Reference7:Administration/Relay/Routes/Map: Difference between revisions

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|valign=top nowrap=true|'''Name Out'''
|valign=top nowrap=true|'''Name Out'''
|The name in the Name Out field (the field without label below Number Out) is sent as destination name with the call.
|The name in the Name Out field (the field without label below Number Out) is sent as destination name with the call. A call passed a route with the used Name Out field will be disabled for the further overlap dialing.
|valign=top nowrap=true|'''To Interface'''
|valign=top nowrap=true|'''To Interface'''

Revision as of 11:14, 22 April 2009

This page is used to edit a Number map.


Description This description is displayed in the last coloum of the routing table. It can be used for documentation purposes.
Disable The Disable checkmark disables a route without deleting it. This way a route can be disabled temporarily without the need to re-enter all the configuration if it is enabled again.
From Interfaces All available interfaces are displayed. By setting the checkmark next to an interface, this interface is added to the list of interfaces for which the route handles incoming calls. Even if this is a page to edit a map the From interface list is valid for the route. It cannot be modified for a single map only.
Number In/Out The Number In/Out input fields (input fields with no label but an arrow in between) are used to do a headmatch on the received called party number and replace the matching part of the called party number by Number Out. As digits any valid dialing digit is allowed (0..9,*,#). A '?' as digit in Number in indicates that this digit matches to any received digit. '.' at the end of Number In can be used to indicate that the number should match only if the respective number of additional digits is received. Any digits matching with '.' are not replaced by Number Out. This way a conversion of overlap to en-block dialing can be performed. A '!' at the end of Number In indicates that any additional digit received after it, should be cut off. A '^' character in Number Out indicates that any digit after this character shall be sent as DTMF after the connect.
Name Out The name in the Name Out field (the field without label below Number Out) is sent as destination name with the call. A call passed a route with the used Name Out field will be disabled for the further overlap dialing.
To Interface The drop down is used to select the interface to which the call is sent if the map matches. There are two pseudo interfaces available: DISC and MAP. DISC disconnects the call if the map matches. MAP just does the number mapping as configured and the searching for routes will continue.
DISC This input field is only used together with the DISC pseudo To interface. The numeric value for the disconnect cause can be configured. Common values are 16-normal clearing, 17-busy, 44-No channel available.
Add UUI This input field is used to define User User Information which is added to the call. User User Information may be used by the endpoint receiving the call for all kinds of purposes. Innovaphone HTTP interfaces are using this as URL to retrieve announcements.
Final Route This checkmark indicates that if a call thru this route fails even with a cause which should usually result in a re-route, no reroute shall be performed.
Final Map This checkmark indicates that if a call thru this route fails even with a cause which should usually result in a re-route, rerouting shall start with the first map of the next route. Any additional maps within the same route are not evaluated.
No Reroute on Wrong No This checkmark indicates that no reroute is performed if the cause indicates a wrong number. Usually a reroute is performed on local interface problems[1] (e.g. no channel) or if the cause indicates that the number cannot be reached thru this interface. This option turns off rerouting if the cause indicates that the number cannot be reached thru this interface. This option should be set if the reroute should be an overflow to the next interface of the same bundle.
Verify CGPN This checkmark indicates that this map is regarded as matching only if a matching CGPN Map is found as well. This is the mechanism which allows routing of calls based on the Calling Party Number.
Interworking (QSIG,SIP) If this checkmark is set supplementary services are interworked between the protocols. If not set QSIG or other ISDN facilities are forwarded transparently thru H.323 calls. SIP cannot be used to forward facilities transparently.
Rerouting As Deflection This checkmark may be activated only in conjunction with the supplementary service Partial Rerouting and with an activated Interworking (QSIG,SIP) checkmark. This checkmark turns a Call Rerouting protocol handshake into a Call Deflection protocol handshake.
Routing on Diverting No If this checkmark is set the route only matches to an incoming diverting number instead of a called party number. If the diverting number matches the called party number is replaced by the diverting number and the diverting number is removed and the call is routed normally.
Force enblock Used to convert a call from overlap dialing to enblock dialing. The call is not sent until for a timeout of 4s no additional dialing digit is received.
Add # This checkmark is only used together with Force enblock. When the call is sent '#' is added as last digit to the called party number.
Disable Echo Canceler Obsolete Flags, Should be deleted!!!
Call Counter Call Counters can be used to limit the calls sent thru the given route. If the same Call Counter (any Name) is configured for several maps, each active call sent thru such a map is counted with the Call Counter. If the Call Counter is at our above 'max' the call is treated as if the interface had no channel available (reroute is performed and if there is no other matching route the call is disconnected witn cause 'No channel available'.
  1. local interface problems are assumed if the attempted call terminates with cause codes 34, 38, 41, 42, 44, 47 or 49. A wrong number is assumed for cause codes 1, 2, 3 and 18