Reference8:Administration/PBX/Objects/DTMF Features

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The DTMF Features PBX object is no longer used just to configure call diversions via DTMF but also to use several other features. This is usefull for analog, dect (which already have their own feature codes) and softphone devices.

Each configured feature code will be represented as own pbx object, but will be only editable through the main object.


Featurecodes can contain variable digits, which are defined by an '$', followed by a certain number of digits in brackets like '$(3)', which means, that three digits must be dialed or by a '#', which means, that a not specified count of digits is dialed, completed by a #, like '$#'.
Note: do not use a '$' without brackets or '#', otherwise the code won't work as intended.

You can configure feature codes according to the following image:

DTMF Features

For all features a default for the invocation code is defined, but this default can be changed on a per system basis. The following features are available:

Mobility features

Feature codes used in mobility scenarios have no default code and are disabled per default.
If you want to use these codes you have to define their numbers according to your numbering plan, because one can't use the digits '*' and '#' from the mobile phone.

Call handling

If you are calling the feature code with enblock dialing (setup contains the complete code), the call won't be connected, so there won't be any costs for this call.
If you are calling with overlap dialing, the call will be connected!


CFU activate/deactivate

These codes allows to activate and deactivate unconditional call forward for a given endpoint. The default codes are *21*$# to activate and #21# to deactivate. $ stands for the number to which calls are forwarded.

CFB activate/deactivate

These codes allows to activate and deactivate call forward on busy for a given endpoint. The default codes are *67*$# to activate and #67# to deactivate. $ stands for the number to which calls are forwarded.

CFNR activate/deactivate

These codes allows to activate and deactivate call forward on no response for a given endpoint. The default codes are *61*$# to activate and #61# to deactivate. $ stands for the number to which calls are forwarded.

Pickup Group

With this feature code any call which is ringing within the configured groups can be picked.

The default code is *0#

Pickup Directed

With this feature code a call which is ringing at a indicated extension number can be picked.

The default code is *0*$#. $ stands for the extension number from which the call shall be picked.


These codes allow to park and uppark a call at the own extension number to a specified parking position.

The default code is *16$(1) to park and #16$(1) to unpark. $(1) stands for the single digit park position.

To dial the code for the park a consultation call has to be initiated with R (Flash).

Multidigit park positions are now possible. To use multidigit park positions, define the code like *16$#. $# stands for one or more digits, terminated by #. No digit will be canceled.

Park To

These codes allow to park and unpark a call to a specified park position at an specified extension number.

The default code is *17$(1)$# to park and #17$(1)$# to unpark. $(1) stands for the one digit park position and $ for the extension number.

To dial the code for the park a consultation call has to be initiated with R (Flash).

Multidigit park positions are now possible. To use multidigit park positions, define the code like #16$#. $# stands for one or more digits, terminated by #. No digit will be canceled.

Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber/CCBS Cancel

This code has to be dialed to initiate call completion to busy subscriber. The default code for call completion is *37*$#. $ stands for the number to call complete. The default code to cancel an active call completion is #37*$#.

Join/Leave Group

This code can be used to join or leave dynamic groups. After dialing the first part of the code, e.g. *31*, you get the first entry of an alphabetical sorted list of all available groups. You can scroll through this list using the '*' for the next group and the '1' for the previous group. You select the desired group with '#'.

Example with five groups:

1. group1   dynamic in
2. group2   dynamic in
3. group3   dynamic out
4. group4   static
5. group5   dynamic in

If you now dial the default join code *31*, you will just get group3 displayed. By using # you are joining this group.

If you are dialing the default leave code #31*, you will first get group1, after using * group2 and again * group5.

There is also the possibility to select the desired group by index. So if you know that your desired group to join is the third group in the list (just the list of available groups, e.g. out state OR in state), just dial the index after the default code:
#31*3# would select the third group, in this case group5 and leave it.

Join/Leave all groups

With this feature code you can join or leave all dynamic groups at once.
Default code for joining: *32#
Default code for leaving: #32#

Enable/disable mobility

With this feature code you can enable or disable the mobility by calling from the mobile phone.
There are no default codes for these features. Suitable codes could look like this:
Enabling: 041
Disabling: 042

Enable/disable mobility call waiting

With this feature code you can enable or disable the mobility call waiting flag by calling from the mobile phone.
There are no default codes for these features. Suitable codes could look like this:
enabling: 043
disabling: 044

Set presence

This allows you to set presence information for the calling user.
There is no default code for this feature, as you have to define it according to your number plan. There are two parameters for this feature. The first parameter sets the activity (one or two digits), the second parameter points to a preconfigured note (exactly one digit).
So a suitable code could look like 040$(2)$(1).

You have a third tab on the configuration page of the pbx dtmf object, where you can configure 10 notes (digit 0 - 9), because you can't leave an own note with dtmf digits.

Common node and loc configuration for DTMF CTRL

Concept 1

pbx - empty
node - empty
local - on

Object should be called on the pbx, where the endpoint is registered. Independent of node/pbx of the calling endpoint and also from escapes, which might be set on the node of the calling endpoint.

DTMF CTRL is replicated via LDAP, independent of pbx/node.

Concept 2

pbx - empty
node - root
local - off

Similar to 1, but DTMF CTRL can't be called out of nodes with prefixes. If an endpoint is registered on a slave, but redirected from a master, the call is rerouted to master and back.

DTMF CTRL is replicated via LDAP, independent of pbx.

Concept 3

pbx - name of pbx
node - name of node
local - off

Must be dialed with node prefix if called from another node. Is processed on configured pbx.

Known Problems

An alarm might occur if you upgrade from a V6, because the pickup string is currently configured under PBX->General. See the alarm description for more information.