Howto:DECT Graphical Real Time Display

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • IP1200

Build 70300.35 and earlier.


In multicell network, it's usefull to have a map of all the cells in a single view with all the sync link state in real time display.


System Requirements

For that you will need an apache server with PHP 5 at least.

You will have to activate the following extensions :

php_http, php_gd2

You must have an access to the cells from the apache server.

You must have a map of your building in jpg format with the name myDECTcoverage.jpg, and you will need a txt file with a description of each cells point with the name myDECTcoverage.txt.


You will need for php script to get this map.

The first one is to be called by the browser.

<?php echo '<HTML><HEAD>'; echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="5"; url="index.php">'; echo '</HEAD><BODY>'; echo "<img src='draw.php?site=".$_GET['site']."'/>"; echo '</BODY></html>'; ?>

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