclusive coder/media relay configurations ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89328]
Problem for DTMF on SIP trunks<br/><!--<br/>h323ch.cpp<br/>-->
=== IM compatibility between v9 and v10 ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89348]
ASN.1 encoding of instant messages was incompatible. Therefore sending messages between v9 and v10 PBXes did not work any more.<br/><br/>Fixed ASN.1 definition of InnovaphoneIMArgs.<br/><br/><!--<br/>h450asn1.h<br/>-->
=== AD Replication: A Buffer for Processing The Paged Result Cookie Was Too Small ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89385]
1KB wasn't enough, now 2KB.<br/><!--<br/>interface/ldapapi.cpp/.h<br/>-->
=== LDAP Expert: "Next"-Browsing through DB failed ===
|<font><font color="green">Closed</font></font>
|[ 89391]
URI encoding error<br/><!--<br/>fdirui_right.xsl<br/>-->
=== PBX: Port license did not count correctly ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89401]
It could happen that a port license was not released, when an object was reconfigured while a registration was active and later on the registration was cleared<br/><!--<br/>pbx.cpp<br/>pbx.h<br/>-->
=== phone: ip222,ip232: humming noise in USB headset speaker in outbound call setup phase, disappears once connected ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89432]
sometimes a humming noise was heard in the USB headset speaker in the setup phase of an outbound call. it disappeared as soon as the call was connected.  <br/><!-- ac_phone3.cpp -->
=== phone:  an intrusion call set up via Partner function key could not be cleared at the intruding phone via TAPI ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89443]
The TAPI assumed the intruding phone to be in a conference<br/><br/><!-- app_call.cpp -->
=== IP0010 IP1060 IP3010 IP6010 IP810: Ethernet show no link with 10Mbit connection ===
|<font><font color="orange">To-decide</font></font>
|[ 89460]
May happen with DSL routers<br/><!-- mv78x00_drv.cpp -->

Revision as of 17:36, 29 October 2012

This is the Firmware V10 Roadmap Document.

The release date of the next beta is planed for the third monday of a month. Please note that this a scheduled and no fix date.

This article is generated automatically. Do not edit! Please see the disclaimer before using the information presented here!

V10 Beta 1

Changes included in Version 10 beta1 Definition

New Features

Phone: Pickup function in SIP mode

Status Closed
Id 76053

Pickup is now implemented for SIP configured phones

SIP/H.323: Don't complete media negotiation if no media can be sent

Status Closed
Id 78316

For incoming calls to a phone media negotiation was already completed during ringing, so that when going off hook the media channel was already established. This causes interop problems, because there are endpoints which asssume there is inband info (e.g. ringback) if media negotiation is complete so local tones (e.g. ringback) were turned off.

In the past with slowstart this premature media negotiation was usefull to avoid delayed media after off-hook. With SIP or H.323 faststart there is no use anymore.

SIP: Support for calls with unknown codec

Status Closed
Id 78756

Support for offers and answers without any known codec.
SDP is tunneled between SIP endpoints.

TCP: Allow manual disconnect of sockets for debug purposes

Status Closed
Id 79642

mod cmd IP0 tcp-shutdown <ifnum> <local.addr>:<local-port> <remote-addr>:<remote-port>

IP241,IP222,IP232: Adjust display light in dim mode

Status Closed
Id 83036

New option "LCD light (idle state)" in menu 'Phone setup'.
Sets the display brightness in idle state.

PBX: Allow changing of object type on user interface

Status Closed
Id 84506

Up to now an object had to be deleted and created again with the new type.

PBX: Outgoing registrations

Status Closed
Id 84566

So objects can not only accept incoming registrations but also initiate outgoing registration. Useful in hosting ebvironment

PBX Trunk: Mapping for public network numbers

Status Closed
Id 84607

For Voip providers registered directly from/to trunk object (no Gateway routing)

PBX: new licenses in v10, new Tab on user configuration for licenses

Status Closed
Id 85088

New Licenses:

PBX Mobility: Take precaution against hanging calls because of misbehaving mobile phone or client

Status Closed
Id 86813

Use a 20s timer to terminate any call to the mobility object if no internal call is initiated

myPBX: Presence depending on user activity

Status Assigned
Id 86941

Detect user activity (keyboard, mouse) and set the IM presence depending on the current state.

New MSI parameter: AUTOPRESENCE=[true|false]

myPBX: Display online status of favourites

Status Closed
Id 86943

Idee: Nur Umriss anzeigen, wenn der im-status closed ist.

myPBX: Bubble notifications for incoming chats

Status Closed
Id 86960

Damit man weiß, dass man in myPBX schauen sollte.

PBX: Broadcast outgoing instant messages to alerting endpoints

Status Closed
Id 87047

Needed for messages that are sent before CONNECT.

myPBX: Send and receive instant messages in alerting state

Status Closed
Id 87098

Do not queue messages any more but send/receive them even in alerting state.
In the web application this changes the logic when a user has entered the chat.

PBX Trunk: New destination for rejected calls

Status Closed
Id 87151

Calls which are rejected (busy after alert), can be redirected to a configurable destination.

myPBX: Hover effect for buttons

Status Closed
Id 87172

Orange border with glow

myPBX: Coloured buttons for accepting and rejecting calls

Status Closed
Id 87308

Added green button showing a handset for accepting in coming calls.

PBX: Session Border Object

Status Closed
Id 87376

PBX object for session border functionality

myPBX: Bring child windows to front when clicking tray icon

Status Closed
Id 87444

To be implemented in version 10.

myPBX: Application sharing

Status Closed
Id 87553

To be implemented in version 10

myPBX: Show participants in chat conference

Status Closed
Id 87561

Transmit list of participants in chat message and display the list in the chat window.

H.323: Better error handling in case of incompatible SRTP parameters

Status Closed
Id 87624

Was needed for DECT OEM.

TCP: Minor security issue, start sequence number more random

Status Closed
Id 87643

Initial value was random, but it was then incremented by a fixed value

PBX: No CDR was generated for enblock call, which was rejected because of filter config

Status Closed
Id 87869

A CDR with cause 52 (outgoing call barred) is generated

PBX: Allow configuration of default presence/dialog-info visibility for group members

Status Closed
Id 88352

Active group members got full presence/dialog-info because this matched the visibility be group-indications. However this is not desired always, so it can now be configured to restrict this.

PBX: New option for RTP Proxy - proxy only if different registration address

Status To-decide
Id 88439

To avaoid RTP Proxy for two endpoints located within same private network behind NAT

PBX: Gateway Object account should get limited admin rights by default

Status To-decide
Id 88491

A device registered to a gateway object is trusted anyway, so giving this account the right to modify CFs or Groups doesn't change a lot and it simplifies Fax Server configuration

Gateway: Make interop flag "Ack incoming call" configurable on UI

Status Closed
Id 88499

This was a hidden interop flag, but was now needed multiple times, so it is more efficient to have it configurable on the UI

PBX-SOAP: Present normalized number of peer also

Status To-decide
Id 88521

The SOAP API presents the adjusted number of the peer (called/calling), which is the shortest possible number which can be dialed to call this. It is the same number as displayed on the phone. Sometimes an application needs to know the normalized number of the peer, which is the number in the context of the root node. This number is sent as additional number with the identifier "norm"

IP-DECT: Support of Mitel Hotdesking

Status To-decide
Id 88918

Support of Mitel hotdesking for an OEM IP1202 added.

IPVA: Clock detection for Maintenance/Diagnostics/Counters/CPU-R

Status Closed
Id 89048

Was hard-bounded to 1000Mips, now derived from detected cpu clock

myPBX launcher: Detect and log computer state changes and JavaScript errors

Status Closed
Id 89131

The following events are detected and logged:
- JavaScript errors in the browser control
- Power state changes (hibernate, wake up from hibernation)
- Network availability changes
- Network address changes

myPBX: Redirect to different PBX

Status Closed
Id 89232

To be implemented in v10

PBX: Support for participants list in conference chats

Status Closed
Id 89247

Support for participants list in conference chats (bc conf object) is added.

HTTP: Traces removed in http client module

Status Closed
Id 89272

Traces of the http client module are only shown now if the trace flag is set.

Gateway: CONF interface option 'disconnect control'

Status Closed
Id 89320

There is a new option for the CONF interface available now: disconnect control (*81). If a conference call with enabled disconnect control option is disconnected, all other calls in the same conference room are automatically also disconnected.

PBX: Support for pickup accross PBXs for myPBX

Status To-decide
Id 89402

Not the implementation in myPBX yet, just the support for it in pbx_api

PBX: Show conference object online state

Status Closed
Id 89440

The PBX broadcast conference object supports the online state in myPBX dependent on its configuration and its group members' online state now.

Encoding of conference video stream

Status Assigned
Id 89455

If a participant starts a 3rd party conference while it is already receiving a video conference stream, it has to adapt this video stream to fit the encoder size.
Example: the conference stream has a resolution of 640x240 and the encoder accepts 320x240 for this stream.
There are many approaches for this problem but right now we just convert 640x240 to 320x120 without image processing, we just discard half of the lines.

Other new Features

88366 teh IP-DECT: Cipher key cache in DECT system

Bug Fixes

ip22/24/28/302/305/6010/3010/1060: Fax failed if tones are sent during the fax call

Status Closed
Id 76342

In some cases the Fax messages were missing due to tones send during the fxx call Status: ac_dsp3.cpp

IP240: In TFTP mode the message LED is not blinking

Status Closed
Id 76490

LED blink code was missing

H.323: Video address was wrong after renegotiation

Status Closed
Id 80448

Fix relevant only for v10 video endpoints

PBX: More consistent use of conferenceId after transfer

Status Closed
Id 80660

The conference ID is used (SOAP/TAPU, CDRs) to associate different call legs to the same call. After a transfer two calls, which have been seperate are connected, so one of the call legs has to change its conference ID, so that the resulting call has a single conference ID again.

There was a complicated logic implemented in the PBX to decide which conference ID should be used, this is now changed to a simple logic: The conference ID of the call on which the transfer is performed, is used.


A calls B, B does a consuktation to C, and B transfers A to C - This means the transfer is performed on call leg A, so the conference ID of the original call A-B is used for A-C

IP1060 Wizard does not work correctly for Gateway Routes

Status Closed
Id 82869

Does not handle missing PBX

H.323: Accidential fallback to slowstart if faststart response received in PROGRESS

Status Closed
Id 84601

Only happened in some H.323/SIP interop scenarios

NAT: Don't forward DNS requests from public network

Status Closed
Id 84842

As kind of denial of service attack, bursts of incoming DNS requests were seen. The nat process was forwarding these requests to the public DNS. This is a useful function for DNS requests from the private network, but not for requests from the public network.

These DNS requests are now discarded

H.323: Media Negotiation did not work for call with reverse media and media response in CALL-PROC

Status Closed
Id 84848

Caused SIP interop problems with CUCM

PBX Broadcast: Call to group members was not cleared when CFNR was executed

Status Closed
Id 84857

This was a collateral damage from
fix: #79549: PBX Waiting/Broadcast: Incomplete CDRs if CFNR configured on object

PBX: Filters should only be applied to calls with media channels

Status Closed
Id 84892

A join group operation could be prohibited with filters. This was unexpected.

H.323: Interop Problem with CUCM SIP for Transfer

Status Closed
Id 85120

For the transfer the CUCM first sets the call on hold and then requests a new media proposal from this call, which we cannot deliver. The request is just ignored, there should be an answer.

PBX: Slave with non-ASCII PBX name did not register at master

Status Closed
Id 85235

Error in utf-8 to unicode convertion in this case

PBX: Potential trap on registration of a slave PBX, with Master GK-ID configuration changes

Status Closed
Id 85477

The trap happened if on the Slave a Master GK-ID was configured, then the slave registered, and afterwards the Master GK-ID was removed again and the slave registered again and then was restarted once more.

PBX-Exec: Call at secretary for executive had wrong destination name/number

Status Closed
Id 85535

Call should be displayed as call to the scretary, diverted by the executive

Media: RTP did not work on switch from slowstart T.38 to EFC G.711

Status Closed
Id 85548

T.38 retransmission packets were sent, which caused problems with the RTP

Gateway: #11 could not be dialed on analog interfaces with feature codes enabled

Status Closed
Id 86819

This is a featiure code used on DECT systems and it was not disabled on analog interfaces

Gateway: Potential trap when recording is configured and a transfer happens

Status Closed
Id 86837

The problem is with a transfer, which is executed in the Gateway, not the PBX

PBX: XML Export/Import did not work, if DTMF Feature objects present

Status Closed
Id 86870

The automatically generated user objects caused a problem. This could result in a config that caused the PBX to restart in a loop. The export/import was fixed and the PBX does not restart because of the corrupt config any more.

PBX: Trap if a Hold was attempted for a call without media

Status Closed
Id 86874

Could be caused by a misbehaving application or voip device

PBX: Name beginning with '*' caused problems with SOAP applications

Status Closed
Id 86882

A search for such a name was treated as wildcard search for all users. The name '*' is now a reserved name, which cannot be used for an object.

Remote Video: No video on second call

Status Closed
Id 86934

The number of possible channels has to be increased to 4.

myPBX: Sometimes wrong presence is displayed in header

Status Closed
Id 86949

Old CSS classed have to be removed from element when disposing presence_input control.

PBX Waiting: CFNR with number filter did not work

Status Closed
Id 86959

The CFNR was not executed

PBX Conference: Calling Party was missing in the CDRs for calls to conference members

Status Closed
Id 86977

Only the conference object itself was present as forwarding party

PBX: Replication from a dyn PBX was not possible

Status Closed
Id 87065

Configuration of dyn PBX id now possible for replication

TLS: Ignore incoming HelloRequest messages

Status Closed
Id 87091

When receiving a HelloRequest the TLS client dopped the connection and sent an "Unexpected message" alert.

Now the HelloRequest is ignored and an "No renegotiation" warning is sent.

PBX: Call, which was rejected with busy, because of CF loop, could not be forwarded by Trunk Busy destination

Status Closed
Id 87150

Such a call was always disconnected

IP0010 IP1060 IP3010 IP6010 IP810 IP22 IP24 IP28 IP302 IP305: DSP Update to Version 680.05

Status Closed
Id 87179

The jitter buffer performance has been improved.
The fax/modem bypass performance has been improved.
IP28 firmware size was reduced ( unused code is not linked ).
IP28 G279 didnt work with more than 4 channels.

IP222 IP232 IP241: Disable PC port didnt work

Status Closed
Id 87250

HTTP: Chunked transfer fails if the chunk header is not in a single packet

Status Closed
Id 87292

myPBX: Wrong call duration was displayed in history

Status Closed
Id 87490

Display connected duration, not total call duration.

myPBX: Bigger buttons for call control

Status Closed
Id 87493

So that the buttons have the same height as the text.

PBX: Blind transfer to WQ by IP-DECT caused hanging calls

Status Closed
Id 87542

The call-leg to the transfering phone was not cleared by the PBX, so if the phone did not clear this call, it was hanging for ever. Other phones clear such a call after a timeout, but this is only a workaround, the call must be cleared by the PBX

H.323: Problem sending real big signaling messages

Status Closed
Id 87543

Happened with a configuration with more the 60 Join Group function keys on the phone. The message was not sent and the operation failed.

PBX-SOAP: UserCall on WQ did not take "Send Number" into account and call was not marked as internal

Status Closed
Id 87559

Calls should be send with "Send Number" as source if configured

PBX: CFB configured at PBX object did not patch number correctly

Status Closed
Id 87581

In case the called endpoint was in different node then PBX object, the number did not contain all the needed prefixes

PBX: Called number was missing in CDRs for calls to busy endpoint

Status Closed
Id 87620

In case there was no other event then rel-to/from and the call was dialed with overlap sending

H.323: Media Negotiation did not work for Hold/Retrieve after a DECT conference

Status Closed
Id 87635

No media after retrieve

PBX Waiting: Missing ringback on call forward after announcement

Status Closed
Id 87674

This was a collateral damage of

fix: #81370: PBX Waiting: Call state shows "Disconnecting" after switch from announcement 1 to announcement 2

PBX Waiting: DTMF overlap dialing or blind transfer to same Waiting object was rejected with busy

Status Closed
Id 87681

Even if this was caused by a CFB or CFU on the dialed destination

H.323: Q.931 User Info could not be sent in incoming call proceeding state

Status Closed
Id 87740

This is used by the Fax interface

PBX: CFNR to same node but different PBX failed on Slave

Status Closed
Id 87772

The PBX routing did not work correctly in this case

PBX: Potential NULL pointer access if outgoing registrations are used

Status Closed
Id 87773

Collateral Damage of Session Border object implementaation

PBX: Administration of object replicated from AD could result in objects without Node/PBX

Status To-decide
Id 87838

If the Node/PBX was replicated from AD and the user input contained an error, then after apply and corrected error and another Apply/Save the Node/PBX was missing

PBX Trunk: If a call was forked to a trunk with no-name option, name was removed from the original call as well

Status Closed
Id 87843

A global flag was set on the incoming call, which was wrong.

PBX Trunk: Diverting as Calling Feature should replace the name as well

Status Closed
Id 87913

With this feature the Trunk object uses a Diverting Number as calling party number. But not only the number, but also the Name and Name Id should be replaced

IP110 IP150 IP210 IP230 IP240: Firmware support for 8Mbyte FLASH

Status Closed
Id 87921

New Bootcode enables 8Mbyte flash.
If the firmware wants to use the large flash the memory mapping needs a change.

PBX-SOAP: UserCall with 'cn' as destination to a user in different node did not work

Status Closed
Id 88008

The call is done using the number, but the number needs to be adjusted according to the nodes

OS: Quota mechanism did not work for CPU time consumed by timer handling

Status Closed
Id 88034

This could result in a MAX_BUSY_TICK restart if many timer expired at the same time

HTTP: Chunked transfer sporadic fails with webdav

Status Closed
Id 88078

IP6000 IP2000: Webinterface for ETH1 Link setting didnt work

Status Closed
Id 88137


PBX: Better handling of Hold from both ends of the call

Status To-decide
Id 88261

Avoid playing music on hold to other music on hold

PBX Boolean: Unpredictable behaviour if more the 16 times are entered

Status Closed
Id 88263

There was a limit of 16 times, which was not checked everywhere. The limit is now 32 and checked, so that no more of 32 times can be entered.

IP222 IP232 IP241: Restart on Jitter buffer overrun

Status Closed
Id 88312


H.323: Problem with Media Re-Negotiation on a DECT handover call

Status Closed
Id 88379

The DECT handover call works a little special concerning media renegotiation in a way that local preferences are never honored (the real media negotiation takes place between the original radio and the remote endpoint, the handover radio is just told the result. This special mode did not work correctly

PBX Waiting: User Information Message from announcement interface accidentally forwarded to caller

Status Closed
Id 88426

The announcement interface uses User Information signaling messages to send status information for example at the end of the announcement. This was forwarded to the caller by accident. Usually this does not do any harm, but on some ISDN networks it could result in clearing of the call because of unexpected message.

H.323: Potential Max-Busy-Ticks restart

Status Closed
Id 88441

The H.323 state machine could enter a endless loop

DTMF Features: Allow lokal functions if registration to PBX is not available

Status To-decide
Id 88471

Local settings like call-waiting on/off should be possible even if currently no registration to the PBX is avaiable

PBX: Call Completion monitoring call should be terminated only after the CC ringout call is alerting

Status Closed
Id 88489

This is needed for QSIG interoperability

Viewer was able to download config with standard password

Status Closed
Id 88503

This was a security hole

PBX Conference: No Media in case media offer only received with alert/connect from called member

Status Closed
Id 88590

This could happen if a broadcast object was called by a conference

PBX Session Border: Registration with PBX admin password did not work

Status Closed
Id 88591

Only user password worked for the internal registration

IP222 IP232 IP241: Adjust equalizer above 6.3Khz for lower noise level

Status Closed
Id 88658

to reduce noise with G722 codec

TLS: Do not ignore early SOCKET_RECV

Status Closed
Id 88668

Allow SOCKET_RECV from application between SOCKET_CONNECT and SOCKET_CONNECT_COMPLETE. This event flow is used by the HTTP client.

Kerberos: Admin UI trap when having too many Kerberos hosts

Status Closed
Id 88698

The problem occured if many Kerberos hosts (~1000) were registered on the server. In this case the box trapped due to an XML encoding problem when opening the page General/Kerberos or PBX/Config/Security.

myPBX: Allow selecting text

Status Closed
Id 88746

Prevent selecting text only if the scollbar is used.

myPBX: Use tabs for switching between favourites and history

Status Closed
Id 88772

Use tab metaphor for switching instead of radio buttons.

IP22 IP24 IP28 IP305: Sometimes the DSP stops after sending CLIP

Status Assigned
Id 89130


PBX: Configuration UI broken for checkmarks on PBX/Config/General and PBX/Config/myPBX

Status To-decide
Id 89140

The checkmarks on these two pages where all cleared when the other page was edited.
Collateral damage of

fix: #88352: PBX: Allow configuration of default presence/dialog-info visibility for group members

PBX: URI dialing, should not be case sensitive and numbers should be possible

Status To-decide
Id 89326

needed for federation

H.323: RTP-DTMF did not work on exclusive coder/media relay configurations

Status To-decide
Id 89328

Problem for DTMF on SIP trunks

IM compatibility between v9 and v10

Status Closed
Id 89348

ASN.1 encoding of instant messages was incompatible. Therefore sending messages between v9 and v10 PBXes did not work any more.

Fixed ASN.1 definition of InnovaphoneIMArgs.

AD Replication: A Buffer for Processing The Paged Result Cookie Was Too Small

Status Closed
Id 89385

1KB wasn't enough, now 2KB.

LDAP Expert: "Next"-Browsing through DB failed

Status Closed
Id 89391

URI encoding error

PBX: Port license did not count correctly

Status To-decide
Id 89401

It could happen that a port license was not released, when an object was reconfigured while a registration was active and later on the registration was cleared

phone: ip222,ip232: humming noise in USB headset speaker in outbound call setup phase, disappears once connected

Status To-decide
Id 89432

sometimes a humming noise was heard in the USB headset speaker in the setup phase of an outbound call. it disappeared as soon as the call was connected.

phone: an intrusion call set up via Partner function key could not be cleared at the intruding phone via TAPI

Status To-decide
Id 89443

The TAPI assumed the intruding phone to be in a conference

IP0010 IP1060 IP3010 IP6010 IP810: Ethernet show no link with 10Mbit connection

Status To-decide
Id 89460

May happen with DSL routers