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The internal HTTP server allows web access to the device.


Disable HTTP basic authentication: For HTTP basic and digest authentication is supported by the device. With basic authentication the password is transmitted as clear text, which is a security risk if the someone can listen to this coummunication. Digest authentication only transmits a hash code of the password which is of no use for a listener. To avoid the vulnerability of the basic authentication it can be disabled, but some applications may not support the digest authentication, which in turn do not work anymore is basic authentication is disabled.
Password protect all HTTP pages: Apart from the start page Configuration/General/Info, all areas of the user interface are password protected. If this checkmark is set all pages are password protected.
Port: As default port 80 is used for HTTP. With this field it can be changed to any other value (e.g. 8080).
Allowed stations: Access to the device can be restricted to a particular network (for example, / or to a particular host (for example, /


All active HTTP sessions are displayed under the Active HTTP sessions section. The table shows for each session the clients IP address, the most recently accessed URL and the number of HTTP requests served on the session.

For example: From To /HTTP0/info.xml No 22.