Howto:Microsoft Lync 2010 - TestReport

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SIP trunking between innovaphone PBX and Microsoft Lync Server 2010. Following the certification plan Unified Communications Open Interoperability Program – Lync Server.

Certification Status

Recprod.PNG The tests for this product have been completed and it has been approved as a recommended product (Certification document).

Testing of this product has been finalized October, 2011.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • Innovaphone PBX V9 build 90733 and higher
  • Microsoft Lync Server 2010 v4.0.7577.0

More Information

This document is intended to support you with the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 (Version 4.0.7577.0) into an existing environment of the innovaphone PBX (Version 9 build 90733). In the following sections we describe the essential steps of configuration to allow for optimal cooperation of the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and the innovaphone PBX on a Direct SIP connection. It's not goal of this article to describe all internal configuration of Lync either Innovaphone PBX but just the most relevant configurations to enable the correct connection of both systems.

The SIP connection is made between Innovaphone Gateway and Microsoft Mediation Server and could be done using TCP (TSIP) or TLS (SIPS). Use of SRTP is supported too.

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 have a new feature called Media Bypass that was not present on the previous Microsoft OCS 2007. When this feature is ON permits direct Audio termination on the Lync Client instead of on the Mediation Server, this could be useful in some scenarios.

Note: In order to use Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Media Bypass feature it's required to set Media-Relay and exclusive codec options on the Innovaphone Gateway. In this article we will separate the two different possible configurations.

Note2: Some REFER methods are not supported by Innovaphone PBX, in order to have correct work between the two devices the option "Enable REFER Support" on Microsoft Lync Control Panel at Voice Routing-> Trunk Configuration must be disable always. This option could be changed by Powershell Command too: Set-CsTrunkConfiguration -EnableReferSupport $false .

Direct SIP Topology

  • Here is a small example of a Direct SIP deployment.

Lync topology example1.png

Configuration of Innovaphone with Microsoft Lync Server 2010 - Media Bypass ON and TSIP Mode

Innovaphone Configuration

  • In order to establish communications between the Lync 2010 and the innovaphone PBX we need to establish one SIP Trunk between the Innovaphone Gateway and the MS Mediation Server. All signalling between the two systems are passed by this SIP Trunk without Registration on the Gateway to MS Mediation Server. We could have multiple trunks configured on Mediation Server to multiple Gateways or vice-versa.


  • First, we start to configure the innovaphone PBX by creating a Gateway or TrunkLine Object with prefix to reach Lync Mediation Server.

Lync Trunkline.png

  • After that we register this object in the Innovaphone Gateway GK Interfaces as "Register as Gateway" using H.323 Protocol.

File:Lync GWX PBX MediaBypassON NO SRTP.png

  • Finally we create the GW Interface to Microsoft Mediation Server using TSIP, we can set the IP address or the FQDN of the Mediation Server plus the listening port.

File:Lync GWX TSIP MediaBypassON NO SRTP.png

CDPN MAPS & Routes

  • In our example the PBX users dial 5 plus the short extension of Lync Client (ie: 5 + 2655) but since the Lync uses full e164 numbering scheme we need to send the full number to Mediation Server to reach the correct extension in International format. Using CDPN Out Maps we could achieve that (X was used to hide real number).

File:Lync MAPStoLync.png

  • The routes could be very simple, it's important to check the flag "Interworking(QSIG,SIP)" always, for incoming routes from Lync to PBX we have some Prefix too like 5 to reach internal PBX extensions and 0 to reach the PSTN Trunkline on the PBX. Note that in the example we have an extra SIPS Trunk that we will see later how to configure it.

Lync Routes 1.png

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Configuration

Set Media Bypass

  • Global Trunk Configuration, note that was told before the option Enable Refer Support must be not selected. After that we should commit changes to apply.

Lync MediaBypassON Menu1.png

  • Network Configuration - Global, in our example we selected always bypass.

Lync MediaBypassON Menu2.png

Set PSTN Gateway & Mediation Server at Topology Builder

The creation and edit of Trunks at Lync are made at Topology builder tool, after create new changes we must publish the modifications and wait that they be replicated.

Lync TopologyBuilder.png

  • We need to create PSTN Gateway using Lync Topology Builder and set the IP address of our Innovaphone Gateway and listening port.

Lync PSTGateway TCP.png

  • After we need to add the created PSTN Gateway at the Mediation Server we are using. Note here we have option to change the listening ports of the Mediation Server, in our example we are using the port 5068 for TCP and 5067 for TLS.

Lync MediationServer GWS.png

Set Voice Route & DialPlan

  • Like we said before we created a route on Lync with Prefix 5 to reach the Innovaphone PBX.

Lync VoiceRoute.png

  • We have to set a Normalization Rule telling where we can make some number mapping. In our example the PBX users have 3 Digits that's why we choose 4 digits length (5 + Extension).

Lync VoiceRoute Norm.png

Note: After apply all changes we should be able already to make calls between Innovaphone and Lync Users. If you need more details about the Lync routing and dial plans you should consult the Microsoft Technet Lync webpage.

Configuration of Innovaphone with Microsoft Lync Server 2010 - Media Bypass OFF

  • When the option Media Bypass it's OFF all RTP traffic will pass by the Mediation Server, in this mode we don't need to have Media-Relay or Exclusive Codec on Innovaphone Gateway. So the configuration will be similar to the one before but we must remove all exclusive codec and media-relay options at the Interfaces. The Innovaphone PBX Endpoints will send the RTP packets directly to the Mediation Server.

Here is an example:

Lync GWX TSIP MediaBypassOFF NO SRTP.png

Configuration of Innovaphone with Microsoft Lync Server 2010 - SIP over TLS (SIPS)

  • To set up a SIPS Trunk with Mediation Server we need first to ensure that Innovaphone Gateway have the right Certificates to establish the TLS communication with Lync.

Use SRTP with Microsoft Lync Server 2010

  • In order to have SRTP between Innovaphone Gateway and Lync we must set the SRTP Crypto Suite AES128/80 in the TSIP/SIPS Interface to Mediation Server and all other interfaces/endpoints that will call to Lync (IP Phones, ISDN Interfaces, GW H.323 Interface to PBX).

Here is an example:

Lync GWX PBX MediaBypassON SRTP.png

Note: Use of SRTP could be used either with TSIP/SIPS Trunk and either with Media Bypass ON/OFF.

Related Articles

Known Problems

  • No Ringback Tone - If you are calling a Lync Client from outside (ex: PSTN) and don't have Ringback Tone this is caused because of Early Media is negotiated but the Lync Client doesn't provide any local Ringback and some PSTN Carriers could deliver this Early Media to the PSTN Phone and don't play local Ringback Tone. To fix this we can use of "No Early Media" Flag on the GWX Interface configured to Lync, this way no PROGRESS is sent to PSTN. Calls between Lync clients and Innovaphone PBX Users will not have this issue.
  • Media Bypass ON & NO SRTP - By default the Lync clients have as option SRTP Required, so If we desire not to use SRTP and Media Bypass ON we should change this option at Lync Powershell using the command : Set-CsMediaConfiguration -EncryptionLevel SupportEncryption. If not calls could be disconnected.